Titanium Blue
Kansas City, Missouri, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2011
If you go into Brackins Blues Club
on Saturday night, stop by the ATM
if you plan on hollering out for “Free-
bird” or “Mustang Sally.”
The band on stage — Kansas City-
based trio Titanium Blue — will play
‘em, but it’s gonna cost you.
“Our standard rule is that it’s $100
for us to play ‘Mustang Sally’ and
$500 for us to play ‘Freebird,’” guitar-
ist and vocalist Kurt Allen told The
Daily Times recently. “It’s not that
we don’t know how to play them,
but why would we? I’m always want-
ing to do something that hasn’t been
done yet. I’m always pushing and try-
ing to find new variations of old stuff
to do that has a really sick groove to
it, something you can’t help but bob
your head and tap your foot to.”
Allen started playing guitar when
he was 9 years old, but his love of
the blues goes back a few years pri-
or, when at 6 or 7, he heard Led Zep-
pelin’s “Heartbreaker” on the radio.
Jimmy Page’s dive bomb opening riff
sank its hooks deep, he said.
“I was like, ‘Oh, yeah — that’s what I
want to do!’” Allen said.
He started tinkering with the blues
in middle and high school, but his
classmates were all into metal and
hard rock, so that’s what he played as
well. Eventually, after touring with
a few bands and playing with most
of the rest around Kansas City, he
decided to get back to the basics.
“When I got into my mid-20s, I
said, ‘You know what? I’m gonna get
back into playing the blues or blues-
rock,’” he said. “Eventually, I got tired
of playing everyone else’s stuff after
so many years. In a lot of bands, it
seemed like you were playing the
same songs no matter what band you
were in, so in 2010, we formed Tita-
nium Blue and put an emphasis on
doing things a little different.”
Allen’s influences aren’t house-
hold names, but if you’re into Brit-
ish blues-rockers from the 1960s and
‘70s, you’ll recognize them: Gary
Moore, Peter Green (who originally
founded Fleetwood Mac), Rory Gal-
lagher and Alvin Lee among them.
The first piece of the Titanium Blue
puzzle was drummer Kellan Moore,
who played in the Midwestern coun-
try band County Road 5 for roughly a
decade; he and Allen found each other
on Craigslist and decided to throw in
together. After a previous bass player
developed health issues, they found
David Wood on Craiglist as well.
“He’s the youngest, but he comes
from a strong rock, jazz and Motown
background, and we’ve kind of fused
everything to where we’ve got ele-
ments of blues, funk, rock, jazz and
soul in all of our stuff,” Allen said.
Think Delta blues filtered through
British Invasion rock, updated for
2016 with funk and grit. There’s a def-
inite Black Keys vibe, but the down-
and-dirty edge to Titanium Blue has
more in common with acts like the
Black Diamond Heavies or Scott H.
Biram. Live, there’s no telling what
astute musical observers might wit-
ness: Allen was recently informed by
one fan that during the performance
of a Titanium Blue original called
“Better Think Twice,” he was playing
dubstep on the guitar.
“We live to play live shows; that’s
what we want to do,” he said. “Getting
on the radio and doing interviews,
that’s all great, but I want to be play-
ing. There’s nothing like that thrill of
being in front of people, and wheth-
er it’s four or five or 400 or 500, it
doesn’t matter — we’re going to tear it
up to the best of our abilities.”
Just don’t go expecting to hear tired
retreads of standard blues-rock num-
bers. Not unless you bring a fat wad
of bills, that is.
“We’re not going to roll in and play
a whole lot of stuff you might hear on
the radio,” Allen said. “About half of
our show is going to be original mate-
rial, and the rest of the stuff is going
to be what we call the deeper cuts.”
TITANIUM BLUE — KURT Allen (from left), Kellan Moore and David Wood — will play Saturday at
Brackins Blues Club in Maryville.
WHEN: 9 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 10
WHERE: Brackins Blues Club, 112 E.
Broadway Ave., downtown Maryville
CALL: 983-9800
ONLINE: www.titaniumbluemusic.com
Delta blues by way of England
Titanium Blue dives deep, every time - Steve Wildsmith, Daily Times, Maryville, TN.
Still working on that hot first release.

Titanium Blue is a high octane power trio. Based in Blues/Rock and Funk. Titanium Blue delivers catchy and powerful original music, with a few crowd favorite covers thrown in from time to time. Titanium Blue will get the place rocking and have the audience wanting more.
Band Members