http://oyafestivalen.com/pages/eng/353-hot_new_stuff_in_the_park - Øya
Karin Park
Ashes To Gold
Anmeldelser, Musikk, Terningkast 5.
Friske fraspark
Karin Park: Ashes To Gold
[YAP Records/VME]
Det er en særdeles stor og gledelig overraskelse at Karin Park på sin tredje
utgivelse har luket bort det søt-poppa og ungpikeaktige uttrykket til fordel
for kjølig, mørk og hinsides fengende elektro-pop.
Med drahjelp fra Fredrik Saroea, Kristian Stockhaus og Erlend Sellevoll med
flere har Park skapt et heftig, sexy og raffinert musikalsk univers.
Hovedpersonens stemme nærmest hviler med en intens tilstedeværelse på
tidvis harde, fengende og tidstypiske beats. Uttrykket er slett ikke ulikt det vi
tidligere har hørt hos både The Knife, Björk, og Lykke Li. Legger vi godvilja til
kan vi gå så langt som å kalle Karin Park vår egen Robyn. På åpningssporet
“Out Of The Cage”, som også er å finne på soundtracket til filmen Skjult, er hun
helt på høyden med vår svenske verdenstjerne. For ikke å snakke om “Bedtime
for the Children”, en underfundig, stemningsfull og småmelankolsk rytmeprega
sak med behagelig driv.
Andre spor som stikker seg ut er “Can’t Stop Now”, programmert av Yngve
Sætre, som også gjester på keys. Refrenget bør vekke liv i enhver vinterdvask
dansefot, og om du ikke kommer deg ut på gulvet i løpet av disse tre minuttene
byr sjansen seg igjen, og igjen. For eksempel på “Desire” eller “Ashes”; begge
bør evne å fylle gulvet når som helst.
“Can’t stop now”:
“Jungle Woman” blir et bevis på at det er Karin Parks stemme som er det
absolutte bærende element på dette albumet. Her fremstår vokalen utilslørt og
mangefasettert, og det er gjennomgående lite å utsette på den skolerte
musikerens vokalprestasjoner.
Ashes To Gold er Parks etterlengtede fraspark, og den svensk-bergenske
damen fremstår som kulere, hottere og dyktigere enn noen gang. Det låter rett
og slett forløsende og mye tyder på at Park nå har funnet sin uttrykksform.
Trine Sollie
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- Lydverket
http://www.dagbladet.no/kultur/2009/04/28/573108.html - Dagbladet
http://oslopuls.aftenposten.no/musikk/article189072.ece - Aftenposten
Album "Superworldunknown" 2003
Singles "Superworldunknown"(nominated as one of the best songs in Norway of all times) and
"Fill it up"
Album "Change your mind" 2006
Singles "Masterpiece" and "Bachelorette"
Album "Ashes to Gold"
Singles "Can't stop now" and "Out of the cage"(soundtrack for the movie "Skjult"

The pop artist Karin Park grew up in Djura, a town of 400 inhabitants in the middle of Sweden. She moved to Japan when she was 7, but she now lives in Bergen, Norway. With her expressive voice, dual musical citizenship and fascinating musical universe, she’s quickly become a respected media and audience favorite. Her modern, Swedish, darkelectro pop touches the very bottom of your heart.
She was already a critically acclaimed talent back in 2003. She’s had several radio hits and in 2004 she won the Alarm-award for “Best Newcomer” and was nominated for two Norwegian Grammy awards (the ”Spellemannspris-awards”) Her debut album’s title track “Superworldunknown” was nominated by the magazine Spirit and the biggest radio station in Norway, P3, as one of the best Norwegian songs of all time. She also won the Vise versa award in 2005.
In 2006 Karin released the follow-up ”Change Your Mind”. It showed a more mature artist with songs inspired by her own experiences and views on society.
Now in 2009, after a productive collaboration with Datarock, Ungdomsskulen and Ralph Myerz and with influences like Joy Division, The cure and Depeche mode, Karin Park is back with songs that have a totally new, surprising twist. They are electronic, minimalistic, beat-oriented and very catchy.......and very Karin.
She recorded "Ashes to Gold" in London with producer Fredrik Saroea from Datarock.
YAP records (runned by Datarock) in Bergen released it in April and the album received fantastic reviews.
Karin and her brother David delivers stunning performances just the two of them on stage with drums, bass and keyboards. Karin takes the audience on an emotional ride with an exceptional stageprecence.
Karin Park have opened up for David Bowie and performed several concerts with the Bergen symphony orchestra. They have toured Norway, Sweden, done three tours in China and have just returned from their first U.S tour as support for Datarock, as well as a four week tour in Norway, also as support for Datarock.
I am striving to be an artist who has the ability to make people think,” says Park. “And make them take a stand in terms of which direction our lives are taking, and why. What do we want? Who do we want to be? And what are the choices we make?
The questions are mine, but the answers are up to the listeners to determine.