Los Angeles, CA | Established. Jan 01, 2011 | SELF
Bogota, Columbia hard rockers Dante have released an official video for “Deadman’s Curve”, which you can watch below. The video is inspired by grindhouse road films with a dash of horror, telling the story of a woman who is driving with a medallion only to meet an untimely fate as her ride becomes haunted.
We’ve featured Dante before with their awesome “Swamp Thing” video. Check that one out here.
You can download the song for free via Soundcloud. - Bloody Disgusting
It’s Friday night and things are gonna get creepy and twisted around here! This week I bring you “Swamp Thing”, the latest music video from Colombian rock band Dante. Beautifully shot and incredibly mysterious, this video has inspirations from Evil Dead, Silent Hill, Dracula, Pan’s Labyrinth, and much more. Director Jorge Jaramillo did a fantastic job at creating atmosphere and this is a video that is well worth watching. Head on below to check it out! - Bloody Disgusting
The biggest thing that interests me about these songs is that they do not particularly remind me of anyone else. With all the bands out there in the world creating music, it is pretty rare to come across something that does not already sound at least a little familiar. I think the blending of these various rock styles combined with the bare bones, crisp production really make this a great listen. - http://metaldisciple.com
ANTE released their album is called “The Rorschach Manifesto”. Liquid Cocaine, one of the singles, is full of guitars and drums that are clear, concise and merge with Kami’s deep vocals making everything about the song connect together and take you on a journey along with the songs Swamp Thing and Rorschach. - UglyScene.com
Interview (click the link) - Vents Magazine
A band’s treaty on treating a jaded, post-modernist world with rock chemotherapy & a little bit of madness. - Atlas Jams
MIAMI – The Colombian rock band Dante began its international tour thanks to “The Rorschach Manifesto” disc they were able to record with ace producer Sylvia Massy. - Herald Tribune
MIAMI – The Colombian rock band Dante began its international tour thanks to “The Rorschach Manifesto” disc they were able to record with ace producer Sylvia Massy. - Herald Tribune
La banda colombiana espera demostrar un nuevo rostro musical de su país con The Rorschach Manifesto - La Opinion
What is your thought process when working on new music?
It depends on each song. Every song is constructed differently, sometimes its very intuitive about what feels well and what not, other times it takes much more thought and theory. A lot of the times its very intuitive.
What inspires your music?
Its different for each member. We all collaborate however, the main angle is obviously personal experiences, literature,movies, comic books, different types of artworks.
Describe yourself as a group….
We like to consider ourselves as a band that mixes the magical almost metaphoric aspects of bands like The Doors, Led Zeppelin, HIM, David Bowie and Black Sabbath…and the rough straight forward honesty of Guns n Roses, The Ramones, Motorhead and The Strokes.
What sets your music apart from others in your genre?
In this band we have 5 different personalities. As a consequence our musical influences are quite diverse even if we do like each others influences. But having such a wide spectrum of influences allows us for a much wider variety of musical endeavors within the frame of what could be called “Rock n Roll”.
How would you classify your music?
Just straight forward rock n roll with classic and contemporary influences. Very punky, sometimes a little dark and bluesy. Just pretty straight ahead 4/4 rhythms with a few interesting time changes.
When you’re working on a new song….Do you already have a concept in mind or do you rather write on top of the music?
Its always different, sometimes a song will start with a song’s title or the first half of the lyrics. The some other times there’s no lyrics at all and someone comes with a complete idea or blueprint for a song. Sometimes we just Jam on it. Sometimes songs take longer than others, sometimes they’re done in minutes.
What are some your musical influences?
As we said earlier we like to mix a little bit of classic stuff with contemporary. Some of that stuff include: Guns n Roses, Queen, Metallica, The Strokes, Rolling Stones, Rammstein, Ted Nugent, HIM, Led Zeppelin, David Bowie, Mars Volta, Gypsy Kings, Nirvana, The Ramones. Its a little bit hard to say since its such a wide spectrum.
What obstacles have you faced in the industry?
Our story has been actually quite curious because most of our “good karma” has been from outside. Within our own country, although its a growing scene is always hard for a rock band to break since its not within the mainstream frame. Ironically, most of the good chances we’ve had come either from US or Europe. On the other hand the record industry is radically changing.
Do you feel that people understand the business aspect of the music industry?
A lot of artists don’t and that sometimes is seen as a terrible flaw. However, artists are artists and not business men. Unfortunately with the changes going on right now in the record industry its hard to tell whether anyone really understands where everything is going business wise. Coming from a small country and with so much competition we’ve tried to know every aspect of this career as it opens up the chances especially right now.
What changes do you feel need to be made in the music industry?
We think at the moment the record industry is focusing on Artists that will make them money, easy digestible music instead of focusing on real talent and new ideas. When you look at other areas in artistic mediums like Photography you only have to be as good as you can as creative as you can. Whereas in the music industry that has changed and has become about other things. A lot of the demands in the industry are about number 1s in the top charts even if its the same formula and just a repetition of the same thing and not creativity.
What hard lessons have you learned while working in the industry?
That sometimes its of big importance who you know within the industry. Its become very political and sometimes its not about how much talent you have but who you talk to and who really believes in you.
What direction do you see the music industry going?
Its changing drastically. Internet is getting a lot of recognition these days. Its become an important tool for any artist especially independent ones. Youtube is a powerful weapon if you know how to use it. I-tunes and Spotify and the rest of the networks although we think they’re a transitory technology, they’re heading towards where the industry is going to end up at most likely. That and the live shows, special fan made stuff like dvds, and cds, artwork extras are gonna get much more importance as well as the human aspect, the live show has always been very important. And this has become increasingly more important with time.
What steps have you taken to market your music?
Lots of internet promotion and social networking. As we said before Youtube has been a good ally. Getting better and better at playing live and trying to make something very strong visually as mus - music now magazine
Raise your glasses filled with bourbon & head down the roads of a Hellish madness to be part of a party filled with misty, delirious music approved by the one & only Nikki Sixx.
HellHounds- which has a video already seen from here to Headbanger’s Ball of MTV Greece- is the fifth song in the debut album of the band from Bogota DANTE, called The Rorschach manifesto. Its lyrics came from an urban legend in which a drunken man sees a headless dog every time he stumbles back home down the street called Cara de Perro (dog face) in La Candelaria Neighborhood. The story seems somewhat familiar, but not because it happens in Bogotá, but because its Universal. Not going too far, its been said that the blues guitar player Robert Johnson also saw dogs like these.
But what is rock if not a way to live with the ghosts of past Christmases? And what is the story if not an enemy you have to continuously face & challenge? “we’re not trying to reinvent the wheel , technically everything has been done, but there’s always a new way of giving those three chords a new twist”.
explains about the noir, vintage, dusty sound in the form of 4/4 of DANTE its very own singer & lyricist Kami Rayne (who’s real name is this, as shown in his I.D).
All the children of rock n roll are bastards and that is a truth that DANTE has in its favor because they accepted it from the very beginning. They didn’t want to be punk, or heavy metal, or glam metal, or goth rock, because they had a little bit of each one of them & right from the start they made ambiguity their identity. It makes alot of sense then that Mötley Crüe, David Bowie, The Misfits, Iggy Pop, Queen & HIM are some of their influences. It also makes sense that the concept of their debut cd is based on a psychological test in which the patient has to interpret a series of ink stains on white cards. To explain in this same manner this cd, the story would go along the lines of: someone escaped a mental institution & now drives with a bottle of jack daniels as copilot going twice at the regular speed, praying that the road offers a beam of light, or some way of salvation of his own demons. Or something like that.
In 2008, these four friends that know each other since school & DANTE that name themselves Alexx (rhtyhm guitar), Gonzo (bass guitar),Tank! (lead guitar) & Kami (vocals), had three demos of a modest quality that was compensated with a very pimped up myspace profile, so much that it got the attention of Nikki Sixx of Mötley Crüe (who wrote on their wall something that went: “I heard the music. There’s something there, don’t give up”).
The also conquered Tom Zutaut, the A&R that not only signed the Crüe but Guns n’ Roses in the 80s and who invited them to Los Angeles to meet them. There they met Sylvia Massy, who, before accepting recording their album for seven thousand dollars they had worked very hard to earn, had produced Johnny Cash, Tool, Aerosmith & Danzig, amongst many others, in that same studio in the small town of Weed. With her work, Massy managed to capture in an intimate way a band that was trying to define itself amongst the undefined & capitalized their classic influences without letting them fall in the septic pond of the “retro” sound. There’s songs that in moments have as much AC/DC as The Dead Weather, or the Cult, or even as The Strokes, and it can be said, in the best of ways, that the music that belongs to this band doesn’t seem to have a specific time or place. In other words, Its only rock n roll…..
- Shock Magazine (Revista Shock)
Raise your glasses filled with bourbon & head down the roads of a Hellish madness to be part of a party filled with misty, delirious music approved by the one & only Nikki Sixx.
HellHounds- which has a video already seen from here to Headbanger’s Ball of MTV Greece- is the fifth song in the debut album of the band from Bogota DANTE, called The Rorschach manifesto. Its lyrics came from an urban legend in which a drunken man sees a headless dog every time he stumbles back home down the street called Cara de Perro (dog face) in La Candelaria Neighborhood. The story seems somewhat familiar, but not because it happens in Bogotá, but because its Universal. Not going too far, its been said that the blues guitar player Robert Johnson also saw dogs like these.
But what is rock if not a way to live with the ghosts of past Christmases? And what is the story if not an enemy you have to continuously face & challenge? “we’re not trying to reinvent the wheel , technically everything has been done, but there’s always a new way of giving those three chords a new twist”.
explains about the noir, vintage, dusty sound in the form of 4/4 of DANTE its very own singer & lyricist Kami Rayne (who’s real name is this, as shown in his I.D).
All the children of rock n roll are bastards and that is a truth that DANTE has in its favor because they accepted it from the very beginning. They didn’t want to be punk, or heavy metal, or glam metal, or goth rock, because they had a little bit of each one of them & right from the start they made ambiguity their identity. It makes alot of sense then that Mötley Crüe, David Bowie, The Misfits, Iggy Pop, Queen & HIM are some of their influences. It also makes sense that the concept of their debut cd is based on a psychological test in which the patient has to interpret a series of ink stains on white cards. To explain in this same manner this cd, the story would go along the lines of: someone escaped a mental institution & now drives with a bottle of jack daniels as copilot going twice at the regular speed, praying that the road offers a beam of light, or some way of salvation of his own demons. Or something like that.
In 2008, these four friends that know each other since school & DANTE that name themselves Alexx (rhtyhm guitar), Gonzo (bass guitar),Tank! (lead guitar) & Kami (vocals), had three demos of a modest quality that was compensated with a very pimped up myspace profile, so much that it got the attention of Nikki Sixx of Mötley Crüe (who wrote on their wall something that went: “I heard the music. There’s something there, don’t give up”).
The also conquered Tom Zutaut, the A&R that not only signed the Crüe but Guns n’ Roses in the 80s and who invited them to Los Angeles to meet them. There they met Sylvia Massy, who, before accepting recording their album for seven thousand dollars they had worked very hard to earn, had produced Johnny Cash, Tool, Aerosmith & Danzig, amongst many others, in that same studio in the small town of Weed. With her work, Massy managed to capture in an intimate way a band that was trying to define itself amongst the undefined & capitalized their classic influences without letting them fall in the septic pond of the “retro” sound. There’s songs that in moments have as much AC/DC as The Dead Weather, or the Cult, or even as The Strokes, and it can be said, in the best of ways, that the music that belongs to this band doesn’t seem to have a specific time or place. In other words, Its only rock n roll…..
- Shock Magazine (Revista Shock)
¿Que decir de una banda que arranca su presentación con un cover de 'White Wedding' de Billy Idol?
Que tienen mi completa atención.
Ese fue el caso con la presentación de la banda bogotana de Hard Rock DANTE, y el concierto que dieron el día de ayer en La Pola Pub (Cra 14A 83-16), un concierto en el que tocaron algunas de sus canciones originales, como Jack Daniels o Demon Lover, junto con covers que iban desde David Bowie hasta Judas Priest (En la variedad está el placer dicen algunos).
DANTE es una banda que deja la impresión de ser 100% sleaziness y lo logran bastante bien, especialmente a través del manejo del escenario de su vocalista Kami Rayne; aunque en un escenario reducido, Rayne cantó y se movió con un estilo que recordaba a Jyrki 69 (especialmente en su aspecto); asi mismo, la banda logra mantener un feel de Garaje que siempre es agradable encontrar en un grupo, y al mismo tiempo que mantienen ese feel de Garaje, tambien demuestran una consolidación que siempre es un constante proceso para una banda.
Sin embargo, hubo uno que otro bemol; como fue el caso del sonido, que en algunas ocasiones ahogaba la voz de Rayne, y en otras ocasiones hacía que no se escuchara la guitarra de Tank!; por otro lado, a pesar de lo bien ejecutados, fue inevitable pensar que quizá hubo demasiados covers en el repertorio, especialmente tomando en cuenta que la banda se encuentra preparando su EP debut, titulado Red Light District.
En un panorama que a veces parece estar saturandose de propuestas dificiles de clasificar bajo una etiqueta determinada y que parece que lo hacen solo para seguir una moda, es agradable encontrar una banda que decide ubicarse dentro de una propuesta determinada sin necesariamente caer en el cliché, DANTE es una banda que cabe en esa descripción, y como ocurre con las bandas de la escena local, requiere y merece el apoyo de quienes quieren ver propuestas nacionales interesantes. Para mas información sobre la banda, pueden ver su página en MySpace, así como su sitio oficial.
Kami Rayne - Voz
Draco Londonn - Batería
Tank! - Guitarra
Alex Grimm - Guitarra
Bajista invitado: Juan Camilo Herrera
- nonerismomusical.blogspot.com
Conocer personas en otros países y compartir gustos musicales siempre ha sido de las cosas que más se aprecian por esto de la web 2.0, hablando con una blogger de Colombia surgió el nombre de DANTE, una banda de hard rock de Bogotá que no se siente “ni mejor ni peor que las demás, simplemente diferente” y así lo hizo notar en una entrevista que nos concedieron recientemente.
Con el estreno de su disco debut, The Rorschach Manifesto, DANTE quiere que su propuesta sea un todo “tratamos de hacer videos, y cosas entretenidas visualmente también que no solo la banda se limite a la esfera musical sino que comprenda todo un universo en sí misma.”
Hablando un poco más de este álbum, la banda nos cuenta como se llevo a cabo su producción “en California, en un pueblo en el norte llamado "Weed" donde estan ubicados los famosos Radiostar Studios propiedad de una famosa productora llamada Sylvia Massy (Johnny Cash, Tool, System of a down) quien produjo el disco de nosotros. Hubo algunos músicos que nos ayudaron en algunas cosas como arreglos de percusión y bajo sus nombres son Stewart Rosen y Shane Graham. Sylvia también canta segundas voces en una de las canciones.”
Al tener esta carta de presentación, solo se podía buscar un tema para acompañar la propuesta, y aquí es cuando entra la psicología. Seguramente muchas veces hemos visto las manchas de Rorschach, ahora DANTE nos explica el porqué de utilizarlas como imagen en su manifiesto; “la banda siempre ha tenido una forma de expresión que involucra las dualidades y los opuestos. Un Manifiesto es un documento tan serio y tan especifico; Tan directo y al grano que al unirlo con la idea de Rorschach se convierte en una especie de dicotomía.” Continúan diciendo que “visualmente intentamos crear unas imágenes que parecieran escritos o diarios de una persona con una mente algo extraña.”
El arte es obra de Jorge Jaramillo quien también dirigió el primer corte audiovisual que será estrenado próximamente.
Pero esto no queda aquí, The Rorschach Manifesto vendrá acompañado de un cortometraje hecho por Juan Manuel Escobar donde la fuente de inspiración son los temas que acompañan este manifiesto visual.
DANTE está centrado y el lanzamiento de su debut y ya pueden descargar los dos sencillos promocionales “Liquid Cocaine” y “Swamp Thing” y también los sigues en @DANTEROCKBAND o agregarlos en Facebook. - http://www.smartmusic.com.ve
Last night I had de pleasure to go to DANTE's first gig which initiates The Manifesto Tour in order to promote their upcoming album called The Rorschach Manifesto.
I had too much fun seriously; if you were there you probably would have seen a blonde dancing on a staircase hahaha. I felt truly amazed by how talented they are, I've had the honor to listen to the album but this was the first time I actually saw them playing and I could totally tell how disciplined and good they are at this.
Recently they gave an interview for La X360 with Alejandro Marin and let me put it this way: the guy is a music guru, excelent music taste and it was great seeing Alejandro at the gig! Click here to listen the interview.
He also runs a music blog called The Music Pimp, you should check his posts, always good music recommendations!
Special thanks to Gustavo Perdomo for taking this awesome pictures, I recorded the videos and I'm sorry they're kinda shaky but I HAD to dance, haha.
- Skinny Bitch Diary
Last night I had de pleasure to go to DANTE's first gig which initiates The Manifesto Tour in order to promote their upcoming album called The Rorschach Manifesto.
I had too much fun seriously; if you were there you probably would have seen a blonde dancing on a staircase hahaha. I felt truly amazed by how talented they are, I've had the honor to listen to the album but this was the first time I actually saw them playing and I could totally tell how disciplined and good they are at this.
Recently they gave an interview for La X360 with Alejandro Marin and let me put it this way: the guy is a music guru, excelent music taste and it was great seeing Alejandro at the gig! Click here to listen the interview.
He also runs a music blog called The Music Pimp, you should check his posts, always good music recommendations!
Special thanks to Gustavo Perdomo for taking this awesome pictures, I recorded the videos and I'm sorry they're kinda shaky but I HAD to dance, haha.
- Skinny Bitch Diary
Yesterday night was the highly anticipated Dante's first gig of the Rorschach Manifesto album, recorded in California. My opinion... Well... They ROCKED EVERYONE'S ASSES OFF!! They made everyone dance, scream, and stand up singing out loud!
They played all of "The Rorschach Manifesto" songs, and some covers including Queen, Billy Idol, and much more! The most amazing moment came when they played Swamp Thing, with lights off and a really mystical mood! You could feel the smell of blood and crocodiles the air.the song was so great they even played it as an encore, requested by the audience.
I've had the luck to see this guys growing up as the real rockers they are and it's amazing to see how professional and true they sound nowadays. They're discipline and attitude took them to this point and I'm pretty proud of these guys!
If you ever wondered what could happen if you mix a cocktail out of Johnny Cash, Louisiana, Voodoo, vampires, hairspray, Jack Daniels and 70's Punk rock... Then Dante is the answer. If you never wondered well... That's the BEST description I could make so far of their sound.
But their sound isn't the only thing unique about Dante, you should also take a look at each member's profiles! This band is a gang of a missing piece of 80's glam metal gone anime gothish (Mister Kami Rayne, vocals), Keith Richard's bastard son probably raised in a small town in Louisiana with whiskey In his baby bottle (Mister Alexx, guitar), a northern beast unleashed by the nazis with a Panzer guitar in one hand and a beer in the other one (Herr Tank, guitar) and a 12-year-old kid gone wild who happens to be a music maestre (Gonzo, bass).
And I'm not the only one who believes they are the coolest ROCK N ROLL band in Colombia. Alejandro Marin, AKA The Music Pimp (@tumblr and twitter), the prime voice of rock in the national radio, a true Rock n Roll heart, met them and interviewed them at La X 360, his radio show, and loved what the band is about, he even went to the gig last night! You can take a look at the interview HERE. And THIS is his post about their amazing song "Swamp Thing".
Now... If you STILL don't believe what I'm saying... Take a look by yourselves at their website (www.danterockband.com) and listen to their songs, check their complete art and concept (made by the incredibly talented Jorge Jaramillo, who happens to be my lovely boyfriend also ^_^) and link to their social networks (twitter, facebook, and youtube).
These guys are kicking some asses real soon, you'll see. That's what my crystal ball says... So you better keep an eye on them! ;)
Now... Their posters for The Rorschach Manifesto, Can you tell me what you see?
- Blogger
Yesterday night was the highly anticipated Dante's first gig of the Rorschach Manifesto album, recorded in California. My opinion... Well... They ROCKED EVERYONE'S ASSES OFF!! They made everyone dance, scream, and stand up singing out loud!
They played all of "The Rorschach Manifesto" songs, and some covers including Queen, Billy Idol, and much more! The most amazing moment came when they played Swamp Thing, with lights off and a really mystical mood! You could feel the smell of blood and crocodiles the air.the song was so great they even played it as an encore, requested by the audience.
I've had the luck to see this guys growing up as the real rockers they are and it's amazing to see how professional and true they sound nowadays. They're discipline and attitude took them to this point and I'm pretty proud of these guys!
If you ever wondered what could happen if you mix a cocktail out of Johnny Cash, Louisiana, Voodoo, vampires, hairspray, Jack Daniels and 70's Punk rock... Then Dante is the answer. If you never wondered well... That's the BEST description I could make so far of their sound.
But their sound isn't the only thing unique about Dante, you should also take a look at each member's profiles! This band is a gang of a missing piece of 80's glam metal gone anime gothish (Mister Kami Rayne, vocals), Keith Richard's bastard son probably raised in a small town in Louisiana with whiskey In his baby bottle (Mister Alexx, guitar), a northern beast unleashed by the nazis with a Panzer guitar in one hand and a beer in the other one (Herr Tank, guitar) and a 12-year-old kid gone wild who happens to be a music maestre (Gonzo, bass).
And I'm not the only one who believes they are the coolest ROCK N ROLL band in Colombia. Alejandro Marin, AKA The Music Pimp (@tumblr and twitter), the prime voice of rock in the national radio, a true Rock n Roll heart, met them and interviewed them at La X 360, his radio show, and loved what the band is about, he even went to the gig last night! You can take a look at the interview HERE. And THIS is his post about their amazing song "Swamp Thing".
Now... If you STILL don't believe what I'm saying... Take a look by yourselves at their website (www.danterockband.com) and listen to their songs, check their complete art and concept (made by the incredibly talented Jorge Jaramillo, who happens to be my lovely boyfriend also ^_^) and link to their social networks (twitter, facebook, and youtube).
These guys are kicking some asses real soon, you'll see. That's what my crystal ball says... So you better keep an eye on them! ;)
Now... Their posters for The Rorschach Manifesto, Can you tell me what you see?
- Blogger
Wanna meet some atmospheric, spooky blues rock from Bogota at the crossroads? Here Colombian rock band Dante invoke the spirit of the Shagfoal beast, a black dog of doom subverted in this creepy vid where it's unclear who's the most in trouble, the witch up for trial or the townsfolk looking on... - Classic Rock Magazine
A blistering combination of infectious riffs and sexual deviance that tributes Norway’s finest export besides Black metal. - Horror society
Dante from Bogota, Colombia are back with a new video. They have unleashed a new 360 video for their track Les Cowboys and was inspired by the Rolling Stones Basement in Exile on Mainstreet! Check out the new video here: - Music Junkie pRESS
Demo EP: Red Light District (2009)
Album: The Rorschach manifesto (2012)
Album: Gunblade Blues volume I (2015)
Album: Gunblade Blues volume II (2017)

DANTE is a hard hitting rock 'n roll band from the street gutters of Bogota, Colombia. Musically , we are influenced by classic rock n roll, punk rock & lots of blues. We like the occult and the crude reality of the streets and do our best to tell stories about both through various artistic mediums. We have relocated to Los Angeles, California and are currently enlisting new members to our leather gang.
We become hellhounds at night.
Band Members