Prime Prophecy
Brooklyn, New York, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2004
Prime Prophecy is a promising symphonic/melodic/atmospheric metal band I have discovered through Metalhead Community Submissions about 3 months ago with their irresistible song; End of the Beginning, off from their single with the same title which was released in 2019. The band is officially making releases since 2011. They have started their careers with a full-length album called; Dark Side of Heaven in 2011, Viking (Single) in 2012, End of the Beginning (Single) in 2019, and My Confession (Single) in 2020. Although these gentlemen are based in New York City, they are all European as you can also tell by listening to the vocals in their music. So please give the song a listen while reading the rest of the article.
The story of my discovery of Prime Prophecy has started with their submission on Submithub. Actually, the song has a professionally filmed, great looking music video, yet they have chosen to submit the song without the video, which I believe was a big mistake. Anyway. Whenever I am listening to a new submission, I take a look at their art/artwork and what they have noted for me. In this example, my opinion was quite negative about everything at first. I started to listen to the song and I was like; it’s just another symphonic metal band with the same kind of ideas, sections, instrumentations, and so on. Honestly, I was hopeless until I hear the game-changer moment of the song. The reason why I wanted to talk about this is that I want everybody to have an idea about submitting your music to someone, it can be a blog, label, or an agent. Briefly, End of the Beginning is a phenomenal song that totally surprised me and made me change my mind in a second only with their vocals. Honestly, guys, this is the best vocals mix I have heard for a long long time. It is so successfully balanced and mixed, you can listen to this amazing guy singing without any music on it. He is so exceptional with his voice you don’t even bother what kind of music they play. Anyway, let me go into some details for you.
When you listen to the song carefully, you’ll also realize that these gentlemen are quite experienced at what they do. They have written everything wonderfully, yet it wasn’t different or characteristic enough for my specific taste in metal music. Everything until the vocals kick in sound quite “usual” yet beautiful. And when that moment comes, Martin Wilczek starts singing in English with his non-American accent, he immediately takes everything up to Dimmu Borgir’s standards. Hands down. I am not exaggerating. I am not a music fan who is only interested in hearing the vocal melody or some shit just like pop music listeners, on the contrary, I am all about the intelligence in music. However, this example was so shockingly powerful I couldn’t stop thinking about it. There’s a lesson to be learned here. And I must admit that once again I realized how big difference a vocalist can make. In short, Prime Prophecy has the musical standards that can satisfy most of the symphonic metal listeners in this world. However, with Martin Wilczek, it’s not only a good song to listen to, now I would love to watch and listen to them at Wacken Open Air!
Technically, End of the Beginning has top-class standards in every way. Everything sounds clean, clear, natural, beautiful, magical, very well handled, mixed, mastered, and most importantly in great harmony. This is one of the best sounding symphonic metal songs I have heard for some time. I don’t know who was their producer, who mixed and mastered their music. But I can easily say that he has done a phenomenal job by understanding the band, their desire, style, and potentials. The producer also has huge credit on this exceptional outcome, especially with his overall sound mixing (balancing) and of course, with the vocal mixing. If Metalhead Community was giving awards, I’d definitely send him the best vocal mixing award without a doubt!
When I take all these into account, I’d like to say that I am super impressed by Prime Prophecy. End of the Beginning is an exceptional piece of work that has the potential to become a worldwide mainstream hit on every single rock/metal tv network and radio. This song alone might not take the band where they deserve to be in their careers because of some marketing and promotional issues, yet I am sure it will make them and their families proud all their lives!
END OF THE BEGINNING is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to those who love symphonic metal!
End of the Beginning has earned its place in our TOP METAL SONGS PLAYLIST on Spotify! Please go ahead and check out the links below if you’d like to find out more about the artist/band, follow them on social media and subscribe to their channels to show your support and also not to miss any upcoming releases.
Prime Prophecy – End of the Beginning Song Review | Metalhead Community | Heavy Metal Blog | Metal Music Magazine
In conclusion, Metalhead Community Team congratulates PRIME PROPHECY for their exceptional job in END OF THE BEGINNING and wishes them the very best in their future careers. Thank you for reading. - Metalhead Community
La symphonic metal band americana Prime Prophecy ha pubblicato il suo nuovo singolo “End Of The Beginning”. Potete ascoltarlo qui - Heavy Metal Webzine
Founded by Martin Wilczek and Peter Statkiewicz, Prime Prophecy is a 6 piece European metal outfit based in Brooklyn, New York. With a penchant for writing infectious music and relatable narratives, the band is made up of Martin Wilczek (Vocals), Peter Statkiewicz (Guitars), Darek Pakula (Guitars), Tom Tworek(Keyboards), Valerio Celentano (Bass) and Kris Niewiarowski(Drums).
Prime Prophecy is inspired by real-life experiences which greatly influences them as musicians as well as their music. The band ingeniously presents a fresh new perspective with their unique brand of music consisting of a distinctive blend of multiple styles, reaching out to a plethora of different listeners from all walks of life. The resourceful members also have a unique innate competency to ingeniously put together idiosyncratic sounds and words, creating high aptitude wordplay and breathtaking music, all while maintaining a consistent brand. Apart from being a seasoned musician, the band is also a finalist in the prestigious, Emergenza Festival, beating 120 different bands to reach the finals.
Being avid music performers, the band have also performed live at various notable music venues in the east coast including venues within the tristate, Pennsylvania as well as Chicago. Prime Prophecy is looking forward to showcasing its dynamic live performance at many more venues regionally in the near future, to entertain and engage loyal fans.
With 2 full-length albums (“Perfection Finally Has Its Price” & “Dark Side of Heaven”) and 2 singles (“End of the Beginning” & “My Confession”) currently released, Prime Prophecy has an upcoming full-length album currently in the works. Armed with big dreams and plenty of energy to spare, Prime Prophecy seeks to positively influence the world and connect with like-minded individuals through their music. The metal outfit is no doubt, well on its way to becoming one of the most phenomenal bands in this generation.
Line up:
Vocals / Martin Wilczek
Guitars / Peter Statkiewicz
Keyboards / Tom Tworek
Drums / Kris Niewiarowski
Guitars / Darek Pakula
Bass / Valerio Celentano - Extreminal
Featured Video by Prime Prophecy "My Confession" - Rocker Magazine
American Symphonic Metal band Prime Prophecy released their new single End Of The Beginning. The single was recorded, mixed and mastered by Krzysztof Bucko in Prophecy Studio.
With End Of The Beginning Prime Prophecy presents a taster for their new record they now working on and that will be released in the summer 2020. Prime Prophecy has a classic yet modern approach to Symphonic Metal. The pretty meaningful lyrics add a touch of something special to this progressive concept album, never obvious and never shallow.
The music is surrounding the listeners with strong riffs, epic strings section, in this song just like in the entire album. Prime Prophecy’s new album can be considered as a movie soundtrack!?
Prime Prophecy was formed in 2004 at Brooklyn, New York by Martin Wilczek (vocals) and Peter Statkiewicz (guitar). The band released 2 albums – Perfection Finally Has Its Price (2006) and Dark Side Of Heaven (2011). - Permafrost.Today
Trupa americana Prime Prophecy (Symphonic Metal) a lansat single-ul “End of the Beginning”. Acesta a fost inregistrat, mixat si masterizat de Krzysztof Bucko @ Prophecy Studio.
Prime Prophecy a luat fiinta in anul 2004 in Brooklyn, New York, la initiativa muzicienilor Martin Wilczek [voce] si Peter Statkiewicz [chitara].
Discografia formatiei cuprinde doua albume – “Perfection Finally Has Its Price” aparut in 2006 si “Dark Side of Heaven” lansat in 2011.
In acest moment, americanii lucreaza la un nou album, ce va fi disponibil in vara acestui an.
Martin Wilczek – voce
Peter Statkiewicz – chitara
Tom Tworek – keyboards
Kris Niewiarowski -tobe
Darek Pakula – chitara
Valerio Celentano – bass - Bloody News Romania
American Symphonic Metal band Prime Prophecy released their new single «End of the Beginning». The single was recorded, mixed and mastered by Krzysztof Bucko in “Prophecy Studio”.
Prime Prophecy was formed in 2004 at Brooklyn, New York by Martin Wilczek (vocals) and Peter Statkiewicz (guitar). The band released 2 albums – “Perfection Finally Has Its Price” (2006) and “Dark Side of Heaven” (2011). The band now work on their new album that will be released in summer 2020. - Latvian Rock Music Association
Już w Najbliższy Piątek 22 Marca w Copernicus Center tuż przed Lady Pank wystąpi znany Polonii zespół Prime Prophecy. Będzie to ich pierwszy występ w Chicago od długiego czasu.
Prime Prophecy to progresywny zespół metalowy z Brooklynu założony w 2005 roku przez wokalistę Narcina Wilczka i gitarzystę Piotra Statkiewicza. Pozostali członkowie zespołu to Tom Tworek na klawiszach, Valerio Celentano na bazie, Darek Pakula grający na gitarze rytmicznej i Chris Niewiarowski na perkusji. W 2006 r. Prime Prophecy wydało swój pierwszy album „Perfection Finally Has Its Price” który otrzymał bardzo pozytywną opinię przemysłu muzycznego. Pięć lat później ich drugi album „Dark Side of Heaven” dał zespołowi nowe inspiracje i możliwości na przyszłość. Album otrzymał wiele pozytywnych opinii od fanów na całym świecie co zainspirowało zespół zespół do kontynuowania swojej pracy. W ciągu kilku lat Prime Prophecy zagrało wiele koncertów przed wielkimi jak i małymi publikami wzdłuż wschodniego wybrzeża, a także na obszarze Chicago. Prime Prophecy wspierał także wiele znanych zespołów w miejscach takich jak Best Buy Theatre, Webster Hall, Warsaw, i wielu innych. Każde koncert jest nowym doświadczeniem dla wiernych fanów zespołu i pozostawia im niezapomniane wspomnienia. Jednym z głównych osiągnięć Prime Prophecy było dojście do finału amerykańskiej edycji światowego festiwalu Emergenza, który odbył się w Webster Hall w Nowym Jorku. Grupa konkurowała ze 120 innymi zespołami, wygrywając drogę do finału. W sierpniu 2011 roku ukazał się singiel „Viking” który został napisany dla Mariusza Wacha zawodowego boksera wagi ciężkiej. „Viking” stał się jego oficjalną piosenką wstępu na ring. Obecnie Prime Prophecy kończy swój trzeci album, który ma zostać wydany wiosną 2020 roku. - Gram X Promotions
Prime Prophecy Lanza Nuevo video y single "End of the Beginning" - Cresta Metalica
My Confession Single 2020
End of the Beginning Single 2019
Viking Single 2012
Dark Side of Heaven Album 2011
Perfection Finally Has Its Price Album 2006

Founded by Martin Wilczek and Peter Statkiewicz, Prime Prophecy is a 6 piece European metal outfit based in Brooklyn, New York. With penchant for writing infectious music and relatable narratives, the band is made up of Martin Wilczek (Vocals), Peter Statkiewicz (Guitars), Darek Pakula (Guitars), Tom Tworek(Keyboards), Valerio Celentano (Bass) and Kris Niewiarowski(Drums).
Prime Prophecy is inspired by real life experiences which greatly influences them as musicians as well as their music. The band ingeniously presents a fresh new perspective with their unique brand of music consisting of a distinctive blend of multiple styles, reaching out to a plethora of different listeners from all walks of life. The resourceful members also have a unique innate competency to ingeniously put together idiosyncratic sounds and words, creating high aptitude word play and breathtaking music, all while maintaining a consistent brand. Apart from being a seasoned musicians, the band is also a finalist in the prestigious, Emergenza Festival, beating 120 different bands to reach the finals.
Being avid music performers, the band have also performed live at various notable music venues in the east coast including venues within the tristate, Pennsylvania as well as Chicago. Prime Prophecy is looking forward to showcasing their dynamic live performance at many more venues regionally in the near future, to entertain and engage loyal fans.
With 2 full length albums (“Perfection Finally Has Its Price” & “Dark Side of Heaven”) and 2 singles (“End of the Beginning” & “My Confession”) currently released, Prime Prophecy has an upcoming full length album currently in the works. Armed with big dreams and plenty of energy to spare, Prime Prophecy seeks to positively influence the world and connect with like-minded individuals through their music. The metal outfit is no doubt, well on their way to becoming one of the most phenomenal bands in this generation.
Line up:
Vocals / Martin Wilczek
Guitars / Peter Statkiewicz
Keyboards / Tom Tworek
Drums / Kris Niewiarowski
Guitars / Darek Pakula
Bass / Valerio Celentano