Savannah, Georgia, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2014 | INDIE
We already know that E'Clat isn't the type to create a bunch of dazzling, hard to make recipes. He is a Peanut Butter and Banana kind of man. That means when E'Clat's working in the studio, you won't find leftover homemade pizza, egg fries and herbal teas like you would with Buchanan. So what is it that fuels E'Clat's musical endeavors? Let's hear from him what the best Food To Record To is:
1. McDonald's
The food I record to most often is McDonald's. While recording, me and my producer Will Prolux would leave the studio to get a fresh pair of ears and head to McDonalds for their amazing McChickens.
2. Cookies
While in the studio I usually eat some cookies. Ha ha, man I am a sucker for sweet foods. Its like Lay's potato chips, I just can't have one.
3. Larry's Giant Subs
My favorite restaurant is Larry's Giant Subs and my favorite meal is the turkey breast 1-foot sub. I love this restaurant because the Cuban bread here is amazing, its like a party in my mouth. Since I love to eat the 1-foot sub, it sets me right for the rest of the day.
4. Whatever Looks Good With The S.K.R.W.E Clothing Line
Aw man, just joshing you. I just wanted to make it known that E'Clat does have his own S.K.R.W.E clothing line.
Alright, so we are mixing down some McDonald's McChickens, cookies and a foot long turkey sub on Cuban, throwing in a few shakes of Will Prolux's production and E'Clat's lyrics and pinching off a smidgen of S.K.R.W.E clothing. The result? Getting down to something like this: - Tender Branson
What I said this weekend is true, E'Clat and his catchy as all hell single "Hello World" have replaced the buzz on my alarm clock and made getting up so much easier. But E'Clat, and his production partner Will Prolux (SKRWE Production), need a bit more of an introduction. One sentence doesn't do them justice. I mean, they aren't Skee-lo, ready to ride off into the sunset after one single hits the internet waves. These guys have so much more to offer. So I decided to follow up with E'Clat and feature him on the blog in his own post. I told him about the three different segments I am currently running and E'Clat, overachiever that he is, hit me back up fulfilling all three requests. No problem, I'll just have to let him take over this blog for a bit.
E'Clat isn't like some of the musicians I've featured on this page who run a catering business on the side or moonlight as a chef in some fancy restaurant. His idea of a good meal is something simple, quick and filling. It's called....the Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich. Now I know what you may be thinking. Damn Tender, you spend years developing all kinds of outrageous foodie feng shui and now you want to feed us a vegetarian Elvis special? Uh, you got it. I can't always foodie it up. Some mornings I have to run out the door to get to some meeting and my only option is to start my day with an amazing Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich. Because of that, I'm all in on E'Clat's special.
Here's E'Clat, describing how to make a top notch PB&B:
I am not much of a cook but a recipe that I know by heart is a peanut butter and banana sandwich. Ok. I start off with two delectable slices of bread. Next I apply some Peter Pan Honey Roast peanut butter to each slice of bread. Has to be Peter Pan, I love sweets and Petter Pan Honey Roast peanut butter is A-1. Next, I take a banana and cut it into pieces and place it on the bread. Finally, I put the pieces together, cut in half and prepare a big ass glass of milk. Now I get a taste of heaven. Ha ha.
There you have it, Peter Pan Honey Roast peanut butter. That's the secret to E'Clat's snack of choice. I'm pairing this snack, which I am currently eating on multigrain bread, with E'Clat's "An Outro For You". I feel these two go hand-in-hand because the track, at least at the beginning, is all about taking away someone's pain inside and helping them as they go through a tough time. Help can come in many forms. It can be financial, it can be a simple card or note or it could be sharing a peanut butter and banana sandwich on a Sunday afternoon (RIP Grandmama).
Of course the track isn't completely blinded to the fact that with pain and suffering comes anger. Someone let's you down, someone swoops in and picks up the pieces that you were already in the process of picking up, someone thinks only of themselves during your time of need, these actions cause resentment. They create anger. Sometimes people sugarcoat gratefulness. They make you think that if you are there for someone, you'll get the accolades you deserve. That's not reality. There will be times when you pour your soul into helping a brother or sister and what you get in return is the brunt of their feelings when they are at their worst. E'Clat captures this in the outro of the track. That's one reason I feel such a connection to some of E'Clat's All Stars EP. He isn't afraid to tell it like it is. - Tender Branson
Still working on that hot first release.

Currently at a loss for words...
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