Robnhood Tra
Atlanta, Georgia, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2017 | MAJOR
The best kept secret in music
With artists releasing songs at a fast and furious pace it's difficult for the average hip-hop head to keep track of it all—no matter how tapped in they are. That's why we created The Ones, a daily post to highlight the song you need to hear curated by the Levels team. We sort through all the new songs—across all the platforms and subgenres—so you don't have to. Thank us later. - Pitchfork
Still working on that hot first release.
Feeling a bit camera shy
Less than 20 miles south of Downtown Atlanta lies a College Park neighborhood so vastly different from the increasingly gentrified and tourist friendly Georgia capital, that it might as well be another world. A place unseen by news cameras, where most can’t find a way to feed their families without turning to the streets. This is the place newcomer Robnhood Tra calls home. And with the release of hisdebutmixtapeE xit66,heemergesasastreetreporter,bringinghisgrittyrealitytolifethrough music. All while fulfilling a promise made to his father hours before he died, sacrificing everything to make sure that he would never return to the streets.DuringTra’steenyears,fallingrightinthemiddleofhisparents’combined17kids,theallureofthe streetswashardtoresist.Notonlywerethealternativeslimited,butwithhismotherraisingT raand six of his siblings on her own, life made it a necessity. As only one of two sons on his mother’s side, Tra also felt responsible for taking care of his family to the best of his ability. By the time he landed in Atlanta’s Fulton County Jail on an 8-month robbery bid, he had truly earned the nickname “Robnhood” - stealing from the rich to feed the poor. But he knew that he had to find a better way to take care of his loved ones. In an hour long conversation with his father, nearing the end of his sentence, Robnhood Tra made the decision to focus on the hobby that had served as his therapy for years as he navigated the harsh reality of the streets: music. It was a decision his father fully supported,andoneT rahadbeenpreparingforallalong,writingthreefullprojects’worthofsongs during his time in jail. Sadly, the next day, just hours before finding out he was being released, Robnhood Tra received the devastating news that his father had passed away from a brain aneurysm. “That last conversation I had with my dad is what keeps me going man, for real,” he says. “When I told him I was gonna leave the streets alone, he was so proud. He told me he believed in me and that he knew I could do anything I put my mind to. That’s why that promise I made to him, to stay out of the streets? I knew when I got out, I couldn’t break that. I did whatever it took to keep the promise, I even slept in a bando, just to make sure I could pay for studio time without having to go back to the street.”Since his release, Robnhood Tra has put all of his time, efforts and energy towards honing his craft andlayingthefoundationdownforalastingcareer.Ayearlater,thereleaseofE xit66arrivedas proofthathe’sjustgettingstarted.Beyondhisunapologeticallyhonestlyrics,T rashowsofftheinnate ability to capture the emotion of each song in such a way as to make the listener truly feel what he’s lived.E xit66alsoshowcasesR obnhoodTra’srange,withsongsliketheangstfilled“8Different Drugs”standinginsharpcontrastwiththeheartfelt“F atherseed”and“SouthOnMyBack,”all proving that Robnhood Tra will have plenty to say on behalf of the Southside for a mighty long time.
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