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Rock 'n Roll is all about great sound, but it's even more about having fun. With that in mind, I share with you a new music video from the band in the room having the most fun with their project. FEINTS are a Boston music outlet that perform howling throwback rock and with each new project, each turning of the screw they are indeed having a whole lot of fun with their music.
Yes, that's right - a bunch of rockers singing and acting like man's best friend and having the time of their lives. The dog-lovin' FEINTS are Amy Douglas (Vox, Keys), Dave Baron (All Guitars) Rob Phillips (Bass) Tim Marten (Drums).
A Word or Two From The Band - "Dogs" honors and champions all things canine, but ultimately speaks to the need in all living things, no less us humans, to be loved, sheltered and cared for. Dogs is fully intended to be the greatest anthemic love song written, for dogs. The video, directed by FEINTS's own bass wielding-co-producing powerhouse Rob Phillips, with extra assistance from Boston Photo-god Derek Kouyoumjian is a fun ride with adorable pooches and of course, the animal that is...FEINTS. - Ryan's Smashing Life
SOUNDS LIKE: All of the classic rock that you haven't yet realized you've been longing for, but delivered exactly how you want it.
WHY YOU SHOULD CARE: Because like Penny Lane says in Almost Famous, "rock and roll can save the world."
New York-to-Boston transplant Amy Douglas - with credits as a vocalist working with Eli Escobar, Cosmo Baker, Treasure Fingers and a plethora of other top DJs and producers - may be known as the brassy-voiced wailer on some of your favorite disco and house tracks that have burned up the world's nightclubs over the past few years. However, her true calling may be as a rock-and-roll superstar leaving her blood, sweat and tears onstage. Feints - aka her rock project with husband David Baron on guitar, SPF 5000 collaborator Rob Phillips on bass and Tim Marten on drums and percussion - may be making arguably the most intriguing popular music in the world at-the-moment. "Loaded Dice" is the first of three singles the band has uploaded to their Soundcloud page, and is every bit the Band meets Elton John. Feints are the kids in college who looked like dropouts and townies but in all reality were not just making the grade - but surpassing it with ease.
Excited for, but underwhelmed by Fall Out Boy's return? Still wondering why people care about Nickelback? Angry that "modern rock" stations play grunge and nu metal and dabble in EDM? Yeah. "Loaded Dice" is filled with the top-tier musicianship that only impassioned music veterans who know that the classics never die can bring. As well, the songwriting and delivery is filled with a level of pathos that was once rock's pop expectation but is now it's anathema. Listen only once, and I'm certain you'll listen again. - Chunky Glasses
Boston's Feints hooked me with “Loaded Dice.” The old-school nugget sounded like an AOR nugget 'BCN would have spun between “Tiny Dancer” and “Stairway to Heaven.” Turns out the band's '70s fetish runs deep.
As a fan of big, blustery Elton John and Bernie Taupin ballad about the wild west (see "Tumbleweed Connection"), I'm delighted to debut Feints latest single. The tale of an old madam and her whorehouse (naturally) was recorded by the band at their own Loompaland Studios by guitarist Dave Baron and bassist Rob Phillips -- Phillips also created the video. But, sorry guys, as usual, singer and pianist Amy Douglas is the star.
Now gather round and here the tale of Pearl DeVere, godless woman, notorious career... - Guestlisted- The Boston Herald
In the cyclical world that is popular music, there comes a need for disruption that trumps any modern age digital definition of that word. However, regarding this musical era’s best (yet not so often discussed) disruptive force, this is not going to be an article about some new electro-computer-EDM-rave-house-dance-thing. Instead, I’m going to advocate for going way back into time, picking up drumsticks, guitars and microphones, kicking dance and rap in the tail, and restoring balance in the mainstream. If you’re looking around and not finding the rock band to make that happen, it’s okay. A) that video game no longer exists, and B) with under 1000 plays on their debut video and 3500 plays spread over six tracks on Soundcloud, you don’t know about Somerville, Massachusetts-based band Feints. But they absolutely know about music, and know exactly what the answer is to that which you don’t know you’re seeking, but will absolutely be oh so glad that you found.
Rock and roll gave my life purpose, meaning and direction. I grew up a weird black nerd in the 80s. I hated rap music because it was the sound of my tormentors. Songs about Bally boots and cashmere sweaters that my mother couldn’t afford, and tunes about fly girls that I was too fat to date left me an outlier, and made me the one-and-only and (happily) lonely sole black kid fan of rock and roll in elementary school. Initially, rock was foreign to my life and circumstances. Guys with names like David Lee Roth, and bands with names like Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Bon Jovi, Motley Crue and Poison (especially Poison) were part of an escapist fantasy, a life I never thought I’d ever know. But sixth grade became seventh and I had transferred to a near lily white prep school. I had friends who looked like Sebastian Bach and Kurt Cobain. Twelfth grade became freshman year of college and my friends loved Van Halen, Guns N’ Roses and Social Distortion, plus played heavy metal and idolized bands like Judas Priest and cult-favorite shred-masters like Yngwie Malmsteen. Of course, fast forward to that moment five years ago when a plus-sized middle-aged white female housewife was drunkenly doing the splits on the hood of my brand new, baby blue 2009 Toyota Yaris (in a manner akin to Tawny Kitaen in Whitesnake’s “Here I Go Again” video), and my life had literally become defined by rock and roll.
As a matter of full disclosure, Feints’ lead singer, Amy Douglas, is a friend. More like a cousin actually, except she’s a 5’2” white redhead and I’m a 5’9” bald black guy. We’ve never actually met in real life as we best relate through music, but we’re still family just the same. She’s one of those big voiced song crushers — the type of artist who, if she were popping in the late 80s and early 90s, would have either been Bette Midler singing “From a Distance” or Sophie B. Hawkins singing “Damn, I Wish I Was Your Lover.” However, it’s 2014, so neither of those things have any relevance anymore in mainstream pop, and she’s left to overpower dance music productions with her voice in a manner akin to Vickie Sue Robinson “[turning] the beat around” at the end of the disco era.
However, neither of those classifications really work. She’s comfy up there in t-shirts and jeans — so much “dude rock” with feminine swagger. Feints excels at reclaiming and re-purposing all the great rock that ever was, from Brit-glam T-Rex to Jimmy Page and Robert Plant’s sensual intensity melting faces, a smidge of the danger of Iggy and the Stooges wanting to “be your dog,” and a heaping spoonful of the pop style that appeals to mainstream ears when I was just a weird black nerd. The best of all things rock at the worst of all rock times, there’s a feeling like they’re the band with the “My Sharona” hit that will slam the breaks on EDM, just like The Knack did to disco at the turn of the 80s.
Feints represents everything that we’ve all stereotypically always loved about rock and roll. If looking for an anathema to ersatz-EDM-electro hot-girl hair-shaking Krewella bullshit, you’re going to find it here. Dave Baron is Amy’s husband of a decade and looks like a dude’s dude who plays a mean axe. Bassist Rob Philips looks like the hero of John Mellencamp’s 1984 video for “Pink Houses,” and thus is lacking the one fuck given to remain in your high school or at your minimum wage job. Drummer Tim Marten hits the skins with a purpose, as if he’s driving a stake into the heart of some sort of unseen, soul-sucking beast tearing away at the spirit of rock. As an ensemble, we should cheer for Feints because at all times they appear ready to strangle their dreams and achieve success.
Yes, I’ll agree, that, as pictured above, it may look like I’ve described a band that ultimately seems like a group of dead-end grifters. However, isn’t that the kind of band that deserves to resurrect rock and roll? The Red Hot Chili Peppers are legends, but Flea damned sure wasn’t plugged in and turned up to eleven at the Super Bowl. Have you seen Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler, lately? Did you hear Fall Out Boy’s latest album? Did you vomit (like I wanted to) as the Grammys really tried to get you to believe that Gary Clark, Jr. was Jimi Hendrix? How does Jack White own a studio and Dave Grohl have a recording rig in his garage and they haven’t promptly saved rock music themselves? In 2014, can rock and roll be more boring, staid, ersatz and underwhelming? Think about all of that, then have it all washed away with one listen to Feints’ “Loaded Dice.” The gifted dirtbags dwelling at pop music’s Last House on the Left will blow your mind with all of the true pathos of Elton John and The Band that time has forgotten. If you keep on listening to their other tunes, they recall (with pristine clarity) every other thing about modern music (that has been electronically assaulted out of your mind) that you haven’t yet realized you’ve been longing for, but delivered exactly how you want it.
As fate would have it, thirty years have passed since I was once a weird black kid, and I’m ultimately sitting here a weird black kid yet again. Time and space have been kind to the evolution of humankind, and I’m entirely certain that I’m not the only weird black (or white, brown, yellow, red, whatever) kid in the world. As well, I’m certain that if you’re a fellow music-loving weirdo (and if you’re reading this . . . guess what . . . you are), popping molly, waiting for the drop, turning up and running the trap just really isn’t your cup of tea. If this is the case take a second, listen to Feints, and fall in love, as I once did, with rock and roll. Rock allows you to find heroes, directions, community and purpose, both on and within the margins of life. Rock forces you to find yourself and — in writing this as a personal living testament to this fact — I assure you, makes all of your wildest dreams will come true. - Medium
So why don’t you introduce yourself?
Why certainly! Amy Douglas- Vox/Keys, Rob Phillips Bass, Production. Dave Baron Guitars/Production. Tim Marten- Drums!
How did you get started in the music scene?
We didn’t choose the thug life, the thug life chose us :) Amy our singer has been singing for some of the best names in EDM, she also fronts SPF 5000, which Rob our bass player is the Producer/Bassist/Wizard for, we’ve all been playing in and around Boston for some time now.
What’s the story behind your stage name?
FEINTS are the parts of whisky distillation process that makes whisky both aromatic and volatile. It has a double meaning that suggests slight of hand and/or faking people out. The vibe for both meanings suggests in much of what we do. We want to be “felt” more than anything.
What are your music influences?
Every single really awesome band that ever was worth a damn, in a jukebox, in a blender. BIG rock of all the four corners of rock, from the Classics to Punk to Glam to ProtoMetal, all blended together.
So tell me more about the concept behind the band?
We wanted to put BIG back into rock. Big not meaning just loud and heavy, but BIG, the way the best humongous rock records used to sound. Elton John albums aren’t so much LOUD as they are BIG. We wanted to be not just loud and raucous, but big and atmospheric, but we’re mostly about letting the songs do the heavy lifting.
What’s your songwriting method?
It’s never the same from song to song man. Sometimes we’re in the shower, sometimes in a cafe. Wish we could say we have a template method but it’s a very organic natural process.
What do you mean when you say you are bringing something Big?
When we mean “big” we mean big in terms of sound, size and scope. The goal was to make music that could stand toe to toe with the greatest biggest rock albums of all time.
What has been one of the most hilarious moments you guys have been while touring or playing a gig?
We’ll let you know!!! LOL!
So what’s next in FEINTS world?
More music! More Whisky! More Cowbell!!!
Where can we find more about your music?
http://feints1.bandcamp.com/ - VENTS MAGAZINE
The 2014 Boston Music Awards ceremony, taking place Dec. 14 at the Revere Hotel, will feature emerging and established artists from the region. The night’s lineup will be announced in November.
Voting for winners opened Saturday, Oct. 4, at the free concert Sound of Our Town, where attendees voted using their phones. The Academy and Sound of Our Town votes count for two-thirds and online public votes count for one-third.
The nominees
Bad Rabbits
Dutch Rebelle
Lake Street Dive
Speedy Ortiz
Will Dailey
D-Tension, “D-Tension’s Secret Project”
Hallelujah The Hills “Have You Ever Done Something Evil?”
Magic Man, “Before The Waves”
Quilt, “Held In Splendor”
Will Dailey, “National Throat”
Air Traffic Controller, “The House”
Dutch ReBelle “Yen”
John Powhida International Airport “Cover Me I’m Going for Milk”
Lake Street Dive “Bad Self Portraits”
Skaters “Miss Teen Massachusetts”
Petty Morals
St. Nothing
The Color And Sound
The Needy Sons
When Particles Collide
Bad Rabbits
Goddamn Draculas
Parlour Bells
Sidewalk Driver
Tigerman WOAH
Goddamn Draculas
Hallelujah The Hills
Mean Creek
Petty Morals
Speedy Ortiz
Cam Meekins
Dutch ReBelle
Michael Christmas
Bad Rabbits
Dwight & Nicole
Eli “Paperboy” Reed
Louie Bello
Shea Rose
Cask Mouse
Joe Fletcher
Sarah Borges
Session Americana
Gracie Curran And The High Falutin’
Peter Parcek
Quinn Sullivan
Roomful Of Blues
Sugar Ray And The Blue Tones
Bianca Oblivion
Chris Ewen
Frank White
Leah V
Andre Obin
Pale Hands
St. Nothing
Ballroom Thieves
Dan Blakeslee
David Wax Museum
Mutual Benefit
Debo Band
Los Rumberos de Boston
Marcus Santos
Shun Ng
Danilo Perez
Grace Kelly
Lake Street Dive
Omar Thomas
Rebecca Parris
The Proselyte
Guerilla Toss
Razors In The Night
The Hotelier
Lori McKenna
Marissa Nadler
Nate Leavitt
Ruby Rose Fox
Will Dailey
Amy Douglas of Feints
Jenny Dee of Jenny Dee & the Deelinquents
Marissa Nadler
Ruby Rose Fox
Sarah Rabdau
Barrence Whitfield
Christian McNeil
Gene Dante
Jesse Dee
Roy Sludge
Benny Grotto
Brian Charles
Clinton Sparks
Ed Valauskas
Justin Pizzoferrato
Free Pizza, “Boston MA”
Faces On Film, “The Rule”
Hallelujah The Hills “I Stand Corrected”
Matthew Connor, “How Is July Already Over?”
STL GLD, “Again”
Eli “Paperboy” Reed
Hooray For Earth
Lake Street Dive
The Both
Don’t Ask Don’t Tell at Great Scott
Heroes at TT The Bear’s Place
Make It New at Middlesex Lounge
Pico Picante at Good Life
Soulelujah at ZuZu
Atwood’s Tavern
Brighton Music Hall
Great Scott
Red Star Union
The Sinclair
Bored of Health at the Plough And Stars
Eleanor Bigsby at Toad
Louie Bello at the Abbey
Tim Gearan at Atwood’s
White Owls at Toad
Allston Pudding
Boston Hassle
Daykamp Music
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10 Questions with Feints
2014 Rock 'n' Roll Rumble
March 7, 2014 10:00 AM
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Photo by Ruth Anne Arnold/Lucid Revolution Photography
Photo by Ruth Anne Arnold/Lucid Revolution Photography
Related Tags: #RUMBLE35, 2014 Rumble, anngelle wood, Boston, Boston Emissions, boston emissions with anngelle wood, boston rock, feints, new england rock, rock 'n' roll rumble
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Get to know your 2014 Rumble Bands!
Feints on Bandcamp // Follow Feints // Like Feints
1) Tell us a little about the members of the band. Include secret nicknames. Especially if the band member doesn’t know they have a secret nickname.
Amy Douglas- Lead Vocals/Keys- Before Amy became known as the “Queen of Nu Disco,” racking up a ton of creds with such notable EDM figures as Juan MacLean and Treasure Fingers, she was a pure rock and roll animal from NYC who cut her teeth in the notorious Squeezebox Band at Don Hills. She’s got a 5 octave range, she’s obsessed with glam rock and Jimmy Page, loves jazz, and is also a Whisky Reviewer aka”The Whisky Bitch” youtube.com/whiskybitch. She also really loves bulldogs, and she can cook like a demon!
Dave Baron- All Guitars/Production – Dave lives and breathes guitar and rock and roll. In addition to handling all guitar duties in FEINTS, Dave co-produces all the recordings with Rob Phillips. He also runs a website called DinosaurRockGuitar.com where he’s interviewed some of the best axe-men in the business, and corrals other guitarists for debates on everything from other players to gear.
Rob Phillips- Bass/Production – Our bass GOD Rob, is also, known here in Boston as the Mad Scientist Producer of SPF 5000, and the soon-to-be-known Hipsterati. He is a whiz producer, great all around musician — not only on bass, but keys, guitar, drums, pretty much everything. He is a Yoga Instructor, a self-described “techno-yogi” and he has a Stuffed Animal Hedgehog Mascot named Huey Lewis.
Tim Marten- Tim “The Enchanter” Marten as we like to call him (we shall soon be referring to him as “The Professor”, as he’s bout to become a Professor of Literature, no joke!), is our God of Thunder and Rock and Roh-oll. He’s a drummer of insane power, arguably one of the most amazing people to WATCH play the drums, and he’s the number one The Darkness fan in the entire world. I defy anyone to contest this.
2) Where is your band from specifically? Tell us about your town.
A) FEINTS and their ensuing #Whiskycult (more on that later) hail from Somerville, MA. Somerville is a really fabulous place, loaded with great musicians and artists, and we just wish that JP were right next door to us. :)
3) What do you know about the Rock ‘n’ Roll Rumble’s history?
A) The first and most important thing that FEINTS knows about the Rock ‘n’ Roll Rumble, is that it’s an HONOR to be asked to participate, and that The Rock and Roll Rumble is all but synonymous with Boston Rock History. It’s imperative to keep the flame burning. Things like “tradition” and “history” get really lost in today’s world of immediacy and short attention span, so it’s all the more important to keep things with SOUL alive and well. Plus, it’s a wonderful launchpad, and has thrown a spotlight on a lot of our favorite bands into the stratosphere. It’s a deep honor, especially for Amy D to be participating in anything that Aimee Mann was a part of, Til Tuesday were Rumble Champions.
4) Has anyone in your band participated in the Rumble before? If yes, how was it?
A) We are all, Rumble Virgins. :) Hey, great new band name! Rumble Virgins!
5) Of the many bands who have gone before you, who among them is your favorite?
A) Til Tuesday (as mentioned, Amy is a HUGE Aimee Mann Fan) but also huge points for Morphine, the Neighborhoods, the High Ceilings, the Car Crash Show, Ad Frank and the Fast Easy Women more recently Mellow Bravo, Ruby Rose Fox, OldJack and The Field Effect!
6) Yours is one of 24 bands selected to take part in this year’s annual Boston music lovefest. What was it like to get the invitation?
A) There was a feeling of absolute elation, gratitude and humility. It was also proof, that whatever we’re doing, we should KEEP ON DOING IT. To be included in Rock and Roll history, with bands that are all exceptional and amazing, kinda feels like you’ve already won.
7) Win or lose, it is more about how you play the game. How is the band preparing to play in the 2014 Rock ‘n’ Roll Rumble?
A) Aside from preparing a BLISTERING set, we’re all pretty much doing as we tend to do, rehearse a ton, record a ton, eat a lot of protein, do a lot of yoga, and drink a lot of whisky. It seems to be a recipe for happiness.
8) What do you hope to take away from your band’s Rumble experience — besides avoiding the #RumblePlague?
A) Just to participate and have a great time. Every time weplug in and play it’s a celebration, making rock and roll is it’s own reward. Here’s a chance to have a great time with more great people!
9) How would you describe the music community today?
A) It’s in an ever shifting state. Most music scenes, have been irrevocably altered by the internet’s influence, and it’s given and taken away. We all know more about each other through what we read about each other, but we don’t hang out and interact in the flesh as much as we likely should be doing. That said, we’re also big believers in “making your own scene” and that’s how the Whiskycult came to be.
10) What do you want the other 23 bands to know about your band?
Our entire M.O. is to be a huge unrelenting and unapologetically loud big stadium rock band, that makes you get in touch with whatever made you fall in love with rock in the first place. We hope you’ll enjoy flicking your Bic at what we do. That, and we are all, honored to be among you, we respect and admire you all, and can’t wait to have a great kick ass time! - WZLX/CBS
Super-psyched to share a new video from FEINTS (pronounced "faints") who tore the roof off the Rock n Roll Rumble this year. Singer Amy Douglas (amazing pipes - also of Sunrise Highway) is remarkably gifted at the rawk. The band have big things in-store for the next 12 months, they say. And I believe them. The whisky-loving band members are: Amy Douglas (Vox, Keys), Dave Baron (All Guitars) Rob Phillips (Bass) Tim Marten (Drums). - Ryan's Smashing LIfe
AMY DOUGLAS is known around Boston as the sultry-voiced backbone of Somerville booty-shakin’ trio SPF 5000, laying her voice over electro dance party jams like the freestyle-minded “White Hot Fantasy” and all-night house rager “Doorknocker,” as well as collabs with likes of Bearstronaut, DJ Sega, and Juan MacLean’s Peach Melba project.
But her voice often out-ran the beat it was grooving with, and here with latest band, FEINTS, the self-proclaimed Whisky Bitch is on some new old-school shit entirely, pounding the piano off the grimy banks of her Polynesian Porch stomping grounds and going ruthless on some down-home ’70s-rock. The juggernaut sound rolls in sweet tandem with Douglas’ powerhouse vocals, a match made in smoky bars and can-crackin’ parking lot parties behind long-lost rock clubs on Deer Park Avenue.
And the voice, my goodness that voice — when Douglas lets loose, especially towards the end of this week’s “Loaded Dice,” my fucking god, you can feel yourself become a man before the song ends.
“Once upon a time I played piano for the Squeezebox House Band,” Douglas tells Vanyaland. “I spent the duration of my early 20s basically being Elton John and Freddie every week for a long ass time. This song, brings me back to this place.”
And that place has a cold one with your name on it. Live gigs are on the way this fall, but in the mean time, drink this up, call your uncle who introduced you to the classics, and go feel young again. Fireworks have hit Boston a few weeks early this year. - Vanyaland
2014 could be the year of Amy Douglas. The powerhouse vocalist of electro trio SPF 5000 shook things up last year with the hard-rocking, piano-pounding Feints, and is rumored to have a new disco project titled Sunrise Highway on the horizon.
The former is in fine form here in new single “Hudson Valley Stomp,” a six-minute riff parade that shouts-out to the better days of carefree rock and roll. The video was produced by the band — which includes SPF mastermind Rob Philips — up in the Hudson Valley over the summer, back when things like “Polar Vortex II” weren’t in our vocabulary.
Feels good, looks good, sounds good.
Feints bringing the rock and roll to the masses. - Vanyaland
Night Five
Feints: This hard-hitting four piece channels the 70’s like it’s nobody’s business. Vocal and keys are more than taken care of by powerhouse songstress Amy Douglas (she also likes whisky – a lot, so you know she’s a badass), while a hard-hitting, metal-tinged rhythm section hold down the fort for the face-melting leads and riffs of guitar player Dave Barron. They like to party, bring your A-game.
Key Track: Death Rattle
- See more at: http://allstonpudding.com/2014-rock-n-roll-rumble-preview-prelims/#sthash.bfi8mN5h.dpuf - Allston Pudding
FEINTS- FEINTS1.bandcamp.com/album/feints
FEINTS II- coming soon!

"A throwback band that could claim the crown with an old-school ballad that sounds like an AOR nugget 'BCN would have spun between “Tiny Dancer” and “Stairway to Heaven.” Lighters up!”- Jed Gottlieb- Boston Herald
In 2013, Amy Douglas (also of Sunrise HWY), having spent the last few years doing feature vocal work for some of the biggest names in EDM (Treasure Fingers, Juan MacLean, Eli Escobar), was ready for a change. Seeking a return to the rock roots that originally inspired Amy to make music, she started writing songs that satisfied the part of her that wanted to "make her own Goodbye Yellow Brick Road." Soon SPF 5000 Producer and Bassist Rob Phillips, and Guitarist David Baron were on board. Enter super drummer Tim Marten of The Audiants and FEINTS was born.
In a funky Victorian House in Boston's Somerville area, the band ate, drank, and slept rock and roll for a solid year. The mission was clear, make the music, that takes everyone back to their own personal rock and roll happy place. Tap into the excitement and emotion everyone feels when they first hear rock music's greatest albums for the first time. No boundaries, or borders. Only limitless possibilities, and a relentless desire to do EVERYTHING, the music, the visuals, themselves. They would work their fingers to the bone to create “the great rock album,” no matter what it took. What they didn’t have, they’d build. What they did have, they’d use to it’s extent, pushing the talents of the band to its utmost.
What happened next, no one expected, it was as if gasoline and a lit match got together.
A mere 9 hours post mastering, "Loaded Dice" premiered on Anngelle Wood's WZLX Radio Program Boston Emissions. The explosion was immediate and immense, bloggers as varied as (former Boston Phoenix Music Editor) Michael Marotta's Vanyaland, Boston Herald Music Editor Jed Gottlieb’s Guestlisted, Ryan’s Smashing Life, Hard Candy, and Chunky Glasses were all raving about this new “pure rock experience.” 2 months after FEINTS’s second gig, the band was invited by Anngelle to join on for the legendary Rock and Roll Rumble where the band had their proper coming out party, stadium rock style. Fans were made, friends were made. The band spent the summer doing radio, including live appearances on WZLX and Ryan Spaulding’s “Outlaw Roadshow.” By the end of 2014, Amy was nominated for a Boston Music Award. All of this, took place in the span of one year. It’s safe to say the genie left the bottle, and they’re just getting started.
FEINTS is poised to release it’s second release, and videos in 2015 and with upcoming appearances scheduled for Providence and New York City, it’s safe to say, FEINTS are on their way.
For more information contact feintsband@gmail.com
Band Members