Joan Torres's All is Fused
San Francisco, CA | Established. Jan 01, 2011 | INDIE
Music is a collection of sound waves arranged in a way that affect the body cognitively as well as physiologically. The structural elements of music are usually defined by pitch, timbre, key, harmony, amplitude, rhythm, meter and tempo. Classical music is the epitome of structural perfection and basis for most music theory. Rock music and blues often follow this structure as well although simplified. However, musical structure is not as strict as once believed. Jazz and progressive jazz is a perfect example of structure re-structured. Though containing most, if not all of these elements, it is arranged in a unique way, defying theory and the traditional way of listening to music. Jazz evokes feelings of improvisation and spontaneity while still reflecting unmatched musical skill. The evolution of jazz has come a long way since the early days of jazz sensibility. Hailing from Puerto Rico, bassist and composer Joan Torres is on the forefront of progressive jazz.
Joan was recognized early in his musical career by the Berklee College of Music. They offered him several opportunities in the form of scholarships to attend their esteemed academy. He studied under several great musicians and performed in a colorful array of genres such as salsa, rock, reggae, Latin jazz, funk, classical choir and Brazilian Capoeira music. Tasting all the delicious flavors of a multi-faceted musical buffet, his mind was expanded and his skill was diverse. Ultimately, he curated his ideal group of talented musicians who comprise the band Joan Torres's All Is Fused. With Sergio González and Gabriel Vicéns on guitar, Fernando García on drums, Jonathan Suazo on alto sax, and Joan Torres on bass, they achieve a depth and fullness that vibrates deep within our auditory cortex. They also added musicians Emanuel Rivera on piano and Gerson Orjuela on drums for a few tracks, adding new spices to their already tasty recipe.
In April of 2014, they performed a few tracks from their new album at the Heineken Ventana al Jazz Fest in Condado, Puerto Rico. With the fire of performing live igniting their motivation, they started an Indiegogo campaign to fund the completion of their album. Five days after their performance at the JazzFest, they received the funding needed to record. Their album titled The Beginning was released on August 21, 2014 marking a meteoric ascension in their career. The Beginning is a genre-bending album that is heavily based in jazz but also borrows from funk, blues, classical, and even psychedelic rock. Joan's early experimentation in musical styles is apparent in this album as he takes all the sounds in his brain and arranges them into one cohesive musical journey.
The track "There Was You" pulls you in with a melancholy melody and a seductive sax. It then takes you on a 10 minute odyssey of soulful bass solos, ethereal piano, and a cadence that ebbs and flows. About halfway through, the tempo escalates, quickening its pulse like the heartbeat of a lover who catches a glimpse of his paramour. "Disruption" seamlessly follows "There Was You" as you go careening into another 10 minute journey of dizzying piano solos and funky bass lines. After "Disruption" comes "Nightmare," a dark and psychedelic song with moments of Spanish style guitar and a haunting melody. "Nightmare" is extremely cinematic in its rhythm and timbre and show's the group's open-minded approach to experimenting with sound.
Joan Torres's All Is Fused is a dynamic collection of musicians and minds. The Beginning is a timeless album, where sensibilities of the past and sounds of the future are manifested in the present. Listening to the album from start to finish is an emotional journey of melancholy moments, exciting experiences and dark discoveries (much like life, in fact). There is something deeply seductive about this album as it flows by the irregularity of human emotion. Constantly redefining genres and pushing boundaries reflects the evolution of art in all its forms. Joan Torres and his band of mystics will soon play their way into the ever-evolving history of Jazz music.
Website: http://joantorresmusic.com/
Bandcamp: https://joantorresallisfused.bandcamp.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joantorresmusic
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/joantorresmusic - The Huffington Post
Joan Torres's All Is Fused lives up to its name, delivering music that's a melting pot of styles and sonic strains. Torres—a Dominican Republic-born, Puerto Rico-based bassist with a fondness for modern jazz, rock, fusion, and Latin strains—pens electric and occasionally episodic narratives that burn, bemuse, and burrow their way into the mind.
The Beginning is something of a misnomer, as it's actually the second album from this outfit: Before (Self Produced, 2012) came before it, introducing this band's brand of musical mayhem to the music-buying public. But All Is Fused's sophomore release is as good a place for a listener to start as any, with quick detours, slamming grooves, high proof electro-acoustic blends, forceful vamps, hypnotic tides, and more. One piece might reach its apex with a twin guitar attack ("Mess"), another might feature saxophone and bass sitting in a warm bath of electric piano ("There Was You"), and a third might appear restless, moving from an ominous greeting to an off kilter groove to an expansive setting to a drum solo-supporting vamp ("Summoning"). There's no predicting what will happen at any moment, as Torres is prone to musical detours.
Puerto Rican up-and-comers like saxophonist Jonathan Suazo and under-the-radar guitarist Sergio Gonzalez make notable contributions here, Torres's solid-to-slinky bass work serves as a signpost and directional beacon throughout, and Fernando Luis Garcia's drumming, volatile and mutable as can be, drives the band. There's also magic to be found beyond individual contributions, as many relationships are highlighted throughout. Note the way Garcia and Torres create a volley of bass, cymbals and drums around soloists; or the manner in which Suavo's suave horn melds with Gonzalez's guitar. It's these type of connections that enliven this music.
There are a few spots on The Beginning that cause some ear fatigue, as a vamp may last a bit too long ("Summoning") or a mood may be mined for more than it's worth ("Nightmare"), but these issues are few and far between. On the whole, The Beginning is an arresting album with much to offer.
Track Listing: Summoning; Release; Disjunct Realities; Mess; There Was You; Disruption; Nightmare; Escape.
Personnel: Sergio Gonzalez: guitar; Emanuel Rivera: piano; Fernando Garcia: drums; Jonathan Suazo: alto saxophone; Gabriel Vicens: guitar (4, 7);Gerson Orjuela: drums (1); Joan Torres: bass.
Record Label: Self Produced - All About Jazz
Nominado a importante premio por el primer disco de su grupo All Is Fused
Por Rafael Vega Curry / rvega@elnuevodia.com
Puede que el nombre de Joan Torres aún no sea muy conocido, pero eso podría cambiar muy pronto.
El bajista dominicano residente en Puerto Rico acaba de apuntarse un temprano triunfo en su carrera, con la nominación de su álbum Before, grabado junto a su grupo All Is Fused, como disco del año en la categoría de Fusión de los Independent Music Awards (IMA).
Por los pasados 12 años, los IMA premios han reconocido el trabajo de artistas que producen sus propias grabaciones sin apoyo de disqueras, independientemente de cuán comerciales o no puedan ser.
Este año, algunas de las personalidades que forman parte del jurado incluyen a Tom Waits, Ziggy Marley y Arturo Sandoval. Según los organizadores del IMA, este año los premios serán promocionados entre 1 billón de personas en todo el mundo.
Los 300 álbumes nominados se seleccionaron de entre los miles que fueron sometidos de los los cinco continentes.
Torres, quien califica la nominación como “una bendición”, dijo que la nominación lo tomó por sorpresa.
“La realidad es que a la hora de trabajar en mi música lo que pensaba era en lo que quería decir con cada tema”, cuenta el bajista.
“Cada uno de los temas, de una manera u otra, al momento de su concepción fue una forma de ayudarme a lidiar con adversidades y curar mis emociones. Luego de aceptar con cariño cada uno de ellos entendía que no podía perder nada al presentarlos al mundo, pero sí podía ganar. Así que perdí el miedo a recibir alguna crítica ‘destructiva’ por mi música y me concentré en prepararla y presentarla”, admite.
Talento joven
Su música no es “fusión” en el sentido peyorativo en el que a veces se utiliza ese término. La suya es una fusión liberadora, que derrumba categorías y conjuga posibilidades.
Entre los músicos que participan en su disco se cuentan varios de los principales talentos jóvenes del país, como el saxofonista Jonathan Suazo y el guitarrista Gabriel Vicéns.
“Sea cual sea el resultado de las nominaciones, solamente puedo estar agradecido por lo que ya he ganado”, manifiesta Torres.
“Puedo decir que con esto he aprendido que poco en esta vida puede valer o recompensar tanto como la honestidad con nosotros mismos y nuestras pasiones”, agrega.
Los interesados en votar en esta edición de los Independent Music Awards tienen hasta el 1ro. de julio. Para hacerlo deben acceder y registrarse en la página www.independentmusicawards.com.
El disco Before está disponible en línea y en las tiendas de discos de Sears, Walmart y Sams. - El Nuevo Día
Artist: Joan Torres’s All is Fused
Album: Before
Genre: Instrumental Jazz
For fans of: Weather Report, Return to Forever, Trioscapes
Getting involved with music at a young age with a natural talent gave Joan Torres an advantage over a lot of his peers, and this talent which ultimately led to scholarships to attend the renowned Berklee College of Music certainly didn’t hurt his progression and career to follow. With an impressive ambition and open mind, Torres expanded and studied Salsa, Rock, Reggae, Latin Jazz, Funk, Fusion, Jazz, Classical Choir and even Brazilian Capoeira. The prowess you would imagine one accumulating from such experience is incredibly evident in his music. Landing on bass as his instrument of choice, Torres assembled a troupe with his well-known friends from the local music scene to aid in crafting his compositions and putting them to record.
Before is a resplendent debut effort from the ensemble. As you can see from the picture above, there is a lot of youth in this group. A youth you would not believe by listening to Before. The sublime synthesis found on this album would seemingly be that of seasoned jazz veterans with multi-decade long careers on their résumés. In the span of its 53-minute runtime, Before presents intricate beauty, variety, controlled chaos, undeniable grooves, and precision, all making it obvious that it was created with a love for its content as opposed to it just being a convenience. At times it feels as though you’re relaxed in a perfectly set Jazz club enjoying a drink while the band plays in the background and at others it feels as though you’re sitting in on a raw garage jam session, tapping your feet and bobbing your head to the rhythm.
I imagine it being hard for nearly anyone to not enjoy at least some sections from Before. Even a fan of technical death metal bands like Between The Buried and Me or progressive rock bands like RX Bandits could appreciate the instrumentation on this album, especially as a lot of the influence that goes into albums like The Parallax II: Future Sequence and Mandala, respectively, come from musicians and albums much like this. Songs like “Another World” and “The Chase” are perfect examples of the type of sound and structure those fans may enjoy from this effort.
While at few times tracks may seem to drag with extraneous bits, and at others, one instrument may drown out another, I must admit that I’m hardly versed in Jazz, but Joan Torres and Before has me worried about the fact that I may be missing out on something tremendous. But then again, maybe it doesn’t get much better than this…
“Personalization of a thing, which jazz artists love to do, is a hard thing to define” – Wynton Marsalis
As far as comparison and adequate description is concerned, there is really no point in my faking it. I’m as far from an expert on jazz as I am from being a 9-year old girl in pigtails. All I know is what pricks up these ears and what doesn’t, and San Juan, Puerto Rico’s Joan Torre’s All Is Fused is one of those bands/albums that has opened my eyes just a little bit more to the jazz genre and with good reason. Their debut album titled Before, is a rich and supremely played batch of compositions that are so obviously steeped in knowledge and love for the craft.
A near lifelong student of music appreciation, Joan Torres took up the bass guitar at the early age of 11. From there he has earned the well-deserved respect of his peers and has gathered an impressive resume of playing in various bands of all styles. He has studied under some of the greats such as Puerto Rican legend Tony Batista, and Mathew Garrison (son of Coltrane bassist Jimmy Garrison), as well as being offered numerous scholarships with Berklee College of Music and others. All of this and he hasn’t even peaked yet! The sure sign of an accomplished musician with the muse in his blood.
Before marks Torres first foray into composing and performing the music that he has written and had in his head over the years, and he has picked a perfect set of musicians to help make it reality. The album is a multi-faceted and laid back affair, offering a well versed tapestry of everything from Cuban jazz, standards, jazzed out space rock, and a bit of bossanova. Some have described (with all due respect, I am sure) Before as being background music, but I don’t think that’s necessarily fair. While it is definitely music for those more relaxed moments, there are dynamics at play that keep it from fading into the scenery. Even on songs like “Disbelief”, with slow burn intentions, sweet piano lead, and lightly brushed drums bringing to mind candle lit dinners in New York restaurants, it is still an arresting song. Or the tasty vibes of “Another World” where jazz fusion and space rock flirt as an unlikely couple, it is impossible not to be caught in its complex structure. And it is this structure that appeals to me as with any good jazz album. With the right players who bring love to the table and a worthy composer to guide them an album like this can be a game changer.
I may not know much about jazz and I may feel like a bit of a chump in trying to sell an album with words that feel unlearned, but like any good music it brings about a feeling of passion. Before has some fantastic musicianship and Torres has done well in gathering his cast of musicians, especially in drummer Fernando Garcia. Good Lord, that guy can play!
If you’re a broad minded fan of jazz then this album is for you. It shines, it surprises, it flows well, and is a worthy addition to any music lover’s collection. - All Whats Rock
Joan Torres is a powerful jazz fusion artist whose music can best be described as beautifully dynamic yet ambient jazz that will appeal to both the prog fans and the jazz guys. The melodies are beautiful and there are tons of great solos. His new record All is Fused is a fusion epic showing off 4 stellar musicians flashing their best abilities. The songwriting is wonderful and features a generally prog feel to it. I've always enjoyed this genre of more dynamic and flashy jazz. Metalheads could view this band as an acoustic version of T.R.A.M or something to listen to after having heard Mestis's debut record too many times. Their is just a lot of solid musicianship going on here that grooves nicely and will appeal to most fans of jazz, fusion and prog. With beautiful interwoven harmonies, striking rhythms and fabulous song structures Joan Torres' music will appeal to many and I could easily see these guys getting big within a few years! - Two Guys Metal Reviews
Joan Torres is a powerful jazz fusion artist whose music can best be described as beautifully dynamic yet ambient jazz that will appeal to both the prog fans and the jazz guys. The melodies are beautiful and there are tons of great solos. His new record All is Fused is a fusion epic showing off 4 stellar musicians flashing their best abilities. The songwriting is wonderful and features a generally prog feel to it. I've always enjoyed this genre of more dynamic and flashy jazz. Metalheads could view this band as an acoustic version of T.R.A.M or something to listen to after having heard Mestis's debut record too many times. Their is just a lot of solid musicianship going on here that grooves nicely and will appeal to most fans of jazz, fusion and prog. With beautiful interwoven harmonies, striking rhythms and fabulous song structures Joan Torres' music will appeal to many and I could easily see these guys getting big within a few years! - Two Guys Metal Reviews
Joan Torres es hijo de esta época, en la que las barreras van cayendo, la Internet borra los límites geográficos y la amalgama es la nota predominante. Por eso, a la hora de grabar su primer álbum como líder, el nombre de su banda surgió como la opción natural: All is Fused. Todo está fusionado.
Cuenta que hacía años quería grabar su propio disco, pero “siempre surgía la interrogante, ¿en qué género? Siendo bajista y compartiendo con tantas vertientes de la música, se me hacía difícil decir que mi disco sería de solamente una de esas vertientes”.
Terminó por aceptar que el término “fusión” sería el que definiría su música. No la “fusión” usada peyorativamente para referirse a parte de la música producida a principios de los años 70, sino la fusión liberadora, la que derrumba categorías y conjuga posibilidades.
Los músicos y el estudio no tendrían que ser exclusivamente de jazz, cuenta Torres, ni los instrumentos exclusivamente acústicos.
Y así nació “Before”, el primer álbum de este músico que nació en la República Dominicana hace 24 años pero que vive aquí desde que tenía un año de edad. Un álbum en el que participan varios de los principales talentos jóvenes del país -como el saxofonista Jonathan Suazo y el guitarrista Gabriel Vicéns- y que fue elogiado como una de las mejores producciones locales de jazz en el 2012.
“Yo quería que todos los que formamos parte en este álbum tuviésemos la oportunidad de brillar”, dice Torres. “La realidad es que yo pienso como músico primero y como bajista después. La música que escribo, la escribo pensando en un todo, en un conjunto y cómo sonaría”.
“De igual manera, el trabajo que pasaron los músicos en mi grupo en asimilar e interpretar mi música es muy valioso para mí”, agrega.
Fiel a su concepto, la música de “Before” toma prestado de varias tradiciones jazzísticas, tanto acústicas como eléctricas, para crear una síntesis vital, fresca, inclasificable. Entre los temas más destacados, “Enlightenment” contiene potentes improvisaciones de Suazo y Vicéns, quien también se luce en “Tragic End”.
¿Quiénes te inspiraron a tocar el bajo?
El bajo fue un instrumento que casi llegó a mí más que yo a él. Yo quería tocar el bajo o la guitarra eléctrica y no sabía muy bien diferenciarlos. Le pregunté a mi papá cuál era la diferencia y para simplificarme la explicación dijo un comentario como, “bueno, con un bajo no se puede tener una fiesta, pero con una guitarra quizá sí”. No sé en qué momento fue, pero después de eso decidí que el instrumento que quería tocar era el bajo. Quizá fue un poco de rebeldía latente o que no quería un instrumento de fiestas, quería algo para “rockear”.
¿Cómo fue tu primer contacto con el jazz?
Fue en octavo grado, cuando un compañero de clases, que en aquel momento estudiaba con Sammy Morales, me mencionó el nombre Jaco Pastorius, indicando que “a Sammy le gusta mucho Jaco Pastorius”. Luego de ese comentario, cuando llegué a mi casa, me conecté al Internet y ciegamente compré el único disco que tenían disponible de Jaco Pastorius en la página de BMG Music Service, donde yo era miembro. Cuando ese disco llegó, rápidamente lo puse y lo primero que escuché fue “Donna Lee”, bajo y percusión como no lo había escuchado antes... y mis oídos no pedían lo mismo después de eso.
Mis próximos estudios en el jazz fueron gracias al maestro Joel Marrero, que fue el primero en indicarme que Charlie Parker escribió “Donna Lee”. Eso me hizo buscar más atrás, a los grandes maestros del jazz que probablemente habían sido estudiados por Jaco y gente de su generación. Además, a raíz de eso, empecé a diferenciar entre el intérprete y el compositor.
Torres dice tener muchas personas a las que agradecer, tanto a las que lo formaron como músico -entre ellas sus profesores Matthew Garrison, hijo del legendario Jimmy Garrison, y Tony Batista- como a las que contribuyeron a que su álbum de debut sea un producto profesionalmente logrado. Entre estos últimos menciona al personal de Playbach Studio -Ramón Martínez, Carlos Velázquez y David Rodríguez- así como a Ariana Loren y Víctor Santana, quienes se encargaron de la fotografía y el diseño de arte del CD, respectivamente.
“Mi camino ha sido uno complicado, pero creo que ha sido necesario para poder apartarme de la parte estrictamente académica y recordar de dónde viene mi pasión por la música, para poder serle fiel”, reflexiona.
Y después de “Before”, ¿podemos esperar un “After”?
“Hay algo más allá, voy a dejar su significado abierto, pero espero que el tiempo ayude a contestar esa pregunta”. - El Nuevo Día
Can anyone really review a jazz album? The heavy use of improvisation and poly-rhythms focus on the musicianship of each instrument and make it rather difficult to critique each song. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not a jazz enthusiast (unless you count Meshuggah) but then there's Joan Torres’s (bassist, composer) a coalition of gifted musicians under the name All is Fused that serve as a great introduction to the genre.
The first thing I realized when I listened to Before in its entirety was the absolute wealth of musicianship and the various combinations of instruments throughout. Although there is no apparent song structure to the album, there does seem to be a certain theme to each individual track, be it a certain emphasis on a particular instrument, or a general mood, or an atmosphere that the music sticks too.
The first track, “Doorway”, opens to a piano melody that is eerily reminiscent of a modern fantasy video game. That imagery soon fades as the piano takes things over with simply amazing composition. One thing you might also pick up is the drumming in background, which is absolutely incredible but also so gentle that it can be easily overlooked, particularly during some of the more exciting progressions from the other instruments. I thought this was a huge mistake. Fernando García, the band’s drummer, has chops.
In fact, if you were to add distortion and volume to any of the instrumentals present on this album, you would end up with a pretty incredible metal record. The guitar licks found within “Vicissitudes”- courtesy of Sergio González - are a perfect example; you don’t have to like jazz to appreciate the guitar work on that track.
My favorite track on the album has to be “Disbelief.” I feel that Joan Torres had some real emotion invested in that track in comparison to the other songs on the album. The guitar and alto-saxophone complement each other beautifully as the song comes to an end, with a beautiful yet somewhat sad-sounding piano melody. If you’re a fan of the alto-saxophone, the tracks “True” and “Enlightenment” are definitely tracks you will want to hear.
Before is a perfect album to introduce you to the lounge type jazz that was so popular in the 1970s. Joan Torres' composition and rotation of the instrumental focus is a refreshing change to the standard structured music that we are accustomed to today. - Lithium Magazine
Bass player and bandleader Joan Torres produces fusion record with top jazz musicians.
Joan Torres All Is Fused first record, “Before”, is a well rounded album by bass player and bandleader Joan Torres. Offering up-tempo Puerto Rican inspired music, medium tempo straight 8th grooves, winding, searching ballads and complex time signatures.
While the music found here is often complex in nature, the general mood of the disc is one of relaxation, sometimes to a fault. After a while, one starts to wonder if this is really a fusion record or a smooth latin jazz record. Part of this is due to the arrangements as well as the "spirit" in which the musicians play. While the music is often time virtuosic and very well executed, the true spirit that defines great jazz performances is often times not present.
Torres assembled a band of highly proficient players for this record, often times allowing them to take the spotlight ahead of himself. Not uncommon when bass players step up to the role of bandleader. Through the spotlights, a stand out on the record emerges in pianist David Ojeda. His playing throughout is masterful, exploring the thematic and harmonic material of each song while also placing his own stamp on each unique composition.
If you're in the market for a fusion record that is on the tamer side, pick this side up. It's versatile enough to be listened to by avid fusion listeners as well as background music for your next dinner party. - Buzzfeed
If you don’t come from a jazz background (or at least a background of enjoying jazz) you might not find much to grab onto with Before, the debut album from San Juan, Puerto Rico quintet Joan Torres’s All is Fused (yep, that’s the whole name of the group. Is that name a pun on the jazz fusion genre? The world may never know). Then again, you might be surprised by how truly enjoyable some of this is regardless of your music pedigree.
Let’s start with the basics: Before is an eight-track instrumental record performed by five very talented musicians (a sixth, who adds another guitar to the mix, joins on two songs). Mostly it’s got a very brisk, even frantic composition that eschews “easy listening” labels. That said, I personally found the slower tracks – “Disbelief” and “Tragic End” – to be the most enjoyable; they’re incredibly effective at creating a moody atmosphere that doesn’t dominate your headspace. The other tracks are probably incredibly fun to watch in a live setting but didn’t really jump out at me on the record; they’re too intricate to provide background noise and a little too same-sounding to support some of their hefty run-times.
That said, even in those tracks there are things that very much stand out as exceptional. I found myself in particular paying attention to two of the group’s members. First is pianist David Ojeda, whose skill on the keys provides the opening notes for the entire album and never really lets up. My first musical love was Elton John, and I think that’s given me a predilection towards hearing people play piano really well. Ojeda certainly fits that bill.
Even moreso than Ojeda, though, props must go to drummer Fernando Garcia, whose background seems to be one part jazz and one part prog-rock. Garcia bucks a number of preconceptions about his genre by playing his kit like a monster, with full snare hits (not just brushes!) and lots of sharp, cutting toms. I found Garcia to be the star of the show; he’s both an excellent timekeeper and an exciting soloist, and every track had me wondering what he was going to do next. Perhaps the biggest standout for Garcia is “The Chase,” a song whose opening drums actually recall a group like Coheed & Cambria.
In the end, Before is a good record, but it’s not really for the uninitiated – in other words, it’s mostly exciting, vibrant jazz, but if that phrase doesn’t do anything for you, this might not be your album. An exception stands for drummers, though; even in a genre known for its demanding instrumentation, Fernando Garcia excels at propelling this record with his fascinating rhythms. And if you ever happen to be around a club where these guys are playing, well, it’ll probably be a good time. - Nerdy Nothings
Are you happy? Sad? Neutral? Well, regardless of the mood you’re in, ‘Joan Torres’s All Is Fused’ has a musical arrangement just for you.
Joan Torres is a musical veteran who is learned in a wide variety of musical genres like Salsa, Rock, Reggae, Latin Jazz, Funk, Fusion, Jazz and even Classical Choir music. As an adult, he recruited like minded artists to play alongside him and, voila, Joan Torres’ All Is Fused was born. The forming of the band resulted in the recently released EP entitled “Before.”
This is a very difficult instrumental EP to dissect from song to song, as every piece contains a multitude of elaborate parts. These musicians know their stuff; various progressive jazz elements like polyrhythmic drumlines that are dappled with sixteenth note time signatures and dizzying drum fills, intricate piano melodies that tumble up and down the keys with seemingly little effort, a plethora of harmonies and scales that range from simple to downright complex, great textural use of guitars a la Santana, brass instruments that are utilized perfectly, funky bass lines and more elements than I can count on my two hands.
My personal favorite of the album is “Doorway”, and that is because I’m a huge Rush fan. The opening minutes of Doorway reminded me of a Rush song, especially in terms of the drummer Fernando Garcia. He truly echoes the greatness of guys like Neil Peart, among others.
Songs like “True” and “Tragic End” are very relaxing and laid back, though no less technical. The smooth, lethargic piano work can instantly melt away the stress of a long day, almost to the point of cliche. The flamenco style guitar solos are aimless as well as striking, and even the bass player gets to rock out a couple of solos.
Joan Torres’ All Is Fused is a tight, well rounded unit that can make the most difficult music sound effortless. Fans of Salsa, Blues/Funk and Jazz will be taken aback by this enjoyable collection of great songs.
OVERALL SCORE: 81 - The Signal
Joan Torres is one of those incredible talents that you have to delve deep into the treasure chest of music to find. Hailing from San Juan, Puerto Rico, Torres defies conventional song writing and playing styles in order to create his incredibly entrancing and technical music. This man is limited to nothing. His latest album, entitled ‘Before’ is everything that makes Joan Torres who he is, a musical ‘free spirit’.
Inundated with complex structures, time signatures and Jazz Fusion melodies, you would expect your brain to be a little sore after a couple of songs. However Torres manages to keep a certain calm flow to each song. ‘Complex music doesn’t have to be math’ and Torres certainly takes this approach to music very seriously. Songs such as ‘Disbelief’, ’Another World’ and ‘True’ are classic examples of fine Jazz pieces and are fantastic representations of this album.
If one word could come to mind when listening to Joan Torres’s ‘Before’ it would be ‘classy’. This is a perfect album for those upscale dining experiences, sultry ‘flowing red dress’ encounters and ‘shaken not stirred’ moments you may encounter during your lifetime. However I wouldn’t place this album in the ‘only fit for certain occasions barrel’. As appropriate for certain occasions this album may be, it is easily just as appropriate to be mesmerized and appreciatively silent towards such fine mastery of music. Sometimes there comes an album where you need to stop and listen, you won’t just want to, you’ll be compelled to stop and listen to ‘Before’ by Joan Torres.
It’s a great thing that Jazz still has a presence in todays music scene. Jazz has a certain mystique and aura to it that other genres don’t possess. Not only being one of the most complex and hardest genres to master, it is one of the most beautiful. To be a master of Jazz you must be extremely dedicated, passionate and expressive. With ‘Before’ you can sense just how talented these musicians are and you have a certain appreciation for just how difficult it is the even record an album of Jazz.
‘Before’ by Joan Torres is nothing but pleasure. This is an album for the classiest of occasions or for the quietest and most memorizing of experiences. ‘Before’ is of course best fit for the Jazz enthusiast, however I’d also recommend it for any fans of Progressive Rock or Psychedelic Music. Get your hands on this album now! - The.Raffo.Review
Bassist Joan Torres calls his group All Is Fused. Before, the band's début recording, features electric bass, electric guitar and (mostly) electric keyboards. Is this a fusion album?
Yes and no. Torres knows his fusion history, and appropriates from it with a sure touch. On "Doorway," the group channels the light samba sound of pianist Chick Corea's Return to Forever (ECM, 1972). On "Another World" and "The Chase," in contrast, they draw upon the rapid-fire guitar lines (here, doubled on electric bass) heard on drummer Billy Cobham's Spectrum (Atlantic, 1973), equally derived from bebop and heavy metal.
But elsewhere, the sound is one of energetic bop ("Vicissitudes") or mid-tempo post-bop ("Disbelief," "True"). In short, this is intelligent electro-acoustic jazz in the vein of Donny McCaslin's Perpetual Motion (Greenleaf, 2011), not the pile-driving rock-funk sound of Headhunters or other mid-1970s purveyors of the fusion genre.
Pianist David Ojeda and guitarist Sergio González, in particular, are given generous solo space. Spirited, if at times a little green, soloists, each achieves transcendent moments. Alto saxophonist Jonathan Suazo, meanwhile, is more assured, and on "Disbelief" renders a solo of Cannonball Adderley-like bluesy fluency. Drummer Fernando García is especially imaginative and energetic on the upbeat numbers.
Torres himself is reserved as a soloist. When he steps forward (as on "Disbelief" and "True"), he offers a tasteful and restrained improvisation.
The compositions display a dynamic and stylistic diversity; they tend to be pleasing sequences of chords more than appealing melodies.
Torres and his young confrères are part of an effervescent young jazz scene in Puerto Rico. Another leading light of that scene is guitarist Gabriel Vicens, whose fine, ambitious début Point In Time (self-produced, 2012), preceded Before by a few months. (Vicéns's record also featured Suazo's alto sax.) Vicéns takes the guitar chair on the last two cuts of Torres's record, where his matrix-like improvisational approach complements perfectly the sound of Torres's group. - All About Jazz
The rap examiner is always on the lookout for all types of music and when he came across Joan Torres's All is Fused, from San Juan, Puerto Rico, he was immediately struck with the pleasantries of the band.
Joan Torres's All is Fused album Before, is a perfect musical exhibition for the ears. Each cut paints a picture that is worth examining and studying for its dynamic skill and synthesizing of musical flair. The group is remarkably similar to many groups that have been successful in the past (i.e. Return to Forever and Weather Report). "Doorway" begins the jam session and the skill offered by the band is unbelievable. For six minutes, Torres' composition dances across the speakers creating imagery that is scenic, of a varied pace and thorough in execution. "Another World," takes its cue from the starter song and assembles a mixture of sounds and textures. Torres moves from jazz to fusion and back to jazz in one song. The music of "Vicissitudes," is a perfect complement to the band's superb dexterity and vibe as a whole. "Disbelief," is mellow and somber focusing intently on its solos from alto saxophonist, Jonathan Suazo and impeccable bass and piano playing.
"True," gives the reflection of a misty nightclub packed with a lot of people sipping beverages and taking in the melodies; while "The Chase," is indeed the heaviest on Before. "Tragic End," in spite of its title is possibly the masterpiece. Simple and peaceful, serenity is painted through the bands members' instrumentation. The finale, "Enlightenment," is a fitting climax to an album that graces the eardrums.
Joan Torres's All is Fused was born out of a love for music from band members, Joan Torres, Sergio González, David Ojeda, Fernando García, Jonathan Suazo, and Gabriel Vicéns. Each cut presented on Before is jazzy and then some. Before is a collage of sounds ranging from classical to rock. The album led to a tour for the band. It is clear with Before that music is their passion and they are passionate about it.
Final Grade: A - Examiner
Is there really any place for this in the modern CD collection really? It’s no wonder they are being compared to bands like Return to Forever and Weather Report who experienced their heydays in the 70s. Not to say that it isn’t an enjoyable fusion of Latin Jazz and Funk, just that this brand of music is only heard while waiting in a lobby or a customer service representative over the phone nowadays.
Like the aforementioned bands, the album has no lyrics; it’s a collection of substantial compositions. Joan Torres is their bass playing ringleader in this circus of extraordinary talent.
If you’re looking for something that will relax you; calm you but keep your thought process ticking over, then ‘Before’ has several slow paced arrangements whilst, on the odd occasion, things pick up and make you feel like you’re watching the chase scene in an old cop thriller. - Music News
One of the funny things about jazz bassist's albums is how they can seem to be in the background of the music, even on their own recordings. Such is sometimes the case with bass player Joan Torres and the group he leads, All Is Fused on their release Before. Even so, this album does a really great job of many times using electronic instrumentation – the variety you'd mainly expect to be applied to jazz fusion – to create a surprisingly traditional collection of music.
Torrres' bass work doesn't truly stand out until five tracks in, where he takes a lovely, thoughtful solo on the ballad "Disbelief." It's a sparse, quiet track this allows Torres to stretch out and shine. Guitarist Sergio González also takes a similar approach during his solo. I just love it when musicians sound to be in no great hurry when they take a solo. Far too often, players – even seasoned jazz players – come off far too eager to impress. Not so with this ensemble, however. Instead, this is a song that finds its soloists nearly whispering out their musical thoughts, like diners at a formal dinner party conversing quietly.
Pianist David Ojeda also finds many spots to impress with his playing. He's the center of attention, for instance, during the opening track, "Doorway," which has a melody that somehow sounds like the group Weather Report, meets the Star Wars Theme. On it, Ojeda's electric piano work carries the tune.
Curiously, while Torres is from San Juan, Puerto Rico, his compositions with All is Fused rarely sound particularly Latin. Instead, his music very much sounds like straight, traditional American jazz. It isn't until "True," five tracks in, that you start to get the notion that his player is not American born. Drummer Fernando Garcia swings its beat in a slightly Latin manner, while Jonathan Suazo takes an emotional, nicely John Coltrane-like alto saxophone solo.
For jazz fans that appreciate traditional jazz, but grew up in the jazz fusion era, All I Fused gives such listeners the best of both worlds. Granted, this is not how, say, Art Blakey & the Jazz Messengers did it. However, what Torres does reminds me a little bit of the way Miles Davis approached it, back when he first began to experiment with what would go on to become fusion music. He simply featured musicians playing electronic instruments, many times still doing what they would normally be doing on their acoustic instruments.
Although much of this album leans toward the quiet side, Torres and his drummer Garcia get into a nice, propulsive groove during the many times fast paced, and appropriately named, "The Chase." It's a composition that proves once again how jazz doesn't need to incorporate traditional rock elements, to rock. In places, this track, indeed, rocks.
In the end, you're left with respect for the way Joan Torres is so inclusive with his fellow musicians of All Is Fused on Before. It is decidedly an ensemble work. Even though Torres is only occasionally the star of his own show, much like Art Blakey once did it before him while leading the Messengers, he lets his band sound like a real united band, rather than a mere backing group. - antiMusic
Composition - 4.0 || Composition - 4.0 || Musicianship - 4.0
Web: www.joantorresmusic.com
Location: San Juan, Puerto Rico
Genre: Jazz+
Key Tracks: ALL
Joan Torres's All Is Fused is one of the top jazz bands I have had the privilege of
listening to this year. Joan Torres, an accomplished bass player, enlists some of Puerto
Rico's top young jazz musicians and release, Before; an 8 song masterpiece that will
connect with the hearts of every jazz music lover who has the opportunity to hear it.
Drawing on his experience studying with top Puerto Rican jazz musicians, and his roots in
Salsa, Rock, Reggae, Latin Jazz, Funk, Fusion, Jazz, Classical Choir music and Brazilian
Capoeira music, Joan Torres' album has an expansiveness that comes through on each
composition, which are layered with intimacy and excitement, as demonstrated on songs
like "The Chase" and "Disbelief". Joan's history as a musician is on full display,
showcasing his incredible range as a composer who infuses funky Latin-influenced bass
rhythms that contrast nicely with the on time percussive play of Fernando Garcia
(drums), the amazing guitar play of Sergio González and Gabriel Vicéns, the bopping alto
sax played by Jonathan Suazo, and the lilting piano of David Ojeda.
The track listing on Before is as follows: Doorway, Another World, Viccisitudes, Disbelief,
True, The Chase, Tragic End, and Enlightenment. Each track breathes a unique tone
into the overall compilation of songs, contributing the earlier mentioned expansiveness of
this project. Not taking anything for granted here, I'd say that Joan Torres's All Is Fused
is well on their way to becoming a legendary jazz ensemble and "Before" will be one of
their most respected releases. - I Am Entertainment Magazine
Before is the latest album from Puerto Rican Jazz quintet: Joan Torre’s All Is Fused. Before was composed and arranged by multi-instrumentalist Joan Torre’s, the band’s bass player. Torre’s has studied and performed in a wide variety of music including Salsa, Rock, Reggae, Latin Jazz, Funk, Fusion, Jazz, Classical Choir music and even Brazilian Capoeira music. His studies/performances in these genres of music are made obvious by the variety of harmonious Modern Jazz music that Before has to offer to its listeners. The members of Joan Torre’s All Is Fused are: Sergio González (Guitar), David Ojeda (Piano), Fernando García (Drums), Jonathan Suazo (Alto Sax), and Joan Torres (Bass).
Novelist and famous writer Ralph Ellison once said, “Jazz is an art of individual assertion within and against the group…”. In other words, the better of the groups of the jazz world are similar to living organisms. When you listen to Before you get this feeling. You get the feeling that what Torre’s has done is taken other masters of the Jazz craft and created this wonderful, breathing and living organism. The songs on Before are perfectly crafted arrangements that speak of the evolution and variety of sounds that Jazz music has to offer. Sounds from a Samba influence can be heard on a song like “True” whereas on the following song “The Chase” a Jazz/Rock Fusion feel is prevalent. That being said, nothing on this album even gives the slightest impression of sounds being accidentally placed. When you listen to a song like “Enlightenment” you can really visualize what Ralph Ellison was talking about. A 9-minute piece, with just hint of fusion to it, the song is a controlled disorganization of musical ideas. Each instrument takes a turn expressing itself while drummer Fernando García holds everything nice and compact for the entirety of the song. The ideas and the execution in the delivery of Enlightenment, is absolutely genius. All is definitely fused.
Before is a piece of artwork that can be appreciated regardless of your current relationship with Jazz music. - Red House Reviews
Joan Torres’s All is Fused is a jazz act out of San Juan, Puerto Rico. The members of the group are Sergio Gonzalez on guitar, David Ojeda on piano, Fernando García on drums, Jonathan Suazo on alto sax, Gabriel Vicéns on guitar, and Joan Torres on bass. Their sound has been described as being similar to Weather Report, Pat Metheny Group, and Herbie Hancock. The act released an album, Before, on May 21, 2012.
There are a total of eight songs on Before, and they range anywhere from three-and-a-half to nine minutes in length. To me, “Doorway,” “Another World,” “Viccisitudes,” and “True” were the standout tracks on the album.
Overall, the album seems to flow together well as one cohesive unit. My only real complaint is that the final two songs (“Tragic End” and “Enlightenment”) do seem to drag a little and don’t really stand out from each other. The fact that “Enlightenment” is the longest song on the album at nine minutes in length doesn’t really help with this. Overall, though, Before is an album with a calming sound, and it works really well as background music.
About 17 years ago, I was a DJ for KEWU, a jazz station at Eastern Washington University. As I listened to Before, I thought that most of the songs sounded like they would fit right in with the material that the station was playing at the time that I was a DJ there, especially during the mid-day shifts during the work week. I have to admit that listening to this release made me a little nostalgic for my days as a KEWU DJ.
Before is a pretty solid jazz release, and hopefully Joan Torres’s All is Fused will release more albums in the future. - AeschTunes
Assuming the world does not end on December 21, this year will go down as a successful one for Joan Torres’s All Is Fused band. The band’s debut album Before was released in May and was a commercial and critical success. Originally, from Puerto Rico, Joan is a renowned bass player and composer in jazz circles. He recruited Sergio Gonzalez, David Ojeda, Fernando Garcia, Jonathan Suazo and Gabriel Vicens as band-mates in 2011. On 21 December of that year they played their first show together and Joan Torres’s All Is Fused was born. As the band approaches the first anniversary of that night, they are reflecting on a successful year, despite the predictions of the Mayan calendar.
Allaboutjazz.com gave Before a glowing review, saying the LP showcased “all-original material and…it is evident that dedication to detail has achieved a terrific result.”
Joan has played throughout the year both as a solo artist and with the band. Joan’s passion for music is unquenchable, he launched the website www.CulturaJazz.com and is dedicated to promoting the jazz scene in Puerto Rico. - Pop Bucket
The name of the group says it all, the music of bassist Joan Torres’s All is Fused contains a perfect fusion of all Torres influences, Jazz, Rock, Bossa Nova, blues and more.
All compositions from the album Before are originals by Joan Torres. This group is also an example of the amazing young talent in the Puerto Rico jazz scene.
The first track, “Doorway” feels like a waltz with elements of jazz fusion. A piece that grows in intensity and reminiscent of the Progressive rock groups of the 70's.
In “Another World”, the melody lines and electric piano gives the piece an out of this world feel. Excellent work by Sergio González on guitar and powerful drums playing by Fernando García.
The music slows down on “Vicissitudes”, a piece with tempo changes between Bossa Nova and straight ahead jazz.
“Disbelief” is a slow “blues” ballad where Joan demonstrates his technique and feeling on bass. Warm sound on sax by Jonathan Suazo with improvisations deeply rooted in the jazz tradition. One can hear Hawkins and Lester Young in Suazo’s playing.
“True” has Samba and other brazilian influences and Suazo’s playing is highlighted on this one also, this time with a sound a la Paul Desmond.
“The Chase” is all Jazz/Rock Fusion, with the characteristic funk groove. “Tragic End” is a ballad with beautiful melodies on piano and a melancholic feel. Gabriel Vicéns, special guest on this one and on “Enlightment”, is another jazz promise from Puerto Rico.
“Enlightment” has touches of fusion, and highlight Suazo’s powerful improvisations on sax and Vicéns flawless melodies on guitar. - Latin Jazz Network
Fledgling musicians coming up in these accelerated techno times can benefit from pursuing individual projects without having to rely on major labels or other people to make decisions for them. Joining this crop of young lions is bassist Joan Torres, who is out to make it on his own terms with All is Fused, without ever relinquishing control or quality.
Having honed his skills through Boston's Berklee College of Music programs while studying and playing in Puerto Rico, it was inevitable that Torres would interact with likeminded musicians, leading to jams, gigs and, now, Before. Showcasing all-original material and recorded entirely in San Juan, it is evident that dedication to detail has achieved a terrific result.
From David Ojeda's piano intro on opening "Doorway," also featuring tasty guitarist Sergio Gonzalez, there is a sense that this music was approached on a personal level well beyond these players' collective years, and it just keeps getting better. The novel arrangements are acutely tight and defined by drummer Fernando Garcia, who sets a blistering pace on "Another World," and "True," where alto saxophonist Jonathan Suazo lays down a subtle backdrop to support his vivid solo. Suazo also shines on "Enlightenment," where he is joined by guitarist Gabriel Vicens, displaying his exquisite tone and fluid playing.
As a leader and bassist, Torres has done an excellent job of producing, composing, arranging and selecting the accompanying musicians for this project. Though they are all obviously friends, it takes much more than that to produce a worthwhile record. There is the required talent, skill and dedication to the ensemble sound as a whole while not counting out individual efforts in the final outcome. There are many criteria involved in deciding to make music together; Torres and his band mates have, for all the right reasons, made it work, and Before is the harmonious proof. - All About Jazz
En su primer CD, Joan Torres demuestra ser una nueva promesa del jazz boricua
Como bajista, líder y compositor, Joan Torres tiene todo lo necesario para sobresalir. Sus solos en el bajo eléctrico son melódicos y cuidadosamente labrados (como en 'Disbelief'); su excelente banda -que cuenta con Gabriel Vicéns y Sergio González en guitarras, David Ojeda en teclados, Fernando García en batería y Jonathan Suazo en saxo- es ágil y bien acoplada. Y su música toma prestado de varias tradiciones jazzísticas, tanto acústicas como eléctricas, para crear una síntesis vital, fresca, inclasificable. "Enlightenment" contiene potentes improvisaciones de Suazo y Vicéns, quien también se luce en "Tragic End". Si así de bueno es el "Before", que venga pronto el "After".
Source: Vega, Rafael. "Debut de oro." El Nuevo Día. 19 de agosto de 2012: EA8 - El Nuevo Día
Joan Torres's All is Fused - Of the Musical (2016)
Joan Torres's All is Fused - The Beginning (2014)
Joan Torres's All is Fused - Before (2012)

Bassist, composer, producer Joan Torres has led the Jazz Fusion ensemble All Is Fused since 2011. With 3 albums released to date, a 4th album in production, multiple award nominations, and the Vox Pop award for the Fusion Album category of the 14th annual IMAs, the ensemble has been described as going "far beyond complex musical ideas managing to weave in a true sonic narrative" in their music (Music News 2016). Throughout several releases All Is Fused has appealed to genre and non-genre fans alike.
Torres got the group together to record their first album, titled Before, on January 10 and 11, 2012 at Playbach Studio in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The album features guitarist Sergio González, pianist David Ojeda, drummer Fernando García, alto saxophonist Jonathan Suazo and guitarist Gabriel Vicéns. The album was released May 21, 2012. Before was received well by critics which earned new opportunities for both Torres and the ensemble. Shortly thereafter, Emanual Rivera joined the group as the primary pianist. In February 2013, All Is Fused performed music from the album Before at a Jazz forum for the community of the Puerto Rico Music Conservatory. Having acquired a following in the Puerto Rico area, they decided to look ahead to the future and invest energy on getting the music beyond the island and into the world.
In March 2013, Joan Torres's All Is Fused was nominated in two categories for the 12th Annual Independent Music for their critically-acclaimed debut album Before. The group also went on tour through the New Orleans, Louisiana area in November 2013.
In 2014, they recorded and released their second album, The Beginning, launched a successful crowdfunding campaign, and performed in one of Puerto Rico's “Ventana al Jazz” Festivals on April 27th.
In 2015, their music was featured in a variety of review publications including The Huffington Post. Furthermore, The Beginning earned a nomination in the 14th Annual Independent Music Awards (the group's third IMA nomination), ultimately winning the Vox Pop award in the Fusion Album category in 2016.
On June 24, 2016 they debuted music from their third album, Of the Musical, at The Center in San Francisco, California. They recorded this new album at the historic and influential Different Fur Studios in San Francisco between June 27 and 29. Grammy winner Dave Darlington mixed and mastered the album. Of the Musical was released November 21, 2016, earning 3 nominations at the IMA’s including Jazz Producer, Best Fusion Album, and Best Fusion Song for the track Demiurge.
All is Fused is now in post-production on their 4th album release, Revolution. The music debuted at the SFJAZZ Center and was recorded at Different Fur Studios in San Francisco, CA in August 2018. The sessions were recorded by Sean Paulson and the album was mixed and mastered by Grammy winner Dave Darlington. The album features several special guests including trumpet player Julius Meléndez and percussionist Paoli Mejías. The album is scheduled for release in April 2019.
Band Members