Ian Franklin & Infinite Frequency
Oakland, California, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2006 | INDIE
It would be tempting to compare Infinite Frequency with the free-for-all funk-pop acts that have gone before such as Fishbone and the Red Hot Chili Peppers. But despite some shared influences, Infinite Frequency sounds like neither. In fact, IF probably sounds closest to Jamiroquai, but even that's not completely accurate. Yes, "Venus Moon" and "Mr. Big Funk" have a certain resemblance to Jamiroquai, but Infinite Frequency sound more genuine. A large part of that might have to do with the group's decision to record in analog, which gives these songs less digital slickness and more vinyl heat -- one wonders how this LP would groove on a turntable.
On the first half of the record, Infinite Frequency digs the jazz seasonings that colored much of the funk and pop records at the time. This can be prominently heard on the aforementioned "Venus Moon" and "I Feel Your Love," both of which have lazy sunny-day rhythms that are probably standouts in live performance. The relaxing "I'm Free" best exhibits the soulful vocals of leader Ian Franklin, who also produced the album.
Beginning with "This Struggle," the record starts to shift gears. Featuring a scorching guitar solo, "This Struggle" introduces us to Infinite Frequency's rock side, and much credit has to be given to a young act that is polished enough to pull off a courageous change of approach. Infinite Frequency later revisits funk on "Sugar Honey" but the second part of the album is largely about experimentation: lively acoustic pop on the uplifting "Fly Away," an intoxicating soup of vintage hip-hop, disco, jazz, and alternative on "What's the Difference?" and the brilliant title track, nearly ten minutes of jazz jamming and war protest with rapped messages of peace.
Infinite Frequency: www.infinitefrequency.com
www.ink19.com - Ink19 by Kyrby Raine
'What If...'
- Genre: 'Pop' - Release Date: '2006'
Our Rating:
Infinite Frequency (http://www.infinitefrequency.com) is an indie band with a yen for Stevie Wonder and Supertramp. Well, at least that's what it seems.
Fusing modern rock with jazz, funk, and '70s soul, Infinite Frequency give eclecticism a good name. In other words, the group is focused in its clash of styles. The band doesn't call attention to itself with its genre bending; the songs work together as a tight, collective unit sharpened with exotic shadings.
On "Venus Moon," Infinite Frequency establishes the funk, laying down a poppy, toe-tapping groove with some finely crafted jazz flavorings, namely with the drums. Lead singer Ian Franklin thankfully isn't trying to sound like James Brown like so many white funk acts do and fail miserably. He owns a solid voice of his own, high and filled with life. "I Feel Your Love" follows a similarly funky route but doesn't retrace the same footsteps as its predecessor.
As the album proceeds, Infinite Frequency widens their musical scope. The band is mellow and soulful on "I'm Free" but then starts to truly rock out on "This Struggle," with big guitars that recall the '70s.
The group's alternative side is more exposed on the second half, such as on "Still Malaise" and "On Track," the latter recalling (a much better) Incubus. "What's the Difference?" slides back and forth between hard-driving rock and electro, showcasing the band's versatility; there's even a dose of old-school rap to startle and impress us.
The melodicism and top-notch playing on this LP will have people having flashbacks when musicianship, not just style, played an essential ingredient in rock & roll.
http://www.whisperinandhollerin.com/reviews/review.asp?id=4265 - Whisperin & Hollerin by Adam Harrington
What If? by Infinite Frequency
May 15 '06
Pros: One of the better debut albums of late.
Cons: Limited availability to date.
The Bottom Line: Each song has a very unique quasi-jazz, quasi-pop, quasi-rock sound to it, however, the album as a whole is not quasi-decent, rather, is simply amazing.
Full Review:
Infinite Frequency has produced their debut full length album What If and this album is surely not to leave you questioning, "What if this band does not succeed?" Infinite Frequency has created a remarkably impressive debut album that is sure to clear up any questions as to whether or not the band has what it takes to survive musically. It is not every day that you can find a debut album that sounds as though the amount of time, dedication, and talent that was put into the album follows suit with many bands' second, third or fourth album. Rather than simply test the waters with their debut album, Infinite Frequency has plunged into the world of electric pop rock and has done so with a truly tremendous album.
What If is a funky little album that focuses on the vocals of Franklin but is perfectly molded to the instrumental sound of the rest of the group. Each song has a very unique quasi-jazz, quasi-pop, quasi-rock sound to it, however, the album as a whole is not quasi-decent, rather, is simply amazing.
Infinite Frequency is comprised of Ian Franklin (vocals, guitars), Brandon McCarron (drums), Pat Speece (bass) and Jon Altman (piano, keyboard).
The album starts off nicely with the very first track, Venus Moon . Ian Franklin's voice quickly takes the forefront and the listener can clearly hear Franklin’s passion and his prowess in creating quality music. An interesting, and almost religious, feel is found on the track, probably in part to the unique backup vocals that form a refrain like sound on the track. The guitar, keys, and drums all form a very smooth and direct sound that is professional sounding and complements Franklin's vocals quite well.
Mr. Big Funk has a very fast and upbeat electric sound to the track. Some quick and flashy guitar playing finds its way throughout the entire track and the song conjures images of impassioned music fans dancing at an outdoor festival loving every minute of it. There is an awesome solo guitar rift that rocks in the second half of the track in which you simply cannot get your head to stop bobbing or your foot to stop tapping away.
This Struggle starts off with a slow and melancholy piano beat met with a wailing guitar sound. The track has an almost blues-like feel to it and Franklin seems to add a piece of himself to his singing on the track. The vocals and lyrics have been changed from some of the more upbeat previous tracks to a sound that matches the music and the intended feel of the track nicely. A despondent and perhaps lonely feel is evoked by this track and The Struggle allows listeners to realize that Infinite Frequency can perform more than one generic sound.
The title track of the album What If? (What Could Be) is a great way to close out the album and kudos to Infinite Frequency for placing this track in the right position on the album: right at the end. The track winds down the album nicely with a slow yet powerful sound. With a good portion of the album focused on upbeat and quicker sounds, What If? (What Could Be) closes out the album beautifully and leaves the listener yearning for Infinite Frequency's next album!
Track listing:
1. Venus Moon
2. I Feel Your Love
3. Mr. Big Funk
4. I'm Free
5. This Struggle
6. Was It Really Worth It?
7. Radiant
8. Still Malaise
9. Fly Away
10. On Track
11. What's The Difference
12. Sugar Honey
13. As One
14. What If? (What Could Be)
I have listened to far too many debut albums that unfortunately while serving as a band's debut also serve as the band’s demise. Fortunately, Infinite Frequency has stepped up to the plate and knocked a homerun of a debut album. Infinite Frequency has created an album that focuses on setting the band apart from "the rest" and instead focuses on maintaining a sound that is fresh and exciting. The fact that this album is a debut album is not something that should be shied away from, rather, the fact that an album this good is also Infinite Frequency's debut album only makes me want to listen to more Infinite Frequency in the very near future.
What If? was released on May 2, 2006 .
For more information about Infinite Frequency, check out their website at www.infinitefrequency.com.
Recommended: Yes Written By Kevin Bligh
Great Music to Play While: Hanging With Friends http://www.epinions.com/content_231326060164
- Written By Kevin Bligh - Epinions.com
Ian Franklin, Step by Step.
Apparently, plaintive crooning isn't always the best way to get a girl. Singer-songwriter Ian Franklin tries a different tack on Step By Step, which is all about love and relationships, but resists being tender-hearted. Baby, I got your fix, he assures on the opener's hook, just to let us know who's in charge. His large country-rock band includes various combinations of keyboards, drums, basses, and guitars. "Fly Away" is catchy. (self-released) - East Bay Express
Ian Franklin’s New CD Release is a Bay Area Homecoming
Acclaimed Recording Artist Sets New Course After Decade of Musical Evolution to Begin Anew
Singer/songwriter Ian Franklin is proud to announce the release of his debut 6-song EP, Step by Step.
The Santa Barbara News-Press recently described Ian as, “… a rare petal — his group songs rock, led by guitar riffs that show the influence of both the Police and Tool. And his high voice can be reminiscent of Glenn Tilbrook of Squeeze.”
Constantly performing and creating, Ian, being the son of a Reichian therapist, and coming from a family of healers, is a private practice Board-Certified Music Therapist and Music Teacher.
March 14, 2011 – San Francisco, CA - Singer/songwriter Ian Franklin is proud to announce the release of his debut solo 6-song EP, Step by Step, on May 12, 2011. In addition, two CD release parties have been scheduled; Sunday, April 10, 2011, 7:30 p.m., at Aubergine After Dark in Sebastopol, where fans can purchase advance copies of Step by Step, and Thursday, May 12, 2011, 8:00 p.m., at San Francisco’s Red Devil Lounge.
The new CD for the Santa Rosa native comes as a career high at the end of a near-decade of non-stop, whirlwind and frenetic coast-to-coast musical endeavors and evolution that have both educated and matured the young artist into a multi-faceted musical road warriorepreneur.
The epic journey, from graduating the Berklee College of Music with Bachelor Degrees in both Music Therapy and Songwriting; forming, recording and performing with the lauded Boston-based jazz-funk/groove-rock band Infinite Frequency; touring the United States and California several times over and then establishing his San Francisco-based Music Therapy practice, Step by Step is Ian’s homecoming, ready again to carry him aloft.
The diversity of Step by Step carries over from Ian’s previous project, winners of the Boston Regional Global Battle Of The Bands; Infinite Frequency. Infinite Frequency, who went on to compete in the national Global Battle of the Bands Finals at the Key Club in Los Angeles,was described by WhisperinandHollerin.com as “fusing modern rock with jazz, funk, and '70s soul” while displaying “melodicism and top-notch playing… (that) will have people having flashbacks when musicianship, not just style, played an essential ingredient in rock & roll.” And regarding lead singer Ian Franklin himself, he “owns a solid voice of his own, high and filled with life.”
The Santa Barbara News-Press recently described Ian as, “… a rare petal — his group songs rock, led by guitar riffs that show the influence of both the Police and Tool. And his high voice can be reminiscent of Glenn Tilbrook of Squeeze.”
High praise indeed and with Step by Step, Ian hopes to generate much more of the same enthusiasm. Franklin’s songs pull from his creative imagination, are often fueled by personal experiences and promote awareness about issues that he believes deserve attention or they simply provide joy and help relieve the stress of daily life. Promising diversely-inspired tunes influenced by a fusion of roots-rock, funk, jazz, blues and folk into a new genre he refers to as “Eclectic Pop-Rock,” Step by Step is the clear and defining next chapter in the musical growth and maturity of this exceptionally gifted singer/songwriter.
Step by Step was recorded at Spliggityfidge Studios, Emeryville, and Petting Zoo Studios, North Oakland with final mixing being completed at Petting Zoo Studios in late 2010. Surrounding himself with musicians of equal talent, Ian Franklin’s band consists of former Frog Brigade and Groundation drummer; Paul Spina and former New Monsoon bassist; Ben Bernstein.
Throughout the 90’s, Ian performed with many award-winning Sonoma County-based bands, honing his skills in the fusion rock-funk/hip-hop; Gollum, the Zappa-meets-Faith No More-infused; Cory's Slug, and the instrumental ambient/tribal-rock outfit; Wish. His first-ever recorded solo project was in 2001 when Ian teamed up Frank ‘Side-Burns’ Sanders to record his live acoustic EP, Finley Swims.
Constantly performing and creating, Ian, being the son of a Reichian therapist, and coming from a family of healers, is a private practice Board-Certified Music Therapist and Music Teacher who specializes in Geriatrics, Special Needs, Mental Health and Pediatrics. He maintains offices in Santa Rosa, San Francisco, the East Bay, and he works with clients throughout the Bay Area, as far south as San Jose.
About his passion for being a Music Therapist, Ian stated in the Santa Barbara News-Press, "It takes music to a whole new level… it's selfless. Usually music is all about your art, but in music therapy, it's all to do with the client. All my expectations go out the window."
- PR that Rocks - Christopher Buttner
Infinite Frequency won first place in the 2006 Global Battle of the Bands Boston Regionals. They were invited to Los Angeles for the US National Finals and Played the Key Club on Sunset Strip November 11th. 2006 to a packed house of over 400+ fans.
- Global Battle Of The Bands
Infinite Frequency are definitely plugged into a different switch. Unpredictable yet not chaotic, Infinite Frequency are the perfect band for the iPod generation. Without lead singer Ian Franklin providing the group a consistent voice, What If… could’ve been mistaken as the work of more than a single band. It just might be what kids are looking for these days: a group with enough stylistic deviations to make their record seem like a compilation album.
This is a band with no creative boundaries. On the title track (clocking in at a massive 9:49!), Infinite Frequency update the peace, love, and harmony messages of Vietnam-era America with sizzling jazz horns and a surprise anti-war rap. There aren’t many groups today with the chops to pull something like this off without sounding completely ridiculous; to Infinite Frequency, it seems effortless, the work of a band with smooth, pulsating chemistry.
The funkiness of the first three tracks gives the impression that Infinite Frequency were going to groove within that framework. Not so fast, buddy. A melting pot of various artistic influences, Infinite Frequency leap from acoustic pop (“Fly Away”) to ‘70s soul (“I’m Free”) to ‘90s alternative (“On Track”) to old school hip-hop (“What’s the Difference?”) to jazz (“What If…”) and prog rock (“This Struggle”). Confusing? In the hands of another group without a game plan, it would be. However, Infinite Frequency aren’t trying to show off short attention spans. They’re a band bursting with ideas and energy.
Produced by Franklin himself, What If… has surprising consistency. The songs are unified by their finely-tuned melodies and engaging hooks. Yet for all of its post-millennial genre jumping, there is a decades-old philosophy at work here - rock & roll as a liberating force. Free your ass and your mind will follow.
www.cdreviews.com - cdreviews.com by Michael Sutton 11-3-06
Ian Franklin Makes Front Page of The Boston Globe 04-08-06
By Mac Daniel, Globe Staff
Photo - Josh Reynolds
- Boston Globe
Ian Franklin Makes Front Page of The Boston Globe 04-08-06
By Mac Daniel, Globe Staff
Photo - Josh Reynolds
- Boston Globe
Breaking Grounds (Debut Album - June 2012
Step By Step (Debut E.P. - May 2011)
Baby I Got Your Fix (Single Release - June 2010)
What If... (Infinite Frequency's Debut Album - 2006)
Finley Swims (5-Song Acoustic E.P. 2001)

Ian Franklin is a dynamic singer, songwriter & guitarist from the San Francisco Bay Area, performing as an acoustic solo artist and with his band, Infinite Frequency. He is inspired by many types of music fueling both a diverse sound & a style uniquely his own, never void of passion. He mixes the best of modern pop, roots, classic-rock, funk, & 70s soul.
Born in California, Franklin was home-schooled & obtained his first guitar at the age of 12. He was immediately swept away by its music, power and poetry. His parents were great musical influences, exposing Ian to a wide range of music, including the Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton & Stevie Wonder. Franklin began writing original songs at the age of 13 & joined his first band at 16. He's played with a number of ensembles, some of which received awards for their outstanding performances.
Franklins songs pull from his creative imagination & are often fueled by personal experience. He enjoys using his music to connect with his fans promoting awareness about issues that he feels deserve attention or simply helping to provide listeners relief from the daily stressors of life through a truly fun & entertaining live & recorded performance.
Originally from Santa Rosa, California, Franklin has performed throughout the San Francisco Bay Area, & he has shared the stage with many great acts. In 1995, Franklin formed the band Gollum, a fusion rock-funk & hip-hop group. The group found great success in Northern California between 1995-1998.
Following this musical stint Franklin formed another project called Cory's Slug, writing & performing in the style of Frank Zappa and Faith No More. In 2001 he teamed up with a good friend Frank Side-Burns Sanders to record his first live acoustic EP Finley Swims. This same year Ian joined up with a separate crew called WISH (Warriors in Search of Humanity), an instrumental ambient tribal-rock that featured drummer Eric Strand, formerly of Victims Family.
In 2002, Wish released the album Full, culled from countless jam sessions in a WWII bombshell bunker. After the release of Full & performing to a sold out crowd at the River Theatre in Guerneville, CA, Franklin shipped off to Boston, MA, where he earned his Bachelors degree in Music Therapy & Songwriting. Franklin was the visionary and front man behind the jazz-funk and groove-rock collaborative known as Infinite Frequency. They recorded their debut CD, What If, with Joe Laquidara former side-man of the band Boston. They released the CD in May of 2006 and performed throughout the North Eastern United States, taking first place in the Boston Regional Global Battle of the Bands and performed at the National Finals at the Key Club in Hollywood, CA. After graduating from Berklee College of Music in 2007, Franklin continued to tour throughout the North East United States before moving back to California in 2008.
Franklin is now in private practice as a Music Therapist, a profession that he enjoys and brings him a great deal of satisfaction. If the popularity of his music continues to increase, its a vocation hell have to put on hold to meet his professional musical commitments. He admits he often burns the candle at both ends, providing music therapy during the day and pursuing a professional music career by night. He feels the many long nights are well worth the effort.
Franklin recorded six new songs with producer Ben Bernstein, and mixed his Step By Step 6-track EP at Petting Zoo Studios over a few months in late 2010. Two of the songs, Baby I Got Your Fix and Dont Do Me Like That were released as singles in the fall of 2010.
San Francisco based Independent Distribution Collective released and marketed his EP, Step By Step, in May of 2011, as well as his debut full length album, Breaking Grounds in June of 2012. Ian Franklins debut album, Breaking Grounds (Petting Zoo Records out of Oakland), features a diverse collection of songs inspired by modern pop, roots, classic-rock, funk and 70s soul. With songs about life, love, and heartbreak, this album takes the listener on a journey toward self-awakening. Using imagery and sound, it invites the listener to give in and embrace the moment.
Breaking Grounds features a cast of talented San Francisco musicians, and in true Bay Area spirit, there is no shying away from letting loose and jamming. The album takes the listener on a trip through psychedelic wailing guitar solos, horns pops (Adam Theis and Mike Olmos of Jazz Mafia, and Mark Growden), keyboard odysseys (Eric Levy of Garaj Mahal and Night Ranger), and drum grooves (Paul Spina of Frog Brigade and Groundation) that are sure to get the body moving.
The highly melodic and
Band Members