Yahweh Underground
Bands we've booked
Yahweh Underground has not booked a Sonicbids band yet.
Our Venues
Booking: 4 bands per week
Started in February of 1994, Yahweh Underground became a place for people of all ages with different interests in music, art, comedy, film, comics and drama to come and hangout, network and have an awesome time. As well, to find a deeper understanding of Yahweh and find truth and freedom through Christ Jesus in the process. It is a place where Church and street come together out in the fields of spiritual warfare. So yes, coming one night would be simple laid back musical enjoyment, another night would be a mix of musical styles that may or may not even be 100% Christian based and you just never know what your gonna get. Another night may be hangout, network, do some art, pray or debate what life really is. The main thing to know is that the core of "Y.U." and its staff is to reach and influence all people with the Love of Jesus. We are very open to hear everyone's perspective and voice. Honestly if you can clean your lyrics up a bit; we are cool to hear what you have to say or sing rather. So Bring it...