Mark Jungers
San Marcos, Texas, United States
I'll See You Again - Mark Jungers (5 Stars)
Keeping up with Texas singer-songwriters is a full time job in itself, as fast as one fails, in FARster Calvin Powers' words, "the authenticity sniff test," two or three more take his or her place.
Even though I knew good people like David Obermann and Jim Beal Jr admired Jungers, he somehow never came up on my radar, even after 20 years as a songwriter, putting out seven albums. For this I apologize to him and you, because I really should not have been so remiss.
One reason, I won't say excuse, is that, based in Martindale, TX, Jungers mostly plays Hill Country venues with his long time band, The Whistlin' Mules, who back him here, along with Gurf Morlix pedal steel and baritone guitar, Gabe Rhodes accordion, all-purpose Canadian fiddler Jessica Hana Deutsch and Ben Balmer harmonica and vocals.
Even leaving the songs aside, the arrangements alone have a deeply satisfying organic feel, add in world weary vocals and gritty backcountry songs that cover betrayal, disillusionment, doings way too far back in the boonies for comfort, regrets, letting go, hocking mother's silverware to buy a cheap guitar, working and getting nowhere, well, let's just say that aren't too many unicorns and butterflies in Jungers' songs.
The opening I'll Be Home made me think of Lipstick, Lies & Gasoline era Fred Eaglesmith, but, with a rhythmic blend of country, folk and rock, Jungers easily passes Calvin's authenticity sniff test. JC
JC, Third Coast Music Network, 2014-08-02 - John Conquest
Still working on that hot first release.
Feeling a bit camera shy
In life and in art, Mark Jungers is a reality dealer. A trailblazing Americana singer, songwriter and musician with By God sod busting roots, Jungers lays out the perils, the pitfalls and the pleasures of life in equal measure. And, accompanied by a like-minded music-making crew, Jungers uses a mixture of country, folk, rock and more to get that reality across with soul, conviction and a solid backbeat.
Jim Beal, Jr.
Freelance music journalist
KSYM- Third Coast Music Network DJ
On his 7th release, "I’ll See You Again," Mark Jungers spins tales of fate, misconception, conditional and unconditional love; and murder. With the gray-colored populist sentiments of Woody Guthrie to the black as night swings of Cohen, the songs are strong and reminiscent of Petty, Young, or Cash (Unchained).
Life is the fallout of good and bad decisions. Would things be different if you hadn’t moved away? Did you make the right choice? Such are the matter-of-fact questions raised in "I Don’t Want To Live There."
The song, "Johnson Farm," recounts a desolate family who lives down a small country road, just past a cemetery. The youngest daughter dies in a gun accident, driving the father over that emotional cliff, where he takes the lives of the rest of the family and then, himself.
On being the hardworking underdog, Mark relates the everyday trappings that the working class lives with in "Working Like a Dog." He meets his audience head to head here, because so many feel the constant looming storm of working paycheck to paycheck, doing jobs nobody wants.
As with all of Mark’s CDs, there is
no sameness to the tracks on this latest album, but they all reflect a common
life thread that connects, and Jungers accomplishes this with an instantly
appealing roots music approach.
Mark Jungers' songs are full of finely developed characters, whose beautiful desparation shine through the authenticity of Jungers' voice. Texan, via Minnesota, Jungers has honed his rock tinged country songs for the last 20 or so years.
... Songs like, "I Don't Want To Live There" and "Do You Still Care" are perfect examples why more folks should be aware of Mark Jungers.
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