The best kept secret in music
Orlando Luckey was interviewed on Power 93, WAKW FM 93.3 (Cincinnati, OH). We will try to make available clips of this 1/2 hour interview. - WAKW 93.3 FM
Knock it Off - (at www.cdbaby.com) - 2010
The Light of Christmas - (at www.cdbaby.com) - 2009
Power - (at www.cdbaby.com) - 2007
Do What I Love - (at www.cdbaby.com) - 2006
Media Music - (at www.cdbaby.com) - 2006
Unplug - (at www.cdbaby.com) - 2005
Redemption (at www.cdbaby.com)- 2004
The Realm (at www.cdbaby.com) - 2002
Colors I Dream - 2000
Prophecy - 1997
Feeling a bit camera shy
Piano. Drums. Bass. Guitar. Sax. Orlando Luckey plays all these and more, but live he plays keys and guitar. His music ranges from drum-driven pop sounds, to piano and acoustic guitar ballads. His strong, energetic voice delivers songs that move you, make you smile. Then there are some that relaxes you, makes you ponder. When he sits at his keyboards or a grand piano, the atmosphere changes, as the music draws you in.
Orlando has played in venues from Ohio, to Michigan, Washington, D.C., to New York, including just grabbing his acoustic guitar and going on to Times Square and drawing quite a crowd! He has performed at various Family Christian Bookstores, Berean Christian Bookstores, at Borders Books, Miami University, Fountain Square, and many other venues throughout. He has done studio work on over 12 albums, and has released 5 solo projects. He has shared the stage with the likes of Rebecca St. James and the Katinas, and has been interviewed in KAOS newspaper (Miami University Ohio), The Downtowner (Cincinnati), Cornerstone Christian Newspaper, and numerous times on Cincinnati radio station WAKW FM 93.3.
Take a listen to his sound clips and enjoy the energy and passion in his music!