The Blu Mantic
Killeen, TX | Established. Jan 01, 2011 | SELF
"... I'm a father now bro, he's one. He was born in New York, it was with a lady who I was with for 4 years in high school. We might not be together now, people don't understand that, but I went to Poland and fell in love again. It's strange because all I've been doing is discovering myself. And it's funny because my pops wasn't there for me; so I'm learning to be a father from the absence of him and then also to my dreams as an artist.
It's like, in music, you do it because you know stuff as a young cat. But as you grow older, you find that pinpoint that let's you know who you really are. I had to be myself. Be your f***ing self! Even if I look stupid in other people's eyes, I don't care, I'm having fun. And we don't live long, ya know?"- Blu - Alonzo Williams Jr.
Say what? Jak to? Ano tak to, że wychowany a mieście Killeen w Teksasie artysta, mieszkający później również na Brooklynie, przez ostatni rok mieszkał w Warszawie, poznając naszą kulturę i uświetniając wiele imprez hip-hopowych (ale nie tylko) swoją obecnością.
Niedawno pisaliśmy o pierwszym singlu promującym nadchodzącą EPkę Blu, triumfalnym "B.Y.O.C.", a teraz MC dał nam drugi przedsmak projektu "The Yesod" - jest na co czekać. - Marcin Natali
Jeśli mieszkacie w Warszawie, to Blu Mantica mogliście już widzieć m.in. na supporcie przed koncertami Smif-N-Wessun czy Reksa, czy też na niezliczonej ilości innych imprez, a nawet sesji open mic. Niesamowicie charyzmatyczny, otwarty i ciekawy świata MC rodem z Teksasu, a po drodze z Nowego Jorku, przez ostatni rok mieszkał w stolicy i szerzył pozytywne wibracje gdzie tylko się dało.
Obecnie Blu wykańcza swoją EPkę, a "B.Y.O.C.", przywołujące na myśl triumfalne "Roc Boys" Jay-Z, to pierwszy singiel z wydawnictwa. Numer mogliście usłyszeć też na drugiej części naszej kompilacji „Killertape”, dostępnej do odsłuchu i ściągnięcia za darmo. Rich think we're poor? Tonight we get a pass in the Palace, so Bring Your Own Chalice! - Marcin Natali
The Yesod EP (May 2016)
No Shades Of Grey (TBA)

Matiwane D Mathews II ( born Dec. 28, 1990 ), better known as Blu Mantic, is an American poet, songwriter, actor, teacher, and contemporary sacred hip-hop artist.
Originally from Killeen, Texas, he moved to Brooklyn, NY to pursue the dreams of being an entertainer. After finishing his acting school in 2013, Blu quite his job in Times Sq, was homeless for 3 months and moved to Warsaw, Poland. Since 2009, he has been writing lyrically driven tracks. They are meant to spark the mind, heal the heart, and move the soul.
After the release of his first EP The Yesod EP ,he was invited by Popkiller to be the first American artist to feature on the XXL freshman type collaboration, Młode Wilki 5 . He has opened for well known artist such as Smif-n-Wessun, Afu-Ra, and even featured on Media Kraft as an Ebonics language tutor. Upon the release of his new single “Legacy” in Aug 2017, he has begin to finalize a project with a Soul/Jazz/Funk/HipHop band called The Haarpagans.
Band Members