Austin, Texas, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2014 | SELF
I told you it was coming. VNIX is back, and it’s going to be intense. If you don’t remember the explosively catchy EP 500 that the artist released a few months back, you can check it out here. But first, check out the high-tension, flawlessly rhythmic, and ultimately terrifying video for “Creep”.
The horror movie music video blend gives us everything from rearview mirror shots to tracking the artist being dragged, somewhat violently, across the ground. The use of sepia tones that are often punctuated with bright red brings out the atmosphere and plays against the dance-vibes that the track is layered with. Perhaps this is not the video one would expect for “Creep”, but doesn’t that make the message all the more significant?
Keep up with VNIX on Facebook and SoundCloud as we await the next move. - NewSickMusic
There are certain archetypes of pop that every serious artist, at some point, acknowledges. Among them are the break-up song, the great-night-out song, and the love song. Each essential, each universal in some way. VNIX tackles all of these in one four song EP, and more than that, does it well.
The EP, titled 500, begins with a bang. “Creep” is the hit of the collection, the song that is quickly picking up momentum which will only grow when the upcoming music video is released. Already, there is an acoustic version of the song available to be seen right here. The vocals are instantly striking, the beat addictive, and though at first it may sound like copious club songs being released these days, the drop off to a quiet piano and ardent lyrics gives the track heart. “Sweet Night Love” takes the EP down a notch. Intricate piano backs a song that is almost the domestic follow-up to the happenings in “Creep”. Following the trend further is “Love Like Dust”, which is a highlight in its lyrical emphasis as well as VNIX’s vocal prowess. At the tail end, the speed picks up again with “Bad Friend”, the angry, accusing, but relatable track that pulls you in with impressively developed hooks.
VNIX claims that “music is the act of sex”, so keep that in mind as you make your way through the highly listenable EP that is 500. To keep up with VNIX, check out the Facebook and SoundCloud pages. And keep your eyes open for that music video. - NewSickMusic
If there was one thing that stood out about singer/songwriter VNIX (real name Wil Viozzi) during our interview, is that he truly gets it when it comes to being a real artist. He knows that sometimes the struggle can certainly be real, but if you keep reaching for the music stars, it will all happen. The local Philly music artist is set to release his first EP, ‘500,’ in May, and while it only contains four electrifying tracks, it still packs quite a punch. Take a sip of our fun music tea below, where he also dished on his musical influences, his humble beginnings and he also gives some brilliant advice for all those starting off in this crazy music business...
PM- Starting things off, let’s have some fun and dish about Lady Gaga and her impending comeback. Did you happen to catch a glimpse of her Oscars performance last month?
V- I thought it was wonderful! I thought she did a really good job. I think it’s great to see artists expand on how we perceive them, as well as showing us what they can do. We’ve already seen her do the spectacle and theatrics. We’ve also seen her sit at a piano and show us what she’s capable of. This performance was showing us a new genre; showing her musical theater side which is something I believe she grew up doing. She was also classy as well. I mean, I don’t care when she’s not classy, but it was great to see another dimension of her.
PM- A lot of people were surprised that she could actually (gasp!) sing, in which you said, indeed she is classically trained. Were you shocked by how many people were amazed that she had such vocal prowess?
V- I do understand why some people would be surprised, and those are people that don’t follow her. But, there’s been so much evidence out there, even before she became famous that has proven that she has a voice. I also think too that when people see spectacles and theatrics they think, oh, that’s a mask, that’s them hiding who they are.
PM- Okay, so like Gaga, you’re a performance artist with a bold name. Tell everyone about where the VNIX name originated from.
V- The name is actually a splice between my last name (Viozzi) and the mythological Phoenix. When I was growing up, I really didn’t have role models basically, so I kind of strongly identified with the Phoenix because it had this transformative nature, and me not having the easiest childhood - I had to figure myself out really young and figure out what I wanted to do - I related to the nature of the Phoenix. When I started surviving all these things I was going through, my friends noticed that, so they started calling me Phoenix.
PM- Let’s talk about what it was like growing up for you. How did those tough times help play a role in your music?
V- This EP is definitely an introduction of me to the world as an artist. But, it’s only four songs, so it’s a very small look into my persona, but each song does encompass a specific aspect of me. “Creep” shows a little bit of my sexual nature. “Bad Friend” shows a little bit of that you know, “don’t fuck with me, don’t put me down". Where as “Sweet Night Love” shows my romantic side and “Love Like Dust” gives insight into how I handle heartbreak and handle pain. So, I just want to be raw with people. Even if it’s just an uptempo or just a fun song, there’s still gonna be a lot of depth behind it, because it’s gonna come from some kind of experience in my life, which is something I want to convey with people.
PM- Absolutely. There’s definitely a lot of filler music on mainstream radio these days.
V- Right, there’s so many songs out there that are custom made for the club, and they don’t have a lot of depth to them, and you listen to them and just feel good. Even though I do have upbeat stuff on my record, it still comes from a place where I was at in my life. I’m never gonna write a song that doesn’t come from some real, honest place, in my life. I like to be a storyteller.
PM- Which music artists have inspired you along the journey of becoming VNIX?
V- Hmmm..okay, so when I was growing up, I really didn’t have that one artist that I tried to model myself after. I just focused so much on finding my own place and everything. When I got older I started really paying attention to the artists that I liked, and now these days, I would say I really appreciate Freddy Mercury (of Queen). I like him because he embodies a little bit of everything that I think makes the greatest artists. He definitely had and still has a uniqueness that doesn’t sound like anybody else. He has his own songs that are very original. His look and the way he can hold his audience. His charisma and stage presence are just bewildering.
PM- Shout out for me one album you can’t live without and why...
V- One album?!! Let’s see, I would choose silence.
PM- Silence? I have to say, I’ve never heard that response before...
V- Don’t get me wrong, I love music. This is gonna sound a bit contradictory, but I don’t like to live in music. I mean, I love creating and putting it out there for everyone. But, when it comes to music itself, I don’t obsess over one thing or the other. So, I’m not sure, I don’t even know if there would be an album.
PM- I get it. Kind of...silence speaks a thousand words...
V- I agree. Maybe the album I would listen to over and over again would be the album of my thoughts. The album that I’m singing in my head of my own life.
PM- I always like to ask this. Where do you see yourself maybe five, ten years from now?
V- I used to get asked this question a lot in high school and college, and I would say that my answer is still the same. Everyday is so unpredictable; even when you try to plan things, each day takes you to a different part of your life. For someone who is creative such as myself, I think that planning out my life is actually hindering to my creativity. All I can tell you is that in five or ten years, as an individual, I would like to have money and a career. I would like to be successful and be recognized for my art. However, in terms of how I see myself creatively, I hope that my creativity grows and changes and diversifies itself, so because of that, I wouldn’t be able to know.
PM- Now, as an artist, of course we’re our own worst enemies, always critiquing our own work to the core. What’s one thing that you feel you come down on yourself the hardest?
V- Probably asking for help. I’m not really good at that, I get nervous. You know, asking people for help with this or that. Growing up, I had a lot of pride because I had to do it all on my own, so I think that created a lot of stubbornness in me, I didn’t want to burden people with what I felt I should be figuring out myself. You never wanna make people feel like they’re being used either. Sometimes you’re so passionate about what you’re doing, that asking for help could feel like you're trying to use them, when you’re really just trying to collaborate with them.
PM- One last question, shout out some words of wisdom you would give to someone who is just starting out in the biz..maybe in five words or less....
V- Don’t ever fucking give up. - Philly Mixtape
500 (2015 EP)
- Sweet Night Love
- Creep
- Love Like Dust
- Bad Friend
Zenith Chasm (2022 EP)
- Masticate
- Tyrant
- Devil
- Bad For You
- Body of Fire
- Sun In The Sky
Apotheosis (2022 Album)
- Take Me Back To Your Sky
- Oceans of Ghosts
- My Canvas Is Your Name
- Nirvana
- Wrong Ways
- Magic Body
- Can't Stop Thinking About You
- There Won't Be Love Without You
- My Heart Is Always Breaking In The End
- I've Never Stopped My Love For You
- Awake Me
- Castle In Darkness
- Deathless Love
- Mind of My Heart*

A queer independent artist from Philadelphia, VNIX always felt different from most kids around him. Feeling out of place, he retreated to his room or various abandoned buildings that had pianos, where he taught himself to write, sing, and perform at a young age. In addition, he drew video game monsters, wrote books and poetry, and even created horror movie scripts and concepts regularly as an escape from his feelings of isolation. During this time, he branched out to local musical theater as a means of expression and outlet for his creative inclinations... (for full biography visit www.vnixmusic.com)
Currently, VNIX is working on two projects; recording his first full length concept album titled "Apotheosis" and a second EP titled "Zenith Chasm", which unlike his first EP, will be produced entirely by himself and introduce his transition into both an upbeat ethereal cosmic-pop sound and a gothic electronic, dark erotic-pop sound. The concept album and EP will dive into the rebirth of self, the exploration of emotional trauma, and the deep longing for cosmic love (slated for 2022).
On October 1st, 2021, VNIX released the first single off the EP titled "Bad For You".
On November 11th, 2021, VNIX released the first single off the album titled "My Heart Is Always Breaking In The End".
On December 17th, 2021, VNIX released the second single off the album titled "Take Me Back To Your Sky".
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