Jessi Jae Joplin
Gig Seeker Pro

Jessi Jae Joplin

Los Angeles, California, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2018

Los Angeles, California, United States
Established on Jan, 2018




"Meet Jessi Jae Joplin"

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jessi Jae Joplin.

Jessi Jae, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
Growing up in Northern California, my passion for music, dance, and singing began through my early experiences in musical theater. That’s really what ignited my love for the arts, making the stage my playground.

My professional career began much later, interning for several magazines and fashion designers in NYC. This led me to explore new opportunities, eventually bringing me to Los Angeles. In LA, I was reintroduced to my love for performing and even started my own band.

I’ve since had the privilege of collaborating with incredible artists, showcasing my style, and most recently ventured into DJing. In 2018, I launched my own event in DTLA, ManiFEST Party – a subculture, immersive event combining all things music, art, and fashion.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
The journey has had its share of challenges, especially during the pandemic in 2020. As a DJ and event organizer, my work was heavily impacted since live events came to a halt. It was a tough period not only for me but for artists and performers worldwide.

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
As an artist, I draw inspiration from my travels and life experiences. My art extends beyond just music; it’s expressed through my clothing style, how I engage with my community, and the environments I create. Since I wear multiple creative hats, I’m able to explore various facets of the entertainment industry. For example, blending music and fashion allows me to craft a truly unique artistic identity.

What I’m most proud of is my ability to create inclusive environments, where my music, fashion, and the communities I engage with all merge to form an immersive experience. In this day and age, my dedication to authenticity and connection with audiences is what sets me apart.

Are there any books, apps, podcasts or blogs that help you do your best?
The books I’m currently reading are “The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test” by Tom Wolfe and “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron.

As far as podcasts go – my friend Madeline has a really amazing podcast called “Pick Me Up, I’m Scared”. Another podcast I really like right now is called “Into the Multiverse.”

Contact Info:
SoundCloud: - Voyage LA


Jessi Jae Joplin - Fruit Salad (2024) 

Jessi Jae Joplin - Just the Other Girl (2019)

Jessi Jae Joplin - Fists or Bullets (2012)

Jessi Jae Joplin - Deal With You (2011)

Jessi Jae Joplin - The Thrill (2011) 



Beginning in the Bay Area and spanning nationwide, Jessi Jae Joplin’s multidimensional music experience makes her one of the most in-demand DJs, performers, event producers and brand collaborators in Los Angeles. From her early years as a pianist to leading musical theatre roles, her musicality shone from a young age. Following a chapter in New York City, Jessi landed in Los Angeles with a starring role in the independent rock musical, "O-Star.” Moving beyond the theater, Jessi graced stages across the United States as lead singer of indie-rock band, The Ruckus, immersing herself in songwriting and an extensive touring schedule. Her time on the road led to her intrigue with music festival culture and the ultimate blending of her performance. She would soon be known as the lead singer behind the turntables. With DJ sets entering her performance and a growing fixation on festival culture, her now cult-classic series, Manifest Party was born. Called “the essence of a music festival in a single night,” Jessi’s signature event transcends traditional LA gatherings —an embodiment of Jessi's inclusive energy and otherworldly ability to play music that keeps people dancing until dawn. Whether she’s live at the Viper Room or creating the next wave-making event — the energy she embodies and the connections she forges makes her adored by fans, old and new. As Jessi unveils her latest EP, a testament to resilience, growth, and the enduring power of music, she invites you to join her on the next chapter.


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