2009 Waka Winter Classic: The Road to Wakarusa
Posted by: Pipeline Productions |

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Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to play in front of thousands of people? Ever imagined rubbing elbows with your musical heroes? Ever considered the possibility that your music might be the next big thing? Well, the chance to transform your dreams into reality has arrived.
The Wakarusa Music Festival will be traveling to 15 cities this winter (cities still to be added and confirmed) in a quest to locate the best and brightest musicians the country has to offer. At every stop on the tour 4-5 bands will compete in a regional talent showcase. The winner of each talent showcase as decided by the fans in attendance will receive an invitation to play at Wakarusa 2009. But it doesnt end there. The winners in each city will also have their music featured on our website and will compete in an online talent showcase. The three bands that receive the most votes in our online competition will get to play the Revival Stage at the festival along with a host of other surprises.
The Waka Winter Classic will be touring through the following cities in the midwest region. As additional venues are confirmed for this tour, they will be added to this gig listing.
Also some exciting news about our fabulous new location:
The 6th Annual Wakarusa Music and Camping Festival will take place on June 4th - 7th, 2009 at Mulberry Mountain in Ozark, Arkansas.
That's right! Wakarusa will take place on top of a mountain that's surrounded by streams, waterfalls, swimming holes and scenic float rivers. Mulberry Mountain is not only on private land, but it has all the amenities of a well developed campground. Quite simply, if you haven't been to Mulberry Mountain it is one of the very best festival sites we have ever seen.
Please note: If you'd like to submit to a general performance consideration dropbox for Wakarusa, please visit the Wakarusa gig listing at www.sonicbids.com/wakarusa.