Intrinsic Nature
Las Vegas, Nevada, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2012 | SELF
Click link above for exclusive feature story and I.N.terview - Marquix Global Network
Rock Band Leans Towards Longevity
Las Vegas, Nevada – January 24, 2017 – There are a lot of artists out there who don’t particularly have a lifelong plan other than, “make it.” That’s the difference between those bands and Sin City’s Intrinsic Nature. They have poured more than their heart and soul into their music, and because of that have their eyes set on a career that harkens the same kind of length and response as bands like Rush.
Inspired by bands often considered legendary, Intrinsic Nature admit when listening to them, it’s like experiencing a few bands at once. Combining that old school with modern rock is their forte that brings forth a unique blend of power pop and progressive rock. They approach every song they create differently and always make sure to utilize each member’s’ particular set of skills. Skills that have been put to use on two albums thus far, and a third, Second Nature, that is set to be released some time in 2017. Of the new release and those that will most surely follow, their own Milo Keysington noted, “In the interest of musical furtherance, the band hopes to succeed on this sometimes difficult quest to enlighten the younger generation and all others who wish to transcend the mediocrity of our times.”
Having already proved their abilities winning The Akademia Music Award for Best Pop/Hard Rock EP for their 2016 release, I.N. Concert With You, Intrinsic Nature is ready to continue on that path with Second Nature. Collectively they’ve dedicated and spent more of their time and savings into maintaining their sound quality for the enjoyment of their listeners, and would soon like to put their attention on playing outside of Las Vegas, across the US and over in the UK.
With a little luck, hopefully some record companies who have the vision to recognize the true brilliance of this unique trio will discover this amazing and profound group of superb performers to take them to the highest level of stardom!
Second Nature is due out soon. To keep tabs on Intrinsic Nature and their music, or to get in touch about bookings, get in touch via the information provided below.
Intrinsic Nature is a Neo Pop/Hard Rock band from Las Vegas that blends their love of classic rock with the power pop of today to create a unique sound. Award winning already, they plan on staying on that path with their upcoming 2017 release, Second Nature due out soon.
Intrinsic Nature
Milo Keysington
(702) 305-5849
Official Site: http://www.intrinsicnature.co.uk
Number One Music: http://www.numberonemusic.com/intrinsicnature
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Intrinsic-Nature-158613280883367
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kidkeyman
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/intrinsic-nature
Jango: http://www.jango.com/music/Intrinsic+Nature+Award+Winning+band
Sonicbids: https://www.sonicbids.com/band/intrinsic-nature/ - Artist PR
Intrinsic Nature aims high. This isn’t a band content with releasing half-hearted or imitative pastiches of their musical betters. Instead, they emerge as a formidably talented three piece quite capable of holding their own in an increasingly fragmented musical world. Their EP I.N. Concert With You features five songs of great focus and concise length that, nevertheless, manage to incorporate a lot of imagination into a relatively brief amount of space. It follows up their 2015 debut Gothic Sun and reaffirms the value of that impressive release while building towards the future. Led by composer/front man and multi-instrumentalist Milo Keysington, the band features the complementary talents of Steve Myers on drums and Bruno Levy on lead and rhythm guitars. These three musicians have an unique chemistry that, even in the studio, listeners will immediately recognize. Intrinsic Nature is as powerful and appealing as any band you will hear in 2017 and beyond.
“Eyes That Flicker” has an impressive, forceful backbeat keeping the song charging at full speed throughout its duration. Keysington’s vocals aren’t classically beautiful, but that isn’t the point. Instead, he sings with natural ease and enough of an emotive edge in his voice that it brings a very human quality to his performance. Bruno Levy lays down a plethora of guitar licks, never overdoing it, but manifesting a variety of influences – orchestral influences, rock touches, bluesy flourishes. The song’s bridge is particularly strong. “Spend My Time” has a much more defined hard rock edge and plenty of attitude. Levy’s guitar, however, never embraces the grab bag of clichés typically haunting these sort of songs. The chorus illustrates the band’s pop strengths without ever compromising the song; no small feat. The band also alternates, as they did on the opener, singing and spoken word passages to memorable effect.
Steve Myers’ drumming stamps its authority on the track “No Time Like Now” and the breezy arrangement soon segues into a passionate, deliberate chorus with dissonant guitar work switching off with Levy’s more straight ahead riffing. There’s a bit of an ominous edge hanging over this song that contrasts nicely with the earlier tracks. Straight up hard rock is the order of the day at the beginning of “At the Top”, but the band’s quite convincing assuming that mantle. The rhythm section is very strong here and dominates the low end of the mix with their muscular playing. Keysington’s vocals are further strengthened by the added backing vocals and Levy takes a blistering guitar solo in the song’s second half. The EP’s closing track “Be With You” has a lot of snap and urgency thanks to its energetic keyboard work and more of Steve Myers’ talented drumming. This does an excellent job straddling multiple lines between pop influenced prog, love song, and guitar workout. It’s the story of this release in some ways. Intrinsic Nature are one of those rare bands capable of being all things to all listeners and that makes their work relatively invaluable in this day and age. I.N. Concert With You has the sort of easy going appeal rare in this genre while still asking the listeners to fully involve themselves with the experience of hearing these songs. It’s a spectacular success on all fronts.
9 out of 10 stars
SPOTIFY: https://play.spotify.com/album/0QOQIvVzA7eQgc4Tyq9xs1?play=true&utm_source=open.spotify.com&utm_medium=open
Jason Hillenburg - Gashouse Radio.com
Intrinsic Nature’s music is the product of Milo Keysington’s extensive experience as a musician and his singular creative vision for the band’s music. His compatriots in the band, guitarist Bruno Levy and drummer Steve Myers, are the ideal collaborators for helping Keysington to fill out the five impressive songs on the band’s second release, an EP entitled I.N. Concert with You. The band’s music defies categorization – there are obviously leanings towards prog and a high level of instrumental and compositional excellence, but the band knows how to keep things tight and there’s some strong pop music elements influencing their work. Melody, seamless transitions, and even some hooks find their way into the otherwise intelligent and highly textured compositions. The band’s influences are never breathtakingly obvious – instead, they have been fully subsumed into the band’s identity and filtered through their own skill set into something quite their own.
Related Article: https://www.numberonemusic.com/intrinsicnature/merchandise/89082384-Buy-the-Award-Winning-EP-IN-concert-With-You
“Eyes That Flicker” has a bit of a femme fatale air in its lyrical subject matter and Keysington’s vocals handle the track with great style and emotional substance. There’s a definite progressive air surrounding the songwriting, but there’s also a focus on the chorus and bridge that clearly signals their intentions to keep the songwriting as accessible as possible. None of these songs exceed four minutes in length, but Intrinsic Nature’s musicianship keeps things lively within this small space. “Spend My Time” takes a stylistic turn into much more hard rock territory, but this turn doesn’t signal Intrinsic Nature becoming predictable or heavy-handed. They handle the hard rock style with a fleet-footed feel thanks to Steve Myers’ great drumming. Much like the opener, the vocals are a little buried in the mix, but Keysington’s voice cuts through the muffle nonetheless and he sings with complementary passion.
There’s an edgier feeling surrounding the song “No Time Like Now” compared to the preceding tracks and Keysington does a particularly strong job with his vocal. His voice alternates between near threat and desperate urgency; it’s impossible to lose his vocal for the song. Levy’s guitar primarily concentrates on dropping in biting fills, but he steps out at key points to exert his own talented influence over the performance. Myers’ drumming, as well, stands out once again and the rhythm section powers along with a lot of swing. “At the Top” has a classic rock retro feel and a wide swing that gives it swagger not shared by any of the other tunes. Keysington’s singing is a little too buried in the mix here, but it unintentionally adds to the rumbling, subterranean feel of the song. The sparkling keyboards and flourish opening the last song “Be With You” sets the stage for the ideal closer. There are some nice guitar touches in the song and the accessibility in this song is very strong. “Be With You” is the final touch on a fantastic EP that sets up Intrinsic Nature for an even brighter musical and artistic future ahead. I.N. Concert With You might be an EP, but it’s an impressively dexterous outing from a band with talent galore.
8 out of 10 stars
AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/I-N-Concert-You-Intrinsic-Nature/dp/B012JA0DL4
Lydia Hillenburg - Skopemag.com
The second recording from the Las Vegas headquartered trio Intrinsic Nature, I.N. Concert With You, is a five song EP highlighting both the band’s progressive tendencies and their talent for creating accessible songs that challenge listeners nonetheless. There’s a real impetus to this recording – Intrinsic Nature often sound quite inspired and their approach to the progressive tradition never leaves them hidebound to ape the iconic outfits who came before them. Band leader and chief songwriter Milo Keysington is joined by Bruno Levy and Steve Myers, guitarist and drummer, to create a startling musical landscape defined just as much by its approachability as its varied sonic canvas. Progressive rock as often been derided as too remote, too impersonal, and foolishly pretentious, but Intrinsic Nature’s latest release is none of those things. Instead, this is music engaging its audience both intellectually and physically. It results in one of the most interesting offerings in recent history.
The lightly progressive leanings characterizing “Eyes That Flicker” are inventive without ever being overwrought. The pop hooks laden through all of the band’s tunes find one of their best expressions on this track and Keysington’s vocal makes the most of those moments, especially on the chorus. Levy’s guitar work on this track adds a lot of color and Steve Myers’ drums are exceptionally well recorded. The intimate nature of the band’s sound will also engage listeners and bring them deeper and closer to these songs. They turn on the hard rock skills with the second song “Spend My Time” and it makes a strong impact. If there’s anything in the opener that might lead listeners to believe they couldn’t handle this sort of rugged hard rock posturing, but they deliver an expert turn with it that bleeds and throbs with considerable sincerity. Keysington is perfectly at home with this style and it’s obvious that it plays to guitarist Bruno Levy’s strengths as a player.
“No Time Like Now” amps up the intensity with another quasi hard rock turn that’s equally intelligent. There’s a darkness creeping in along the edges of this tune that stands out among the five tracks, but instrumentally, the standout factors are the drumming and bass playing, the latter courtesy of the multi-instrumental Keysington. The great guitar riffing driving “At the Top” heralds Keysington’s equally raucous vocal and has a straight ahead driving quality that makes it stand out even more. This is the sort of song that, in the hands of a lesser band, sounds leaden and lifeless with bash and thud qualities, but Intrinsic Nature keeps things lively without ever succumbing to those characteristics. The keyboards and guitar work weaving together to form “Be With You” is held together by Steve Myers’ skillful drumming, but everything remains tasteful throughout. The chorus, like elsewhere on I.N. Concert With You, hooks into listener’s consciousness and doesn’t let go. This is a powerful EP release that has the impact of a full length release and builds on the enormous promise of the band’s first release.
AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/I-N-Concert-You-Intrinsic-Nature/dp/B012JA0DL4
by Michael Saulman - Vents Magazine
I.N. Concert With You-Award Winning EP by Intrinsic Nature

Milo has brought together a "meeting of the minds", so to speak, with the formation of the neo Pop/Hard Rock band Intrinsic Nature. (I.N.)
Visit the official I.N.site...www.IntrinsicNature.co.uk As the groups main composer/writer, Milo on Bass, Keys & Lead Vocals, along with Steve Myers on Drums/Assorted Percussion are based out of exciting Las Vegas. With the chemistry of the band being very high, this new music stirs the imagination & increases your IQ! I.N. members are geared up to sonically create a dynamic experience for our fans and listeners!
Band Members