Nacogdoches, Texas, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2008
Kindred, winner of the 2013 ETX Music Awards CHRISTIAN ARTIST OF THE YEAR, is a
new age sound of rock/pop band from East Texas brought together through a natural pull
towards one another's styles. Their sound is a blend of lyrical expression and intricate
instrumentation. Kindred is rounded by a commanding and passionate lead singer, inspiring
lead guitarist, spirited bass player, talented rhythm guitarist and a superior rhythm section.
IN THE BEGINNING... 2011, Kindred recorded their first E.P. in Nashville, TN. In the summer of
2013, they finished their new full length album, "EVOLVE", which was released September 2013.
They are produced by PopGun Entertainment, founded by Producer Dustin and Lindsey Kirkendall
from Nashville, TN. "Young and fresh, Kindred offers something new to the realm of rock music.
With poetic, non-vulgar lyrics, Kindred's songs often adopt graceful meanings while musically
surrendering to the sounds of an alternative rock style".
Lead guitarist, Joey Cefalu states, "Extensive traveling, doing live radio shows and television,
opening for artist such as Hawk Nelson, Six Flags Christian Youth Events with Fireflight and
Family Force 5, along with numerous shows Kindred has headlined, has given us the pleasure
of meeting many wonderful people and making lasting friendships".
Kindred is enthusiastically looking ahead with upcoming tour dates in the works. Always growing and
moving forward, Kindred continues to anticipate what the future, and God, has in store for them.
Band Members