The Average Keys
Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2017
The best kept secret in music
The Average Keys release their debut album. The album starts with a Radioheadesque beat much alike the track Black Swan on the track titled “Trip”, except the hip hop drums sound much better. This track creates a solid introduction to the album. The album mixes three different emcees styles fluidly and creates one of the first concept album I have heard that actually gets it right. Dan K has a sharp style that is easy to listen to for aesthetic purposes while discussing some serious material that blends perfectly with the production. Outrage brings a strong presence and his comfort on the microphone suggests a familiarity with the hip hop music scene and industry. Ave brings a bass filled vocal range and all three of the members have lyrical quality is unmatched by most of the underground hip hop being circulated in today’s regions. This group seems poised to take the underground scene by storm, listen, watch and learn from The Average Keys. - THISIS50.COM
Albuquerque is a city of great pride and state of perpetual enchantment. In this sprawling city in the small state of New Mexico, the hip hop culture scene is thriving. And it's doing so without the input, help, or collaboration of the music industry. This small but dedicated underground hip hop community hosts numerous artists who represent different sub-cultures of the city and state. Last week, the underground hip hop scene converged on a small business to host a listening party for Wav.Form by The Average Keys.
This collective stands out immediately and are comprised of a few key members of the hip hop scene in Albuquerque. Outrage has veteran status in the scene, while Avenu is a top tier battle rapper in not only the state but widely considered to be a powerful rapper/battler in the greater rap battle scene. Dan K is the youngest of the three and he brings a different element to the scene than most of his peers his age. This trio is a powerful mix of styles, versatility, lyrical ability and creative vision. The listening party is hosted by friend of the group who is also a notable musician in the scene. An open invitation to the listening/viewing party was put out via social media. A group of friends, family members and fans of hip hop gather into a small shop there is food available for all the guests, ample seating, a nice high definition television for visuals and of course plenty of anticipation. The rules were simple: no drugs, no alcohol, no smoking allowed so that this could be a family friendly event, these are the kinds of people that The Average Keys are, real, genuine and entirely focused on the music being enjoyed as culture without any distractions, vice, or otherwise. The Average Keys are a group that is already outgrowing the city.
The reasoning behind that statement is that the art that they present is not a city representation or even a state exhibition. It's a conglomerate of hip hop culture from top to bottom and almost a scathing indictment of what hip hop culture has allowed itself to become in this era of glorifying hip hop/rap that has little to no lyrical substance. The listening/viewing party is comprised of a video or collection of videos that present visuals to the entire album. Each short video is met with well deserved support. The visuals are shot by Dan K the man behind the camera for a great deal of the city's music videos. The images couple perfectly with the elevated content that these young Emcees present to the crowd. Afterward the crowd gathers for a large panoramic photo in which everyone shows their care and adoration. The Average Keys are a group that is poised to be followed, listened to, and respected by the greater hip hop community. This is their debut listening party and the respect for the project is palpable in the room. They aren't royalty but their words and reputations proceed them and they are treated as such. - SCRUFFANDVIGOR.COM
Some people may scoff at the mention of an Albuquerque hip-hop supergroup. One can expect criticism of the individual artists’ discography, time put into the game, and general skills to follow. And some groups may fail on one, two or all three accounts. The Average Keys can be hoisted into this discussion. Avenu’s musical achievements are thinner than his counterparts, but his notoriety in the battle scene for abstract, powerful lyricism is undeniable. Outrage, on the other hand, is not an active battler but has a catalog of music that has garnered respect amongst old and new heads. Dan K is the happy medium between the two. He has a strong presence in battling that hasn’t yet reached Avenu’s level, and is quickly amassing an impressive portfolio of music. Together, the trio has plenty of time in the game to speak of. As far as their talent on the microphone, there are many strengths to be found and their position in the scene is to be determined by how strong wav. form is.
It should be noted that the group are part of the larger collective known as God Gang. This Albuquerque artist movement proclaims a deeper understanding of self, heavy with third eye and new age spirituality references. This vision is a strong theme within each member’s lyrics throughout the album. The cohesiveness is both wav. form’s biggest strength and biggest weakness. The abstract, self-aware approach by each rapper is indicative of a great studio chemistry. Each track’s theme or concept is focused through the carefully crafted “God Gang” lens. On the other hand, the commitment to this approach is almost too loyal. Each emcee’s personality and character is sacrificed for the greater good and there is little to discern one verse from another. While the depth of lyricism is enough to bring listeners back, there could have been more replay value gained from holding onto individual variety. The tracks clearly give a purpose for listening but neglect the personal details of who is being listened to.
The production is strong throughout the album, with samples driving the instrumentals. Production is handled by various beatmakers including Dan K himself. “Church” is a standout track overall but the inclusion of DJ Stigmata’s scratches adds a nice touch. It can be difficult or even unnecessary to glamorize the production on lyrical showcases but they do diversify the mixing. Features are solely found in hooks, and January Black’s contributions to “Demon” are definitely worth a listen. The Average Keys clearly value attention to detail because there is little that went to waste in these areas. “Average” may be the only exception to this, as it feels like an intermission but is nearly full track length. The album barely breaks 35 minutes but doesn’t feel too short.
The Average Keys debut album is a strong one. It is difficult to identify a weak track in the bunch, as all tracks are at least above average. Dan K, Avenue and Outrage know what they’re doing. The quality of wav. form is a big step towards more people knowing too. - DESERTHEAT.BIZ
ITUNES - https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/the-average-keys/id1227949810
SPOTIFY - https://open.spotify.com/album/6kmIUN8oje8IsTukGNWvKU
Feeling a bit camera shy
DEBUT ALBUM [WAV. FORM] AVAILABLE @ play.spotify.com/album/6kmIUN8oje8IsTukGNWvKU?play=true&utm_source=open.spotify.com&utm_medi...