International Bitterness Unit
Dallas, Texas, United States
A fairly new band from Dallas by the name of International Bitterness Unit got the show going this night; starting their 33-minute long set at 9:06.
They were a rock band through and through, and began with a gritty number that embodied the Rock ‘n’ Roll spirit. “…I don’t give a fuck, obviously.” sang singer and guitarist Britt Tucker on that first song, which was my personal favorite of theirs this night.
They brought the noise level down just a little on their next song. For the most part it was slower, but still had some hard hitting moments, while some the guitar riffs Britt and fellow guitarist Chris Ehrmann played made it pretty catchy. Afterwards, Britt started them into their next track with some sweet guitar licks; and they again showed off a different style with it. There was a little more kick to this one. That’s to say it was pretty intense, and Britt did some screaming on it. I liked it, though, and in just three songs the band had quickly displayed how versatile they were.
“That goes out to anybody who sits in a fucking cubicle.” Britt said when that song was done, then remarked, “It’s not fun.” He went on to inform everyone of who they were, before going into a cover song.
I missed who he said at done it, but he took a backseat on it as bassist Andrew Magilow stepped up to the center mic he had periodically been doing. He was the one who wound up singing lead on it; proving he was more than just a a bass player, ‘cause he had a solid voice.
That wouldn’t be the only song Andrew would sing this night, though it was the only one for now, as they knocked out a couple more songs. One was a semi-heavy number, while the other highlighted the awesome drumming chops of Brandon Byrd. There short bursts on that where he was able to let loose, often crisscrossing his arms as he violently banged around on his kit.Great skill set, for sure.
Again, Britt mentioned that they were “IBU”, then noted that they were “hateful motherfuckers”. Andrew blamed it on the beer for making them that way, but Britt added, “…You don’t live this long unscathed.” With that said, I guess I should point out that he is a seasoned veteran when it comes to music.
A song by the name of “Blood for Lube” was played next, and following it was a cool instrumental song. “This is something you could smoke some weed to.” Britt said, while Andrew joked that it was “about math”. It was an excellent jam they did, and you could tell that all four of them were completely in their element while performing it. Closer towards the end of it, Andrews’ bass strap did come undone, though he didn’t let it bother him. In fact, it made is playing look even ore badass as he held the bass up by its neck.
“…It’s a good stoner jam; or drinking.” Britt stated when they were done. They moved on to another song that had Andrew doing the lead singing; before Britt once again told everyone who they were, keeping it shortened to “IBU”. They then ended with a song that was similar to how they had started, as well as how much of their other stuff had been. It was a rock song, pure and simple. One of the lines in it was also something like “…It gives you an itch…”, and as he sang that, Britt took one hand and lightly scratched his crotch, before placing it back on his guitar.
They were one of two bands on this bill that I hadn’t seen live before, not to mention I had never even heard of International Bitterness Unit until this night. That said, I don’t think this show could have gotten off to a better start than what they gave it.
Considering they don’t have much experience under their belt as this outfit, they were surprising tight on stage and had some good chemistry.
As for their music, as I said, it’s Rock ‘n’ Roll to the core. It’s easy to listen and get into and may even have you banging your head along to it. So basically, it’s all-around good stuff.
If that sounds like something you’re into, go see one of their shows sometime. They’ll be at the Crown and Harp in Dallas on March 8th. - The Music Enthusiast
Still working on that hot first release.
Feeling a bit camera shy