Hardcore Sex
Austin, TX | Established. Jan 01, 2016 | SELF
Austin takes its weirdness so seriously it often sacrifices sexiness in the process. So I was pretty fucking excited to come across a woman-fronted band literally calling itself Hardcore Sex. The duo is unapologetically explicit not just in name but in lyrics as well, with “Down My Throat” functioning as an anthem, opening with the line “I wanna fuck the shit outta you,” only getting more intense from there, detailing rough sex full of choking and dominance. The music itself is rough and dominant too, like early Kills but with raw, primitive drumming instead of a drum machine, the guitar bassier and grimier. Hardcore Sex can’t solve Austin’s erotic deficiency all by themselves, obviously, but they’ve already put a thaw in our city’s frigidness. - Nick Hanover / Ovrld.com - Ovrld
"I wan to fu** the sh** out of you" is the opening line to the song "Down My Throat" by the provocatively raunchy blues-rock duo, Hardcore Sex. Female lead singer and drummer, Bear Ryan, pummels her drumkit as her gritty and oddly seductive vocals swirl around Grandpa Johnson's serrated guitar sound. The Austin duo shirks the 'bells and whistles' of polished rock & roll to embrace a raw and primal feel that could be mistaken for early Kills or maybe even the twisted, nymphomaniac, evil twin of The White Stripes. Hardcore Sex unapologetically drags delta blues influences through a pool of sexed-out lyrics, and thick unrelenting riffs to create music that would make an escort blush. The down-home duo release their debut EP, You Greasy Devil, on November 17th and, they'll be celebrating the same day at the Hard Luck Lounge with an EP release party for those who want to let the debauched sounds of a wanton bachannal wash over you.
-Lee Ackerley - The Deli
HARDCORE SEX is not what the name could suggest or what your dirty mind is thinking right now. No, it’s not some kind of sonic porno act performing naked while licking their instruments. Hell no, this 2-piece band out of Austin, Texas is raw voiced drummer/singer Bear Ryan and deranged guitarist Brain ‘Grandpa’ Johnson and they produce some crude, nasty, sultry blues to keep the lowlifes in hell happy. The DIY duo sound like The Kills stripped to the bone, like The White Stripes with broken amps. Their latest demonic 4-track EP YOU GREASY DEVIL is… “a self-released EP mixed and mastered by Drew Millay of Millay Recording. The collection is a gritty amalgam of heavy grooves and raw vocals with a steady sexual pulse. The project was preceded by travels to the deep south, inspired by Mississippi Delta blues and the slow-and-low heavy metal connate with the region. You Greasy Devil is a compilation of originals that take the listener through a journey of dynamic shifts while giving respectful homage to its traditional musical roots.”
Taste the devil’s favorite band here… - Turn Up That Volume!
I just had the opportunity to review the newest release, You Greasy Devil, by Hardcore Sex and it's raw and real and I like it. Opening with Clarksdale, a modern stripped down blues, Bear Ryan wails the lyrics and plays drums and Brian Johnson has super saturated and distorted guitar, not dissimilar but not the same as early The Black Keys with heavy blues and punk edge. This is great! Sister has a soulful vocal line by Ryan and Johnson's slide work is fatter than fat with a catchy guitar vamp and showing a band that is just loose enough to give it a rag tag feel but tight enough to keep you glued. Down My Throat takes raw to the next level with overt sexual lyrics that give the raw bluesy feel even more edge. This duo takes the blues as close to punk as I've heard it and has super aural presence. Great guitar tone man! Excellent! Wrapping the release is Tiger Meat ,a led footed blues rocker with a really wide girth and erotic lyrics. This band knows how to hold it down and hammer it home. Excellent debut! Check it out!! - Bman's Blues Report
The first time I listened to a song called “Down My Throat” by a band called Hardcore Sex, I figured I knew what the song would be about, but that it would feature some coy double entendres. Bear Ryan doesn’t have time to be coy. At first glance, “Down My Throat” reads as an instructional guide for exactly how Ryan wants to have sex: “Shove it down/Down my throat/Choke me out.” Yet, thanks to some deft pronoun work, Ryan remains coy about what exactly “it” can be in various situations.
Brian Johnson’s dirty blues fuzz helps the song transcend from pure shock value into a primal articulation of base desires. He and Ryan know when to push the energy into the red and when to let up on the gas just enough to catch your breath. There’s no structure; they seem to follow their instincts about where the song should go and they always have the right answer. - Ovrld
"You Greasy Devil" (Self Released, November 2016)

Hardcore Sex is a heavy, grimy duo which plays Delta blues-inspired rock with metal, country, and gospel influences. Their sound can be compared to Left Lane Cruiser, Captain Beefheart, Black Diamond Heavies, Scott H. Biram.... and yes, The White Stripes.
Hardcore Sex is Brian Johnson on guitar and Bear Ryan on drums and vocals. The duo set out to create groove-heavy, hard-driving music with gritty eroticism. They are turning the tables on male domination in "sex, drugs, and rock n roll" with a female lead who unapologetically throws female sex drive and sexual satisfaction into traditional rhythm and blues-based songs. The group often plays with ambiguity, blurring lines between the genders and sexual orientations. They also sing about hamburgers.
In a recent write-up, the band was described by Ovrld's Nick Hanover:
"The duo is unapologetically explicit not just in name but in lyrics as well. The music itself is rough and dominant too, like early Kills but with raw, primitive drumming instead of a drum machine, the guitar bassier and grimier. Hardcore Sex can’t solve Austin’s erotic deficiency all by themselves, obviously, but they’ve already put a thaw in our city’s frigidness."
Band Members