Focus Wales 2016 (Non-UK Artists): Music Festival & Conference
Posted by: FOCUS Wales | When: – | Where: Wrexham, Wales, GBR

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FOCUS Wales is booking 11 Sonicbids artists for its annual multi-venue festival taking place in Wrexham, North Wales. The event places the music industry spotlight firmly on the emerging talent that Wales has to offer the world.
The Opportunity
FOCUS Wales 2016 will mark the festival’s 6th birthday – this edition will welcome over 5,000 new music fans to the town, building upon 2015′s record attendance across a jam-packed weekend of events. There’s no place like Wrexham during FOCUS Wales as the event showcases 200+ bands, fills out a variety of spaces and music venues, uses 20 stages, hosts 3 days of interactive sessions and events, and showcases 3 days of stand-up comedy!
The festival offers performers the unique opportunity to perform in front of music industry experts, investors and advisors, and can help to establish their name within the UK music industry.
The Band
- Submissions are open to international artists only (acts from outside of the UK)
- All genres accepted
Past Performers Include:
Euros Childs, Michael Rother (NEU! / Harmonia / Kraftwerk), Catfish & The Bottlemen, Kids In Glass Houses, Charlotte Church, Eagulls, Future of the Left, Bo Ningen
Past Sonicbids Performers Include:
HIGHS (Toronto, CAN), Moja (Japan), Be Forest (Italy)
The Gig
- Backline of: drum kit (minus "breakables" snare, cymbals, kick pedal and sticks), bass rig, and guitar amps will be provided
- Artists can sell merchandise throughout the festival
- Accommodation with local artists
- Travel support within the UK may be negotiated
- Artists will receive a show rider (refreshments) & catering (meal on show day)
- Full festival week pass: the pass grants artists free access to all venues, live shows & seminars throughout the festival (capacity permitting)
- Artists will be featured on the festival website & festival promo materials
- Artists will be featured within a festival mail shot and press release