Nashville Side Streets
Bands we've booked
Our Venues
All our video is shot in true HD format (1920x1080) by 3 professional SONY video cameras on a fiber optic line, with no line noise and RME sound cards for the best quality. Anyone can watch it in any format with enjoyable visuals and sound. Each show features live music from original artists, interviews and stories.
We are seeking extraordinary talent--creative original music that sounds different.
Join us for our live interactive worldwide house concerts! Viewers can email/tweet us live & ask questions, comment, or make a request. We read all messages on air, creating a memorable event where everyone can participate. We've had the best response when our guest artist promotes on social media simultaneously with our own social media promotion. We also pre-record live to accommodate artists/bands from out of town.
We've had guests from all parts of the world, from a dozen different countries. Visit our Archives to see some of the artists we've had: http://www.nashvillesidestreets.com/showarchives.html
Booking: 3 bands per month
About Nashville Side Streets
“In this house you’re never alone because music makes this house its home.”
We've been up & running now for about 2½ years. We've had talent from all over the world in our studio from the US, Canada, UK and beyond.
I’ve been a musician for over 40 years & I knew there was some extraordinary talent out there, but I had no idea how gifted these people are.
Myself & Nancy, my wife & co-producer of the show, feel blessed to let the whole world see & hear great talent you might not otherwise experience.
As producer of the show, & musician/artist as well, it gives me great hope for the future of music. There's a huge number of artists hopping on the “INDEPENDENT” band wagon so they can keep more of the profits in their own pockets which “I totally believe in”.
We receive many emails during our shows asking questions of the performers. It helps the viewer personally get to know them & their music. We've also had many artist relation companies send us people for the show & join our mailing list.
Nancy & I have been complimented many times on the comfortable feeling of the room as well as the brilliant audio & visual. Many artists perform with their shoes off which makes them feel more at home. It humbles us to know we're doing our end to make artists feel at ease & look & sound their best.
We shoot & broadcast in full HD worldwide; the sound is coming from the front room of a house that I personally tuned, as you would any studio, for optimal sound & visual quality.
We're always looking for talent, so if you'd like to audition, apply here.
Nancy & I are looking forward to another great year. We'd like to thank y’all for tuning in & spreading the word.
Email us & keep an eye out for the new Nashville Side Streets van as we travel through the US to find more “exceptional hidden talent”.
Ronnie Dean, Producer
Nancy Hanson, Co-Producer