Kevin McGee
Houston, TX | Established. Jan 01, 2008 | INDIE
Kevin is back with another grand offering, this time with DMV Native Phil Ade and long time friend ChristopherSouL. Kevin's HeartBreak Hotel EP will arrive mid March.
Follow @Kevin_McGee33
Follow @PhilAdeMusic
Follow @Christopher_Soul_Food - Eladio
Houston artist Kevin McGee releases "She Loves It", the Imperial Sound produced single featuring Phil Adeand ChristopherSouL, from his upcoming HeartBreak Hotel EP. "She Loves It" is a smooth, sexy, and seductive vibe with incredible lyricism from two true MC's. - Shanika Simmons
This year, we here at Style Lush TV launched a community support project titled Project #GFB. At first it was intended for all the brand new fashion bloggers who needed a little exposure. See, the entire Style Lush Crew knows what it’s like to a brand new fashion blogger. You work really hard on something that is (in your eyes) “your best work!” You get all your fashion images just right. You say everything that fills your fashion heart, you spend hours perfecting the look and formatting. Finally you make peace with what you feel is “ready” to publish. You Go Live with your post… only to realize…
no one is reading it.
But hey, it’s only because, well… no one knows you exist. (YET!)
Step in Style Lush TV.
We created Project #GFB so that our new fashion blogging community would not only have a strong professional support system backing them up, but also so that the blogging experience in general would be a more fulfilling one. After all, it’s not as fun to write anything if there’s no audience reading it and with the talent that is here in San Antonio, it would be a shame if our bloggers gave up because they felt like no one cared.
Soon after we launched our first month, we had seasoned bloggers come on board as well, some offering tips to our new bloggers and some joining in for the shear fun of working together.
In the video above we showcase our first #GFB Meet ‘n’ Greet. Sometimes, we never get to meet our #GFBs in person, so we decided to have this event so that we can celebrate each other and network with fashion community from all parts of town. Although the weather kept some of our #GFBs from attending, we had the most amazing turn out with the most fashionable talent in the restaurant. See what happened here and please support all our #GFBs. You can find them on our website by identifying the #GFB label in the titles. - Burgundy Woods
Shared soundcloud link -
Shared the sound cloud link -
Posted sound cloud link -
Out of Houston, Texas, Kevin McGee is prepping for his upcoming Heartbreak Hotel EP. After connecting with Phil Ade during Wale’s Simply Nothing Tour in addition to help from Christopher Soul, the result shifted into a sensual, smooth track for the ladies. Press play! - Ryan Chance
Houston, Texas artist Kevin McGee releases “She Loves It”, the Imperial Sound produced single featuring Phil Ade and ChristopherSouL, from his upcoming HeartBreak Hotel EP. - Tasha
Kevin McGee comes through with smooth R&B jam with “She Loves It.” Phil Ade & ChristopherSouL provide us with great features as all 3 artists set the mood on this record. Give it a listen here. - DodgerOnDeck
Liveartoutloud.com reached out and made Kevin the artist of the month for December. Putting his Black video, soundcloud, and website on the front page of their site. Thank you to Cherish and everybody at liveartoutloud.com for the support. - liveartout-loud
Music Villain took a moment to follow up and talk with Kevin after they showed interest a while back by posting The Checkers LP. Another big thank you to Music Villain for all the love and support. - Music Villian
Music Villain took a moment to listen and post Kevin's Checkers LP. Look out for the follow up interview soon. A big thank to Music Villain. - Music Villian
ThatRaw.com took some time out to take a listen to Kevin's Checkers LP, and take a look what they had to say! From picking up on the album and the perfect beat selection, to personally relating to certain touching lyrics - ThatRaw.com
Recently Kevin was able to talk to DZI-TheVoice.com about The Checkers LP and it's meaning. Kevin also discusses how he started Modern Intellects and how it's grown since then. Head over to read the interview. - DZI-TheVoice.com
The blog side of the Easy Pie brand decided to post about Kevin's Checkers LP. Easy Pie is a clothing brand located in Sweden. - EasyPie blog
GiGi Capone PR post The Checkers LP on release day! GiGi Capone has been a major help with the release of the album. - The Official GG Capone PR
PowerHits 210 recently posted about Kevin's Checkers LP and the release of the album. Now they follow on the day of the release with another great post. - PowerHits210.com
Fresh Prince of the ATX post The Checkers LP on release day. - FreshPrinceATX.com
Kevin sat down with Imperial Carter to talk about The Checkers LP, his influences, The Modern Intellects, and more. A big thank you to Fly Boy Radio and the support they have shown for Kevin and The Intellects. Fly Boy Radio has also decided to partner with The Modern Intellects and sponsor Kevin McGee as he hits the road. - FlyBoyRadio
Dfuknb.com talks about Kevin McGee's new site for The Checkers LP album, the Checkers LP Pre Pack, and more. Thank you to Daniel Basulto over at dfuknb for the love, and congrats on the MTV premiere. Kevin also has a new single "Wake Up" and more off of The Constituents upcoming album produced by Daniel. - DfuknB.com
Kevin was featured in a Modern Intellects Ad in the April/May issue of XXL - XXL
CMIYC II (Catch Me If You Can II)
- Heartbreak Hotel EP
- Alchemy EP
- Heartbreak Hotel II EP
- Alchemy II EP

Kevin's music goes from coast to coast and has it all. Lyrics, delivery, punchlines, heart, and the determination. He's been in love with music since a child, knowing every lyric to all the songs. He started writing when he was 13, and it's only been uphill from there. He plans to inspire people to do what they love and follow their dreams through his music. He has performed in front of many artist from the likes of Big Sean, Wale, Curren$y, Yelawolf, Devin The Dude, Trae The Truth, Stalley, and more.
Band Members