Charlotte, North Carolina, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2013 | SELF
JaggerMouth are a ‘soaring & roaring’ straight to the top rocking vibe fun that hail southern stateside, out of Charlotte, North Carolina. These American bandmates of five immediately fill your inner ear rock modules with that music intensity that oozes the sentiment – “Want to rock it out, well join our party”, FORKSTER certainly has! These cats bring a ‘thrilling and chilling’ rock n’ roll platform that includes juicy riff riveting groove flights, impressively bursting bluesy and soulful vocal chops and jolting rhythm packs that absolutely ‘romp and stomp’ out the rock n’ roll backbone groove pounce entirely. This listen stands mighty in music character, ability and pride/passion. It definitely has a hard rock flair throughout but how they make room for the fun groove works for soulful and funk drives raises their music ability to higher maturities for sure. I ‘unquestionably’ see this thriving rock band really captivating the ear rock catalogs of true and spirited music rollers all around our globe, ‘tremendous potential’!
To Checkout/Purchase their JaggerMouth’s 1st of June 2015 album release of ‘Synthetic Me.’
JaggerMouth will be very admirable listening to fans of: The Black Crowes, Red Hot Chilli Peppers and genres of hard rock, soulful/bluesy rock n’ roll, funk rock, indie rock, alternative rock. - Forksterrocks
Talk about hitting the hard road with the band JaggerMouth, as they’ve described growing up and running out from the slums of the south their music perfectly portrays what it means to be a struggling musician. Instead of offering up a traditional (if you will) rags to success story, consider JaggerMouth the middle ground of subtle anarchy. By concentrating on building their wall of sound and backing up the need to add catch ridden increments of guitar, drums, bass and even vocal melodies. Plastering in that buzz saw addition to electric guitar which could easily be fueled by a small engine (translation) JaggerMouth does not stop. Imagine a repetitious band being able to play live for 24 hours at a time. All the way through without any breaks or stops in between.
Midnight Sun one of their tracks offers that fresh appeal that infuses grime and loud industrial vibrations. You can already envision a crowd jumping along to this song, a crowd turning into a stage-diving-jumping-about-mosh-pit-creating-thrill-seeking audience. All because of one song, which is hard for a band to even accomplish in one album let alone one track. Even though JaggerMouth’s Reverbnation account only has 4 songs. That small batch of music drives deep into what they want to show off as a band and letting the music speak for itself. In all honesty just listen to the songs to understand the writing development and background JaggerMouth comes from.
Falling (Up The Stairs) comes to terms with what it was like being born and bred in the place they all grew from. Being a southern small town kid is typically strenuous and not the greatest…especially if grim times were being had. Also the fact that being suffocated by the location and the need to find a life outside of their hometown.
What JaggerMouth depicts is that nothing ever really goes according to plan yet finding a way out can be more rewarding than staying at home. - Indiemutiny
In listening to this release, I've realized something: Rock music hasn't changed much. Various genres have spun off from rock music, but in a "guitar bands are dead" generation we live in, rock has become a core genre much like blues, or jazz, or reggae in that the genre 'rock' exists, but to play rock nowadays without influence is almost impossible without literally playing Little Richard or Chuck Berry songs (but then you're just another cover band). Jaggermouth's sophomore LP, 'Synthetic Me', is not that. Listening to the attention to detail with the seemingly perfect "guitar enthusiasm" riffage, you can distinguish a wide variety of the numerous little tweaks and changes that have been made to "rock" music over the years. This album, song-for-song, riffs like hell. There are occasional solos (such is rock), but the highlight for me is just how driving the feel and mix are. Everything is either soaring or lined with a sneaky melodic guitar compliment. This isn't just another modern age driving guitar rock band though. Throughout the album, you'll experience several mood swings ranging from explosive Audioslave-level of Arena rock to turned-back more anthemy singer songs. Along the way are some interesting and subtle things the bass does. A lot of the choruses are really "big" driving passages, but in between when that feeling is being represented, the basslines are hardly ever just eighth notes. There are more than a handful of pretty choice bass moments and licks that definitely make the whole sound pop that much more. (Give this a listen and only listen to the bass and you'll see what I mean) Meanwhile, the drums are law. If this band didn't use such powerful and energetic drumming, it could've easily fallen flat, but the instrumentation is straight up on lock for this whole album, pentatonics and all.
Although, I need to make a separate paragraph for vocals. Everybody does vocals; whether it be little trade offs, or unison chants, or backup vocals, all the vocals sound captivating. This mix is great in general, but the vocals really give this band the exciting exuberant flair that they've only honed from their first release. If the lead vocals were fit into a blues band, I don't feel like it would be out of place or unwelcome at all. Lots of soulful bends and rises that make the lyrics fun to hear. It's almost kinda sassy, the way these songs are sung. Altogether, this album is a really fun album, and the vocal dexterity sells every bit of what this band cooks up instrumentally. I mean, this dude is SINGIN' this shit.
There is one glaring burden on music like this though: What is this band doing in rock music that hasn't been done before? Influence or otherwise, what is this album contributing to the genre and what new ground is the sound touching on? That answer is convoluted. While 'Synthetic Me' does exactly what it's supposed to for these songs to be expressed so soundly, it's seldom I feel it is a unique band from a majority of similar mainstream blues-influenced driving modern rock. That's not to say this album isn't a stand out. While classic rock can give me a headache, there's a refreshing element in the sound and mix that make the songs energizing to listen to. That element sort of kicks the sound into a bit higher gear for rock. You won't get bored listening to this album. Even as a fan of modern rock, you won't find one band that sounds EXACTLY like this. The level of instrument and vocal proficiency makes this album shine in a way that immediately makes you wanna move. This album is a line of coke.
By: Garret Mean - Sad But True
Synthetic Me - 2015
Hot Record Russian
Liberty Kids
Falling (Up the Stairs)
Midnight Sun
Smile, You're On Camera
The Cotton Continental
Bipolar Babies
That's Just Dean
Hey you!...No Not You
Keep It Contagious- 2014
Gamblin Man
Buffalo Bones
I Found Elvis at the Bottom of a Beer Can
Cancer Free
Disco Romeo

JaggerMouth is a five piece sound wall of explosive rocknroll hysteria. With off the wall antics, Matt Wheeler (vocals), Nic Pugh (guitar), Joe Boyland (guitar), T.J. Banks (bass), and Jake Porter (drums), bring southern charm that accents their powerful riffage and devastating stage show. All while, exposing the grit and grime of a true american struggle from the slums of Charlotte,NC. Passion meets obsession for these gentlemen on and off stage with their catchy melodies, witty lyrics, driving rhythms, and survival of the fittest attitude. JaggerMouth are the beats of a new rocknroll era.
Band Members