Jas Patrick
Nashville, Tennessee, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2009 | SELF
Some months I receive so much new music albums can get lost in pile; and that's what nearly happened here. INKY OVINE arrived as a download instead of my preferred CD format; but it still went onto the I-player; but without actually being heard. It was only this morning, four weeks after receiving it, that the title track Inky Ovine itself snuck out of the car stereo when I put the music on 'random.'
Wow! Who the Hell is this? I pondered as I pulled the car over. I didn't even recognise the name; but swiftly found the album and had my mind blown over the next half hour.
Opening track Harpy starts with a really 'heavy guitar groove' reminiscent of someone like Humble Pie or Free in their heyday; with Patrick's rough around the edges voice; perfect for this strutting little Blues-Rocker.
Next track Party Line (Classified), opens with some sweet acoustic guitar before Patrick goes all Stanley Road era Paul Weller; but with a little more 'oomph' – so far; so bloody good.
The title track Inky Ovine (no I don't know what it means either) opens with a sub-reggae beat before Jas Patrick totally raises his game on a luscious slice of Psychedelic- Britpop (?) that must surely be influenced by Stevie Winwood and Traffic and I absolutely love it; especially the UB40 groove in the middle.
I'm pleased to say the laid-back Little Bug; which follows, stays in exactly the same vein, only with some 12 string guitar and sweeping strings in the middle section are spell-binding; as is the song itself.
Didn't Ask starts with some bizarre sound effects but once you get past that the track really showcases Patrick's distinctive voice; which is very, very similar to Stevie Winwood circa 1980; although some of the guitar and keyboard playing could be lifted straight from the Blind Faith album; but I'm sure that's just an influence ;)
The EP closes with the glorious Snow Day; which while similar in feel and approach to the other tracks somehow manages to be a couple of rungs better; perhaps it's the lyrics or perhaps the funky bass line, but whatever it's a peach.
What a find! So you ask, which part of God's Country does young Mr Patrick come from....well it's actually the Nashville part. Yes; my head spun when I got around to reading the bio; but that just aids this music in my book; because it must be all too easy to go along with the Americana/Alt. Country crowd instead of following your heart. In this case Jas Patrick has just done that and created the best British album (EP actually) that I've heard this year; and it took a Tennessean to do it!
Now bring on an actual album.
http://www.jaspatrick.com/ - NoDepression.com
Jas Patrick's debut EP Inky Ovine is set for release on September 25. Patrick plays most of the instruments on the album, which he recorded in Nashville with engineer Brad Bass. Inky Ovine, which we premiere today, explores a palette of raw blues and rock over the course of six original songs. Patrick, who began on drums at age four, moved to Nashville seven years later due his father's role on Clint Black's band. Jas Patrick's first touring gig came at the age of 18, as the drummer for Noel Haggard, son of Merle Haggard.
The debut stream appears below and Relix readers may download Inky Ovine for free, via this link. - Relix.com
Local multi-instrumentalist, singer songwriter Jas Patrick has a new EP, Inky Ovine, dropping September 25th, and we’ve been lucky enough to get an early listen. Let us assure you it’s wonderful; dancing between genres like jazz, blues, and even world music, while still staying true to it’s Americana/Rock core. Jas wrote, arranged, and produced all six songs himself. In addition, he played all the instruments, with the exception of bass and steel guitar, the latter of which his father, Jeff Peterson (who’s recorded and toured extensively with country legend Clint Black), took on.
Earlier this month, Patrick debuted the EP’s first single “Harpy,” which you can download for free right here, and now we are thrilled to exclusively bring you another track, “Little Bug,” after the jump. After several close calls with the ‘big time,’ Jas gambled on starting his own label (Tiny Lion Records), and launched his solo career in 2010 with his debut record Working on My Soul. Boy are we glad he did, because with talent like his it’s only a matter of time. Click on to see what we’re raving about, and check back soon for more new information on an amazing local musician. - NoCountryForNewNashville.com
The music business of the last 50 years is dead. Everyone knows that. The few major labels left standing are all but on their last gasps. Artists can’t rely on an A&R exec to shepherd and fund their every whim anymore, and most musicians choose to go it alone, armed with a DIY toolkit and a little bit of luck.
Americana singer/songwriter Jas Patrick might be considered something of a champion for those taking their music careers into their own hands. His newest offering, Inky Ovine, was mostly written and recorded in his apartment, every instrument (with the exception of bass and pedal steel) played with his own two hands. Why would a master craftsman rely on others to wield his tools, after all? Sure, it took upwards of three years to get it all together, but the end result is totally worth it.
Bordering a bit on blues and adding in a sprinkling of country (a total requisite for any Nashville-based artist), Inky Ovine is the kind of built-from-the-ground-up collection that’s hard to come by these days. Even though it’s only six tracks, each one is super sized, many surpassing the five-minute mark. Opener and single “Harpy” is a blistering rock ‘n’ blues tune with rip-roaring vocals and an infectious guitar riff. Just to prove his versatility, Patrick eases up a bit on “Party Line (Classified),” transitioning the direction of the album as expertly as a sea captain steering his ship. The album’s title track veers into true indie-rock territory, while “Little Bug” captures a bit of dreaminess in its instrumentation. Concluding with the manic “Didn’t Ask” and the pastiche that is “Snow Day,” Patrick seems to hurry to cram in the rest of his musical prowess before wrapping.
Don’t worry, Jas, you’ve proved your mettle as one of the shiniest stars in the indie sky. This is one artist to watch, folks.
For more about Jas Patrick and Inky Ovine, visit his website. - PopDose.com
Jas Patrick is the old rodeo poster for the modern day indie artist. Wishing to focus on pure music creation, Patrick built a recording studio in his spare bedroom in Nashville, piece by piece. He and engineer Brad Bass embedded themselves in the home studio and the end results are pretty fucking stellar. Click on any track and you’ll know what I mean. It’s hard to not listen. You’re drawn to Inky Ovine.
Patrick grew up in the music business. His father played with Clint Black. Patrick would tour with Noel Haggard, Merle’s son, as an 18-year-old drummer. So the musician already knew the nuts and bolts of what was needed for a sublime recording studio. The home studio was worthy of the record and Patrick and Bass should be proud. Inky Ovine is exciting because it feels almost raw yet completely polished.
Patrick, like many indie artists, didn’t want any of that bullshit clock watching that goes on when studios are booked by the hour. In this same spirit, Patrick owns his own label, Tiny Lion Records, that he runs with wife Vicki. Patrick also conceptualized, produced, and directed the video for “Harpy.”
So what about Inky Ovine? What does is sound like? Why should you care?
First off, Patrick’s voice sounds like it, too, has a beard. It’s an old school Southern rock voice emitting from a youthful face sitting on top of the music like a goddamn golden eagle. There’s just not a voice out there like this. And that’s a nice surprise with everyone trying to sound like someone else.
You really can’t go wrong with any of the tracks but I’m particularly fond of “Party Line (Classified).” I also had a party line growing up so the song sticks with me for that reason as well. “Harpy” is as big as anything coming out of Nashville right now. “Little Bug” stays with me. A kind of fucked up bedtime story for adults who ponder their choices in the middle of the night.
I suggest listening to Inky Ovine. It’s going to do you right.
Jas Patrick- guitar, drums, piano
Production: Jas Patrick, Brad Bass
Inky Ovine Tracklisting:
1. Harpy
2. Party Line (Classified)
3. Inky Ovine
4. Little Bug
5. Didn’t Ask
6. Snow Day - ScallywagMagazine.com
Jas Patrick is a multi-instrumentalist based in Nashville who writes and records all of the his own music. He is set to release he new EP “Inky Ovine” on his own label Tiny Lion Records on September 25. He was kind enough to take the time to talk to us about his new EP, his musical influences, and other musical related topics.
AltRevolt: Congratulations on your new EP Inky Ovine! It is great!
Jas Patrick: Thank you! It was myself and my engineer basically locked away upstairs in my condo. I could not have done it without him (engineer Brad Bass) We would work 15 hour days. We would do a couple of those is a row putting in nearly 40 hours in a weekend or so. We bled over that one. I think it turned out well and have been getting good response from it. Thank for your compliment. I appreciate it.
AltRevolt: I like the blends of different styles of rock on your new record.
Jas Patrick: Thank you for calling it rock. I appreciate that. I love all the descriptive genres but its really difficult because I’m all over the place in terms of what I like. And in my work there is Latin, World, Jazz, Folk, and I’m all over the place. It comes out in my music and when someone asks me what is it? or what do you do? I just tell them it’s rock and roll.
AltRevolt: Growing up were you influenced my other kinds of music?
Jas Patrick: Yes. My father played with country artist Clink Black for 20 years. That is why I’m in Nashville because my family moved up here because my dad was playing with Clint Black and he became based out of Nashville. My father is into country rock like Flying Burrito Brothers, Allman Brothers, and 38 Special. I’m not really into the southern California county rock. It’s not my favorite. It seems my voice lends itself to that kind of music and everyone loves it when I do a southern rock cover. I guess because I grew up with it is not my favorite. My personal favorite is British.
I like pretty much anything British. I like Blur, Arctic Monkeys, The Clash, Depeche Mode, The Damned. That is my favorite stuff and some progressive rock like early Genesis and Perter Gabriel.
AltRevolt: What goes into the decision putting out and EP of material now then putting out the full length album down the road? Is there a strategy to that?
Jas Patrick: It is born out of necessity. I own my own label (Tiny Lion Music) with my partner Vicky. She is also my wife and manager. We are absolutely DYI. We scraped everything we could together to do everything to get this out so people know about it. It is a total grind doing things on your own but it’s awesome at the same time.
AltRevolt: I see that you did all of the pre and post production on your new video “Harpy”. Was it for budget concerns or because you wanted all of the control of the project?
Jas Patrick: It was both. It was a terrifying thing at first. My wife had to learn how to take photographs and I needed to learn how to video edit. I have learned Pro Tools, After Effects, and Photoshop. It’s amazing all of the jobs I have had to learn just to be a musician.
AltRevolt: Do you get frustrated that the public is not buying physical albums today?
Jas Patrick: No. I love Spotify. I have a Spotify playlist and I finally get to feed that vein. I have a very eclectic list that includes 320 tracks that I add to all of the time. It makes no sense to go around bitching about it. Technology is my friend and I was glad I was able to get this out there. It does make it difficult when people devalue music or any kind of art.
AltRevolt: Do you love playing live?
Jas Patrick: I love playing to people who want to hear it. When you are able to play to a rock audience it makes it all worth it. But I’m also a studio creature. I love album rock. I love to listen to the LP that takes me on a journey.
AltRevolt: Is there a fall tour when the new EP is released?
Jas Patrick: Yes. There are some dates set it Kentucky. They are working on setting up an album release party. Some dates in Tennessee are set up as well right now. I’m getting excited about that.
Altrevolt: Have you ever played any shows in Colorado?
Jas Patrick: I have never been to Colorado and I’m dying to get out there. I’m a mountain person. I love the cold and nature and hate the heat!
Altrevolt: Thanks for taking the time to talk with us.
Jas Patrick: Thank you. I appreciate it.
Check out his new video for the song "Harpy" in our Revolt Video section.
Fall Tour Dates:
August 29 @ Talon Winery in Lexington, KY
September 4 @ Acoustic Coffeehouse in Johnson City, TN
September 11 @ Third Street Dive in Louisville, KY
October 15 @ Humphrey’s in Huntsville, AL
December 4 @ Acoustic Coffeehouse in Johnson City, TN - AltRevolt.com
There's been a lot of Blues revival coming out lately, and Jas Patrick is another artist of said ilk. His wholesome vocals with a touch of grit echo the kind of authenticity and soul that this genre demands, and Patrick's latest release 'Inky Ovine' is cut from such a cloth.
As the first of six tracks, 'Harpy' introduces listeners to the album with a drum kick that bleeds into a distorted, swampy Blues riff -- perfectly setting the tone for not only the opener, but the rest of the album. Whether it's the riffs, the vocals (and backing vocals), or the solo toward the back end of the track, 'Harpy' covers all its bases and fires on all cylinders simultaneously to bring together an opening track that lives and breathes Blues -- a solid introduction from end to end.
'Party Line (Classified)' is considerably more laid-back than the high-energy opener, something well suited for airplay that's essentially radio ready right out of the box. While it isn't quite as Bluesy as the opener, the light distortion and assorted acoustics lay the foundation for a decent track overall. Patrick's vocals really carry the track, and it's his conviction that really sells it and makes it work.
The rest of 'Inky Ovine' pulls influences from all over the music spectrum, whether it's channeling Reggae in the title track 'Inky Ovine,' or injecting the sonic landscape with another dose of Blues or Pop, it's a record that's quite good overall. Jas Patrick is certainly one to watch, his presence and command is undeniable, and there's a pull about him that really draws the listener in to what he's created. - The-NewsHub.com
Review of Inky Ovine EP by Jas Patrick
Tiny Lion Records just issued 'Inky Ovine', Jas Patrick's third EP. Patrick, who lives and records in Tennessee, writes and plays blues rock seasoned with hefty doses of British rock that is reminiscent of the Dave Clark Five. There are even smidgens of punk rock and reggae in his music.
That being said, Patrick's music is difficult to classify. Perhaps experimental blues rock would be most appropriate, although in Patrick's case, the term experimental should be translated as unique rather than untried and weird. Contagious melodies, articulate lyrics and snazzy guitar riffs form the basis of Patrick's musical texture. His voice is strong, especially when he ramps it up and allows it to gargle and growl.
The EP includes six songs, some excellent and, frankly, one or two that should be disposed of or re-arranged. Five out of the six tunes could definitely benefit from more and better background vocals. As it is, the back-up vocals are weak and tentative, which detracts from the aural impact.
Without a doubt, the jewel of the EP is 'Harpy', a rocking blues tune that opens with a snarling guitar that immediately attracts attention. Because of the scintillating guitar that flings the melody into orbit, along with Patrick's rough and ready for anything vocals, the song blisters and pops with an oh-so-good feeling.
'Party Line' is another bluesy rocker, with suppressed vocals that don't quite work, making it mediocre at best. The title track is an upbeat reggae-like, alternative rock piece. The core melody sounds like something out of a 1950s B-western movie; artificial and a little absurd.
Americana makes an unexpected appearance on 'Little Bug'. It begins with an acoustic guitar and a raggedy melody that, about halfway through, settles in and stops grating. And there's a distinct British rock tang to the song that, thankfully, doesn't collide with the melody.
'Didn't Ask', surely the weakest song on the EP, starts off with a teeny bopper essence, and then proceeds to assume a country rock feel. The combination of teeny bopper and country is disconcerting, causing the tune to crash and burn under its own weight.
The final song, 'Snow Day', employs a funky beat with good effect. The beat allows Patrick to extend his voice in a trenchant exhibition of vocal prowess. The song builds nicely and is filled out by a great chorus that demonstrates the benefits of healthy back-up vocals.
Despite being tentative, as if Patrick is still searching for his sound, 'Inky Ovine' shows ambition and talent, talent that is beginning to bloom. A little more nurturing and it will dazzle, especially if Patrick continues to write songs like 'Harpy', where he can use his voice as God intended. - ContactMusic.com
Inky Ovine, the third release from singer/songwriter Jas Patrick, is easily his most polished to date.
Making the six-song EP was a project he undertook pretty much entirely by himself, with Brad Bass — filling the engineer role — being one of the few exceptions. The songs were recorded almost exclusively in a spare bedroom of Patrick’s apartment, the singer/songwriter even recording nearly every part of the songs, allowing him complete and total control from a creative aspect and affording him all the time he needed to make sure the final product would be exactly how he wanted it to be.
Partly because of that, it gave him the opportunity to flex his songwriting muscle, specifically in terms of genre, as no two songs on Inky Ovine sound alike.
“Harpy”, the lead track and first single from the EP, is a hard-hitting Southern rock number that is meant to engross you. From the catchy music bed, some sweet, passion-filled guitar riffs thrown in on top of the overall robust sound along with the story it tells, it has no problem achieving that. Patrick’s rich voice reels you in, the fiery delivery of the lyrics as he sings about a woman seemingly on the warpath further captivating you. It’s also not the only song on the EP to feature some backing vocals, a choir like feel being conjured by them, adding a sense of beauty to what’s otherwise a gritty song.
“Party Line (Classified)” has a bit of an ethereal quality mixed in on top of the still prevalent rock elements, the drums especially taking center stage on the more vague, ambiguous song. That is one of the nice things about the music Patrick makes (depending on your preference at least), his songs are often open to interpretation to whoever is listening to them, no definitive meanings attached to them.
The title track, “Inky Ovine”, is one of the longest songs on the album (then again, almost all of them are over five minutes in length). It’s a song about family and perspective. “…‘Cause you only see what’s behind your eyes. And you never see what’s behind their eyes…” goes one of the final lines of the song, seemingly hammering home the point that we’ve never walked in someone else’s shoes and seen things the way they have, nor have they experienced things in the exact manner as you. Because of that subject matter, it stands as arguably the deepest song on the EP.
As the album carries on, it gets a little more mellow with each song, all mining a different sound. Like “Little Bug”, still a rock song in many ways, though an often serene one, the delicate sounds enveloping you. It’s easy to listen to, having several qualities that that ensnare you, such as Patrick’s striking voice, sounding even smoother here than on the previous songs.
“Didn’t Ask”, the most out-of-the-box sounding song on Inky Ovine, is also the longest. O would say even the overall best. Slightly electronic (with some enticing computerized sounds to kick it off) with some keys and even a pedal steel guitar worked in at times, all complementing the track as a whole surprisingly well; the lengthy instrumental outro capturing a gospel-esque feel, sounding very soothing. It definitely sounds experimental when compared to the other five songs on the EP, though at its core, it’s still built on the same foundation as those songs, just one that finds Patrick pushing his boundaries as a musician in general.
The EP then concludes with “Snow Day”, which is just a fun song. The title will no doubt bring back some memories from childhood for many people, evoking a more carefree time. The track itself even has a carefree attitude about it; the periodic use of some bells adding to the wintery vibe. It’s another one vastly open to interpretation. It strikes me as being a love song more than anything, though it could also potentially be viewed as being about wanting to spend time with a friend. However it comes across to you, it’s a great song, especially with the winter season just around the corner.
The bass and the pedal steel guitar, those were the only instruments Patrick didn’t play on these six songs. Aside from those, this release is entirely him. That’s pretty impressive and certainly speaks to his artistry.
The fact that he had all the time he needed to create these songs and bring them to fruition allowed him to get everything just right and in listening to each song you can tell painstaking efforts were put into each, ensuring they would be perfect. That work is noticeable just by listening to them, the EP being an assortment of styles that are all woven together by some common thread. Perhaps that is Patrick’s intriguing manner of storytelling, or the incredible voice he has. Whatever it is, at the core, one way or another, all six songs sound similar and are well worth listening to.
Purchase the album on:
iTunes / Amazon MP3 /
Visit Jas Patrick’s websites:
Official Website / Facebook / Twitter / Youtube
Current Shows:
Sep 26 Wolf Creek Marina Nancy, KY
Oct 15 Humphrey’s Huntsville, AL
Oct 17 Old Dog’s Records Music Emporium Pontotoc, MS
Oct 29 SoHo Bar & Grill Columbus, GA
Nov 21 Brewskee’s Louisville, KY
Dec 03 185 King Street Brevard, NC
Dec 04 Acoustic Coffeehouse Johnson City, TN
Dec 11 The Magnolia Bar Louisville, KY - TheMusicEnthusiast.tumbler.com
Nashville singer Jas Patrick has released Inky Ovine and was kind enough to share some background on the EP. If you’re not familiar with Jas, he has been a Nashville resident since age 18, where he started out drumming for Noel Haggard, son of Merle Haggard! Since then, he has played around the city and is now focusing on his solo work. “Harpy” is the single from the release which he shared a few weeks back. He will be touring around, so if he is stopping in your area, be sure to catch a show.
Can you share a bit about your new release, Inky Ovine?
This EP is absolutely the best music I’ve ever made and I don’t believe I’ve ever worked harder or more diligently on any piece of work in my life. I’ve struggled more, yes, but never has the work been more concise, focused or rewarding. It’s hard to really describe how I feel about them or convey what it was like making them. We (Vicki Garrison, Brad Bass and myself) talked about nothing else and were fairly consumed by this work. We’d start at 8 in the morning and work until midnight or later. We’d do that a couple of days in a row and be zombies throughout the rest of the week. It was everything I was at the time. We mixed for what seemed like an eternity. It was insanity.
By the end, we were all pushing me to the absolute best I could possibly be. My musicianship grew tenfold on this EP. We went in trying to gun for the respect our heroes in our own mind. I approached Brad and told him I wanted to make OK Computer, hoping to making the best we could make and push our own boundaries as they had done. We wanted to make something that we would want to listen to.
You have a very distinct sound. What is your musical background? Did you always know you wanted to focus on this genre?
Thank you! I’ve always tried to have a distinct sound and try to be authentic to what I personally want to sound like. I often have the inner voice telling me I am not worth a damn and the music is shit. With my first couple of albums (especially my first), the voice was very nearly “right” and that can be a rather frightening prospect. This time around, that voice can piss off. We did a great job and this music is something of which we are all very proud.
As far as background, I’ve listened to as much as I possibly could for as long as I can remember. If it’s new (to me) I’ll listen and try to feel the power in it and see if it jibes with what I do. I’m always looking for the essence of the music to make me stronger. I’ve always loved the “big” voices. David Ruffin, Gregg Allman, Steve Winwood, Sam Moore, Dave Prater, Janis Joplin, Adele, and so on. Regardless, at the end of the day, I try to sing it big and sing it legitimately to feel what I’m saying. It can be difficult to sing the way I feel and want to while playing a foot drum and guitar; but when the groove is there and my feet aren’t disobeying, it clicks and the power comes in. I live for those moments.
Who or what are some of your musical faves?
British rock would have to be at the top for me. Everything from the 1960’s until now. The Brits have a real melodicism in their rock and a certain delivery that I really dig. Even more recently I’ve been trying to go back and pick up the stuff I missed due to biases that weren’t necessarily my own, but learned – this would be referring to the more lo-fi stuff, punk, indie and softer works such as The Minutemen, Dinosaur Jr., Mac Demarco, Brian Jonestown Massacre, Kraftwerk, Townes Van Zandt. I also enjoy The Libertines, Blur, My Morning Jacket, Stone Roses, Umphrey’s McGee, Rolling Stones, Little Feat, Radiohead, Nirvana, Aphex Twin, The Strokes, Allman Brothers, Small Faces, Electric Light Orchestra, Them Crooked Vultures, The Smiths, Big Star, Early-Peter-Gabriel Genesis, White Denim, Black Pistol Fire, Cream.
How would you describe the Nashville music scene?
Nashville is complicated, factionalized, and insular, yet lush, overflowing and wonderful. It’s 100% like and unlike any other hub of creativity alive now or throughout time. Everyone is here and wants to be a part of the fun. It’s a world power in music – the same as any other city that is unquestionably top shelf. We have growing pains, but the music scene is really something else.
You’ve kicked off a tour. What do you enjoy the most about touring? Do you have a least favorite part?
I’m back today from the first gig on the tour (we’re doing micro-tours pretty much every weekend from now until the end of the year) and it was awesome. I absolutely love playing music to people enjoying their drinks, dancing, laughing and having fun. You see, living in a huge entertainment town is awesome in many respects, but you often find that you may be playing to people who are only watching what you do to consume your essence or are sizing you up, you see? When you get out of the hub, you start to find music-loving audiences who have no horse in said proverbial race and are simply rocking out to what you’re putting down. It’s liberating.
My least favorite part is the competition. I’d rather we all jump onstage and jam a few tunes at the end and part friends than be cold and worrying about the winning or losing.
Goals for the coming year?
Play as many shows as humanly possible.
If there was a drink called a “Jas Patrick” what would it be?
It’d probably be some seriously weird shit. It would involve mixing ingredients and it would be regional and unassuming. Also, it would be complex but it would most definitely not be something for snobs because it’s gotta be accessible. Crafted, sweet, dense, autumnal, communal, limited in supply, mom and pop, roasted, strong but not high gravity; a fun one that’s good for the entire family.
Jean of choice?
Mott and Bow. Presently, anyway. That’s not pretentious… That’s just all that I have right now. I do wish I had a jean jacket. Do I talk to you about that or…? - Tequila-Denim.com
Out today, Nashville based blues/rock/Americana artist Jas Patrick releases his first single “Harpy” off the upcoming fall EP Inky Ovine. This marks Jas’ second EP to date on Tiny Lion Records with the first – previous release Tributaries last year.
To celebrate Tiny Lion is offering a pre-order special that includes both the new single Harpy + a bonus track for download today and a reserved download for the full EP Inky Ovine this September. Full details here: http://smarturl.it/inky-ovine
The music video for Harpy is in post production with a scheduled release date to follow.
This week Jas spent some time with John Pearse Strings, Bohemian Guitars, Shubb Capos, Peavey and Taylor Guitars at Summer NAMM in Nashville. Check out a few pics over on Jas’ facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/jaspatrick
Jas is set to hit the road this September with dates in Johnson City and Huntsville, AL plus more dates to be announced. - GoodBammSho.com
“Didn’t Ask” is quite possibly the most out of the box song on Jas Patrick’s upcoming EP, Inky Ovine (due out September 25th), an album that finds the Nashville-based singer/songwriter touching on several of the genres he excels at.
“Out of the box” in the sense that it stands out the most from the other songs collected on the EP, with many more elements at play. Right from the start, the momentary electronic sounds come across as if the track is getting ready to transport you into another dimension. In some ways, it does. The semi Southern rock sound heard on the first single released off Inky Ovine isn’t always as prevalent, the sparse use of a keyboard adding a nice flare and making for a mesmerizing quality when it is heard.
Patrick doesn’t tinker with the solid formula he’s created though, the rock side of things still being well represented, the use of a pedal steel guitar even contributing a subtle Americana edge, that being the best instrument of the song, the way it lies in wait until it’s needed to accentuate everything else.
Like the first single released, his voice still takes center stage. Patrick has a stout, lush tone that demands you give the song your complete attention. “…’Cause it’s easy to critique things you never try!” he belts on the second chorus of the often more reflective number. Even the long instrumental outro is atypical from the rest of his songs, the choral sound and gorgeous harmonies that erupt out of nowhere having a true ethereal feel and quality.
In terms of genres, a lot of things collide on “Didn’t Ask”, making it the most “experimental” song on Inky Ovine. The striking, soulful qualities about Patrick’s voice, the brief computerized sounds that in theory would be better suited for an electronic group, the use of a partial choir and so on. Logical, none of that should probably even go together, yet it has all been molded and shaped in a way that it does, everything working in perfect harmony, taking you to another world of Patrick’s creative consciousness.
Pre-order Inky Ovine for only $2.99 in iTUNES.
Current Tour Dates:
Aug 29 Talon Winery Lexington, KY
Sep 04 Acoustic Coffeehouse Johnson City, TN
Sep 11 Third Street Dive Louisville, KY
Oct 15 Humphrey’s Huntsville, AL Tickets & More…
Oct 17 Old Dog’s Records Music Emporium Pontotoc, MS
Oct 29 SoHo Bar & Grill Columbus, GA
Nov 21 Brewskee’s Louisville, KY
Dec 04 Acoustic Coffeehouse Johnson City, TN
Dec 11 The Magnolia Bar Louisville, KY - TheMusicEnthusiast.tumbler.com
Jas Patrick’s new EP Inky Ovine gives you a firm kick to the eardrums with killer guitar riffs and a unique, driving rock energy. There’s a soulfulness to Patrick’s vocals that punches through the undeniable blues-rock in the first track Harpy. Patrick’s sound gets even bigger with the attending female back up singers. Giving it a real big-time feel forcing you to engage. It brings to the imagination whisky shots being slammed empty on the bar. It sure would sound cool live with such a humungous sound.
The EP packs in a variety of genres in one-way or another. The second track Party Line definitely pulls back from the first ball breaker with a markedly soft-rock feel and some nice little harmonies. Patrick’s falsettos are pretty good too. There’s plenty a bright guitar riff to be had and a collection fun build-ups/break downs delivering nice contrast within the composition.
The third title track Inky Ovine has an evidently more emotional sensibility. The track is still pretty rock and roll with some nice overdriven guitars and classic rock drums. I don’t know why but it kind of reminds me of Peter Gabriel as it’s a little kooky, especially in the break down percussion section and the offbeat, reggae guitar rifts. Also, surprisingly there’s a tiny little flamenco guitar section.
Little Bug the fourth track brings a little bit of folk-rock, balladry to the foray. It’s different again. There’s still some edginess to it but Patrick’s vocals are endearingly, soothing. Again, some nice guitar work and Patrick’s vocals reign supreme.
The fifth track Didn’t Ask has a distinct country flavor. Then there’s a little bit of some crazy pipe organs (could be synths – don’t hold me to it) that come in giving just a glimmer of The Labrynth or some other scifi eighties kind of music. Very interesting. It’s like Leonard Cohen meets mainstream country-rock.
The last track Snow Day is a fun little ditty. Am I hearing folk-rock akin to John Mayer? It’s really easy to listen to but there’s still a distinctive, Jas Patrick sharpness to it. The jazz guitars make you want to relax but the rock drums and commanding vocals say no no no get up and go go go.
Patrick’s vocals are unique and powerful, shining throughout the Inky Ovine EP. If you’re looking for a genre bending experience with some solid rock elements this record has your name on it. - GoodBammSho.com
Trent Reznor Dave Grohl, and Billy Corgan all have something in common, in my mind. They all play a very big role in the instrumentation and production aspects of their respective bands. It’s a very daunting task to wear multiple hats when composing an album. Inky Ovine, the third EP from Nashville native, Jas Patrick embodies that same spirit.
Patrick recorded every instrument on the EP, with the exception of the bass and steel-pedal guitars. Recorded in the spare bedroom of his own apartment, the EP gives off a gritty feel. You can truly hear the toll that it took on him over the years of recording (his last release was 2012’s Tributaries EP).
If you listen to the EP as a whole, you can see that instrumentally, the album is very rich, often switching between styles of blues and jazz. One of the strengths of the EP are that the songs are given room to breathe. The average length of each song is about five minutes, but they don’t come across as sounding too long. It’s almost like a jam record that can be done in an open mic setting.
“Harpy” is an upbeat, country-laden track, the most aggressive on the entire EP. “Little Big” is a ballad that brings out all the bells and whistles, including several world influences. It’s an impressive feat considering this is coming from mostly one person. The title track has a bit of a reggae vibe that serves as a pleasant listen.
Where the EP may falter a bit is the vocal structure. The more fast-paced tracks show Patrick’s struggles with a higher vocal tone. Until that develops further, the sweet spot of Inky Ovine comes when the energy is more dialed down. Patrick’s vocals and musical prowess come together in a perfect match on more mid-tempo, mellow songs like the title track. I feel that with a real studio, his vocal skills will be able to be harnessed to match the diverse palette of the music.
Inky Ovine as a whole shows some real muster, but also some areas to improve upon going forward. The potential is clear, and with subsequent releases I have no doubt that we will see those strides.
- See more at: http://mindequalsblown.net/reviews/jas-patrick-inky-ovine#sthash.iUkw5DMn.dpuf - MindEqualsBlown.com
British Indie-Soul Straight Outta East Nashville!
Some months I receive so much new music some albums can get lost in pile; and that’s what nearly happened here. INKY OVINE arrived as a download instead of my preferred CD format; but it still went onto the I-player; but without being heard. As regular readers will know a lot has happened in my life over the last four weeks; so I picked my music very carefully to suit my mood(s) so it’s with some embarrassment that it was only this morning that the title track Inky Ovine itself snuck out of the car stereo when I put the music on ‘random.’
Wow! Who the Hell is this? I pondered as I pulled the car over. I didn’t even recognise the name; but swiftly found the album and had my mind blown over the next half hour.
Opening track Harpy starts with a really ‘heavy guitar groove’ reminiscent of someone like Humble Pie or Free in their heyday; with Patrick’s rough around the edges voice; perfect for this strutting little Blues-Rocker.
Next track Party Line (Classified), opens with some sweet acoustic guitar before Patrick goes all Stanley Road era Paul Weller; but with a little more ‘oomph’ – so far; so bloody good.
The title track Inky Ovine (no I don’t know what it means either) opens with a sub-reggae beat before Jas Patrick totally raises his game on a luscious slice of Psychedelic- Britpop (?) that must surely be influenced by Stevie Winwood and Traffic and I absolutely love it; especially the UB40 groove in the middle.
I’m pleased to say the laid-back Little Bug; which follows, stays in exactly the same vein, only with some 12 string guitar and sweeping strings in the middle section are spell-binding; as is the song itself.
Didn’t Ask starts with some bizarre sound effects but once you get past that the track really showcases Patrick’s distinctive voice; which is very, very similar to Stevie Winwood circa 1980; although some of the guitar and keyboard playing could be lifted straight from the Blind Faith album; but I’m sure that’s just an influence ;)
The EP closes with the glorious Snow Day; which while similar in feel and approach to the other tracks somehow manages to be a couple of rungs better; perhaps it’s the lyrics or perhaps the funky bass line, but whatever it’s a peach.
What a find! So you ask, which part of God’s Country does young Mr Patrick come from….well it’s actually the Nashville part. Yes; my head spun when I got around to reading the bio; but that just aids this music in my book; because it must be all too easy to go along with the Americana/Alt. Country crowd instead of following your heart. In this case Jas Patrick has just done that and created the best British album (EP actually) that I’ve heard this year; and it took a Tennessean to do it!
Now bring on an actual album. - The Rocking Magpie
With recent acts such as Delta Deep and others bringing forth a new wave of Blues Revival, there are a handful of other artists looking to do the same. When it comes to Jas Patrick, his blend of Blues and Americana flows from the exact same vein, pouring out with an authenticity and a genuine air that really pulls at the listener, drawing you in with his distorted riffs, swagger, and smooth yet gritty vocals.
As the lead single and opening track off of his six track album ‘Inky Ovine,’ ‘Harpy’ has everything one might expect from a Blues Rock number. Whether it’s the opening kick of the bass drum or the distorted main riff, it’s the quintessential Blues track one might expect to hear from the likes of The Black Keys or The Black Crowes, but Patrick has a way of infusing his own style and personality into it to make it his own. ‘Harpy’ is easily the most high-energy offering on the record, and even though it’s a shame somewhat that the energy level drops off a bit on the rest of the album, ‘Harpy’ is enough of a high point to pique interest and keep your headphones or speakers glued for the duration of the listening experience.
Ultimately, the real star of the record is Patrick himself, he’s got the kind of charisma and presence necessary to carry his songs, and a voice that’s well suited for this style. If you’re a fan of this genre, you owe it to yourself to give this record a listen, and even if you’re not, there’s no denying that Jas Patrick is one to watch. - PoetAndPariah.com
Nashville, Tennessee-based singer and songwriter Jas Patrick released last month a six-track EP titled Inky Ovine. All but one song clocks in at a little over the five-minute mark. The entire thing can be filed under Americana and blues-imbibed rock, but that would mean ignoring the way Patrick experiments with various sounds and textures throughout it.
Some of the numbers are unique and yet closer to what one would expect of the genre (bluesy rock). The electric guitar riff that opens up the rock and roll “Harpy” is attention-grabbing, to say the least. It alternates between throbbing verses and choruses that allow for the build-up of energy to burst through. There is a soulful aspect to it, mostly because of the nature of the male vocals and the addition of a choir around the halfway mark. There is something about the repetitious nature of the riff—which drives the entire thing—and the alternating contributions of Patrick’s vocals, the choir, and the drums that burst through that make the five minutes of the track go by without notice.
The bluesy rock number “Little Bug” comes off as a gentle, dreamy, mid-tempo lullaby with details that make it hard to pin down into one genre. This complexity, however, works in favor of the track, which would do well on a pop rock radio station. The mid-tempo Americana/country-leaning “Party Line (Classified)” is a bright and cheerful-sounding song featuring some great guitar work, the rage of which reaches from slow and details to fast-paced and eager.
There are the more experimental numbers as well. The EP’s title track has a reggae feel to it, and the mid-tempo “Inky Bovine” engages listeners on a roller-coaster between the gentle swaying of its reggae-inspired melody and the rock swelling of its chorus. Because the reggae feel is driven by the same instruments (guitar and drums) that define the chorus, and the latter remains relatively refrained, the whole thing flows quite well.
The longest number on the EP, “Didn’t Ask”, brings together rock, Americana, and electronic sounds, a combination that sounds extremely uncomfortable but makes for an intriguingly fun listen. The song’s ebbs and flows define the changes between either rock, Americana, or electronic flavours coming to the fore.
Inky Ovine is one diverse EP; the set is filled with so many different sounds and yet they wrap together quite well, brought together for the most part by Patrick’s soulful and rich vocals. Tracks are available for streaming on SoundCloud. More information is available on Jas Patrick’s official website and his Facebook Page. - BlogCritics.org
The only thing I knew of Jas Patrick before checking out his music was that he hailed from Nashville. Much like Seattle with grunge, Nashville often gets stereotyped with what style its resident musicians make; and based on that small piece of info I assumed he was probably a country act. Wrong.
The striking beat of the bass drum and bluesy sounding guitar licks that begin “Harpy” were a surprise… a very pleasant one. Even more surprising was the stunning voice that erupted out of Patrick, a smooth, polished sound about it, despite holding nothing back from right out of the gate. It’s often deeper, fitting with someone who has actually experienced the blues, though he has the ability to move his vocal range around the board while singing the tale of a woman who wants to leave as much havoc in her wake as possible.
The production quality is topnotch, the backing vocals, which, when used, resemble a choir sound and complement his voice nicely make for a nice touch; while the song also infuses some old-fashioned sounding rock as well as Americana into it.
At around five-minutes (and it seems to pass much quicker), the incendiary, soulful rock number has no trouble capturing your attention. The first single off Patrick’s upcoming album ends having made an impression, leaving you eager to hear more of what this new release will have to offer. We’ll have to wait on that.
Purchase “Harpy”:
iTunes / Google Play / Amazon MP3
Current Shows:
Aug 29 Talon Winery in Lexington, KY
Sep 04 Acoustic Coffeehouse in Johnson City, TN
Sep 11 Third Street Dive in Louisville, KY
Oct 15 Humphrey’s in Huntsville, AL
Dec 04 Acoustic Coffeehouse in Johnson City, TN - TheMusicEnthusiast.tumbler.com
From Nashville, TN comes the blues-rock-punk creation titled Inky Ovine, from the talented song writing mind of Jas Patrick.
Opening with the riff heavy track Harpy, you are served up a great emotionally driven blues song. It doesn’t break any rules or cover any new ground in the genre, but that is perhaps the reason the song works so well, as it really doesn’t need to be any more than it is. I am not surprised that this song has been chosen as the current single to showcase what you can expect from Jas Patrick.
Moving on deeper into the album you can see the bands influences quite clearly. There are some heavy influences from The Police, The black Keys and Gary Clark, and all of which are great bands to learn from in my opinion.
The title track Inky Ovine is an obvious choice for single worthy. It has the very catchy reggae beat paired with some blues rock and solid vocals, and is my favorite song on the album for its artistic vision alone.
Moving through the album I was happy to see that the album doesn’t skip a beat, it succeeds at showcasing Jas Patrick’s ability to create songs that are interesting and pleasant to hear. There are moments that are a bit pitchy in their vocal deliveries, and I would have liked to have seen a bit more effort put in to layer a few more vocals on some of these tracks.
Didn’t ask is a track that feels like it belongs straight on another album due to its heavy use of electronica synths. It does become the expected bluesy-rock riffed track you have come to expect off this album, but it always comes off a slight awkward in its delivery.
As a whole, this album is very interesting and well worth taking a listen to. Chances are that we may differ on our opinions from song to song, but I am sure we will agree that this artist has a lot to offer. - VentsMagazine.com
Jas Patrick – Inky Ovine – EP Review
Ahhh…blues-infused rock, could there be a more illegitimate genre at times? I’m just saying, not defending, but if Robbie Williams can get himself and Pharrell Williams sued over “Good Times” then how the entire blues-rock industry doesn’t feed off each other in the courtroom for the licks, riffs and sounds they ALL borrow…is actually kinda beyond me. On the one hand, you can look at it all as a case of, no – Robbie shouldn’t have lost that case as it wasn’t nearly as close as others have come in the past to a direct copy – or you can look at it as a case of why has it become so tough to innovate within blues-rock? Or is it?
Thankfully Jas Patrick isn’t just relying on old blues-rock standards. Even when the Inky Ovine EP starts in with “Harpy,” there’s nothing about the song not to like other than its comforting patterns and familiar blues-feel to the music – otherwise in playing, performance and production it starts out perfectly and you can hear there’s a wicked set of vocals from Jas that can easily make themselves known at any given time. But from the blues, we head into a much more rock-driven song with pop-overtones that leaves the blues behind entirely, “Party Line (Classified).” Shifting into more complex patterns and a more unique and defined sound he can call his own…you can hear the influence of the mid-late 80’s rock on the music here as it transitions through its progressions. Bright and full of emotion & a powerful performance from Jas once again on the vocals – in truth, as much as I truly enjoyed the music of this second track it was Jas’ performance that really made this song great for me.
Then with a REAL shift & departure from all the sounds we’ve heard so far, JP heads to a nearly reggae-influenced vibe in the EP’s title-track “Inky Ovine.” A clever tune for sure…this would be a very tough song to sing – you can hear it’s right at the top floor & executive-level of Jas’ voice – but he gets there! There are moments where it is a little like a rollercoaster…and you wonder if he’s going to make it…and just when you think there might not be enough speed or strength to crest that next ridge, he pulls it off again. I’m not usually one for a reggae-anything really…but there’s something about the way that Jas has approached the writing of “Inky Ovine” that has ensured it’s not too much of any one thing; in a genre-twisting epic, this title-track goes after quite a lot sound-wise and manages to make it all happen with clever transitions that flow fluidly and smoothly as it changes.
“Little Bug” was the song I least expected. While I think there’s a few things in the vocals from Jas that he might have wanted to come out a little stronger or more convincing on this song – what I found that I really did like about this one was the amount it keeps you guessing as it winds and weaves through its four-minutes. Some excellent guitar-work in this tune, but for the most part even with its gentle melody this is by far one of the least-typical and therefore least-accessible songs on the Inky Ovine EP; what we as musicians often dig-on for complexity, skill and assembly, people tend to hear as songs without easy-to-digest hooks or words to easily sing along to. “Little Bug” speaks a lot to the writers out there.
Switching it up yet again, any memories of my original blues-rock comments have almost faded entirely as “Didn’t Ask” begins. Here’s an example of Jas Patrick at his innovative best – the changes in this song, and the ultimate change with two-minutes or so to-go are completely and thoroughly well-executed. Starting with a synth-infused combination – “Didn’t Ask” works well through its opening verse and chorus but saves the real fireworks for its ending; the longest tune on the album – its final switch is so defined that it’s totally like a 2 for 1 bonus. Captivating completely through a brilliant combination at the ending…I loved how “Didn’t Ask” builds up to these final moments, bursts open and really finds itself a second-life within these last minutes of the song.
I’m here at the ending…and I still feel like I haven’t quite put my finger on who it is that Jas Patrick reminds me of so much…I think what I’m thinking is the music overall lies somewhere in between the music of Go West and Big Head Todd And The Monsters. Nearly taking Green Day’s “Brain Stew” for a funked-out ride at the end of the album with “Snow Day” – Jas’ has created a song as fun as the event of the subject matter itself. Each song that has played has really given Jas a fantastic platform to display some dynamic vocals and this final tune is no exception to the rule thus far – he puts power & emotion into every word and has really given every track on the Inky Ovine EP its cohesion while the music has provided the diversity. There’s a lot to listen to style & sound-wise on Jas Patrick’s Inky Ovine EP – and I think he’s pulled it all off extremely well. - SleepingBagStudios.ca
Jas Patrick’s new EP, Inky Ovine is full of twists and turns that will keep listeners hanging on every note. From gritty rock ‘n’ roll tracks to country and americana, all the way to a nearly reggae sound halfway through the EP, Inky Ovine is hard to put into one particular category, and that’s what makes it such an interesting listen.
The first thing that stands out about Inky Ovine is the captivating and raw guitar tone on opening track, “Harpy,” and the second is Jas Patrick’s soulful and captivating vocal work that proves to be a strong point throughout the entire EP. “Harpy” is one of the more rock ‘n’ roll sounding tracks on the album, starting things off with a bit of a kick and a burst of energy. The strong guitar riff from the beginning of the song continues all the way through, morphing into quick guitar solos at times, and while it may be a little repetitive, it gets stuck in your head just like any good song should. The song only seems to get stronger as it goes on, as well, with the use of a partial choir in the chorus and some strong guitar work closing it out.
“Party Line (Classified)” follows “Harpy” and this track transitions effortlessly from rock ‘n’ roll to a more country or americana sound. The transition is easy, and that is thanks to the versatility in Patrick’s voice, which is a little softer on this song, but still hosts that same soul that was a strong point in the first track. Where “Harpy” was on the darker, angsty side, “Party Line (Classified)” feels very warm, happy and summery. The guitar work is also quite a bit more versatile in this song, making it flow very well. Following “Party Line (Classified)” is the album’s title track, and when the song begins, it’s easy to think you have it all figured out, but that’s before the nearly reggae sounding guitar tone and drums comes in, throwing you through an unexpected loop. The transition between the two sounds is very unexpected and at first, it threatens to be a little too rough, but then the big chorus comes in and catches you off guard yet again. Carried by a strong vocal melody and supporting harmonies, the chorus of “Inky Ovine” ties in wonderfully with the rest of the EP, making this diverse song a total standout track.
“Little Bug” is another strong track, with the same lighthearted feeling as “Party Line (Classified)” but a huge, sweeping chorus that really makes it stand out. The second half of the EP is just as, if not more diverse than the first half, as well, with “Didn’t Ask” meshing electronic sounds and americana in a way that is incredibly risky and unconventional, but it totally works.
The differences in sound on Inky Ovine can be a bit hard to follow at times, and definitely a little drastic, but once the song finally comes together (which in this case, is usually in the chorus) it’s easy to understand exactly what Jas Patrick is trying to accomplish. There’s absolutely something for everyone on this EP, as well as a few songs that will more than likely make fans out of new listeners. Inky Ovine is experimental at its best, and it only makes one wonder what exactly Jas Patrick has up his sleeve next.
Rating: 4/5 - ThePreludePress.com
RELIX is premiering Inky Ovine, the debut EP from Nashville-based singer-songwriter Jas Patrick. The EP is out today via Tiny Lion Records.
The EP premiere follows the recent Huffington Post debut of Patrick’s video, “Harpy,” which can be seen HERE.
In their recent review of “Harpy,” The Music Enthusiast called the song an “incendiary, soulful rock number,” adding that it “leaves you eager to hear more of what [the EP] has to offer.” No Country For New Nashville debuted a second track, “Little Bug,” which they called “wonderful” and praised for “dancing between genres like jazz, blues and even world music while staying true to its Americana/rock core.” The Prelude Press gave the EP four out of five stars, writing, “There’s absolutely something for everyone on this EP, as well as a few songs that will more than likely make fans out of new listeners.”
Jas Patrick is currently planning a tour for fall of 2015. Fans can catch him on the following dates:
Oct 15 @ Humphrey’s in Huntsville, AL
Oct 17 @ Old Dog’s Records Music Emporium in Pontotoc, MS
Oct 29 @ Soho Bar & Grill in Columbus, GA
Nov 21 @ Brewskee’s in Louisville, KY
Dec 3 @ 185 King Street in Brevard, NC
Dec 4 @ Acoustic Coffeehouse in Johnson City, TN
Dec 11 @ The Magnolia Bar in Louisville, KY - ThePreludePress.com
I know you're going to love Jas Patrick's music, his personality, and our interview! He's a genuine guy who loves what he does for a living. We talked about his new EP coming out on September 25th called "Inky Ovine," and how he got his dad (who played and toured with Clint Black for many years!) to be a special guest "star" and perform with him, his love of British Rock, and how NJ has amazing food!
Please click on his website, learn more about Jas Patrick, and fall in love with the single, "Harpy," just like I did! - Magic983.com
The big blues rockin’ guitar and loud snare of “Harpy” opens Jas Patrick’s new album, Inky Ovine. Playing nearly all instruments here (and his singing sounding very much like Paul Stanley at times), Patrick grabs you by the you-know-what and doesn’t let go here on these half-dozen. “Party Line (Classified)” has a cool, halting snare under a slightly slower jangle blues guitar. It’s a big, commercial tune with solid backing vocal harmonies (present throughout this record), big drums, and loud guitar upfront. While the title track here (lots of great Patrick drumming throughout) is an almost reggae dramatic turn. The country, flangy, big strum of “Little Bug” brings a totally different vibe from what came before it. There are light strings behind what might be Patrick’s most passionate vocal here on a song (sans lead, really). The jumpy beat, mixing both country and some “progressive” bleeps and string synth lines, of “Didn’t Ask” follows. Again, the harmony vocal on the chorus makes the tune quite singable (there is a pedal steel in the mix too that is so very well-placed) and the synth lead again surprises from this great guitarist. I just love a player who shows he’s got nothing to prove and doesn’t simply just wail when he could so easily do so. The last third of the tune, an acoustic guitar ahh’s and ohh’s tail-end is very tasty. Inky Ovine was a long time in the making, but Patrick completed it on his terms with a zeal and commitment surely evident. - ShortAndSweetNYC.com
An artist from Nashville, TN, Jas Patrick’s style is fiercely independent; something that is immediately clear on his new release, Inky Ovine. An EP in the making since 2012, it began with resultant frustrations from a limited studio budget on his previous release, Tributaries. Over the next few years, he slowly built a home studio, determined to have a more organic process; and the becomingly intimate, homespun feel of Inky Ovine proves that this was the perfect move to grow and nurture his sound. Every instrument for the most part recorded by Patrick, and you can hear the sense of pride and attention to detail everywhere on this record.
The EP itself feels like a multinational tribute to Americana and British rock, from the pure, soulful blues of “Harpy,” to the Beatlesque “Little Bug.” Reminiscent of *Stevie Windwood,” Patrick’s voice is incredibly emotive, and feels wise and aged far beyond his years, bringing an air of experience and truth to the jangly “Party Line,” and the synth driven “Didn’t Ask.” There isn’t a single unified style over the course of the EP, but it’s his personality that brings everything together. Inky Ovine is as wonderfully inspired and individual as any other record this year is likely to produce. - BigTakeover.com
Rock & Soul is an easy way of saying Jas' style is multi-layered with genre blending tendencies seemingly in every piece of music he releases. - GoodBammSho.com
Working on My Soul is a superb album that appeals to a wide variety of musical tastes. The songs are tight and the vocals and guitar work are eloquently arranged to accent and underline the extraordinary talent that is Jas Patrick. - See more at: http://awaitingtheflood.com/review-of-jas-patrick-working-on-my-soul/#sthash.tgpRXIqT.dpuf - Awaiting The Flood
“Tributaries, from Jas Patrick is an inspired suite of
songs dened with a gritty and authentic voice and
a vast spectrum of musical inuences distilled into
an evolved artistry. Annotated with world inuences
and open-hearted songwriting, this CD introduces
an ascending artist on the edge of eminence.” - Dan Kimpel, Song Biz Editor, Music Connection magazine
"Tributaries, a diverse EP that straddles the line of
multiple genres while maintaining a unique
consistency that can only be described as....
well Jas Patrick."
- Sean Giovanni, Balcony TV - Sean Giovanni, Balcony TV Nashville
Nashville's Jas Patrick owns the unique ability to
match richly-crafted melodies with gut-wrenching
soul. 'Tributaries', his new EP, is that rare,
overwhelmingly fabulous release that makes you
stop and listen.
- Kurt Schwarz, SixStringTheories.com - Kurt Schwarz, SixStringTheories.com
"This isn't your every week, phone it in, indie blues
rock EP. Jas Patrick delivers soul and groove into a
sloppy garage-rock lled modern day music scene
with Tributaries."
- Mac McIntosh, GoodBAMMSho.com - GoodBAMMSho.com
"I previewed WORKING MY SOUL today and will be putting the CD into rotation tomorrow on my radio show, ODD ROCK. Awesome CD!" - Cap'n Barney- DJ, WMHB, Waterville, ME
"Solid guitar work and polished sound from a band I am sure we'll hear a lot more from." - WKUF- Flint, Michigan
"Working On My Soul is a great new c.d." - Cynthia Click- Music Director, KMUD, Redway, California
"Jas has so many tricks up his sleeve that it would be an
understatement to call him a magician. The only real way
to understand this album is to actually listen to it. Hold his
hand, let him lead you through the album. If three things
are definite about this album- one is that this doesn't
sound like his debut album as much as it sounds like a final
chapter in a legendary musician's work." - Youtube Video Review
"The first thing I noticed with Jas Patrick is his voice is
freaking good, it’s freaking huge! You see this dude and
you’re like, “Alright, I don’t know what to expect…” and
then he starts singing and Whoah! It’s massive." - Youtube- Video Review
- Inky Ovine- EP (2015)
- Tributaries- EP (2012)
- Working On My Soul- LP (2010)

When you think of the ethos of an independent musician, Jas Patrick is the type of artist one might imagine. Fiercely dedicated. Solitary. Enigmatic. Uncompromising.
When he set out to create his third release, Inky Ovine, Jas was clear that this time it would be different. He didn’t want to watch the clock as his studio minutes disappeared. He despised being bound by a schedule. He only wanted to work, write and create-- no matter what that may entail-- his definitive statement on blues rock, Americana and British Rock.
The foundation for Inky Ovine began in 2012 and was nurtured with the frustration Jas felt from his recently completed EP, Tributaries. Lack of budget left him with limited studio time and the final product fell severely short of his high expectations. Jas was convinced that building a home studio would be the only way to get that which he had always wanted-- unlimited time to create.
Each month he saved as much money as was possible to obtain the gear he would require: a microphone this month, a piece of software the next, sound absorption... This continued over two years until recording finally began in June of 2014. He enlisted engineer Brad Bass and dug in for the long haul--doggedly determined to make something of which they would both be proud. To date they have recorded the six tracks that appear on the EP as well as eight additional tracks which await an as yet to be planned LP release.
Besides engineer Bass, the EP was a mostly solo operation. Jas wrote and played nearly every track on the album with the exception of bass guitar and pedal steel. No producers, no big studios. Just two guys who loved music, working to make something they love come to life. After three years of scrounging, recording and mixing, the music for the EP was finally completed. Jas felt as though he had finished a project which truly reflected his ability and vision, at last.
The first single released from the EP is Harpy. Jas developed the concept for the Harpy video, cast the actors, planned the shot list, sourced the costumes & props, built the set, directed the video, acted in and edited the finished product--he even catered the shoot himself.
Band Members