Welsh Avenue
Austin, TX | Established. Jan 01, 2013 | INDIE
Mark DiLillo of, one-man-act, Welsh Avenue, is bringing a new wave to the Austin music scene. He’s been hard at work creating a new EP, The Great Exchange, that is dreamy, electronic, groovy and guarantees multiple spins from new fans that are wanting to listen to something a little unconventional and more thought out.
MyCityATX caught up with the producer/singer-songwriter to listen to his latest effort and learn about The Great Exchange directly from the artist himself.
The Spotify-streaming EP opens with the psychedelic title track that has an interesting and enticing vibe that makes anyone with a creative outlook have a second listen. The eerie and echoing effect highlights the artistic vision DiLillo decided to take for his new project.
“The Great Exchange is about the changing old ways of thinking that aren't productive and not good for the body into new and better ideas,” DiLillo explains.
Transitioning into the lead single, Germ Theory, Welsh Avenue showcases the thought behind the track inspired by, germ theorist, Louis Pasteur's famous quote that, to DiLillo, has less to do with science and more to do with how to live life when it comes to the song.
"It's my favorite quote: "Chance favors the prepared mind." It's been a life mantra for me since I started writing. It's one of the concepts as well," Mark informs me.
From record-crackling to a more a familiar "Imagine" sound, Germ Theory ensues a chorus that will stay stuck in your head.
"I wanted to make it about something I've learned. I want people to get things from my music. It might not be the exact concept that I came up with, but as long as they get something from it--however they translate the words--I want it to accompany people's experiences in life," he finishes.
It becomes apparent that the music of Welsh Avenue is wanted to be listened to close enough for others to gain a new perspective.
We have good and bad experiences in life. The bad experiences are there for us to learn, and the good experiences are for us to make memories and be happy.
— Mark DiLillo, Wesh Avenue
As we get to talking about "Blue Eyes", Mark apologizes for not looking at me when he's responding. It's telling of the writing and creative process that is put into his art.
“I can think better when I'm looking into the distance," Mark chuckles.
A sense of nostalgia almost comes across DiLillo's face as he explains the third song on the track list.
"It's about a girl that I was really happy with, but things didn't work out. It's also about a dream girl, in general and how she makes me feel."
Throughout The Great Exchange, you start to feel like you've heard this all before. It entices that feeling of being aware that you're experiencing Deja Vu. The hard work and dreamy quality is spot on and keeps you listening.
"You're going to receive what you put into your work. I've spent years training and working," Mark finishes when I ask him what he's learned from creating his music.
As far as other work, DiLillo is excited to see where music will take him. He is open to producing for other artists that are wanting to create and share the same artistic vision.
"You know, if you're lucky enough to tour, you can do that, but you need to be prepared for what happens next," Mark explains.
Welsh Avenue and all projects by Mark DiLillo are ones to keep on the radar as this new wave becomes a lot more of what Austin is producing.
The Great Exchange is available for purchase on iTunes here and streaming on Spotify here.
You can follow Welsh Avenue on Twitter: @WelshAvenue and like on Facebook.
Posted on February 2, 2016 by Jake Navarro. - MyCityAtx
The cover of the album is a golden yellow and black. The yellow color is a blooming flower shape similar to something that you would see in a kaleidoscope. On the website where the playlist is accessible there is a small picture of who I assume is the lead singer. The small picture is small and pleasant. In it he’s wearing a blue sweater and looking to the left. His hair style and even the background behind him match the soft pleasantness of the soundtrack. The first song on the album is titled Germ Theory. It starts with an introduction from a piano, and in the background there is the cracking of a record. He soon begins singing. He has a pleasant and light voice that works well with a piano accompaniment. There are some repeating words in the song. “I I I I I I,”is the repeating phrase, it’s simple and works well with the phrases after the words. The piece ends with the same crackling a record makes. It ends with the same sounds that it began with. This is a great way to make the song come full circle.
Stream: https://welshavenue.bandcamp.com/releases
Next in the playlist is a song titled, Blue Eyes. It’s a love song that uses all sorts of word play and clever phrasing. One such line of word play is, “And at the same time tell our tale so bold”. Using the words tell and tale is a clever use of phrasing. The words are so alike, it makes the listeners think about the words and the meaning longer than they usually would. Every line of the lyrics has this unique way of saying things. It is a real treat for listeners. The Great Exchange is the next song on the list. This piece begins with a mix of instrumentals that cannot be exactly distinguished. The song then progresses from instrumentals to the addition of his vocals. Word play is also very present in this song. Describing guilt as the color silver is a very visual and an effective way of illuminating that emotion. Word play and the melody draw you into the repeating lines of, “this is the great exchange.” This catchy phrase brings you to the second line of lyrics, which conclude in a consistent manner.
Welsh Avenue has very short lines of lyrics. However, the singer really adds emphasis to the words by singing them slow and even. The small amount of lines is very effective for this music. Time to Fly is the final song in the playlist. This song also uses his slow emphasis of the lyrics to bring more attention to what is being said. He once again demonstrates how great he is with word play in this song. He is creating a great range of images with his words. The ending of the song soon arrives and it trails off using the word fly. This really brings home the message of it being time to take off, to fly away. It’s time to fly.
By Jamie Green - Skope Magazine
Welsh Avenue starts his latest EP, The Great Exchange, with Germ Theory. The indie style here blends together an airy instrumentation, hints of fuzz and electric crackle, and an emotive, rich set of vocals. The track ties together the sound of acts like Passion Pit and MGMT with a new wave sort of sound. The vocals pull double duty here, both furthering the narrative of this first song while creating a complex dynamic between the piano, drums, and synth.
The Great Exchange continues along with Blue Eyes, a track that blends They Might Be Giants with Momus and Spandau Ballet. The titular song on The Great Exchange changes things up in that it touches upon The Cure and The Bravery; by putting in hints of earlier styles and putting his own unique flair into this effort, Welsh Avenue is able to keep fans focused in until the concluding moments of the release. The dynamic between the drums and synths here may just be the highlight of this EP, as each pushes the other to an entirely higher plateau. When the vocals echo into nothingness at the conclusion of the single, fans will be left wanting more.
Time to Fly is the concluding effort on Welsh Avenue’s latest, and it provides a microcosm of all of the styles and approaches that listeners experienced on the release. The tenderness, the haunting sound of the instrumentation, and the narrative quality to the vocals make for a concluding effort that is strong as all get out. Beyond these inclusion, Time to Fly is a fascinating track in that it contains some new twists and turns that we would love to hear in follow-ups to this release. For more information about Welsh Avenue, visit his domain or Bandcamp profile.
Top Tracks: Germ Theory, The Great Exchange
Rating: 9.0/10
Welsh Avenue – The Great Exchange CD / 2017 Self Released / https://welshavenue.bandcamp.com - NeuFutur Magazine
Welsh Avenue delves into a fun, playful dance-rock with the blissful “Disco Moon”. Lush synthesizers perfectly intermingle to create a surreal, joyful realm. A great deal of color comes into the mix lending it a living, breathing sort of approach. The beats have a giddy quality to them as they set the groove up into a gracious sort of driving spirit. By opting for this approach Welsh Avenue lets the whole piece seemingly bloom. Easily the highlight of the entire track is the childlike sense of wonder that permeates the lyrics. With these lyrics Welsh Avenue sculpts something that feels so free-spirited.
Samples introduce the song with such care. Gradually the track comes into view, as the whole groove established itself quite quickly. Little rhythms emerge out of the beautiful melodies. When the vocals enter into the equation the piece truly begins. Going for a dreamy approach Welsh Avenue allows the piece to gently drift up into the sky. Everything nicely comes together, allowing for a sense of pure pleasure to enter into the mix. The ebb and flow of the work adds to its significant strengths. Buildup in particular works fantastically allowing for entire piece to simply expand up into the heavens, giving it a cosmic kick. For the final stretch Welsh Avenue gives the synthesizers a neon-hued surrealism while everything rushes towards the finale in a wonderful blur.
“Disco Moon” shows off Welsh Avenue’s uncanny knack in creating a celebratory spirit, one that simply stuns. - Skope Magazine
I have always had a thing for dance music. While I lean more toward the Goth/Industrial side of enjoyment, some good old-fashioned EDM still gets me moving. I like my EDM with a side of something else though. I prefer it to be less “Top 40” pop and more unique and eclectic.
When it comes to EDM that has a unique vibe, they call it “experimental,” and I’ve made a few friends that make just that kind of trippy, cool dance music while doing these reviews—they wouldn’t be my friends now if I weren’t loving their music and expressing that love through my reviews.
Anyway, Mark DiLillo isn’t a friend of mine, but he has definitely got a talent for making the EDM I like. His style of dance music is nothing less than experimental. He has a mix of NuWave in there too, but still lightly touching those pop sensibilities that will make his music go more places.
DiLillo does his unique style of EDM under the guise of Welsh Avenue. He comes from the Austin area, and he has a (somewhat) brand new single up on Bandcamp for your listening pleasure.
There are a lot of things I like about “Disco Moon.” It’s a trippy track that will make you think of outer space. It has all the spacey sounds you can shake your alien antennae at. It’s a catchy earworm that shows DiLillo’s talent in songwriting and producing.
“Disco Moon” has a fun beat and a light-hearted sound. The vocals are easy and mellow, as is the dance beat. It’s a song that tickles your senses. You’ll get the chorus stuck in your head, for sure.
Welcome to the disco moon
There's rooms of gold and emerald too
I know I said we'd take off soon but I can't stop moving to the lunar groove
Welcome to the disco moon
Craters full of sonic perfume
I know I said we'd take off soon but I can't stop moving to the lunar groove
“Disco Moon” is a song that will take you away to other worlds and leave you feeling weightless. It's slightly over four minutes worth of dance music that is as infectious as a space alien.
I also enjoyed checking out some of the other music from Welsh Avenue, including the video for “Holy Ghost.” The video is an interesting trip. The song itself is nothing less than NuWave genius. This is a song you’d have expected to hear in dance clubs in the 90s when the original New Wave was still all the rage.
Video for "Holy Ghost"
While I still dig the sound of “Disco Moon,” with its spacy disco music that will have you disco dancing (maybe not, but it sounded like a good thing to say), I really liked the style of “Holy Ghost” even more.
Welsh Avenue is making tunes for people that want something that isn’t mainstream. If you’re ready for some new sounds that introduce a little of the “old” sounds, check these tracks out. If you just dig dance music or you’re looking for some good songs to workout to, you’ll find them from this talented songwriter. Be warned; it’s difficult to get them out of your head once you listen.
This extraordinary dance beat has been brought to you by the good people of Whiplash PR & Marketing.
If you like this music review, please take a moment to check out some more of my reviews of awesome tunes here at Vocal/Beat and on Side Stage Magazine. I have new reviews up almost weekly. You’ll find an array of musical genres covered, so you’re bound to find something you like. - Beat
One canít be certain how NASA or Space X might feel about Welsh Avenueís ìDisco Moon.î Then again, these are folks are much more concerned with science, than dance music. Sadly, both moon trips and discos are relatively outdated cultural items now. Nevertheless, this doesnít keep Welsh Avenue from dancing ìto the lunar groove,î as one lyric line states it.
Welsh Avenue, our dance space traveler, is Mark DiLillo who is from Round Rock, TX. Of course, one might expect Welsh to be from Houston, home of the space program. But Houston, we donít really have a problem with that. At one point during the track, there is a countdown, which sounds much like a real spaceship blastoff. There are also craters filled with ìsonic perfume,î whatever that is, referred to in the songís words.
DiLillo may sing about outer space dance parties, but his voice is not at all like any stereotypical disco singer you might recall. He sings with a — for lack of better term — lounge-y voice. Itís a relaxed, laidback approach.
The trackís musical backing is a combination of various electronic rhythm and melodic elements. Yes, itís a disco beat, but itís as much about astronautical imagination, as it concerns dance. Itís also slightly utopian. The thought that one can visit the moon, far from all of Earthís social problems, sounds like a dream come true. And this makes sense when you also consider how dancing, and dance music in general, has the medicinal effect of being momentary escape. When youíre moving to the music, loud music, surrounded by joyful dancing faces and bathed in colorful lights, oneís problems can seem far away. Welsh Avenue even begins the songís lyric by stating, ìAs we escape into the galaxy.î
With the way DiLillo enunciates this song, he sounds a little like the Father John Misty of dance music. One is just not ever entirely sure heís wholly sincere. Itís as if heís playing with his imagination, instead of expressing excitement over such an unusual dance party possibility.
At the end of the day, Welsh Avenue is the work of an experimenter. DiLillo is likely not attempting to start a disco revolution. Instead, heís just trying to play with the forms. Thereís a sci-fi lyrical imagination, matched with a dance beat. And space has been the subject of pop music many times before. Perhaps, never better than David Bowieís ìSpace Oddity.î In Bowieís case, though, he attempted to put himself in the spacesuit of a space traveler, the same way Elton John did with ìRocket Man.î
Welsh Avenue is not quite so serious, though. This is just a fun dance song, which is mostly meant for a good time. And, ultimately, the song is a good time. - Music Existence
Mark DiLillo, also known as Welsh Avenue, is a talented songwriter and producer hailing from the Austin area. He has a new single out on Bandcamp that is sure to intrigue you and entice all of your senses.
“Disco Moon” has an amazing, mellow dance beat that you’ll find it hard not to move to. The track is really spacy, which it should be with the name “Disco Moon.” Expect to be whisked to other worlds as you give it a listen.
The vocals and the lyrics stand out just as much as the dance beat. This is a song that anyone with a love of EDM, experimental, NuWave, and pop music will greatly enjoy. It’s an infectious track.
Check it out on Bandcamp and judge this five-star song for yourself!
https://welshavenue.bandcamp.com/track/disco-moon-radio-edit - Sidestage Magazine
The Great Exchange EP
1. The Great Exchange
2. Germ Theory
3. Blue Eyes
4. Time to Fly

Mark DiLillo is the name behind the project Welsh Avenue. He was born and raised in Central Texas and began his musical journey by way of classical piano lessons throughout his child and adolescent years. He began writing his own songs during college using just the piano then added other instrumentation as his creativity developed. After self-releasing an EP in 2014, his debut EP "The Great Exchange" was released in January 2016 with Invengo Productions. They teamed up again for a single/music video titled "Holy Ghost" in January 2017, followed by the single "Disco Moon" in 2018. He now plays regularly in the Austin area.
Band Members