Kelly Manu
Hornepayne, Ontario, Canada | INDIE
I’m so honored and feel so blessed that I’ve been given this opportunity in my life to
write and sing songs to encourage and bless other lives. It’s such an Awesome feeling to help make a change in a life with my ministry. Some doctors and other’s thought
I was in denial of my report and thought I was gullable to believe for such a miracle to
happen in my body, I assure everyone right now that reads this, Yes I’m Gullable, I believe every word that’s written in the Holy Bible, so
if that makes me gullable, then that’s me. I believe that as long as your living your life
right and you keep God first at all times, then just have Faith and Believe and you will
Recieve. There is NOTHING God can’t do, that’s what it says in my Bible.
All my songs have been written from the bottom of my heart, with all guidance from God almighty, who sits up above. I Give All Praise and Thanks to him for using me and for all the favours he pulls for me. If you want me to pray for you, I would love to, just send me a e-mail.
Here’s a little insight into how some of my songs on the new album came about.
“Get Set Free” was written after I was asked to help someone to get rid of an addiction they had. Get set free from all the things that
hinder you from all that you should be.
“Invite Him In” was written after getting a phone call in the evening on Christmas Day
2008 from a life that was so distraught, felt so lonely, like no one cared and just wanted to end their life. The number one thing that hinders people the most in their lives
is the feeling of loneliness. Look at Michael Jackson, such a huge public figure, died a lonely man, but yet over a billion people watched his funeral. All he needed to do was
to Invite God In. Invite God into your mind, your heart, invite him into your soul, invtite him into your daily walk, become close to the Lord, watch what will happen to you.
“God Please Help Me” was written one night after reading a post on facebook that a
mom had posted about how much she was missing her son. Colin Cassell passed away tradgically last year.
“Now” was written for Praise Nights held at my place of Worship - "Rehoboth Worship Center" in Toronto Ontario.
www.rehobothpentecostal.com the word AHO in this song, is a punjabi word and means yes.
Enjoy, Be Blessed & Get Set Free!
Blessings To All!
Kelly Manu - Singing News Magazine Oct 2009
New artist, Kelly Manu, a Canadian singer/songwriter, was in a car accident in 2004. After the accident, she became quite ill. “Although doctors treated my neck injury for two months, I sensed that something far more serious was wrong with me,” Kelly says. Her intuition proved to be absolutely right on. “I finally found a doctor who listened to me, and I was diagnosed with cervical cancer,” she shares. “The cancer had spread through the left side of my body affecting my kidney and my spine.” Kelly underwent chemotherapy, radiation and radical brachy treatment, almost dying in the process. She then spent the better part of three years in bed, believing God for a miracle. God not only performed a miracle of healing in Kelly’s physical body, but He also brought her into a deeper relationship with Him than she had ever experienced.
A Deeper Walk With God
“God has been so good to me,”
Kelly says. “Although I was raised in a church and am the daughter of Pastor Morvan Rowsell and Gospel Singer/Songwriter Wavie Rowsell, those three years I was confi ned to bed brought me into reality. I have never felt as close to Jesus as I have felt since I underwent treatment for cervical cancer. God was molding me so He could bring me into a better place. As I prayed and waited, I drew closer to Him.”
A Surprise Blessing
Kelly’s husband, Gurpal, their adult children, Paul, Sara and Krystalynn and many other family members and friends ministered to Kelly during her lengthy illness. As she recovered, her parents asked her to write a “thank you note” to those who had reached out to her. “When I began to write the note,” Kelly says, “I realized I was not just writing a note… it felt songlike. I sensed that God was giving me a song to help encourage sick, lost, lonely people.” While writing that note, the HolySpirit prompted Kelly to write the song,
“God’s Been Good to Me.” Later, Kelly was inspired to write other songs, which resulted in her recently released CD, “Up in Heaven.”“While going through this trial,” Kelly says, “I wrote the CD, “Up in Heaven.” I can truly say that I’ve never felt so much happiness, pure joy and completeness in my life. I want to share my story and blessings with others. Tragedy is not always a negative. The most profound blessings can be found in our darkest hours.” Kelly is a walking testimony to the miraculous healing power of God, and she is busy testifying to that fact. To quote from her web site: “Kelly is now
on a mission to help save souls and to spread the word of the power of God. She is using her musical talent to reach as many souls as possible.” Kelly is now
recording her second CD, which will be released later this year. Kelly and her children worship and minister in music at Rehoboth Worship Center in Toronto, Ontario, Canada under
the ministry of Kelly’s awesome parents, Pastor Morvan and Wavie Rowsell.
For further information about
Kelly and her ministry or to order
the “Up in Heaven” CD, please go to
By Diana J. Baker
16 Christian Living March/April 09 - Christian Living Magazine
New artist, Kelly Manu, a Canadian singer/songwriter, was in a car accident in 2004. After the accident, she became quite ill. “Although doctors treated my neck injury for two months, I sensed that something far more serious was wrong with me,” Kelly says. Her intuition proved to be absolutely right on. “I finally found a doctor who listened to me, and I was diagnosed with cervical cancer,” she shares. “The cancer had spread through the left side of my body affecting my kidney and my spine.” Kelly underwent chemotherapy, radiation and radical brachy treatment, almost dying in the process. She then spent the better part of three years in bed, believing God for a miracle. God not only performed a miracle of healing in Kelly’s physical body, but He also brought her into a deeper relationship with Him than she had ever experienced.
A Deeper Walk With God
“God has been so good to me,”
Kelly says. “Although I was raised in a church and am the daughter of Pastor Morvan Rowsell and Gospel Singer/Songwriter Wavie Rowsell, those three years I was confi ned to bed brought me into reality. I have never felt as close to Jesus as I have felt since I underwent treatment for cervical cancer. God was molding me so He could bring me into a better place. As I prayed and waited, I drew closer to Him.”
A Surprise Blessing
Kelly’s husband, Gurpal, their adult children, Paul, Sara and Krystalynn and many other family members and friends ministered to Kelly during her lengthy illness. As she recovered, her parents asked her to write a “thank you note” to those who had reached out to her. “When I began to write the note,” Kelly says, “I realized I was not just writing a note… it felt songlike. I sensed that God was giving me a song to help encourage sick, lost, lonely people.” While writing that note, the HolySpirit prompted Kelly to write the song,
“God’s Been Good to Me.” Later, Kelly was inspired to write other songs, which resulted in her recently released CD, “Up in Heaven.”“While going through this trial,” Kelly says, “I wrote the CD, “Up in Heaven.” I can truly say that I’ve never felt so much happiness, pure joy and completeness in my life. I want to share my story and blessings with others. Tragedy is not always a negative. The most profound blessings can be found in our darkest hours.” Kelly is a walking testimony to the miraculous healing power of God, and she is busy testifying to that fact. To quote from her web site: “Kelly is now
on a mission to help save souls and to spread the word of the power of God. She is using her musical talent to reach as many souls as possible.” Kelly is now
recording her second CD, which will be released later this year. Kelly and her children worship and minister in music at Rehoboth Worship Center in Toronto, Ontario, Canada under
the ministry of Kelly’s awesome parents, Pastor Morvan and Wavie Rowsell.
For further information about
Kelly and her ministry or to order
the “Up in Heaven” CD, please go to
By Diana J. Baker
16 Christian Living March/April 09 - Christian Living Magazine
Kelly's a 2 time GMA Nominee for Country Album of the Year 2010 for "Change" and in 2011 for "My Love.
October 9th 2010 Kelly received a "Black Essence Award" and a place in their "Hall of Fame" in Indiana for impacting lives in a positvie way!
Kelly's song "Why" from the album "My Love" was the runner up on in the National Songwriting Competition in August 2012.
Kelly starred in a n episode of "In Law Wedding Wars" a Cineflix Production, this was the #1 show on the Slice Network when aired.
Kelly will be a judge on the upcoming "Solomons Talent Show" to be aired on the Grace Network.
Albums are on radio play lists in over 20 countries.
The last album "Believe" has 10 out of the 11 songs being played on Radio stations.

After having to fight a battle with Cervical Cancer that had spread in her body, Kelly was writing a thank-you note to all who had been praying for her, as she was reading her note back, she felt that the words would be a good song, "God's Been Good To Me" it was from that moment, Kelly realized she could write songs, she started putting music to them and here we are, Promoting them to you!
Kelly's has released 5 albums "Up in Heaven" "Get Set Free" "Change" "My Love" "Believe" & "Close By Me"..
"Watch What Happens" is the next album release for June 2015
Kelly has 6 official video's
Band Members