Wolf Pakk
Fort Lauderdale, FL | Established. Jan 01, 2013 | INDIE
“***CAUTION*** This song might make you want to watch “Fast and Furious”. It will only take you a few seconds after you press play to hear why Antics Sateer and Achileez are prepared to create their own lane as up and coming lyrical contenders. The Hip Hop Duo, Wolf Pakk, delivers fast paced lyrical punches at maximum speed on their latest single,“Swerve” featuring Shane Andre.”
— MidWest Melly, Get That Paper Son - MidWest Melly, Get That Paper Son
The innovative mentoring program geared at helping young men successfully navigate their teen years debuted Monday afternoon at Lyons Creek Middle School. Six students attended the inaugural meeting and met some of the mentors who would be working with the program.
Men2Boys is a non-profit 501c3 tax exempt organization that originated in Margate in 2010. Its mission is to establish a community outreach program that provides life enhancing programs and self-improvement workshops for young men.
Executive Director, Rick Dunn, a youth basketball coach for 22 years, founded the organization to continue his work helping teens grow into prosperous adults. Last year the group started an afterschool program at Margate Middle School which grew three-fold as the year progressed.
Dunn told CoconutCreekNews.net that “I have a good feeling about the program at Lyons Creek. I am extremely excited that they rolled out the red carpet for us.”
The 7th and 8th grade boys were treated to pizza and snacks as they got to know each other and mentors. The first member of the group, 7th grader, Joseph, has a knack for anime while classmate Peter is hoping to become a game designer and animator.
The two will be pleased to get to know "Absoloot" Ramon Robinson who is an independent artist specializing in positive Hip Hop music. This entrepreneur is bringing many connections to the table to share with the teens including a working knowledge of animation used in music videos.
Robinson also has connections with NBA players which 7th graders Tkari , Omari and Anthony will be happy to know. Tkari missed basketball tryouts this year. Omari wants to play college ball at University of Kentucky while Omari is keeping his college team options open.
Three other mentors came to the first meeting. Entrepreneur,Ty Grady, dabbles in real estate, assists people with intellectual disabilities and works with singers and veterans. He holds a Master's degree in Sports Management from FIU. The sports connection might come in handy with 8th grader Darrius who is an avid college football fan and follows Alabama and the Hurricanes.
Video game fans Joshua Tenne and Dylan Campbell - aka “Wolf Pakk” (seen below) are hip hop artists who seek to spread "positivity" through their craft. Tennie said “I remember being in middle school. There were struggles and confusing influences all around. This program seeks to grow strong young men.”
His music partner, Campbell, will bring the tenets of their musical genre to the boys.
“We teach the youth that you don’t have to swear or focus on drugs or money. The focus is on positivity and quality,” he said. - Dr. Sabrina Segal
“Wolf Pakk’s “Swerve” is simply stunning. Every sound is immaculate and perfectly produced. Punchlines and jokes abound within the song. At times there are so many and they move so quickly that it is impossible to pick up on them with the first listen. Upon multiple listens the cleverness of the piece begins to fully take hold. Additionally, the song is catchy enough in its own right to warrant repeat listens. Overall this is exactly the sort of comedy, a skewering of pop culture references that many artists try to achieve. Wolf Pakk makes it seem effortless.”
— Beach Sloth, Skope Magazine - — Beach Sloth, Skope Magazine
“What’s left to say about this up and coming rap duo that the name doesn’t already provoke? Two alpha wolves, fighting to assert their dominance in an already overcrowded rap industry, an industry that continues to give birth to the same cookie cutter artists. Led by Pakk members, Joshua ‘Antics’ Tennie and Dylan ‘Achileez’ Campbell they describe their tandem as: Wolf Pakk is not just a name, it’s a brotherhood forged from the understanding that there is more than enough terrain for two wolves hunting the same mission… TO RULE. So what makes them any different? How, in an age where it’s virtually impossible to show the world something they haven’t already seen before, can these two artists set themselves aside from the rest in their profession? The two let loose an array of bars over Drake’s IYRTITL album. Click play. You’re welcome by the way.”
— Chris G., The Aossociated Fresh - Chris G., The Aossociated Fresh
Hip-hop in South Florida continues to grow and evolve. Headline-grabbing, flash-in-the-pan acts aside, the underground movement is alive and kicking and it will be no time before the rest of the nation takes note. A newer addition to the growing roster of conscious and thoughtful hip-hop is Tha Wolf Pakk, a duo comprised of MCs Dylan "Achileez" Campbell and Joshua "Antics" Tennie.
It's always a bit of a cliché when an outfit attempts to change the game and/or bring something different to the table, but this young act is slowly getting its guiding voice together. So far it's evident that Tha Wolf Pakk is well-versed in the better aspects of rap and understand the collective strength of its voices when staggering verses.
By enlisting the soulful vocals of Liza Forero, it adds an informed, R&B dynamic to this early crop of cuts that the duo is using to dip its artistic toes into South Florida's hip-hop scene.
Tha Wolf Pakk featuring Liza Forero - "My Own Lane"
According to Achileez, "Every single song doesn't have to be about women, cars, and
most notably money, but when you do touch on those topics, there is always a more clever way than simply stating facts or over-exaggerating." This is a telling take on the current state of mainstream hip-hop. More and more artists can see beyond the veneer of what the music industry, a proven dinosaur, thinks hip-hop should be.
Antics' Midwest upbringing skewers his work and offsets Achileez's Southern rap flow. It's a good amalgam of styles for this Fort Lauderdale combo to play with. I'd liken it more to the interface of a guitar and bass than say the inherent dueling of a rhythm and lead guitar. It also allows for featured performers to add another layer, though it seems like Forero might be an unofficial third member given her involvement in the released tracks and the upcoming album. In any case, her voice is an excellent addition.
Guided by the fact that not all rap has to be "ignorant to be popular" the two also understand that if it has to be ignorant, you might as well put "a lil' skill into it." Currently working on a debut album, Tha Wolf Pakk has promised a steady stream of songs, releasing them every month until the full-length drops. It's like some bizarre single of the month marketing campaign, which is cool. New music is almost never a bad thing. - By Abel Folgar, BrowardP Palm Beach County New Times
Still working on that hot first release.

Wolf Pakk... What's
left to say about this up and coming rap duo that the name doesn't already provoke? Two alpha wolves, fighting to assert their dominance inan already overcrowded rap industry, an industry that continues to give birth to the same cookie cutter artists.
So what makes them any different? How, in an age where it’s virtually impossible to show the world something they haven’t already seen before, can these two artists set themselves aside from the rest in their profession?
Normally, you get a few guys together that have a common hobby and, “BAM!” You’ve got yourself a group. In a sense, that’s exactly how the Wolf Pakk started, with one minor difference. It wasn’t so much about the hobby. This group was forged from an idea. The idea that, not all rap has to be ignorant to be popular; and if you’re going to make it ignorant, at least put a lil’ skill into it. With songs like Swerve or 10 Bands, you figure it’s the same ol’ nonsense the industry has been feeding you for years. That is until you realize, that these two kids, barely into their twenties, have managed to fill their verses with more similes,metaphors, double entendres, and just plain skill, than most modern artists put into their entire bodies of work during their careers.
Pakk members, Joshua ‘Antics’ Tennie and Dylan ‘Achileez’ Campbell may be newcomers to the industry, but believe me when I tell you that they are not to be grouped in with the many one hit wonders that seem to flood the airways. They have the unique ability to present you with a track that you roll your windows down and turn your speakers up for, just to find yourself trying to keep up with a brilliantly woven story the next second. Currently based out of South Florida, the Wolf Pakk is looking to stir up some noise locally before taking the rest of the world by storm. Keep in mind, all big things have small beginnings…
Band Members