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Feeling a bit camera shy
joe the blues man
A west coast export making his way south, Joe The Bluesman is a rising star with his one-man electric blues show. Skoli of Skope Magazine described him as "a rocker who is a bit older and tamer, a wild man of SoCal transversing the country in his RV with his one-man electric blues show." When not on the road performing Joe is in the studio finishing up recordings for his upcoming E.P currently titled "Season," scheduled for release in the summer of 2018.
Joe The Bluesman aka Joe Campobasso was born in Kansas City in 1954. Early in his childhood, his parents moved to Huntington Beach, California where he would spend most of his youth. A natural musician, he was already playing the violin by the third grade and by high school he was playing in the school's band. Joe also played bass in a band during his teen years known as "Pimit Creek," who mainly played CSN&Y covers. Joe's musical influences include Count Basis and Sarah Vaughn. After high school, he put music as a profession aside stating "I have always had an interest in music but I had to put music as a side interest, like so many people I took the time to raise my family.Three years ago I said goodbye to my day job to make music my number one priority."
To date, Joe has only released some of his older recorded material on his Reverb Nation page. An E.P is scheduled for release in the summer of 2018. He is currently wrapped up in touring, recording and promotional activities to support the upcoming E.P.
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