The Max Tribe
Boston, Massachusetts, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2013
"As the year comes to a close we looked back at the standout tracks 2015 brought us; from Waldo’s explosive pop rock, to The Max Tribe’s bluesy groove, to Michael Christmas’s regular-guy rap, Boston’s local acts released some stellar songs that debuted careers and drew national attention. Here are our top ten songs of the year." - Sound of Boston
"Flashing lights illuminate a pale cinder block wall, and in between bursts, Austin Max takes the stage and plucks the opening chord to his song “Will You Be Mine.”
His band, The Max Tribe, was one of three that played at the Cosmic Palace last Saturday. In front of a crowd of about 40, three groups jammed out for Dr. Martens-clad college students stomping and head-banging in a dingy Allston basement." - Berkeley Beacon
With blues that smolders and a sound that stings, The Max Tribe step into the Boston rock scene like firemen kicking down the door of a smoking house. - Sound Of Boston
Boston’s psych rock and blues collective The Max Tribe – comprised of Conner Kessler (drums), Noah Lubert (keys, vocals), Rafa Minerbo (bass), Sneaky Pete Negri (harmonica, vocals, tambourine), and Austin Max (guitar, vocals) – is killin’ it right now. From the fact that they’ve been working hard to wrap up their album and are set to release it in early 2017, they’ve been working in some pretty cool spaces (like a temple built by The Masons in 1867) and with notable people like James Bridges.
If you’re not sure you believe us – you can’t always, and we get that – then you need to watch this goddam video. They shot a live version of their single “Sweet Reality” on a rooftop. “The video shoot was such a scene,” they elaborated. “We have a friend who lived on the top floor of the building. We climbed out onto his fire escape, set up a jimmy-rigged ladder and climbed onto the roof bearing all gear, amps, and equipment.”
It’s gorgeous, vividly lit, and just puts you in the most uplifted mood. Check it out! - Impose Magazine
View Link - Sound Of Boston
Still working on that hot first release.

The Tribe was born in 2013 when Nashville native Austin Max (Guitar/Vox) united with Austrian born Conner Kessler (Drums) at Berklee College of Music. For a year they developed their psychadelta roots and sound playing around Boston with friends filling in on Bass and keys here in there. Their lineup wasn't solidified until 2016. In 2015, The Max Tribe released their debut single "Tape Machine" backed by a thumping music video. It was featured on "Sounds of Boston" as one of the top 5 releases of the year. Max and Kessler linked up with Noah Lubert (Keys/Vox) and Rafael Minerbo (Bass) in 2016. Noah and Rafa delivered spirit and expansive writing to the Tribe. The Tribe is currently finishing their debut record due early 2017. Together, the Tribe creates a unique blend of psychedelic rock and blues with influences stemming from The Velvet Underground, The White Stripes, The Doors, The Stones, Dylan, and The Beatles.
Band Members