Tour Deforce
Laredo, Texas, United States
Family that sticks together stays together. Strength in loyalty, not in numbers.
Live And Let Live is a code which the members of Tour DĂŠforce have learned to live by since the band's inception in December of 2012. This is not just music from the heart- it's an interactive listening and visual experience of it's own kind.
With the group consisting of it's 5 key members- George Juarez (Vocals), Ram Salas (Guitar), Gilbert Mendez (Guitar), Andy Garcia (Bass) and Daniel Duran (Drums), each member brings in their own individual style, influence and approach into the band's progressive sound. This band stands by the belief that music is the perfect outlet to communicate and express one's most personal thoughts, stories and emotions. Music knows no barriers and it's how we relate, music is what brings us together.
Band Members