The Great Lakes Songwriting Contest 2008
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This years Great Lakes Songwriting Contest marks the 5th year of the regional songwriting contest. The contest is open to artists in states and provinces that border the Great Lakes; these include Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Ontario, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
The Grand Prize winner will receive $2,000 cash along with tuition, room and board at one of John Lamb's songwriting retreats in November 2008. There will be 11 prizes in all in 2008, with first, second and third place winners receiving gift certificates and various goodies from the contest sponsors. The artists also dont give up any rights to their song by entering or winning. The top winners will also have the opportunity to perform at the annual Winners' Concert, normally held in February of the following year.
This is a contest run by songwriters for songwriters; they guarantee that every song will be heard at least twice from beginning to end. There are no categories, as no one likes to be put in a box, and no one likes to pay multiple entry fees for a song to be considered for different categories.
Past judges for the competition include Berklee songwriting teacher and author Andrea Stolpe; Freebo, songwriter and long-time bass player for Bonnie Raitt; Rich Warren, host of the syndicated Midnight Special radio show; and Michael ("Smokin' in the Boys Room") Lutz.