Love Echo
San Francisco, California, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2014 | INDIE
Das luxemburgisch-amerikanische Duo Love Echo hat
Über 70.000-Mal wurde das von dem luxemburgisch-amerikanischen Synt-Pop-Duo Love Echo eingespielte The Cure-Cover „Lovecats“ mittlerweile auf dem Musik-Portal Soundcloud angeklickt. Das Covern des weltberühmten Titels, der selbstverständlich den Sprung auf das Anfang dieses Jahres veröffentlichte Debütalbum des Duos geschafft hat, erwies sich als adäquates Mittel, um als Nobody die Aufmerksamkeit der gesamten Online-Musik-Community auf sich zu lenken und den Appetit der Hörer auf das eigene Material anzuheizen. Zum Jahreswechsel legen der Luxemburger Soundtüftler Vic Miranda und die in Japan lebende und arbeitende US-amerikanische Sängerin Vicki Glass nach und veröffentlichen mit „The Scientist“ ein neues Cover, um ihre neue, Anfang 2014 zu erwartende EP „Next to the Night“ an zu kündigen.
Stammt das Original nicht etwa von… Coldplay? Richtig. Miranda und Glass unternahmen für die neueste Aufnahme keinen Ausflug in die Retro-Gefilde der Achtziger, sondern nahmen sich einen Titel zur Brust, der 2002 von der Band um Frontsänger Chris Martin als Single veröffentlicht wurde.
Kompositorische Wiedergeburt
Ähnlich wie bei The Cures „Lovecats“ verwischen die beiden Musiker fast alle Fährten, die den Hörer auf die Spur des Originals führen könnten. Ein nüchternes Klavierintro als Prolog zum echohaften Gesang von Frontfrau Vicki Glass, der Chris Martins narkotisierende Stimme schnell vergessen machen lässt.
Unter Glasses stimmlicher Federführung entwickelt der Titel eine kompositorische Wiedergeburt und eröffnet Soundmacher Miranda neue, klangliche Interpretationsmöglichkeiten.
Anders als bei „Love Cats“ packt der Musiker und Produzent diese Gelegenheiten, die sich ihm bieten, nicht beim Schopf. Die elektronischen Sounds klingen oftmals wie willkürlich zwischen die Gesangparts gestreut, haben nicht das nötige Potenzial, um das Gerüst des Titels zu bilden. Nichtsdestotrotz handelt es sich bei „The Scientist“ um eine hörenswerte Neu-Interpretation des abgelutschten Coldplay-Gassenhauers. Nur fehlt ihr jene Prise Pop-Genialität, die jede Note von „Lovecats“ durchdringt.
„The Scientist“ können Sie unter folgendem Link gratis downloaden: tinyurl.com/loveecho
journal.lu - 01.01.2014
http://www.journal.lu/article/popwissenschaften/ - Letzebuerger Journal
What's so good?
I've been a big fan of Love Echo ever since the duo released an awesome cover of The Cure's "Lovecats" last summer. Vic Miranda and Vicki Glass have an ear for blending emotional dream pop with warm, somewhat experimental electronica. For further proof, please take a few minutes to enjoy Love Echo's recent rework of Coldplay's "The Scientist."
The other day I found myself somewhat unconsciously reciting lyrics from "The Scientist." So it makes sense that out of nowhere a unique and admirable cover of the track would surface online. Coldplay is one of those bands that everyone reworks, which makes Love Echo's cover that much more commendable. It stands out to me as both original and complimentary to the original song. What are your thoughts?
Love Echo's cover of "The Scientist" is available for free download onSoundCloud.
By Sean O | Dec 13, 2013 | Total plays: 24,539 - indieshuffle
FZB favorites Love Echo are releasing a new EP in January titled Next to the Night. They have given us an advance taste with their stunning cover of Coldplay's The Scientist. The duo of Vic Miranda and Vicki Glass just get better every time we hear them. It's no easy feat covering a song so entrenched with the persona of the original artist. Love Echo pull this off effortlessly, lending their own unique style and vibe to the track. If this track is any indication, the new EP will be a killer. - Floorshime Zipper Boots
Mesmerizing dream pop from Love Echo.
Tokyo/Luxembourg-based duo Love Echo will release their debut album I Promise You Always the Sky tomorrow (January 28, 2013). Made up of members producer Vic Miranda and vocalist Vicki Glass, the duo first caught attention with a cover of The Cure‘s “Lovecats”, which garnered 40 000 listens via their Soundcloud page alone. Listen to their cover of the song and check out another single, “Daybreak”.
Vicki Glass on “Lovecats”:
“I have always really loved that song and wanted to do a slower, more sensual version of it. I pitched the idea of covering it to Vic, but he thought this project should have a ‘no covers’ policy and had never heard the song. I sent him my vocal track anyway, and the fact that he didn’t know the song turned out to be a great blessing, because he was able to create a completely original and wildly beautiful piano-laden track for it.” - Ear Buddy
Sängerin Vicki Glass über das neue Werk des Popduos Love Echo
Vor etwas mehr als einem Jahr veröffentlichte das in Tokyo lebende amerikanisch-luxemburgische Pop-Duo Love Echo seinen ersten Longplayer „I promise you always the sky“, seit ein paar Tagen steht ihre neue EP „Next to the Night“ im virtuellen Regal des iTunes-Store. Es habe sich nach der Veröffentlichung des Debütalbums so viel Material angesammelt, dass man sich zur Veröffentlichung einer EP entschieden habe, erklärt Sängerin Vicki Glass. Als Appetitanreger für die Vier-Titel-Scheibe wurde mit „The Scientist“ eine Coverfassung eines Coldplay-Songs veröffentlicht und als Gratis-Download ins Netz gestellt. Nach „Lovecats“ von The Cure hat sich das Duo Vicki Glass/ Vic Miranda erneut entschieden, eine Platte mit einer Cover-Fassung anzukündigen. Geht es nach dem Willen von Sängerin Vicki Glass, dann dürfen noch einige weitere Coverversionen folgen. „Von mir aus können wir gerne noch ein paar andere Songs covern; Cover Nummer drei ist übrigens schon in der Mache. Ich werde allerdings noch nicht verraten, um welchen Titel es handelt“, erklärt die Musikerin im Interview. „The Scientist“ habe man, genauso wie „Lovecats“, auf ihren Wunsch aufgenommen. Bei einem Cover ginge es auf gar keinen Fall darum, das Original zu toppen, sondern vielmehr darum ihm einen neuen Look zu verpassen.
Kein Auftritt in Luxemburg
Das Duo vermeidet aber, auf Teufel komm raus ein Cover auf jeder Platte unter zu bringen. Jedes gecoverte Lied müsse thematisch zum Konzept der Platte passen, so Vicki Glass. Alle vier Titel der Platte handeln vom Lieben und Verlieren; die Texte stammen erneut allesamt aus der Feder der Sängerin, der Luxemburger Vic Miranda bastelte aus seinen elektronischen Sounds Kompositionen. Glass behandelt in den Songs die Schattenseiten ihres Nomadenlebens als Künstlerin: „Es ist verdammt schwer die zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen aufrecht zu halten, wenn man, wie ich stets unterwegs ist“, so Vicki Glass. Für die Aufnahmen verwendeten die beiden Musiker ihr eigenes Equipment, Tonstudios brauchten sie keine zu buchen: „Wir nehmen dort auf, wo wir uns gerade befinden“, erklärt Vicki Glass. Das kann in Japan sein oder aber auch in Portugal, wo Love Echo vor einiger Zeit auf einem Festival spielteN. Die Band, die trotz ihrer direkten Verbindung zu Luxemburg noch nie die Gelegenheit bekommen hat, in Luxemburg auf zu treten, würde gerne mehr Konzerte geben. Als nächstes wird das Duo mit „Hope“ eine zweite Single auskoppeln, irgendwann gibt es dann den einen oder anderen Remix der neuen Songs.
www.facebook.com/LoveEchoMusic - Letzebuerger Journal
I can’t believe it’s already been this long, but approximately one year ago we posted Love Echo’s extraordinary attempt at covering The Cure’s “Lovecats”. They’ve proven to be quite good at reinventing other artist’s tracks as they’ve been getting a ton of acclaim for their more recent cover of Coldplay’s “The Scientist”. That cover is featured on their brand new Next To The Night EP plus three other exceptionally chill jams. The opening track “Hope” is the absolute epitome of a song fitted for the chillwave genre. It’s soothing vibes are complimented by the lovely and delicate vocals from master beatmaker Vic Miranda’s counterpart, Vicki Glass. Together these two have got something quite special going with their Love Echo project and I absolutely can’t wait to see how they continue to expand and evolve in the coming future. - Lower Frequencies
The Tokyo via Luxembourg duo of vocalist Vicki Glass and Vic Miranda craft luscious bubbles of dream pop under the name of Love Echo, and here have covered The Cure’s ‘Lovecats’ in a highly individualistic and engaging way.
How? Well, partly through a lack of perspicacity as Vic had never listened to the track prior to recording – instead relying on Vicki’s swooning vocals, thus allowing a beautiful insurrectionary take on Robert Smith’s classic track. It’s taken from upcoming album I Promise You Always the Sky that’s a joyful bucolic journey amid a woozy headspace – be sure to check out the track ‘We’ on Love Echo’s Soundcloud too.
I Promise You Always the Sky is out January 28th via Portuguese label LebensStrasse Records (also home to Sun Glitters and Slow Magic). - The 405
Prometemos que a boa música não acaba em 2013.
Os Love Echo chegam-nos da madrugada: cansaço pós-laboral, insónia, ennui potenciado pela falta de qualidade das séries televisivas a estas horas, mundo virtual sem nada que nos valha, e de repente uma melodia suave, uma batida quase cardíaca e uma voz de cristal – não, não é um trocadilho com o nome de Vicki Glass, uma das metades deste duo de Tóquio, de Paris, de Lisboa, do Luxemburgo, do Mundo, que lança o seu disco de estreia pela LebensStrasse quando ainda estamos todos a pensar em 2012.Comparsas do mui estimado Sun Glitters, os Love Echo agem como uma espécie de contraponto do produtor luso-descendente; se este é a banda-sonora de um final de tarde na praia, os Love Echo são-no do sonho do dia seguinte, da brisa suave de verão que nos enche o peito durante a noite, do regresso a casa após festa brava numa pista de dança. O mote é a electrónica, chamem-lhe pós-chillwave, pós-dubstep, pós-o-que-quiserem. É música, boa música. É “Departure”, quase-balada com as teclas em plano de destaque.
Mais do que da produção de Vic Miranda fale-se da voz de Vicki, que não só complementa os beats do português como impede que as canções se tornem estanques – isto é, que se limitem a uma ideia de electrónica que mesmo agradável se torna repetitiva à quarta ou quinta audições. I Promise You Always The Sky é um compêndio de malhas para durar mais do que os quinze segundos habituais de fama da música na Internet de hoje, seja com a óptima versão de “The Lovecats” (dos enormes Cure), através do sussurro It’s all a lucid dream… em “Eligy”, por via da luxuosa “Hush” ou cavalgando os ritmos industriais de “Control”. Aprovadíssimo. - bodyspace.net
ポルトガルのLebensStrasseからSun Glitters, Slow Magicに続くドリームポッププロジェクトLove Echoのデビューアルバム『I Promise You Always The Sky』が12月にリリース予定。Love EchoはVic MirandaとVicki Glassによる男女デュオで、Facebookなどのプロフィールには出身地が東京、パリ、ルクセンブルク、リスボンとありますが、東京にどの様な縁があるかは詳細把握できておりません。レーベルプレスではギターを削ぎ落としたCocteau Twinsと紹介されてますが、Keep Shelly In Athensのファンにも受け入れられそうな女性ボーカルと、昨今のシンセポップ~チルウェイブを通過したドリームポップサウンドが魅力的な全10トラックを収録。アルバムから現在”We”とThe Cureの”Lovecats“のカバーが公開されてます。世界に先駆け日本と台湾で12月にリリース開始予定との事で、他国では来年1月のリリースが予定されてます。 - The Stone Records
With only two tracks released under their name, Love Echo is a new project with producer, Vic Miranda and singer, Vicki Glass. For the most part they’ve been pretty mysterious about what they’re doing, but when they released their cover of “Lovecats”, a song by The Cure, many people took notice. Corresponding with The GROUND Magazine, Love Echo talks about their project, inspiration behind their name, and what they see for their future.
How did the two of you decide to get together to start this project?
Vicki: We were talking about how music has seemed to have lost its beauty, and decided to try to make something that we loved . Vic first came up with a charmingly seductive track full of synth lines, and I added some words and vocals to it. It all came together rather quickly. We did it just for our own amusement at first, but we liked what we heard and decided to do more tracks, which also came together almost immediately. From there we thought we’d do an EP, and when we did “The Lovecats” track, we put it out there as a teaser for it. We had no idea that people would like it as much as we do, and are awestruck and extremely humbled by the attention it’s getting.
Why did you name this project Love Echo?
Vicki: We came up with the name pretty much the same time that we were talking about how music has lost its beauty. We wanted a name that would describe what we are trying to do with this project. We sort of wished we could just call the project “love”, but obviously that sounded a bit too much like a title for a compilation album of greatest love songs of the ‘70s. So we added “echo” to give the project a sort of gentle, breathy, feminine image of spreading love. And now it probably sounds more like a title for a compilation album of greatest love songs of the ‘80s.
So you’re currently working on your debut album, how is that going? What should people expect to hear?
Vic: The album is currently being pressed. We’re hoping people will find it so chill they’ll get goosebumps.
Who and what were your influences for this project?
Vicki: Midnight, sunflowers, lucid dreaming and kittens. And an occasional pint of vanilla ice cream.
What are you currently listening to now?
Vicki: Porcelain Raft and Franz Schubert’s Sonata for Piano in A major, D. 959
Vic: Various golden era hip-hop and Stephan Bodzin.
You released a wonderful teaser into your music, a cover of The Love Cats by The Cure, how did you decide to pick that song?
Vicki: I have always really loved that song and wanted to do a slower, more sensual version of it. I pitched the idea of covering it to Vic, but he thought this project should have a “no covers” policy and had never heard the song. I sent him my vocal track anyway, and the fact that he didn’t know the song turned out to be a great blessing, because he was able to create a completely original and wildly beautiful piano-laden track for it.
What do you love the most about music?
Vicki: Its passion, its ability to move people in incredible ways.
What are your plans for the future for Love Echo?
Vicki: We’re really just taking this project day by day. We’ll probably be touring in the immediate future, and we’re still making tracks, eating loads of ice cream and cuddling kitties. Maybe there’s a second album in there somewhere, but we’re not thinking too far ahead and are just hoping that at least a track or two on our debut release will touch a few people. - The GROUND Magazine
Ainda no rescaldo do concerto épico de 3 horas dos The Cure no Optimus Alive, apresentamos os Love Echo e a sua mais recente interpretação do clássico de 1983 “The Lovecats”, da banda britânica.
A dupla formada pelo produtor português Vic Miranda e a vocalista Vicki Glass, é dona de uma sonoridade vaporosa, fresca e repleta de luz. Inspirada noutras revelações post-chillwave como Slow Magic, Sun Glitters ou Clams Casino, a produção de Vic evoca fragmentos de memórias perdidas, num rendilhado de ruídos crocantes e teclados melancólicos que abraçam com suavidade orgânica a voz aveludada de Vicki. O resultado embala-nos num sussurro entre o sonho e a realidade com um sorriso palerma estampado na cara. - PUNCH
Love Echo are a duo consisting of Vic Miranda and Vicki Glass – and they’ve just released a new cover of The Cure’s ‘The Love Cats’! Vic provides the dreamy sounds and production and Vicki provides the equally dreamy vocals. The band list the title as just one word – ‘Lovecats’ and it’s only the second song/ single that the duo has released, following ‘We’ which came out in May.
The Cure released ‘The Love Cats’ as a single in 1983 – it became their first top ten single it the U.K. – and it later appeared on their compilation of early singles and b-sides called ‘Japanese Whispers’. While the lyrics are completely intact on Love Echo’s version – they’re delivered in a much more sultry fashion – and the music has an altogether different feel.
There’s no jazzy bits or any of Robert Smith’s ‘bah bat da buh’s – just the hypnotic piano over a slow beat with some additional atmospheric synths. It’s quite the transformation really – it’s a lullaby now – not to be confused with The Cure song called ‘Lullaby’!
If this fine cover is to your liking it’s available for purchase on their Bandcamp page here: http://lovecho.bandcamp.com/album/lovecats and you can keep up with the duo on Facebook m’here: http://www.facebook.com/LoveEchoMusic - SummersRadio™
Love Echo, ente dream pop europeo formado por Vic Miranda y Vicki Glass, revela la narcotizada Lovecats, delicada correspondencia de telepatía inscrita en la piel de un cover al tema new wave original de The Cure, The Lovecats de 1983. La bella revisitación nos introduce a la cremosa textura de un lullaby susurrante habitado por vocales afrutadas y visiones desorientadoras de amantes felinos, descubiertos por el pulso sonámbulo de sintetizadores post chillwave y el conjuro de bruma originado en la sofisticada melodía de un angélico piano. - Felinno
Love Echo slows down The Cure’s “Love Cats” on mystical electropop cover
Electropop project Love Echo (producer Vic Miranda and singer Vicki Glass) has recorded a fresh cover of The Cure‘s “The Love Cats” — and renamed it “Lovecats.” Love Echo’s version is a slowed-down, murky, and mystical-sounding electropop take on the original, and it could almost fit into the electronic subgenre of chillwave. This gives the track a sleek new ethos, one that I highly enjoy — “The Love Cats” is actually one of my favorite tunes by The Cure. Stream the cover below.
https://soundcloud.com/loveechomusic/lovecats - The Tune
Love Echo – Lovecats (The Cure Cover)
Eigentlich bin ich ja ziemlich skeptisch was das Covern von großartigen Bands der Musikgeschichte angeht – erst recht bei The Cure. Bei diesem Lovecats-Rework des Post-Chillwave-Duos Love Echo (bestehend aus Vic Miranda und Vicki Glass) war diese anfängliche Skepsis allerdings komplett fehl am Platze und hat sich bereits nach den ersten Sekunden nach dem Betätigen des Playknopfes in riesengroße Begeisterung umgewandelt. Ich hoffe wir werden in Zukunft noch viel mehr von den beiden hören, denn ihr Lovecats Cover ist wunderschön und absolut zu Recht schon in meiner Favoritenliste.
Love Echo on Facebook | Soundcloud
Love Echo – Lovecats (The Cure Cover)
Eigentlich bin ich ja ziemlich skeptisch was das Covern von großartigen Bands der Musikgeschichte angeht – erst recht bei The Cure. Bei diesem Lovecats-Rework des Post-Chillwave-Duos Love Echo (bestehend aus Vic Miranda und Vicki Glass) war diese anfängliche Skepsis allerdings komplett fehl am Platze und hat sich bereits nach den ersten Sekunden nach dem Betätigen des Playknopfes in riesengroße Begeisterung umgewandelt. Ich hoffe wir werden in Zukunft noch viel mehr von den beiden hören, denn ihrLovecats Cover ist wunderschön und absolut zu Recht schon in meiner Favoritenliste. - Passionparty Blog
Vic Miranda jest producentem, Vicki Glass wokalistką i oboje pochodzą z Luksemburga. W zeszłym roku połączyli swoje siły i stworzyli projekt pod nazwą Love Echo, którego dźwięki osadzone są w różnych szufladach. Sami założyciele określają je jako: post-dreampop, post-chillwave, post-electro-indie-pop, post-post-twee, post-traumatic-stress-disorder. Słuchacze natomiast wspominają o ich dotychczasowej twórczości określeniami: zmysłowa kołysanka, dźwięki spokojnej, głębokiej nocy.
Pod nazwą Love Echo do tej pory pojawiło się kilka utworów, natomiast duet ogłosił, iż ich debiutancki krążek zatytułowany I Promise You Always the Sky pojawi się już niebawem. Premiera tego materiału zapowiedziana jest na 28 stycznia. Album zostanie wydany za pośrednictwem wytwórni LebensStrasse Records, która ma pod swoimi skrzydłami takich muzyków jak Sun Glitters i Slow Magic.
Do premiery zostały zaledwie dwa tygodnie, tymczasem posłuchajcie najnowszego utworu Hush:
https://soundcloud.com/loveechomusic/love-echo-hush - musicis.pl
Das amerikanisch-luxemburgische Musik-Duo „Love Echo“ im Interview
Soziale Netzwerke können Fluch und Segen zugleich sein. Im Falle des Musikduos „Love Echo“ trifft dann doch eher letzteres zu. Musikproduzent Vic Miranda aus Luxemburg und die gebürtige US-Amerikanerin Vicki Glass haben sich im Netz kennen gelernt. Beim ersten virtuellen Beschnuppern wurde beiden sehr schnell klar, dass sie sich beide in der gleichen musikalischen Ecke wohlfühlen. 2012 gründeten sie ihr Electropop-Duo „Love Echo“, seit Kurzem ist ihr Debütalbum „I promise you always the sky“ online wie auch als physische Kopie erhältlich. Miranda zog jahrelang als Diskjockey durch die Luxemburger Nächte und verpasste als Remixer auch den Tracks luxemburgischer Bands eine neue Physiognomie.
Im Bereich der elektronischen Musik, speziell Techno, sei die Konkurrenz ziemlich hart im Moment, so Miranda, da viele Produzenten und DJs lieber am globalen Einheitsbrei mitkochen, als neue Rezepte auszuprobieren. „Ich wollte eine andere Richtung einschlagen, habe ein Projekt angekurbelt, mit dem wir ein breiteres Publikum ansprechen können“, so der Soundtüftler.
Diese Rechnung ging auf Anhieb mit dem ersten Titel „Lovecats“ auf, den Miranda und die Wahl-Japanerin Glass ins Netz setzten. Den Coversong des „The Cure“-Klassikers klickten binnen den ersten 14 Tagen über 20.000 User an; „heute sind es schon um die 44.000“, so Vic Miranda. Der Produzent kannte die Band, jedoch nicht den Song. Glass wiederum ist eine Verehrerin der Truppe um Leadsänger Robert Smith. „Ich mag den Titel wegen seines Textes sehr“, so die Künstlerin, die seit geraumer Zeit in Tokyo lebt und arbeitet.
Die Sängerin hatte Vic Miranda den aufgenommenen Gesangspart zukommen lassen, damit er um diesen herum das Soundgerüst errichten konnte. „Hätte sie mir im Vorfeld gesagt, dass es sich um einen Titel von ‚The Cure‘ handelt, so hätte ich vermutlich davon abgesehen, die Sounds dafür beizusteuern“, so der Produzent. Das Feedback der Fans hatte für die beiden Musiker einen Kreativitätsschub zur Folge. An und für sich sei die Aufnahme einer EP geplant gewesen, so Vic; es wurde jedoch so viel Material eingespielt, dass man sich dann dazu entschieden hat, ein komplettes Album zu veröffentlichen. Jene Titel, die es nicht auf die Platte geschafft haben, bringt „Love Echo“ entweder als EPs unters Volk oder in Form von Remixen, die man dann zum freien Download ins Netz stellt. „Ich persönlich liebe Remixfassungen“, so Vicki Glass, die Texterin der Band.
Es sei nämlich unheimlich interessant zu sehen, so die US-Amerikanerin, welche Ideen andere Musiker und Produzenten in die „Love Echo“-Kompositionen einfließen lassen. Weitere Remixaufträge wurden bereits an internationale Produzenten erteilt. Auf einer Bühne wird man Love Echo in naher Zukunft nicht hierzulande erleben können. Es gäbe noch keine Anfragen aus dem Großherzogtum, so die Band. Das Duo wird allerdings demnächst für Auftritte nach Kanada reisen und, wenn alles klappt, geht die Reise anschließend weiter nach Mexiko .
journal.lu – 11.02.2013 - Letzebuerger Journal
Ele chama-se Vic Miranda e é luxotuga; ela chama-se Vicki Glass e é uma vocalista francesa a residir actualmente em Tóquio, no Japão. No conjunto, são eles os Love Echo.
Juntos, com maior ou menor distância a separá-los, os Love Echo fizeram nascer ”I Promise You Always The Sky”, a mais recente edição da LebensStrasse Records.
Juntos, os Love Echo, oferecem um cocktail sonoro feito quase sempre de paz e harmonia, um disco assente na electrónica e na batida suavemente cadenciada do português e na voz cintilante e absorvente da francesa. Juntos, a promessa de um amor.
“São 10 faixas que enfeitiçam de tão melosas que são; uma música que nos embala, fortemente; uma voz que nos apaixona, sempre”, diz o site A Trompa do álbum dos Love Echo. - Bomdia.fm
Love Echo é uma fusão entre as programações de Victor Miranda e a voz de Vicki Glass radicada no Luxemburgo mas que se estreia em Portugal no FUSING Culture Experience. Com um disco bem convidativo intitulado “I Promise You Always The Sky”, Victor Miranda presta-se a desvendar connosco um pouco do que está por detrás de uma sonoridade musculada, matematicamente electrónica mas aconchegante o suficiente para não sufocar os ares tãopop e tão luxuosos que Sun Glitters (que também subirá ao mesmo palco na mesma noite) imaginaria para si.
BandCom (BC): É difícil definir o vosso estilo de música assim como a localidade onde residem. Uma coisa tem a ver com a outra ou nem por isso ?
Love Echo (LE): Não nos definimos ou gostamos de estar num só local. Fazemos a música como a sentimos e queremos ir aonde o vento nos levar.
BC: Ao contrário de muitos músicos do mundo da electrónica, optaram por ter convosco uma voz feminina. O que é que isso acrescenta? Que força acham que isso voz traz a mais durante os lives ?
LE: Sentimos que a nossa música necessita da sensualidade feminina. É deslumbrante, afectuosa, misteriosa…como uma mulher. Pura e simplesmente, traz-nos uma sensação de paz.
BC: Qual foi o feedback que têm recebido depois da edição do vosso “I Promise You Always The Sky”?
LE: O feedback acerca da música foi surpreendente. Não estávamos à espera que tivesse a atenção ou os elogios que teve…embora no próximo disco possamos usar um melhor designergráfico, na verdade.
BC: Chill, silêncio, descontração, sonho, anti-stress… são coisas que vocês querem transmitir através da vossa música. Esta mensagem vai de encontro ao sinal dos tempos? Poderá soar isto a algo utópico/naïf?
LE: Na verdade é uma revolta contra o sinal dos tempos. Sentimos que há cada vez mais poluição sonora a rebentar com a pulsação, com os níveis de stress e tensão arterial das pessoas. A música perdeu a sua beleza e o seu poder de influenciar positivamente as pessoas. Queríamos fazer algo que relaxasse que fizesse as pessoas largar o que as faz ter tanta pressa de fazer ou de ouvir. Mais silêncio do que barulho: a beleza está no silêncio.
BC: É compatível este tipo de música com espaços mais festivaleiros ?
LE: Veremos. Esperamos fazer deste festival uma grande celebração do amor.
BC: Os próximos lançamentos serão mais negros ou tão luminosos como o nome “Love Echo” sugere?
LE: O nosso nome sugere 70s disco night, portanto é nesta direcção que iremos prosseguir.
BC: Quais são as vossas referências a nível de música portuguesa? Com quem gostariam de atuar?
LE: Qualquer artista de fado.
BC: Fazer parte do cartaz do FUSING Culture Experience significa para vós…
LE: Uma oportunidade de ouvir música fantástica.
BC: Como surgiu a oportunidade de integrarem este cartaz? O Victor Ferreira (Sun Glitters) deu-vos algum empurrão?
LE: Na verdade, o João dos Un:Think, um dos organizadores do festival, encontrou-nos no Soundcloud e remisturou uma faixa nossa, a “Daybreak”. Foi a partir daí que ficámos ligados a este festival.
BC: Para o resto do ano, o que podemos esperar dos Love Echo a nível de lançamentos e concertos?
LE: Isso depende apenas da direcção em que o vento sopre. - BandCom PT
Ah, to be laid back and totally #winning. World, meet Love Echo, MTV Iggy’s Artist of the Week and the first Luxembourg (via Portugal via the US via Tokyo) artist to make its way on our digital shores. They just released their relaaaaxing debut album I Promise You Always the Sky, which is full of laid back reverb and stuttery beats, and it’s perfect for the days you feel like sinking into some furniture and never getting up.
We spoke to the winners Vic Miranda (producer) and Vicki Glass (singer) about their sudden splash, their multi-culti backgrounds, and the deal with Luxembourg.
Congrats on the win! How does it feel?
Thank you so much! It feels like when your dad offers you your first alcoholic beverage when you’re a teen, and you want it, even though you know you’re too green and clumsy to have it.
Great timing with your album release. Do you finally feel in some sense
that you can relax a bit?
We were actually thinking that maybe we’ve been a little too relaxed, as this whole project began on a whim anyway. Now with an album release we need to get more serious.
Can you clarify where you guys are from and based? Lots of different
versions of that. Vicki, how did you wind up in Tokyo?
Vic is Portuguese and is based in Luxembourg, and I’m an American based in Tokyo. I’ve always been fascinated with Asian culture—Chinese and Japanese in particular—and when I discovered Tokyo I just couldn’t leave. There is always something wildly off the hook happening there, but at the same time it retains an underlying sense of calm.
Who are some of your heroes, musically and otherwise?
Vic: I’ve always admired these four artists for their musical creativity: J. Dilla, Pete Rock, Stephan Bodzin and Robert Babicz. I really don’t have any heroes outside of the music world.
Vicki: I have so many heroes inside and outside the music world that it’s hard to narrow them down. I’d have to say love most 80s artists (The Cure, without a doubt) and more recently, bands like Aereogramme and Los Campesinos! In the otherwise category, my big heroes (from the distant past) are poet/writer Rainier Maria Rilke and painter Casper David Friedrich.
We search all day for good global music, but we’ve written so little
about Luxembourg. Is that because we’re bad at our jobs, or is there little
international attention on the music scene there? Or, is there not much to
report on?
Maybe it’s because it’s so tiny, it’s easy to miss. Luxembourg is so small that it takes about an hour to drive through it. We’ve met so many people that haven’t even heard of it. But there’s a burgeoning indie scene that is poised to explode. Stay tuned!
It’s such a beautiful country. Does your city inspire you musically?
It really is. We’re inspired most by feelings, words and sounds, but the city offers great support for the kind of music we do as it’s a wonderfully peaceful, secret hiding place.
I Promise You Always The Sky sounds like a love ode — what does it mean?
It sounds like a love ode but it’s actually more philosophical. In life we can’t promise anything really, because all is impermanent and fleeting, including love. We can’t even promise that everyone will like the album! But the one real and concrete promise we can make is the sky: it will always be there.
You are given the opportunity to be the soundtrack for any scene in any
movie, real or no. What is that scene?
Definitely we’d be the soundtrack to all the restrained, unrequited love scenes between Emma Thompson and Anthony Hopkins in Remains of the Day.
What’s next for you guys?
We’d love to tour, and in the meantime we’re working on more tracks. We’re still just stunned and very grateful and just taking it all in! - MTV Iggy
Chillwave/Dream-Pop newcomers Love Echo were kind enough to offer an exclusive download of their new track “Departure” as an exclusive download this week in the Sabbath. Check it out, and follow them closely, they seem poised for a breakthrough year. - Earmilk
We continue the Plastic Platform love in (following last week’s mix by Lovelier Other) with Love Echo, a duo consisting of producer Vic Miranda and vocalist Vicki Glass created in a dreamsphere in Luxembourg.
Check out their cover of The Cure’s ‘Lovecats‘ for a bespoke ambient-pop take on the classic track; debut album I Promise You Always the Sky is out January 28th via Portuguese label LebensStrasse Recordswhere you can – and probably should – pre-order it.
See below for an intro by Love Echo to the mix, and check the tracklisting for thoughts on each individual track.
“The first half of our mix has Vicki’s picks. The tracks have the kind of psychedelia, textured dreamscapes and hypnotic, pillowy ambience that inspire her most. The last half of the mix include Vic’s picks and are well-produced, chill tracks with beautiful melodies and some vintage synth lines that make him pay attention. All the track picks make us feel extremely humbled and lucky to have the chance to put our own stuff out there.”
Vicki’s tracklisting
1. Markarians – Alligators
“Love his folk sensibilities and sleepy vocals.”
2. Gypsy & The Cat – Bloom
“No one does Cure/Echo and the Bunnymen 80s-ness better than these guys.”
3. Francis Neve – Calls
“The track reeled me in with its oh-ohs and ai-ais. Stellar vocals.”
4. Tame Impala – Feels Like We Only Go Backwards
“My most-very-favorite psychedelic band. Very John Lennon.“
5. Blackbird Blackbird – Pure
“Can’t get enough of the beautifully textured dreamscapes in this track.”
6. Honeyslide – Black Dolphin
“Honeyslide oozes unadulterated, honest shoegaze. I love the truly hypnotic, pillowy ambience of this track.”
7. Gold Panda- Casio Daisy
“Sunshiney, blooming daisy bliss. Squeaky, bird-chirpy beats. Love it.”
Vic’s tracklisting
8. Pavel Petrov (Pi3) – Show Me Love
“Chill, lovely melody. Well produced.”
9. Blackbird Blackbird – Keep it up (Sun Glitters Remix)
“We both wanted to include my mate Sun Glitters on the mix. We love the way he made this tense tune sound chill.”
10. αtμ – What you like
“Soulful and full of heart.”
11. Lykke Li – I Follow Rivers (Love Echo Rework)
“We wanted to calm this track down.”
12. Flying Lotus – Sultan’s Request
“One of the best productions I’ve ever heard. Respect.”
13. Clams Casino – Leaf [A$AP Rocky ft. Main Attrakionz]
“This track is just chill.”
14. Sun Glitters – Love Me
“My favourite Sun Glitters track. Reminds me of good times on the road with him.”
15. Clams Casino – I’m God [Lil B]
“He’s a god and this track touches me deeply.”
16. Miles Bonny – As You Sleep On My Lap [Beat by Ta-Ku]
“Love the fat, warm sound of this track.”
17. House Shoes – Empire Reprise feat. Sam Beaubien of Will Sessions (Instrumental)
“Great track for lounging around the house.”
18. Essáy – Old Times
“My favorite track from Essay. Love the vintage synth sample.”
19. Clams Casino – Swervin (Instrumental)
“Always Clams Casino.”
20. Brian Eno – An Ending
“Simply a great ending for the mix.” - The 405
New LebensStrasse Records signings Love Echo have announced release details for their debut LP.
The dream-pop duo, comprised of producer Vic Miranda and vocalist Vicki Glass, first drew tastemakers’ attention with their radical, ethereal reworking of The Cure‘s ‘Lovecats’.
Aiming to make good on that initial introduction, the pair’s album I Promise You Always The Skyis also chock-full of sensuous sounds that, originally, were made on a whim, as Glass reveals.
She says: “We were talking about how music has seemed to have lost its beauty, and decided to try to make something that we loved. Vic first came up with a charmingly seductive track full of synth lines, and I added some words and vocals to it.
“It all came together rather quickly. We did it just for our own amusement at first, but we liked what we heard and decided to do more tracks, which also came together almost immediately.” - The Girls Are
There seems to be a plethora of synth-pop duos out there at the moment and Tokyo/Luxembourg based Love Echoalso attempt to make their mark on the genre with their upcoming debut album I Promise You Always the Skyout January 28th onLebensStrasse Records.
Love Echo came about when Vic Miranda (producer) and Vicki Glass (Vocals) felt music had lost its beauty and decided to make something that they love and hope will give people goosebumps.
Unlike some synth-pop duos they’ve shunned the moody approach and Glass’ vocals are as sickly sweet as pop princess Kylie Minogue’s. Yet in a dream-pop manner they are sensual, take opener Departure, Glass almost seduces the listener as she declares ‘I need you’. With this alluring charm the duo recorded and released their own take on The Cure’s The Love Cats (track 3 on the album), which caught the attention of the world’s ears with over 40,000 listens on their soundcloud page alone. The Cure‘s famous lyrics, now in the hands of Glass, slide over resonate piano.
Whilst none of the tracks build into dance anthems, there is underlying dance vibe to I Promise You Always The Sky. The synths are thick in parts and the melodies sometimes urgent. There are moments when you think a track might just explode into an uptempo scurry. However, like in the latter half ofDaybreak, the synths always bow to the soothing qualities of Glass’ vocals.
Falling into into a sleepy haze whilst listening to this album is easy, fourth track Eligy floats on with only the flickers of a drum machine to keep you conscious, as Glass whispers, ‘it’s all a lucid dream’.
Love Echo have to contend in a highly saturated genre but there are some beautiful tracks on I Promise You Always The Sky. The Love Cats cover is just mesmerising and the poppy/dance feel to the album will play to Love Echo’sadvantage in terms of commercial success. - Pigeon Note
Haim may be the official sound of 2013 but there are plenty of other acts who can match their ability to replicate Eighties electronic pop: Vic Miranda and Vicki Glass are one, and have been doing their thing as Love Echo in Paris for a year, creating luscious, innovative digital treats that don’t quite deserve the Cantona poetry title they’ve been given here. I Promise You Always The Sky is a tight collection of futuristic but intimate tracks; a kick up the arse for vocal electronica albums, and one whose lyrics don’t make you want to drop a piano on the DJ.
Those who already know Love Echo will surely know them for their cover of The Cure’s ‘Love Cats’, which replaces the jangly miaowing of the original with stalking electronics, a piano melody, finger clicks and shimmering pads. It sets the tone for I Promise’s interpretation of pop, which Vicki Glass gives a very human face to with her breathy, pour-your-heart-out lyrics (“I need you/I need your star to find me again/I need your lips to define me again,” she sings on ‘Departure’, smoothing out the fuzzy synths). Other tracks portray her as a dance floor ice queen: ‘Daybreak’ layers ominous strings over a crunchy beat, while ‘Control’ takes an operatic house tune and slows it down so that the keyboards, piano and click track pass you by like a procession.
Most of the time I Promise remembers it’s a pop album, puffing out its hybrid sound rather than letting it mooch in the background. Sometimes it doesn’t: ‘We’ is glittery minimal techno that toys with angry bass music, not exactly eloquent with its single lyric but flexing the muscles of Vic Miranda’s digital production. ‘Eligy’ is another fence-sitter, letting Glass sigh over chords from Imogen Heap’s synthesizer. But the album gets its legs back when it rolls out ‘Hush’, four minutes of smooth neon breaks where end of a relationship blues are played out over exhausted beats. It somehow achieves chirpiness, paving the way for the more upbeat ‘Light’, which combines keyboards, staggered bass drums and lyrics like slogans from a biker bar (”Can’t get to heaven without going through hell”).
Despite a scattering of cheap couplets, I Promise You Always The Sky is a strong set of songs from Love Echo, essential for fans of woozy, bass-heavy electronica with vocals that don’t assume they’ve been lobotomised. Vic Miranda’s atmospheric pop is ideal for Glass’s voice, which compensates with mischief whenever it gets stuck in a groove – ninth track ‘One’ repeats a single piano loop, while tenth track ‘Eleven’ (the track listing is anarchy) layers fidgety percussion over nonsense words and keyboards. Like Crystal Castles sent to bed with a glass of warm milk, Love Echo’s album is a consistent enough set of subversive, coy digital pop songs, worth sticking around for after ‘Lovecats’ fades out. - Drowned In Sound
First there was post-rock. Then came post-dubstep. Shit just aint cool unless it’s post its origins yeah? So welcome to the world of Love Echo. They are pretty much post-everything. Which basically means if you’re into post-relaxing in a hammock so deep you may never surface again, you’re going to dig Love Echo.
A duo from Luxemburg, they first made an appearance last year with their single, Love Cats, and they’ve wasted no time in getting an album together. I Promise You Always The Sky, came out yesterday on LebenStrasse Records and as the title suggests it will get you high. Download it from their bandcamp for a measly $10. Stuttering beats drowning in reverb, silky vocals caressing niggling woes away, this album will make you forget you have a job to go to in the morning. Pure bliss. - Repeat Button
Leave it to a guy/girl duo to create a new type of seductive, lucid dream pop. Love Echo has self-described its music as “post-dreampop, post-chillwave, post-electroindiepop, post-post-twee, post traumatic stress disorder,” and oddly enough, that’s not far off. Consisting of producer Vic Miranda and vocalist Vicki Glass, the two-piece strives to make goosebump-inducing music and may have managed just that in its latest single, “Control.”
Today, we are excited to premiere this latest offering, which appears on the collective’s forthcoming debut album, I Promise You Always the Sky, slated for a January 28 release via LebenStrasse Records. The track begins with sparse production, focusing on Glass’s airy vocals. As it progresses, her melody guides the way as glimmering electronics gently build, developing a sensual beat as the music unfolds. - BESTNEWBANDS
What’s so good?
It’s July, 2012. We just shared ambient dream-pop duo Love Echo’s rework of “Lovecats.” Do you remember? We only had good things to say. Things like, it’s “the sound of cashmere” and “it smells like cheesecake.” Sounds warm and delicious, right? It is. Electro-pop infused with shoegaze? You know you want some of that.
Love Echo is vocalist Vicki Glass and producer Vic Miranda, a post-chillwave duo who create sensual lullabies. Back in July ’12, the two only had a few tracks under their belt. Now they’ll be releasing a new, debut album – I Promise You Always the Sky - later this month. While it’s been a while since those first releases, we still have good things to say. We’re feeling the goosebumps. Love Echo’s just that chill.
Listening to their music is like looking at life with a Gaussian blur, a bit seductive and charmingly dreamy. It’s moody glo-fi that inspires relaxed memories, like laying out in the grass on a breezy spring day. Something between oOoOO, Clams Casino, and Washed Out. This track “Hush” is one of my favorites, but I’m also really into Daybreak. Fuck it. You know what? It’s all good. Listen to the whole thing. Chill out.
They’re hoping to go on tour in the immediate feature, and are still making tracks in the meantime. Their album drops January 28, 2013, but until then, you can listen to tracks on their SoundCloud. Order the CD or vinyl through their label, LebenStrasse. - Indieshuffle
Having already garnered praise from Cocteau Twins’ Simon Raymonde who called their version of The Cure’s ‘Lovecats’ “imaginative and surprising”, Tokyo’s Love Echo will release the album I Promise You Always The Skythrough LebensStrasse on January 28th. - Foxy Digitalis
Name: Love Echo (Vicki Glass, Vic Miranda)
Where they’re from: Luxembourg (vocalist Vicki Glass is based in Tokyo)
When they started: 2012
Genre: Dream-pop, Lo-fi, instrumental weirdness
Most Similar: Grimes, Daedelus, Morcheeba
Sounds Like: Good yoga music. Or for us lazier folks, music for sinking hard hot tub.
Yes, we’re excited to stick the Luxembourg flag on our site. But we’re especially excited that Love Echo is making Monday a lot more bearable by taking chill-out to mountainous proportions.
The new group is releasing their debut album, I Promise You Always the Sky, on January 18, and all signs point to thick relaxation. The sloooow-tempo beats borrow from (perhaps unwittingly) the hip-hop LA sound the stuttery likes of Daedelus and Flying Lotus, and the whole thing is packed with generous reverb. The vocals veer it into pop territory, but only by a hair. This is no standard boy/girl dream-pop duo, since the production is quite mathy and could probably stand alone. On some tracks, the vocalist element is minimal, acting as a comforting, breathy instrument in the background. On others, like their cover of The Cure’s “Lovecats,” the vocals are far more prominent, earning them the Morcheeba comparison above.
The whole vibe is, in fact, very 90s trip-hop. You leave their album not feeling dark, or light, but feeling totally foggy, and unable to move from your seat. For this reason, they are strongly recommended for the hours when you have nothing pressing to do, except sit in the tub.
Stream their new single “We,” off I Promise You Always the Sky, out January 28 on LebenStrasse Records. - MTV IGGY
Love Echo are releasing their debut album called ‘I Promise You Always The Sky’ on January 28th! We previously featured their sultry cover of The Cure’s ‘Love Cats’ last summer which you can revisit here: http://summersradio.blogspot.ca/2012/07/summersradio-new-music-love-echo.html
I like how the band describe their sound as ‘post-dreampop, post-chillwave, post-electroindiepop, post-post-twee, post traumatic stress disorder.’ The duo has released the new single from the album on Soundcloud called ‘Daybreak’. ‘I Promise You Always The Sky’ is released on LebensStrasse Records and you can pre-order it now on cd or vinyl m’here: http://lebensstrasse.bigcartel.com/
‘Daybreak’ features Vicki Glass’s dreamy vocals over trip hop beats interspersed with some lovely quiet bits with strings… Enjoy! - SummersRadio™
Luxembourg-based producer Vic Miranda and vocalist Vicki Glass, aka Love Echo, have announced the release of their highly anticipated debut LP, I Promise You Always The Sky. With a few tracks surfacing online we can now check out their pretty new track ‘Daybreak’. It’s mixes elements of Chillwave, Electronic Pop and Ambiance to create a really lush sound. - Silverzounds
Listen exclusively to the eerie pop sheen of a track off this dreamy duo’s debut,and read our Q&A with them.
On their Soundcloud, Love Echo – comprising producer Vic Miranda and vocalist Vicki Glass – list some rather humorously knowing genre names: things like “post-chillwave, post-post-twee, post-traumatic stress disorder”. While these are playful, they do hint at a desire to avoid overt classification. Perhaps due to their globe-trotting connections (they met in Paris, Vic is from Luxembourg and Vicki is based in Tokyo), while their debut reaches for a clear pop sensibility, it doesn’t bother itself in reaching towards some hastily coined new scene or online sound.
Rather, their aesthetic is one that confidently burns off any excess to leave the pure chemistry between the pair – built on hypnotic keyboards that continuously encircle Vicki’s murmuring, evaporating vocals. Hush, lifted from the ‘I Promise You Always The Sky’ album, displays their triumphant simplicity – whipping up swirling atmospherics that seem to keep expanding out into an icy void. Stream the track below, and scroll down to read our chat with Vic and Vicki.
Hi Love Echo, what have you been up to recently?
Hello! Lately we’ve been searching for inspiration for a follow-up release by curling up in bed with hypnotic psychedelia and exotic dreamscapes – some good friends of ours.
You’ve said you hope people will find the “debut so chill they’ll get goosebumps”, and restraint feels like a key to its success– how easy was it to capture this in the production?
It was very natural for us. We appreciate the beauty of silence and solitude and somehow wanted to incorporate that in the sound. We wanted people to feel the silence in a sense, and put them in a space where they have no choice but to listen carefully, which requires that they take a break from it all and chill.
Hush certainly carries an air of restraint – but there’s also an eerie atmosphere running under its dreamy warmth. Was this something you were consciously trying to evoke?
Most definitely. Hush was the first track we did together, keeping this sense of the beauty of silence in mind. Hence the name Hush. We had the image of a warm breeze providing a lulling background hum to the silence. When we are making music together we often feel that we are in the middle of a daydream, and when we snap out of it we’re often quite surprised by the result. We work so naturally together, and Hush was one of the many tracks that flowed out ethereally and rather instantaneously in this way.
Are there any new artists coming out of Luxembourg, or things going on in the city right now that you’d like to flag up for the Dummy readers?
We actually spend most of our time away from Luxembourg. At the moment it’s fair to say that we are everywhere. The only artist from Luxembourg that we really know and highly respect is Sun Glitters. And we don’t say that just because he is a good friend, but because he is a talented and inspirational
artist. And we highly recommend anyone who comes to Luxembourg city to go to the Chocolate House across from the Grand Ducal Palace, for obvious reasons.
Lebenstrasse Records will release the ‘I Promise You Always The Sky’ LP on 28th January -
Clocking up an impressive 40,000+ plays of their sophomore track Lovecats (a cover of The Cure) towards the tail end of last year, dreampop duo Love Echo have now announced the release of their highly anticipated debut LP, elegantly titled I Promise You Always The Sky, out on LebensStrasse Records on 28 January. Daybreak, the newest cut to be taken from said record is a choppy, mystical number, never truly opening up to the listener nor shielding all of it’s inner, naked beauty. With an abundance of synth-pop duo’s filling up the pages on all the slickest blogs at the moment, Love Echo are serious contenders to leave the realms of the internet and blossom into the daunting, commercial abyss in which we all thrive.
https://soundcloud.com/loveechomusic/love-echo-daybreak - Crack In The Road
Love Echo – Lovecats Be entranced by the hypnotizing sound of Love Echo, a duo consisting of producer Vic Miranda and singer Vicki Glass. Their new track “Lovecats,” a rendition of the original by The Cure. - Music for the Masses
Love Echo is a post-chillwave project consisting of producer Vic Miranda and singer Vicki Glass. So far they only have a few tracks up on their Soundcloud page, but we’re hoping for a proper release some time soon. Listen to their beautiful cover of The Cure’s “Lovecats,” - alltomorrowmusic
What’s so good?
Vic Miranda and Vicki Glass have put out a simple teaser of their newest duo project, Love Echo, and it’s chilling not just by nature, but by the great expectations they’ve fostered with their barely-there releases.
Their reprise of “Lovecats” is a song that coddles you in serenity. Let’s take away the jumpy beat, itching vocals, and the indie-rockabilly sense that The Cure created with their original song. Let’s drain it of its spunk and youth, and fill it full of warmth and twinkling vocals. A mellow stream of melody allows the tender vocals to weave in and out of the note-by-note piano tune and leaves you glistening with affection. “Lovecats” is the sound of cashmere, it’s the smell of cheesecake — all of its aspects are delicately wonderful.
Enjoy! - Indie Shuffle
Luxembourg’s Love Echo is releasing their debut album,I Promise You Always the Sky, on January 18, and all signs point to thick relaxation. The sloooow-tempo beats borrow from (perhaps unwittingly) the hip-hop LA sound the stuttery likes of Daedelus and Flying Lotus, and the whole thing is packed with generous reverb. You leave their album not feeling dark or light, but totally foggy, unable to move from your seat. For this reason, they are strongly recommended for the hours when you have nothing pressing to do, except sit in the tub. - MTV Iggy
Luxemburg’s Love Echo is as blissful as the name would imply. Listen to a full stream of their new album I Promise You Always the Sky. It could also be named The Perfect Sedative to Help You Survive Your Monday Afternoon. (This terrible joke probably explains why no one will allow us to name their album/dog/baby ect..) - Under The Radar Mag
Artist of the Week was fierce this week. The bling was off, the claws were out, and the fan voting was violent. But now, it’s time to relax and sink into the sllloowww rellaxxxinnggg reverrrberratting album from our winners from Luxembourg, Love Echo.
Their win is super timely; the duo’s liquidy debut album I Promise You Always The Sky was released just last week, and after listening to it on full blast, I’m finding it truly tragic that our office came with a spa. We stick by our previous comparisons: you’re in for the dream electro-pop of Grimes, experimental beats of Daedelus, and the trip hop sink-into-the-couch vibe of Morcheeba. In short, irresistible. In short, find the nearest sauna and climb into it.
Stay tuned for a tell-all with the band, but in the meantime, enjoy their single “Hush” and check out our interview with Luxembourg here. - MTV Iggy
On the surface Vic Miranda and Vicky Glass are just another guy/girl dreampop duo trying to establish themselves amongst a vast array of talent. But these two stand out. I first knew after hearing their rendition of The Cure’s “The Lovecats”. To say Love Echo makes this track their own is an understatement. It’s essentially a different song, linked only by the lyrics. But all that only adds to “Lovecats” unique appeal. The piano melody haunts while Glass’ vocals are passionately sedating. “Lovecats” is a song with substance, a track you need to hear more than once to fully appreciate. Check out Love Echo’s debut album I Promise You Always The Sky out now. - Lower Frequencies
Portuguese music producer, Vic Miranda, and the dreamy American vocalist, Vicki Glass - apparently geographically separated a little further than a chance stone’s throw from Luxembourg to Tokyo respectively – make up the ambient ‘post dream-pop’ duo, Love Echo… (you can pigeon-hole pretty much anything though right?)
Forward thinking dream-pop it is. Lo-fi stuttering beats akin to the sound of Flying Lotus, marauding synthlines and ethereal landscapes provide a more-than-appropriate stage on which Glass’ dream like vocals can perform – a genuine transporter of any willing consciousness. Bold and ambitious, yet subtle and honest.
Have a gander at this beautiful track, ‘Daybreak’, taken from last year’s debut album, ‘I Promise You Always the Sky’ - In The Wings
Still working on that hot first release.

Whispering, sensual lullabies that lie in-between the dusk and the soft sighs of the deep and gentle night. They won't leave you. She won't let you go. Let the sleepy, passionate aural gaze hold you in a thousand arms and cradle your soul. She is here.
Band Members