KOI Music Festival
Bands we've booked
Kitchener Ontario Independent (KOI) Music Festival focuses on promoting the best in independent music. Each year KOI Fest takes over downtown Kitchener, Ontario to showcase the strength and talent of independent music. KOI features multiple indoor venues, an outdoor stage, beer garden and massive vendors market with closed off streets to allow for easy flow between venues. The entire festival happens all within walking distance.
KOI Music Festival is a grassroots operation that is focused on providing the best in independent music. From KOI Music Festival the concept of KOI Con emerged. KOI Con is an educational component that strives to enlighten indie musicians. The conference is made up of several panel discussions made up of industry experts, Key Note addresses / lectures and one-on-one mentoring sessions.
For info on both initiatives check out www.koimusicfestival.com and www.koicon.ca