Radio Crystal Blue (Sep-Dec '13)
Posted by: Radio Crystal Blue
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On the air since October 2000, Radio Crystal Blue is a freeform radio podcast, spotlighting top indie/underground/DIY artists.
As a supporter of Sonicbids artists since 2004, Radio Crystal Blue is actively seeking artists with new albums (nothing older than 9 months) to debut on producer/host Dan Hermans companion radio program, Radio Crystal Blue Novus Ordo.
Radio Crystal Blue spins music of leading indie/underground artists of several genres currently performing and recording worldwide. The show is housed in Philadelphia. Radio Crystal Blue provides commentary about where an artist is performing and when, plus anecdotal details of other artists.
RCB Novus Ordo focuses on individual songs from 8 albums a week and is distributed in the same manner as with Radio Crystal Blue. All artist albums that are actively promoting and performing gigs will make it to the standard RCB rotation. Artists considered for submission must be actively performing/touring.
The archives of my shows are updated weekly and can be found elsewhere on the website at The page contains the last 4 shows, plus a FeedPlayer with mp3, streaming and podcast options. New shows are recorded on Tuesdays and distributed on Wednesdays, currently averaging 4 hours in length.
For more information on the host and the show visit This includes airplay charts, several Q&A interviews with indie stars past and present, and more.
Note: There is no dedicated studio space for performances or interviews. Sometime in the future there may be such amenities.
Dan sometimes records particular artists at events and interviews with a digital recorder.
Radio Crystal Blue is the beneficiary of sponsorship from these companies:
- Ariel Publicity:
- Miles High Productions:
- Wampus Multimedia:
All content aired on the shows are released via Creative Commons 3.0, under a non-derivative, non-commercial license.
Application Criteria
- Front person gender requirement: Male