It’s a pretty narrow genre. Be it modern artists like Soja, Giant Panda Guerilla Dub Squad, or Rebelution, fans of reggae jam know what they like, know why they like it, and will seemingly stop at nothing to be appeased by the petering back and forth reggae rhythm. They have really big appetites! Big Mind’s newest release, ‘Days that End in Why,’ satisfies that and drills deep into what we all should love about reggae jam.
What a chill set of tunes by Collegeville’s own jam reggae outlet! ‘Working Day,’ leaves nothing to chance, taking the listener down a predictable, yet fully enveloping road. Find ‘July 4th’ to be a brief interlude, hinting nods to softer 311 roots music with catchy sing-a-long lyrics and fun note play.
Big Mind greatly benefits from enriching the environment around Jeremy Howe’s levelled vocals, as can be seen in another good feeling, more pop driven tune, ‘Where You Are.’ Howe’s vocals form the backbone of the Big Mind experience, locked in a consistency without any uncomfortable overreach.
The real gem of ‘Days that End in Why,’ circles together around ‘Shine Again.’ Set with subtle directional changes, it’s the quintessential jam, let-it-ride song of the album. Bringing in talented solos from all parts. Kyle Pehlman's keys feature heavy in this tune, but so do the flowy leads of guitarist, Greg Seraphin. As a jam head myself, this tune fits in all too nicely to the improvisational trope of the genre.
Overall, Big Mind put together a strong, fun new album. These guys continue to impress. In saying that, it’s not for the faint of jam. To be sure, if you find yourself warry of unpackaged, curving tunes, this isn’t for you. However, for those open minded music lovers out there, give these guys a shot. - Underground Lansdale
Still working on that hot first release.
Feeling a bit camera shy
Currently at a loss for words...
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