The Electric Sons
Atlanta, Georgia, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2012 | SELF
"The crisp, on-point vocals effortlessly soar above and around the electrifying backdrop, catapulting "Breathing Electricity" to something worthy of being featured on a euphoric Coca Cola ad."
"This "two-headed music machine" might just be the first big electronic phenomenon to emerge from the South. Let's wait and see. " - Indie Shuffle
Our track, "Breathing Electricity", was featured in a TJ Maxx national ad campaign. Run ends at the end of November 2013. - Tj Maxx
BIRTHDATE: September 8, 1988 and November 4, 1986, respectively.
HOMETOWN: Peaks Island, ME and Duluth, GA
TURN-OFFS: The sound of people chewing, hard opinions.
TURN-ONS: Joie de vivre, paella.
DREAM GIG: Anywhere in Europe.
FAVORITE LYRIC: “I’m feelin’ rough, I’m feelin’ raw, I’m in the prime of my life.” -MGMT
CRAZIEST PERSON I KNOW: Our elderly neighbor who keeps pushing her homemade relish on us.
SONG I WISH I WROTE: “Love Like A Sunset” (both parts) -Phoenix
“Black & Blue” -Miike Snow
5 PEOPLE I’D MOST LIKE TO HAVE DINNER WITH: Brian Eno, Snoop D-Oh-Double G, Christopher Nolan, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and Thom Yorke
MY FAVORITE CONCERT EXPERIENCE: Playing Hangout Festival in the afternoon and watching Outkast in the evening. Delightful. Also playing the Tabernacle in Atlanta.
I WROTE THIS SONG: “Places” was born out of a break up. It’s about a person who is constantly chasing after happiness, but choosing to look for it in all the worst places. - American Songwriter
The Electric Sons debut self titled EP is packed with four tracks that you’ll find hard not to repeat over and over. - Sound Is Style
All sorts of indie-electronic-pop that’s 100% Summer-ready, coming from Atlanta duo, The Electric Sons. Introduce yourselves to two musicians who are responsible for this infectious little number (which reveals its driving energy after an ambient intro) – which somehow encompasses all the spontaneous frolicking about that you all should be participating in during the coming months. Their fun, syncopated production is smooth yet will not leave you disinterested. In addition, these lyrics are as bright and youthful as their sound. Grab this download, you’ll probably become an instant fan. - The Kollection
I first came across The Electric Sons when I found a copy of their self-titled EP in the box office of the venue where I work. From first listen, I was hooked. With electronic influences, ELS’ EP is high energy from start to finish. - Atlanta Music Guide
“Breathing Electricity” is a mix of Coldplay, The Killers, and some of the better EDM prodcution I’ve heard. Listening to the song you drift between the uplifting and europhic feelings of the EDM influences, then you become motivated by the hopeful tones of the vocals. - See more at: http://www.toogoodforradio.com/electronic/electro/electric-sons-breathing-electricity/#sthash.fvyiWXpQ.dpuf - Too Good For Radio .com
Miller and Richards take great pains in ensuring what they’re writing music about is relatable, and they sound damn good while accomplishing just that. - Soundboard.com
Our track 'Breathing Electricity" was used in Red Bull's "Wings For Every Taste" national ad campaign. - Red Bull
“Imagine if Passion Pit met Justice and had a baby. Meanwhile, Daft Punk and Foster The People met and they had a baby. Then, by some miracle, those two babies met and reproduced...The Electric Sons would be the fruit of those loins. The Electric Sons absolutely killed their set… I was blown away by the amount of energy and passion these guys brought to the table.”
- Samper, This Song Slaps (Voodoo Fest 2013 Review) - This Song Slaps
There definitely isn’t a shortage of electronic music these days, but we sure could use some more like this. It’s likely that this will be your first time hearing The Electric Sons (don’t worry, it’s ours, too), but their sound is so listenable that you needn’t take any time to adjust. Hailing from Atlanta, the band released their debut EP last year, which gained enough momentum to convince them to create another. Finally, after a year-long wait since the release of the single, “Breathing Electricity”, the brand-new Chromaesthesia EP has been debuted, and it shows loads of promise.
“Electronic music” is a broad term; the genre is typically very good, but, when listened to excessively, can sometimes become bothersome to the ears. The Electric Sons separate themselves from this generalization, as their newest work can be placed on repeat without a second thought. The introductory track, “Islands”, brings a fresh feel, immediately supporting the band’s name with layers of brilliantly meshing electronic material.
Although the band was founded just 2 years ago, they sound as if they have been making music together their whole lives. There are no gaps in the album, nor are there any slip-ups; their sound is absolutely professional, as this album could certainly be thrown on the radio without any protest. As a matter of fact, if I were a record label, I would be handing these guys a contract right away. Don’t think so? Just listen to their song, “Revolutionist”, and try to argue that it can’t be a sure-fire radio hit. The Imagine Dragons gained international stardom with their latest release; there is no reason that this band shouldn’t be able to do the same with their own.
Be proud that you’ve discovered The Electric Sons before the rest of the world does (which shouldn’t take too long), and embrace the electronic ecstasy that they consistently provide with each song. Some of our favorites can be heard below, but be sure to catch the full EP on SoundCloud and support the group by buying Chromaesthesia on iTunes. - hillydilly.com
Based out of Atlanta, The Electric Sons are a duo who blend electronic backings with catchy hooks to create a sound that has propelled them into performing behind acts such as Passion Pitt, Capitol Cities, MS MR and many others. Since they formed after meeting in a music theory class they have released two EPs with their third due out later this year. Entitled Golden Age, The Electric Sons look to further their presence in the indie landscape with their new EP, where we present the song “Into The Night”.
“Into The Night” showcases much of what fans have come to expect from The Electric Sons while also edging towards a more refined sound. Centered around a sing-along chorus, “Into The Night” keeps its momentum rolling, only letting off as the song fades. With their EP due out this fall, The Electric Sons should continue to attract fans of both pop and indie alike with other end-to-end songs like “Into The Night”. - Earmilk.com
Imagine having an EP you worked tediously on for months that you finally finished, and then decided to scrap most of it. That's exactly what happened Atlanta electro pop outfit The Electric Sons. Towards the end of the recording process, the band didn't feel that the EP was a coherent body of work. But, Golden Age EP you hear above is a better indicator, at least in their opinion, of where they are and what they want to be. The shiny EP that mixes bold anthemic tracks with straightforward dance pop and power ballads is an ambitious step forward.
"Golden Age EP was a crazy process," they explain. "Basically, we had a whole other EP finished and we decided to scrap almost all of it. There were four or five finished, fully produced songs that we were ready to release. We had cover art, sent it off to people, everything. We were just doing some end-of-EP writing, small things like interludes and stuff when both 'Reappear' and 'Golden Age' just showed up. Both songs, practically fully finished, in the span of three days. I don't think we slept, we just found these songs one after the other and had to keep going.
"They were so different from the rest of the finished tracks that it didn't make sense to include them. But after looking everything over, we knew those two tracks were the direction we wanted to follow. So we threw the rest away and started over. It was scary - we'd made promises to people to have something out but we knew that we wouldn't be satisfied if we didn't chase down the rest of this new EP.
"There were a lot of changes happening during the writing of the EP. Things were clicking and we were feeling really good, both musically and in our own lives. That's why we felt Golden Age made sense as the title track."
The Electric Sons' Golden Age EP is out today. - purevolume.com
Hey Trendsetters! Today I am happy to say we are sharing The Electric Sons’ newest EP. So many people have thanked me for introducing them to this band, and if you haven’t heard them before you’re about to learn why!
Every day that goes by I wake up in a cold sweat wondering why these guys aren’t way more popular than they are. So before my feet hit the ground I have to shrug my shoulders and reassure myself that their time will come. They are just the funnest guys to chat with as we found out during our interview (which we will restore and re-post very soon). But even better they make some incredible indie pop. Their stuff has an A-list sound, singing synths, upbeat percussion and a general feel that makes the happiness swell up in my chest and explode out my face (too graphic? Maybe…)
Their Golden Age EP is simply stellar. It has hints of alt-pop legends Coldplay, Owl City and Purity Ring, but at it’s core it is definitely The Electric Sons’ EP, brimming with their signature personalities and writing styles. It also features some goosebump- inducing surprises. “Reappear” has the incredible talent of Scavenger hunt, “Golden Age” is a skippingly bright tune, and “Japanese Ceremonial Tea” is a picturesque interlude, made up of a profound speech by philosopher Alan Watts (Entitled “Conversation with Myself”) with a mellow beat and tune. Going on with your life without The Electric Sons would be like saying no to a million dollars every time you walk out your door. You’ve been warned. - indietrendsetters.com
Three years together, and with two EPs under their belt, Atlanta boys the Electric Sons took to the Tabernacle's stage Oct. 24 to open for Capital Cities. Vocalist/guitarist Andrew Miller warmly addressed the audience after crushing their first song of the night, the tom-tom and handclap-heavy "Breakaway," saying the experience was "one of the biggest honors of my life."
The quartet lined up close to the stage's lip in crisp, mostly black attire (Electric Sons, if you care to share what black clothing laundry detergent you use, please email me), gracious grins across their mugs. Miller lost his hoodie and gained a Sharpie-scrawled acoustic guitar to kick off "Carry On," a real group sing-along number. Multi-instrumentalist/vocalist Benjamin Richards, Electric Sons' other principal performer, scooted a chevron-printed drum closer to thwap a driving beat, joining drummer Jason Monseur. Surging synths washed over the expanding, enchanted crowd — Chris Ziegler's steady bass acting as an anchor so the group didn’t float away.
The Sons pounded on, arranging delicate keys and vocal layers to craft a quilted dance floor. If any of the four members were nervous that evening, it certainly didn't show. Miller, especially, played his role well — a solid frontman composed of equal parts hometown pride and expertly sculpted pomade.
Five songs into their set, "Revolutionist" conjured more clapping among wild Rufio-esque beats. Almost no free space existed on the floor at this point. Fellow audience members chose their own adventure — some grooving their hips, others finding someone to make out with. A few folks discreetly pulled out vaporizers, and at least one couple eased a small child wearing noise-cancelling headphones onto their shoulders for a better view.
"Daydreamer," a heart-melting cut from their 2012 self-titled EP, set them up to finish with the explosive single "Breathing Electricity." Miller shouted, "Atlanta, make some fucking noise!" before leaping into it. The sound was so enormous and inclusive, for just a moment, the former Baptist church became an open, sun-filled, and completely packed festival scene.
The Sons coasted in for a smooth landing at the end of "Breathing Electricity." There was no sputtering as the dudes bid adieu and left the audience thirsty for more. It's evident the Electric Sons are due for more attention in bigger arenas and from a more expansive fan base. It's not a matter of if, but when. - Creative Loafing
2014 - Chromaesthesia E.P.
2013 - Breathing Electricity (Single)
2013 - Carry On (Single)
2012 - The Electric Sons E.P.

After meeting in art school, lead singer Andrew Miller quit his job as an illustrator on the hit FX series 'Archer' to complete the band's debut EP with writing partner and producer Ben Richards. Since then, they’ve found their place on major festival stages like Hangout and Voodoo Fest, and opening and touring with groups like Passion Pit, Ellie Goulding, Capital Cities, St. Lucia, Ms. Mr. and more. "It's been unreal," says frontman Andrew Miller, “We met after being assigned to write a song together in a music theory class, and a year or so later we're doing festivals.”
After releasing their second EP ‘Chromaesthesia’ in 2014, the Sons began hearing their music in national ads for brands like Red Bull, Chevy, TJ Maxx and featured on outlets such as Earmilk, Indie Shuffle, The Kollection. In the fall of 2015 they released their third EP, ‘Golden Age’. With the unexpected support they have gained thus far from fans, friends, and industry, The Sons have their sights set on extensive touring, new music videos, and even a video game. If the trend continues, this release could turn the art school classmates into one of this year's breakout artists.
Band Members