San Antonio, Texas, United States | INDIE
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It's Over & Done (CD)
KIDD ISAIIAIH & Chris Lee Freestyles Mixtape
Plex City (CD)
Freestyle Mixtape 1&2 (Off Top)
Drive Slow (Single)
Riding Big (Single)
Crown & Coke (CD)
Its From L.A. (Single)
$kateboard$, Kick$, & Microphone$ (Mixtape)

Music was involved in my life since a young age. My Dad was a D.J. even though he died when I was very young I always had his equipment and records to mess around with. I started rapping just by being an annoying snot nose little kid. My moms used to drive me to school in elementary and I always tried to find out ways to annoy her in the mornings because I didnt want to go to school. That was when the Tom Joyner Morning show used to come on the radio. They used to play those old school jams. So I started freestyling over the music. That really annoyed my moms. Ha she used to always tell me to shut up so she can listen to her old school music, but I wouldn't. It would just drive me to do it more and more every time she told me to shut up and be quite. So every day on the way to school I would freestyle until one day I notice my moms head nodding to what I was saying and I can tell she was nodding to my voice and not the actual song that was playing. That's when I knew I could hone my skills of rhyming. Me and my home boy in elementary formed a little rap group we wrote a lot of songs but never recorded any of it. We fell apart because we went to different schools. So I was in middle school and I was fascinated with freestyling. I used to go around asking people do they want to freestyle. So a couple of the people I found that did we used to flow in the mornings before school, at lunch, football and basketball practice, in class, hell wherever we can get together and flow we did. So my skills got better. High school came around, I still never recorded. I found some cats that had a little studio; we started recording making a couple of mix tapes. People were really feeling our music and the movement we were making. We did a couple shows here and there. But again we were separated because people decided to go to different schools, and move to other areas of the city. So I Started doing my own thing, I always had a different style from everybody else. Everybody used to ask me why I rap the way I do its different. I would just reply,Hey, it's me, you know you like it," and they did. I grew up with a lot of people from the east coast so; I listen to mad east coast music yo. Thats not the only thing I listened to but it is the majority and what I favor. When I rap my style is an east coast flow. I do a lot of hip-hop and street tracks but I also do a lot of club songs but when I do them I dont dumb down my flow and that's why a lot of people feel what I say. I'm versatile though, but I love doing hip-hop tracks. I love performing but down here in Texas hip hop tracks don't really fly in the club so you got to make club tracks which I love doing also. I dropped a couple of mix tapes, from straight freestyles to actual songs. I much rather do a song to a custom beat then an industry beat. I have been engineering my own music sense high school an also engineered a lot of local artists music as well. My company is FlipdaScrip-Legacy Records the group I am in is called The Flesh Bombs. My reason for being in music is because its pure expression of oneself to others. You can say anything you want on a track so others can feel what youre going through, letting them know you understand whats happening in the world and your being affected by it too. Melodically bringing them into your life and painting lyrical murals of the way you live, how you feel, and react. Music brings everyone closer together and that's what I am trying to do.
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