Sammy Hakim
Buckingham, Virginia, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2010 | SELF
May 13, 2014By Skope
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Hello there good people of the world. We at Skopemag.com are so happy you are here. Before we begin today I need to tilt my hat to Dr Dre. Dr Dre has been in music for decades. If you know his history from NWA and Death Row Records it always seemed like he never got his $$ due. Well he is getting the last laugh as he is selling his ‘Beats By Dre’ company to Apple for over $1 billion. That is so nice to see and we congratulate him & Jimmy Iovine! In other news, TuneIn, the world’s leading service for listening to real radio, released its redesigned platform and user interface, turning live radio on TuneIn into a real-time, relevant, and social experience. The new TuneIn features will enable its now 50 million monthly active users to discover, follow, and share the audio content they love making TuneIn the largest audio network in the world. This is such awesome news, I must admit I am getting overwhelmed at how many outlets there are for music. Growing up I was bullied on various occasions and it was awful. As I got older I began to realize that the bullies were actually the losers who had other personal life issues going on. Well Sammy Hakim is taking on bullying head on with her new video/single “Tuck Me In.” The song & video are so powerful you must watch it. Join us to today as Sammy talks about inspiration for “Tuck Me In”, family & friends that have been bullied, her supportive family, and so much more. To all the bullies out there, it feels good to be nice, try it!
Stoli: Where are we talking from today and how is your day going so far?
We’re talking from my home sweet home! My day is going great, thanks for asking.
Stoli: You are no stranger to Skope. What have you been up to lately?
Well, I’ve just recorded north of 11 more songs, and released one of them as a fundraising single, “Tuck Me In”
Stoli: We are celebrating the release of your new video “Tuck Me In.” What inspired you to write this song and when did you do that?
I wrote this song two days before my trip to Nashville to record it, so mid-April 2014. This song was inspired by stories. I had a family member sit me down and tell me about how they had been abused. Then more family members told me stories, I had friends telling me about abuse and incedents where they had been bullied physically, verbally, all these stories horrified me. I wanted to write a song expressing those feelings to help raise awareness for the cause. While was sitting down one day the thought of the comfort of being Tucked In came to my head and I came up with the concept for the song I had been wanting to write I finished the entire song in about 5 minutes.
“Tuck Me In” Video
Stoli: Youtube took the first video you posted down. What was up with that?
I wish I could tell you but I’m not quite sure myself! I did not get any strikes on my account or notices stating why it was taken down, it was strange.
Stoli: The song & video deal with domestic violence and bullying. What made you create such a real and powerful visual for people to see how awful this is on victims?
I was very blessed to work with a wonderful director and team, William Gawley and the Delucci Group on this video. I had written the song, and Will really put the story together from that. It was a great process with a lot of different ideas and input and I am beyond grateful for all the hardwork and effort everyone put in to create the visual. We knew collectively that the video had to be tastefully realistic to make an impact with the video as it was designed to do.
Stoli: Have you or someone close to you been a victim of domestic violence and bullying and how did they deal with that issue?
I have family members that have been abused, friends who have been abused and bullied, along with my personal experience with being bullied in school. I’m actually not sure if I’ve ever met a person who has never been bullied. I think that everyone deals with these kinds of issues in their own way, and it’s not my place to talk about it. I know that I had to build my confidence for a long time after it had been broken down from years of girls and boys gossiping behind my back but I wouldn’t change any of it for the world. It made me understand that I had to love me enough to not care what other people thought and that is something I will be grateful for the rest of my years.
Stoli: I believe that musicians that create music that people can relate to rise to the top. How important is this to you when writing music?
It’s something I strive to achieve. It’s an amazing feeling when people tell you they can relate to what you’ve written.
Stoli: I was bullied in my early years. I learned over the years that most bullies are miserable and unhappy with their own life. Do you agree with that notion?
I believe that everyone has their own story.
Stoli: How can we as people help fight this violence and can $$ help to save people from the cycle?
Money can’t solve everything, however, an organization needs proper funding to support people in need. A lot of abuse shelters take in men, women, and children and they need to make sure they’re in a safe healthy environment.
Stoli: What kind of response have you got from people who have heard the song & watched the video?
The song and video have recieved a lot of great feedback and attention which I’m extremely grateful. People have been sharing the video with friends and family and helping me spread awareness which has been amazing. I often get the comment, WOW what a powerful video!
Stoli: I love how your family is so supportive of your music & passion. How much does that mean to you and how can other parents get involved with their kids dreams?
Without my family I would have nothing to show for my music career. Their support every step of the way is extremely valuable and I’m more grateful then they’ll probably ever know. In terms of other parents getting involved, I would say that the future is a blank canvas for your kids, and letting them explore the possibilities is important. Without my parents pushing me and allowing me to try new things I never would have stumbled upon my love and passion for performing and songwriting.
Stoli: What is coming up for Sammy Hakim and where you @ online?
On May 6th, 2014 in Nashville 6:15pm I will be performing a showcase at 12th and Porter, and I hope some of you will come out, it means a lot to me when you do! Now that I’m 18 I am really working on bookings and performing in clubs and festivals everywhere. I couldn’t access before because of these restrictions. I’ve also have enough songs fully produced to release an album or multiple EP’s so I’m figuring out what is the best route to go . All I can really say is there will be more material soon. You can’t ever stop on this crazy ride, you never know whats around the next bend. This is my passion in life and I am working towards success. My fans are the greatest and I am working online to communicate and build a fan base worldwide.
Thank you for taking the time for this interview, it’s a great case and it helps everyone get involved, Skope Magazine is helping by spreading the word!
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This entry was posted on May 13, 2014 at 9:25 am and is filed under SKOPED OUT. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. - Skope Magazine
Often compared to Taylor Swift and Kelly Clarkson, 18 year old Sammy Hakim is a professional pop crossover artist, who is becoming well known through her performances at clubs, festivals and events throughout the United States. Although Sammy’s main love is singing, songwriting, she also enjoys playing the guitar, piano, ukulele, and violin, She has recorded and performed with Kevin Gutierrez, Jeff Juliano, Brad Blackwood, Euphonic Master, Ben Green, Aaro Keipi, Marcus Huber, Tony Alany, and Jeff Levin, among others. Sammy is most proud of the variety of original songs she has written and the work she does with charities.
iMoveiLive had a great opportunity to sit-down and speak with this young talent about her current single, “Tuck Me In”. this is a great single! Check out her reason behind releasing this song as a single.
Why did you select this song as your current single?
I selected “Tuck Me In” as a single because it had meaning. It tells the story of abuse and bullying, and raises money for charity, and I couldn’t think of another single when I saw the way the video turned out. The cast and crew who made the video for “Tuck Me In” are incredible.
How does this single relate to the rest of the Album, EP or Mix-tape?
The rest of this EP/Album is all about growth for me. I’m doing songs that are more diverse and poppy-er then my other music. For the first time I’ll also be able to take these songs and perform them onstage with a band which opens a bunch of doors, it’s just going to be a very fun, new sound and I couldn’t be more excited.
What was the writing process for the song?
I’d had the chorus for “Tuck Me In” a while, but when I got the call to fly down to Nashville, I knew this song had to go on the album. I sat down and really thought about what the chorus for the song meant, hundreds of times. Usually I’m a quick writer, I’ve got tons of 5 minute songs but this wasn’t one of them. I really sat and focused on what I wanted to do with this song and got a clear vision of how it could make a change if I wrote it right.
What does this song’s lyric mean to you?
It’s a cry for help. When you’re a little kid you’re always tucked into sleep by your parents, or loved ones and you always feel so safe. So this song lyric tells a story about abuse ( and neglect )that I have not personally lived, but have had family members and friends tell me their tales. So I took these stories, felt the desperation the stories let me feel and turned it into this song to make it a beneficial thing.
What would it be like to see you in person performing this song?
I’m actually really excited about that, on May 6th I’m going to be playing 12th and Porter in Nashville at 6:00. I’m going to have the video playing on screen behind me, and let the music speak for itself. I don’t want anything flashy or anything distracting from the song, just an emotional intimate performance.
Could your fans summarize who you are as an artist by this song?
I think they could maybe summarize a part of me. This song is all about making a change, collecting money for charity.
Is there a video planned and or completed and if so, what was the idea behind the video?
Yes. The video is about a little boys life. He and his mother are being abused by the father, but the little kid turns his “Wounds into wisdom”. “Turn your wounds into wisdom” is a quote from Oprah Winfrey that really pulled the entire video together. Both sales and views of the video and song go to charities against abuse and bullying.
One last question, what is your motivation behind your music?
I want to make a change in someone’s life. Whether it’s a catchy pop song that lifts your mood, or a strong ballad that brings you to tears, music makes people feel. I want my fans to experience that when they listen to my music video. - imoveilive online magazine
Sammy Hakim's New Music Video "Tuck Me In" Has A Powerful Message Against Domestic Violence and Bullying
Music has the power to speak up when your voice is hurt, when you can't speak. Sometimes it's a broken heart, but other times it's from a broken home. Violence never amasses to anything positive and people say fight for your rights. But at times, the pain is too much to bear; until you hear a song that strikes the chord for change.
That's exactly what young songwriter, pianist and singer Sammy Hakim promotes in her latest video for new single "Tuck Me In". At just the young age of 18, Sammy has composed a thought provoking song dealing with the harsh reality of domestic violence and bullying. Her lyrics are moving and when she sings, her feelings are distraught with haunting accuracy, but it comes from a fire to fight back and create awareness to stand up for yourself and pick up the pieces from a broken home.
"Tuck Me In" is a story driven music video that shares both glimpses of her as well as following the story of a young boy that witnesses domestic abuse and bullying. The music video starts with images of an unkempt, dingy apartment where you see a boy full of hope with his mother full of emotional scars and real bruises. As the boy sees his mother waste away her precious life, his father knocks on the door with rage and proceeds to beat his mother right in front of him. Heartbroken and distraught, the boy proceeds to tuck in his mother and cuddle with her, telling her everything will be all right. In the next scenes, the boy walks to school and stumbles upon a bully picking on a smaller kid. He can't help the fact that it reminds him so much of his father, that he intervenes and eventually gets rid of the bully and helps the kid up before running off back home to help his mother out again.
In between the scenes are powerful and yet aesthetic visuals of Sammy Hakim. "Tuck Me In" uses a lot of low-density lighting, as to create an effect of a somber, dark room. Noticeably there is a candle sitting atop of her piano, a metaphor for hope. Through the music video for "Tuck Me In" most of the scenes are reenactments but still use a grungy like filter to show the repercussions and emotions of violence within a home and struggling against a bullying.
Sammy Hakim's voice plows through social stigmas and brings a new hope for people suffering through hardships in their lives. "Tuck Me In" and the music video share insight to the reality that many people face but also create awareness and offers hope to a new generation of people to avoid living in this trauma and correcting their mistakes. Sammy Hakim's talents are only just beginning to flourish and with visuals and songs like "Tuck Me In" she will be a new voice of change in music.
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sammy-Hakim/263956000315329 -- STS
Eric de Fontenay
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ecfont@musicdish.net - New Music Weekly Magazine
Sammy Hakim Releases New Single "Get A Little Closer"
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New York, NY (Top40 Charts/ Sammy Hakim official website) Sammy Hakim is a 17 year-old from Vienna who first showed musical promise at a young age. She writes her own music, in addition to singing and playing the guitar, piano, ukulele and violin. She released her first EP, "Locked You Out," in October, 2011. As with Locked You Out, her new singles will contain all original material. Sammy's latest singles are Fearless, released May 31, 2012, Mark Me, released September 17, 2012 and This Christmas Love Me, was released November 11, 2012. New release 9/17/13 titled "Get a Little Closer" and her EP coming soon "Sammy" to be released 10/15/13.
With success as a pianist and a singer, coupled with her desire to become a professional songwriter, producer, and musician, Sammy was inspired to study additional instruments including violin, guitar and ukulele. These instruments are highly influential in how Sammy composes and arranges her original music.
"Get A Little Closer" MP3
"Get A Little Closer" - Sammy Hakim
Sammy began composing and arranging songs when she was 13. Sammy's songs are inspired by her friends and real life situations. Her music reflects influences of Elvis Costello, Ed Sheeran, Bruce Springsteen, John Mayer, Kelly Clarkson, Taylor Swift, and the Jonas brothers. Sammy's soulful voice pays allegiance to Nick Jonas, Avril Lavigne and Carrie Underwood. Sammy, aligning herself with one of her music mentors in describing herself as an artist quotes, "I am like Elvis Costello, I write what I feel, pop, county, rock, or hot A/C. Writing and performing music is one of her deepest passions in life."
This drive and determination inspires Sammy to focus on a deeper understanding of her world and her relationships with people to create her unique brand of pop music that touches people at an emotional level seldom accomplished by young songwriters.
For more information, visit her website, www.sammyhakim.com.
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- Top 40
Sammy Hakim
So why don’t you introduce yourself?
Hey! I’m Sammy Hakim. I’m a 17 year old singer songwriter from Virginia, newly signed to Lamon Records.
What’s your musical influences?
Bruce Springsteen, Elvis Costello, Reba Mcentire, Miranda Lambert, Carrie Underwood, Adele, Britney Spears, Ke$ha, Rihanna, Ed Sheeran, Mumford and Sons, Avicci, The Lumineers, Johnny Cash, Taylor Swift, Olly murs, Kelly Clarkson, The Script, The Fray, The Ramones, Pixies.. I can go on. I’ve learned a little bit from everyone I’ve listened to. Because of all these people I’ve been able to expand my range and grasp on different genres.
Mark Me. Can you talk to us more about the track?
I was sitting at the piano thinking about how so many people go out and get tattoos that will always remind them of something, someplace, or someone, and everytime you look down at that tattoo for the rest of your life you’d remember. So I came up with the concept ‘I don’t want this tattoo to always remind me of our very last touch’. It’s about wanting someone back so you won’t miss them anymore.
Sammy. How was the recording and writing process?
I wrote the song in about five minutes and then played it for my family. I knew after playing it once it was definitely a song that would be a keeper.
The recording process for “Mark Me” was amazing. I worked with Kevin Gutierrez, who’s a great guy and producer. We’d sit as each track was laid and work on piecing it together to get the sound I heard in my head out of my head.
The writing process for the single “Get A Little Closer” was similar to that of mark me. I sat in my room and wrote three songs that day. I immediately took to that song, and when I played it for Dave Moody, he did too.
“Get a Little Closer” Is the first single off the upcoming EP “Sammy” which will be released in October.
Recording “Sammy” was a different process from “Mark Me” because instead of laying down one track at a time, we laid down all the instruments at once.
So is this a more personal album?
“Sammy” is a more personal work. The four tracks have a little bit of everything, ranging from an emotional ballad to sarcastic sass.
Where did you get the inspiration for the lyrics from?
Anyplace. A conversation, a friend, a person passing on the street, a breeze, a scene, a moment, a book. I can even get inspirations from other songs.
What’s next in SH’s world?
My single “Get A Little Closer” will be released on September 17. The EP “Sammy” will be released in October, as well as a new music video. I hope to be going on a radio tour to support the single very soon.
Where can we find more about your music?
@Sammy_Hakim on twitter
- See more at: http://ventsmagazine.com/sammy-hakim/#sthash.Lh09MF1D.dpuf - Vents Magazine
Introducing Sammy Hakim - Vents Magazine
Sammy Hakim interview @ The Indie Band Channel
Posted on August 9, 2012 at 2:30 AM
01 - Artist Name & Location = Sammy Hakim Vienna,Virginia.
02 - How did the project come into existence? = I've always loved music. One day I was taking engineering classes at Bach 2 Rock music school when one of the founders heard some of my own music we'd been demoing in the class and he said he'd like to work with me. From there came my first EP- Locked You Out.
03 - Who are the members of the band if any and please tell us about it? = Right now I don't have an official band, so it's just me. I'm a 16 year old singer/songwriter. I play the piano, guitar, ukelele, violin, and I'm teaching myself the drums currently.
04 - How would you describe your sound/genre? = Pop/Country. There's really little hints of everything in my music, so there's something for everyone.
05 - What formal training or previous experience do any of the members have? = I've been playing piano since kindergarten, taking vocal lessons since third grade- which was a trick to get me to read music back then, now I love it. I took a little bit of engineering and some music theory. I taught myself how to play the rest.
06 - Are you working w/ a producer on your upcoming album? = Yes. I'm currently working with Kevin Gutierrez with some of my new stuff, and I'm super excited about it!
07 - Who would you say has been the biggest influence on the bands sound or that you have used as inspiration for your music? = Elvis Costello is definitely one of the biggest inspirations I have because he taught me that you need to play what you want, not just what you hear on the radio. Since a young age I've learned from his music alone that you do what you hear and what you feel is right. I listen to a lot of different sounds from Ed Sheeran to Taylor Swift to Bruce Springsteen to something more poppy like One Direction, so I have a lot of different influences in my music.
08 - Where can people go to learn more about you and hear your music? = www.SammyHakim.com
From there, they can link to all of the places that have my music. Just click on the small square links to my Facebook, Twitter(@Sammy_Hakim), Youtube, and Itunes(Where I have seven songs available currently and my eighth will be released soon!)
09 - If you could play anywhere in the world or with anyone you wanted where and who would it be with? = I'd love to travel and tour the world, but I think right now my sights are set on Madison Square Garden, or maybe at the super bowl. I would want it to be with Bruce Springsteen because when I was 9 he shook my hand and gave me a guitar pic on that stage. I think it would be amazing to be like, you gave me this pic, and look what I did with it.
10 - What has been your greatest experience so far either individually or as a whole? = My greatest experience so far has been really meeting and talking with some of my fans. At one of my shows two girls even came up to me and gave me these pipe-cleaners they had bent into hearts and it just made my heart melt. I have amazing fans and I love you all so much!!!
11 - Do you have any upcoming events or news you would like to tell our readers about? = I'm releasing a new single soon, Fearless. There's not a release date out yet, but I'll be updating my Facebook and my Twitter(@Sammy_Hakim) about it as much as possible. I'm super excited about releasing Fearless. It's my favorite song I've done so far and I feel like a lot of people will be able to connect with it through many different situations. I hope you all check it out!
12 - Where do you see yourselves or hope to be in about 5 years? = I hope to be on a stage doing what I love in front of as many people as I can. I hope I'm able to touch the world with my music, inspire people, connect with people, and help them see there's always going to be a sun that come's up tomorrow as long as we all work to make this world a better place.
- Indie Channel Blog
Sammy Hakim interview @ The Indie Band Channel
Posted on August 9, 2012 at 2:30 AM
01 - Artist Name & Location = Sammy Hakim Vienna,Virginia.
02 - How did the project come into existence? = I've always loved music. One day I was taking engineering classes at Bach 2 Rock music school when one of the founders heard some of my own music we'd been demoing in the class and he said he'd like to work with me. From there came my first EP- Locked You Out.
03 - Who are the members of the band if any and please tell us about it? = Right now I don't have an official band, so it's just me. I'm a 16 year old singer/songwriter. I play the piano, guitar, ukelele, violin, and I'm teaching myself the drums currently.
04 - How would you describe your sound/genre? = Pop/Country. There's really little hints of everything in my music, so there's something for everyone.
05 - What formal training or previous experience do any of the members have? = I've been playing piano since kindergarten, taking vocal lessons since third grade- which was a trick to get me to read music back then, now I love it. I took a little bit of engineering and some music theory. I taught myself how to play the rest.
06 - Are you working w/ a producer on your upcoming album? = Yes. I'm currently working with Kevin Gutierrez with some of my new stuff, and I'm super excited about it!
07 - Who would you say has been the biggest influence on the bands sound or that you have used as inspiration for your music? = Elvis Costello is definitely one of the biggest inspirations I have because he taught me that you need to play what you want, not just what you hear on the radio. Since a young age I've learned from his music alone that you do what you hear and what you feel is right. I listen to a lot of different sounds from Ed Sheeran to Taylor Swift to Bruce Springsteen to something more poppy like One Direction, so I have a lot of different influences in my music.
08 - Where can people go to learn more about you and hear your music? = www.SammyHakim.com
From there, they can link to all of the places that have my music. Just click on the small square links to my Facebook, Twitter(@Sammy_Hakim), Youtube, and Itunes(Where I have seven songs available currently and my eighth will be released soon!)
09 - If you could play anywhere in the world or with anyone you wanted where and who would it be with? = I'd love to travel and tour the world, but I think right now my sights are set on Madison Square Garden, or maybe at the super bowl. I would want it to be with Bruce Springsteen because when I was 9 he shook my hand and gave me a guitar pic on that stage. I think it would be amazing to be like, you gave me this pic, and look what I did with it.
10 - What has been your greatest experience so far either individually or as a whole? = My greatest experience so far has been really meeting and talking with some of my fans. At one of my shows two girls even came up to me and gave me these pipe-cleaners they had bent into hearts and it just made my heart melt. I have amazing fans and I love you all so much!!!
11 - Do you have any upcoming events or news you would like to tell our readers about? = I'm releasing a new single soon, Fearless. There's not a release date out yet, but I'll be updating my Facebook and my Twitter(@Sammy_Hakim) about it as much as possible. I'm super excited about releasing Fearless. It's my favorite song I've done so far and I feel like a lot of people will be able to connect with it through many different situations. I hope you all check it out!
12 - Where do you see yourselves or hope to be in about 5 years? = I hope to be on a stage doing what I love in front of as many people as I can. I hope I'm able to touch the world with my music, inspire people, connect with people, and help them see there's always going to be a sun that come's up tomorrow as long as we all work to make this world a better place.
- Indie Channel Blog
Introducing Sammy Hakim
Submitted by Pip Ellwood on Mon, 08/06/2012 - 13:33 4 34
Sammy Hakim is a 16 year-old singer, songwriter, born and raised in Northern Virginia. She began playing the piano at the age of 4 and studying vocals in elementary school.
Her hard work and talent earned her a place in the All County Chorus, several spots performing the National Anthem at local and regional events and the prestigious Fairfax County Vocal Award.
With success as a pianist and a singer, coupled with her desire to become a professional songwriter, producer, and musician, Sammy was inspired to study additional instruments including violin, guitar and ukulele. These instruments are highly influential in how Sammy composes and arranges her original music.
Sammy began composing and arranging songs when she was 13. Sammy’s songs are inspired by her friends and real life situations. Her music reflects influences of Elvis Costello, Bruce Springsteen, John Mayer, Taylor Swift, Sammy’s and Ed Sheeran. Her soulful voice pays allegiance to Kelly Clarkson, Avril Lavigne and Carrie Underwood. Sammy, aligning herself with one of her music mentors in describing herself as an artist quotes, “I am like Elvis Costello, I write what I want, pop, county, rock, or whatever I feel. Writing and performing music is one of my deepest passions in life.” This drive and determination inspires Sammy to focus on a deeper understanding of her world and her relationships with people to create her unique brand of pop music that touches people at an emotional level seldom accomplished by young songwriters.
Sammy has performed her music at a variety of local venues including Jammin Java, The Soundry. City Sweets, Café Amouri, The Vienna Green, Growlers, Union Jacks and other events throughout the region to promote singles from her debut EP, Locked You Out, released on 10/28/2011.
Even before the album has officially been released, record executives and management firms have responded with enthusiasm, eager to receive the final product. Robert Camacho, of RC Management in Nashville, TN has this to say referencing Sammy’s songs. “I am listening as I write and can clearly say the songwriting is outstanding regardless of the writer’s age. Her voice is very elegant and poised beyond her years.”
Sammy is a member of Songwriters of Washington and Washington Area Music Association, Nashville Songwriters Association International, and WAMA. She continues to develop her craft by taking weekly piano, guitar, vocal lessons and songwriting courses through Berklee School of Music. Sammy’s other interest include, playing softball, basketball and spending time with her friends. As a final testament to Sammy’s natural aptitude and discipline, she is an honor student. - Entertainment Focus
Introducing Sammy Hakim
Submitted by Pip Ellwood on Mon, 08/06/2012 - 13:33 4 34
Sammy Hakim is a 16 year-old singer, songwriter, born and raised in Northern Virginia. She began playing the piano at the age of 4 and studying vocals in elementary school.
Her hard work and talent earned her a place in the All County Chorus, several spots performing the National Anthem at local and regional events and the prestigious Fairfax County Vocal Award.
With success as a pianist and a singer, coupled with her desire to become a professional songwriter, producer, and musician, Sammy was inspired to study additional instruments including violin, guitar and ukulele. These instruments are highly influential in how Sammy composes and arranges her original music.
Sammy began composing and arranging songs when she was 13. Sammy’s songs are inspired by her friends and real life situations. Her music reflects influences of Elvis Costello, Bruce Springsteen, John Mayer, Taylor Swift, Sammy’s and Ed Sheeran. Her soulful voice pays allegiance to Kelly Clarkson, Avril Lavigne and Carrie Underwood. Sammy, aligning herself with one of her music mentors in describing herself as an artist quotes, “I am like Elvis Costello, I write what I want, pop, county, rock, or whatever I feel. Writing and performing music is one of my deepest passions in life.” This drive and determination inspires Sammy to focus on a deeper understanding of her world and her relationships with people to create her unique brand of pop music that touches people at an emotional level seldom accomplished by young songwriters.
Sammy has performed her music at a variety of local venues including Jammin Java, The Soundry. City Sweets, Café Amouri, The Vienna Green, Growlers, Union Jacks and other events throughout the region to promote singles from her debut EP, Locked You Out, released on 10/28/2011.
Even before the album has officially been released, record executives and management firms have responded with enthusiasm, eager to receive the final product. Robert Camacho, of RC Management in Nashville, TN has this to say referencing Sammy’s songs. “I am listening as I write and can clearly say the songwriting is outstanding regardless of the writer’s age. Her voice is very elegant and poised beyond her years.”
Sammy is a member of Songwriters of Washington and Washington Area Music Association, Nashville Songwriters Association International, and WAMA. She continues to develop her craft by taking weekly piano, guitar, vocal lessons and songwriting courses through Berklee School of Music. Sammy’s other interest include, playing softball, basketball and spending time with her friends. As a final testament to Sammy’s natural aptitude and discipline, she is an honor student. - Entertainment Focus
July 31, 2012 | by Skope
Coming out of Northern Virginia, we meet Sammy Hakim. A young inspiring songwriter and compositions only 16 years old. With her style covering different genres of music. Today we interview the upcoming young star and look into the insights of this brilliant singer.
DZ: Hello Sammy, How did you came with the name Sammy Hakim? Was it a given name or was it a name you picked up as a artist?
Sammy Hakim: Well, I’m actually a Samantha, but the name was always too formal for me. Sammy is a little more fitting with my personality, so I took the nickname and ran with it. Other than that, the name is my own!
DZ: How long have you been playing music? What inspired you to do music in the first place?
Sammy Hakim: I’ve been playing music since I was a baby. My parents used to call me baby Elvis. However, I only started songwriting three years ago after my best friend was talking about how much she wanted to marry Nick Jonas. She was so insistent about it I was eventually just like, how. How are you going to marry this man you’ve never met? She shot back with a quick I’m going to be an actress. I smiled at her and was like Fine. I’ll be a famous singer. From there I wrote my first song and fell in love with it. Other than that, I’ve had a lot of inspiring moments, through emotions and the things around me, to people like Bruce Springsteen, who gave me one of his guitar picks and called me little darling when I was nine, and Elvis Costello, who taught me to do what feels right to you, not what others are telling you to play.
DZ: What was the biggest struggle being a younger artist compared to older and established artist who are already in the field?
Sammy Hakim: It can have it’s disadvantages, but I personally feel it’s more of an advantage. Sure, the older artists have the experience and exposure, but this means I have years to learn from them, as well as develop myself, to get to where they are, and exceed expectations.
DZ: Do you compose most of your own songs or do you have band, or is it a mixture of both?
Sammy Hakim: So far I compose all of my own songs. I don’t have an official band yet!
DZ: What inspired you to write the latest single “Fearless” featured on your website?
Sammy Hakim: Fearless is a combination of a lot of inspirations. There were two real things that inspired me to do it though. One being the way you feel in a relationship where you just need to get out, and the other being bullying, and the way you live in fear all of the time. People are merciless until you take a stand against them, and get help. No one deserves to live like that. We all have it in us to become Fearless.
- Skope Magazine
July 31, 2012 | by Skope
Coming out of Northern Virginia, we meet Sammy Hakim. A young inspiring songwriter and compositions only 16 years old. With her style covering different genres of music. Today we interview the upcoming young star and look into the insights of this brilliant singer.
DZ: Hello Sammy, How did you came with the name Sammy Hakim? Was it a given name or was it a name you picked up as a artist?
Sammy Hakim: Well, I’m actually a Samantha, but the name was always too formal for me. Sammy is a little more fitting with my personality, so I took the nickname and ran with it. Other than that, the name is my own!
DZ: How long have you been playing music? What inspired you to do music in the first place?
Sammy Hakim: I’ve been playing music since I was a baby. My parents used to call me baby Elvis. However, I only started songwriting three years ago after my best friend was talking about how much she wanted to marry Nick Jonas. She was so insistent about it I was eventually just like, how. How are you going to marry this man you’ve never met? She shot back with a quick I’m going to be an actress. I smiled at her and was like Fine. I’ll be a famous singer. From there I wrote my first song and fell in love with it. Other than that, I’ve had a lot of inspiring moments, through emotions and the things around me, to people like Bruce Springsteen, who gave me one of his guitar picks and called me little darling when I was nine, and Elvis Costello, who taught me to do what feels right to you, not what others are telling you to play.
DZ: What was the biggest struggle being a younger artist compared to older and established artist who are already in the field?
Sammy Hakim: It can have it’s disadvantages, but I personally feel it’s more of an advantage. Sure, the older artists have the experience and exposure, but this means I have years to learn from them, as well as develop myself, to get to where they are, and exceed expectations.
DZ: Do you compose most of your own songs or do you have band, or is it a mixture of both?
Sammy Hakim: So far I compose all of my own songs. I don’t have an official band yet!
DZ: What inspired you to write the latest single “Fearless” featured on your website?
Sammy Hakim: Fearless is a combination of a lot of inspirations. There were two real things that inspired me to do it though. One being the way you feel in a relationship where you just need to get out, and the other being bullying, and the way you live in fear all of the time. People are merciless until you take a stand against them, and get help. No one deserves to live like that. We all have it in us to become Fearless.
- Skope Magazine
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Green Room: What Makes Sammy Run?
The Green Room is a series previewing, reviewing and featuring the bands and artists that play in Vienna. Promising teen newcomer Sammy Hakim plays Jammin' Java
By Peter Gerstenzang Email the author December 4, 2011
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Sammy Hakim is full of contradictions.
One minute she seems very young, the next like a wise old soul. She loves new, mainstream acts like Adele and Lady Gaga, but says her songwriting was influenced by the New Wave sounds of the brilliantly bitter and twisted Elvis Costello. She can talk about school talent shows one minute and "learning the business side of music" the next.
Want to hear the work of this promising young singer/songwriter? You'll need to go to Jammin' Java on Sunday afternoon.
"I'm 15, but I'll be 16 in, oh, about two weeks," said Hakim in the girlish voice of a high school student. She, at once, sounds whip-smart, but also still quite capable of crushes and writing band names on her notebook. "A couple of years ago, a friend of mine said she was going to be a famous actress. So, I said, 'Okay, then, I'm going to be a famous songwriter.' I started writing songs not long after that, just to see what it would be like. And I fell totally in love with it. So, my friend started saying, 'Okay, now I'm going to be your manager!'"
She giggles, as she does frequently, knowing how improbable-but-true this sounds. But except for the fact that Hakim's mother, Pamela, is now actually managing her, the story is true.
"The first song I wrote was something called 'Believe,'" Hakim said. "I don't remember how it goes, but that's the title."
Hakim, who lives in Vienna (and has been on the Jammin Java stage before, "with a bunch of other acts"), has an impressive six song E.P. currently in release. It's got the provocative title, "Locked You Out." She writes smart, biting lyrics and decorates them with the fashionable but classic materials of folk, rock and pop. You can thank Costello for inspiring such eclecticism.
"My mom turned me onto Elvis," said Hakim, sounding like the normal teenager she is. "I love the fact that, over the years, he has adapted constantly to different styles. Classical, then rock. He's never been pigeonholed musically. Maybe that's why he's still around. He's a great role model."
One can't help but wonder which Costello tune is the favorite for this precocious teen?
"Alison, definitely," she said without hesitation.
Not just a slave to The New Wave, Hakim also "really likes" John Mayer, Lady Gaga and Adelle. And grounded kid that she is, dreams aside, she is still planning to go to college in a couple of years.
"It's good to have a foundation in your life and college can provide that," she said. "I may study some music courses, anything from production to the business side, but I am definitely planning to go. There's plenty of time for me to do what I want to do afterwards."
For now, she is just psyched to be trodding the boards at Jammin Java.'
"I've sung at school in front of other people-well, it was with the choir-and I've played at the Soundry and a few other clubs. But Jammin' Java is a really important milestone in your career. I've been on the bill with other acts there before, but this time it's cool, because I'm headlining, or whatever. Someday, I hope to sign to a major label and really be in the mainstream of the music business. But for now, it's one step at a time. And Jammin' Java is definitely the next step."
Info: Sammy Hakim will be at Jammin' Java at 2 p.m. Sunday Dec. 4. Tickets are $5. For more information, call 703-255-1566 or go to www.sammyhakim.com.
- Vienna Patch
Virginia Teen Musician Nominated in New Music Awards
By Reena Das | Yahoo! Contributor Network – Mon, May 13, 2013
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Sammy Hakim, a Virginia teenager, …
Seventeen-year-old Sammy Hakim is a Virginia native and a junior in George C. Marshall High School in Falls Church. Her songs, which she writes and performs, include singles like "Mark Me," which garnered nominations for New Music Weekly's "New Top 40 Artist" and "Breakthrough Artist" awards. Her tune "Fearless" plays on airwaves from the U.K. to the U.A.E., and it received an honorable mention in the finals of the 2013 International Songwriting Competition.
Hakim released her first EP when she was 15, and within two years, Disney's touring production of "Shake It Up" invited her to tour with the group. While her fellow classmates are wondering about their next step, Hakim will be graduating a year early from high school and will take summer and online courses with the Berklee College of Music.
I had the opportunity to interview this young artist, and she touched upon her dreams, motivations, challenges, and insecurities.
When and why did you start playing?
Hakim: I started playing when I was really little, just to play. I used to sing and play around with instruments as a toddler, but I didn't actually start piano lessons until I grew a bit older.
Is your family musical? Describe your family's musical interests and abilities.
Hakim: Occasionally! My family likes to sing with their music, nothing professional. Though I am distantly related to Johnny Cash's wife.
How would you describe your music to someone who is not familiar with you?
Hakim: I would describe my music as a mix of pop, country, and rock music -- there's a little bit of something for everybody. Also, it's fine for any age group. I get a lot of comparisons to Kelly Clarkson and Taylor Swift, so if you mix the two together, you've got me.
If you had to categorize your music, what genre would it be?
Hakim: Pop/country with a hint of rock. I have been nominated as New Top 40 artist and Breakthrough Artist for NMW. I am also a finalist in the International Songwriting Competition.
Which instruments do you play?
Hakim: I play the guitar, piano, violin, ukulele, a little bit of mandolin, and a little bit of drums.
What were the first songs you learned to play?
Hakim: The first tunes I ever learned were those of the Beatles, Elvis Costello, and Bruce Springsteen.
Which famous musicians do you admire? Why?
Hakim: I admire every famous musician for having what it takes to get there! It's a lot of hard, fun, thrilling work. However, if I had to pick one I would have to say Ed Sheeran and Elvis Costello. Both artists have a sense of control, variety, and drive that is absolutely inspiring.
Which famous musicians have you learned from?
Hakim: I've learned from Taylor Swift, Kelly Clarkson, Bruce Springsteen, Ed Sheeran, Elvis Costello, Billy Joel, the Beatles -- a bit from everybody, really. I listen to a wide variety of music and take bits and pieces of every style and person I can to learn how to create my own unique style.
What has been your biggest challenge?
Hakim: My biggest challenge has been getting professionals to listen to your music; however, I'm beginning to get their attention now. Being nominated for New Top 40 Artist and Breakthrough Artist for New Music Weekly is an honor.
Where do you usually gather songwriting inspiration? What is your usual songwriting process?
Hakim: I gather inspiration from anything, from my personal, real-life experience to my friends, family, books I read, shows I see, and things that happen around me. I hear the music and the lyrics at the same time, so I just sit down and write.
How often and for how long do you practice? How do you balance your music with other obligations?
Hakim: I practice vocals an hour a day and run through all of my songs at least once. I have a set schedule for when I'm going to do what and for how long I'm going to do it. That way, I'm able to get schoolwork and other obligations completed without stress.
What embarrassing songs might I find on your iPod?
Hakim: Depends on your definition of embarrassing! I've got everything from 'N Sync to The Ramones, and I'm proud of it!
What advice would you give to youngsters who are beginning out in music like you?
Hakim: You'll never know if you never try!
If you had the opportunity to perform with someone in the world, who would it be and why?
Hakim: Ed Sheeran, because I am absolutely amazed by his songwriting and performances. I've had the honor to see him perform once, and it will always stick with me. Not only that, it's one of my goals to do a song with him someday. He's such a talented songwriter, and I would just love to get the chance to work with him.
What are your fondest musical memories?
Hakim: There were two little girls at my show once, and they came up to me after with these hearts made out of pipe cleaners and gave them to me. It was just the sweetest thing, and they were absolutely adorable with the shy smiles on their faces ... moments like that make all the hard work worth it.
Learn more about Hakim and her music at her website, SammyHakim.com, or follow her on Twitterto find out the latest on her music career and aspirations. - Yahoo!News contributor Reena Das
"This talented young artist from Virginia has captured audiences with her music" - The Music Feed
Locked You Out
Alone on Valentine's
Mark Me
"Get a Little Closer"
My songs, Locked You Out, Stop, Fearless,Mark Me and Get a Little Closer, are all getting spins, streaming and radio airplay.

With radio singles that have charted internationally and multiple nominations as both Breakout artist and Breakout Top 40 artist, Sammy Hakim is a star on the rapid rise!
At just 18-years old, she's been booked to play with a number of major acts including Joshua Scott Jones, Gina Sicilia, Ian McLagan, and Uncle Kracker.But her riveting performances are just a part of her talent equation. In this era of mostly studio manufactured music, Sammy is a triple threat - a singer, a songwriter and a multi-instrumentalist. In 2013 , she won Songwriters Universe, the international songwriting competition, and has been named by Nashville's Songwriting Association as "one to watch" seven times in the last year!
With a wisdom that far exceeds her young age, Sammy seeks to empower the women around her. This is most eloquently demonstrated in her soul stirring hits ,"Fearless" and "Tuck Me In." Sammy also has a charitable spirit and gives a portion of her record sales back to the community. The aforementioned "Fearless", which Sammy composed at just 15-years old and was a finalist in the International Songwriting Competition, while "tuck me in" raises money for charities against domestic abuse and bullying.
Touted by Yahoo!News as "a name to remember" and by iMovieLine.com as an artist "comparable to Taylor Swift and Kelly Clarkson", Sammy Hakim will definitely be at the forefront of country pop music for many years to come.
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