Bethany Becker
Austin, Texas, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2014 | SELF
Check URL for video.
Dirk Otis and DJ UnieQ from High School Nation talk about the tour, and Bethany Becker performs. - Good Day Austin (FOX)
Check URL for video. It was an honor getting to appear on Good Morning Texas with Drake Bell and High School Nation! - Good Morning Texas (abc)
Country singer Bethany Becker, has just released her brand new single entitled, “I Want Love”, via Spectra Music Group. Coming from Austin Texas, at only 19 years old, Bethany already sounds like a super star. She loves country music, cowgirl boots and her fans.
Leaving on tour in a couple of weeks, Bethany told me about her inspirations, and her dreams, and her future journey...
When did you start singing?
I have been singing for as long as I can remember. I was a big Disney princess fan, so I would sing the songs from “The Little Mermaid”, and things like that. I always enjoyed singing. I wanted to be a singer since the time I realized that being a Disney princess was not the logical life choice. In first grade I would sing to Hillary Duff, that was the plan after that.
You write your own music, correct?
I do. In the album I co-wrote seven out of the ten songs. I love to write. I fall more and more in love with writing everyday.
Where do you derive your inspiration for the songs that you write?
For the album how the process went was I am always writing. I sit down and I get inspiration from my life and the lives of those around me. My song “Wrong Place,Wrong Time”, which is about some guy I had a crush on. He is now immortalized on my album and he very much knows it. Then my song “Criminal”, I had a dream one night that I was dating a guy, and my dad was a police officer and he threw him in prison. So I woke up and I wrote the first track, thinking that I wasn’t going to do anything with it. When it came time to go into my final writing session of the album, I was going through all my material and I decided I really liked that song. I thought it might be a little too edgy, I showed it to my parents and we worked with that one and got the final draft for it. I try to create music that people can relate to, in that it’s serious and the lyrics have some weight, but it’s very uplifting, even the very sad songs. So I try to make stuff that’s fun, and that people connect with. Most of the time I do that by pulling from my own experiences and filling them in with my writing. I think that my music is going to advance and mature and get more diverse as I mature and get more diverse.
Where are you from?
Austin Texas.
Where’s your accent?
Sometimes I get told I have one, sometimes I don’t. So Austin is Texas, but sometimes I call it fake Texas. A lot of Texas is very country. It’s very spread out, lots of cornfields and cows. Austin is a city. I am definitely a Texan, I have seven pairs of cowgirl boots, and I wear them everywhere, I claim the whole country thing, I am a country artist. I love country music, but, I live in the city.
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Who is your favorite country artist?
That is a hard one. I really love Carrie Underwood. I love to cover her songs because she’s got like a wide range but not to pat myself on the back or anything, mine lines up with it fairly well. So I like to steal her stuff and throw it into my set list when I play with my band. Taylor Swift is who introduced me to country music in general. Obviously she’s not quite riding the country train anymore, but her older stuff is still some of my favorites.
I use to be into country music, but everyone made fun of me because I’m from New York.
Growing up, me too. All of the books and TV shows make fun of country music and then I realized that that’s my style. That’s what I listen to, and I actually love country music.
You own it! I understand that you are about to begin a huge tour?
Yes, Im jumping on a tour in a couple of weeks. It is called “High School Nation”. They go around to high schools and put on what I describe as a mini music festivals. They have a bunch of artists come out and then they donate money to the school. They are actually building recording studios in every school they visit. I think that this is going to be a game changer in the music business, because you’re having a bunch of high school kids have access to this equipment. I’m super pumped and the tour is headlined by Drake Bell from the show Drake and Josh. Drake and Josh was my favorite show when I was younger. The fact that I am now going to be on tour with Drake Bell is a real full circle for me. I like to think of how my younger self would be proud of me, and this is one of those moments.
Where do you want to be in five years?
That is a loaded question. Obviously, big dream, I want to top every single chart and win every Grammy. Even the ones not in my genre, I think they should just hand them to me. Quite honestly my life is crazy, the music business in general… I mean I could wake up and get a call one day that changes the trajectory of everything. So I want to be supporting myself with my music, I want to be touring, I do want to be on the top of the charts, and I do want a Grammy, I want to play all the stadiums… I’m trying to see success as a journey destination and enjoy every step along the way.
What would you say to your fans and followers?
I just want to say thank you, thank you, thank you! The whole reason that I’m doing this is to connect with you all, every single person who has done anything to support me, I appreciate you so much. You are the reason that I am getting to do this, that I am able to chase down this crazy dream. It’s what I’ve been dreaming about since I was a little kid. It’s insane that I am actually getting to do it. So thank you, thank you, thank you, please reach out to me, please talk to me if you run into me at a show, or on Facebook. I’d love to connect with you in any way possible. Thank you so much.
What is the name of the album?
The name of the album is ‘I Want Love’. It’s on iTunes, Spotify, all the fun places.
For more info:
Web: BethanyBecker.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Bethany_Becker
Facebook: http://Facebook.com/pages/Bethany-Becker/807161999310574
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bethany_becker/?hl=en - The Huffington Post
Spectra Music Group recording artist Bethany Becker is releasing her new original holiday single “Christmastime” on Friday November 24th, 2017. Now available for pre-order, reserve your copy of this soon to be classic song today
After enormous buzz surrounding her first album “I Want Love” released through the Spectra Music Group, Bethany Becker is releasing her first holiday single “Christmastime.”
Having just completed the High School Nation 2017 Fall Tour alongside “Drake and Josh” star Drake Bell, “Christmastime” is the latest song from this up and coming country superstar.
Get the new single “Christmastime” on iTunes here:
Get the entire Bethany Becker debut album “I Want Love” on iTunes here:
Call and request the new single “Christmastime” at your favorite radio station today!!
The official site for Bethany Becker may be found at http://www.BethanyBecker.com
Check out the Bethany Becker website for pictures, videos, music and to read all of her industry interviews with music publications from around the world.
Follow Bethany Becker on Twitter @Bethany_Becker
The official site for The Spectra Music Group may be found at http://www.SpectraMusicGroup.com - Country Rock Hits
Thanksgiving is over so it’s Christmas now, right? Well plug your Christmas tree in, kick back and sip your eggnog (or Hot Cocoa…cause Eggnog is gross), because we have a Christmas song for you to enjoy. Longtime BareBones friend, Bethany Becker has released a fun new single in time for Christmas titled, “Christmastime”.
“Christmastime”, came out November 24 and is looking to build a buzz. We really enjoyed the song and found it to fit right in with our Christmas music catalog (it’s quite extensive). The song is upbeat and catchy, you’ll be sure to be singing along in no time. Make the right choice and drive your neighbors crazy blaring Christmas music already. Go pick up “Christmastime” today! - BareBones Entertainment
Austin’s Bethany Becker will be performing her catchy brand of clean cut pop country music at the Dosey Doe Music Cafe on Thursday, November 3rd in Conroe, Texas. The sweet-spirited 18-year old will have her full band in tow as she takes to the road in support of her first full length album, “I Want Love”, whose title track has gone viral in the television and internet music video channels and has already eclipsed 200,000 views. Bethany’s songs are based in the right of passage experiences of a typical teenage girl, but demonstrate a style and insight beyond her years. “Right Place, Wrong Time” even displays a healthy sense of humor towards the typically painful circumstance of unrequited attraction and affection. Her songwriting skills have been honed by working with several Grammy nominated songwriters, including Jeff Pardo. Earlier this year, Bethany signed with Spectra Music Group, which released “I Want Love” and made her a priority artist in their roster. In addition, several renowned music organizations have nominated Bethany’s songwriting and music videos for awards. To learn more, become a fan or to listen to Bethany, please visit her website www.bethanybecker.com or www.facebook.com/BethanyBecker. She can also be followed on Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram. - Houston Press
The music of Bethany Becker might come along with the tag “country” but you shouldn’t go in expecting Loretta Lynn. Instead, think early Taylor Swift: pop-tinged country. “I Want Love” offers an innocent, earthy, upbeat anthem for those transitioning into adolescence. Hailing from Austin, the 18-year-old Becker proves she’s got promise on “I Want Love” which was written with a little assistance from Grammy-nominated songwriter and producer, Jeff Pardo. - Yab Yum Music & Arts
Bethany Becker is an internationally signed 18 year old recording artist from Austin, Texas. She has a love for country music that shows in her writing style and sound.
In addition to singing and songwriting, she enjoys playing the guitar, acting, dancing and spending time with her four brothers and friends.
When and why did you start singing and performing?
I’ve been singing for as long as I can remember! I started professional training when I was eleven, but I performed a song by myself for the first time at a camp talent show when I was in the second grade. I’ve always loved being in front of people.
Where did you get your influence from or what made you pursue your style of music?
There are probably a million young female country artists who will tell you that Taylor Swift was their introduction to country music, and I am one of them. Call me a cliché! Her early music is definitely still a huge influence for me.
As far as what influences my writing specifically, I write a lot about my life and the lives of people around me. I write a lot of love songs, hence my debut album “I Want Love,” but I’ll write about anything that tugs on me emotionally.
At this point, I find that writing is just something I do, often without trying. Sometimes, I’ll be driving and a song hook will come to me and as soon as I park I have to pull out my phone and record it before I lose it. If I’m around people who I don’t want to think I’m crazy, I’ll type lyrics into my notes app. I go back later and play with it until I think it sounds decent.
How do you get people to take you seriously as a musician?
By taking myself seriously. I’ve realized that I can gain most people’s respect by just being professional, working hard, and treating them respectfully in return.
What is the importance of the connections you make? How can you utilize them?
Connections, in any business but especially this one, are everything. When I first started pursuing a music career I had no idea what I was doing (secret: I still don’t), but I was blessed enough to make connections with amazing people who knew the business and were generous enough to help guide me step by step along the way.
I owe where I am in my career right now to the connections I’ve been lucky enough to make.
What personal advice would you give to someone wanting to pursue this career?
Go for it! The worst thing you can do is not try. It will not be easy, nothing will happen overnight, and, if you’re anything like me, it will push you out of your comfort zone more times than you can count. But if you love it, it’s worth it.
Also, and this is something I stress every time I’m asked this question, you have to learn to respect your music as both an art and a business. No matter how great you are, if you never perform, if you never make connections, if you never put your music out on the market, nothing is going to happen.
Alternatively, if you get so wrapped up in the business that you stop enjoying your art, then what’s the point? It’s a necessary balance that you have to manage.
If you had to do it all over again, would you still choose this career? Would you do anything differently?
I would choose this career a thousand times over. I love what I do, and I can’t image what it would feel like to wake up every day and wonder “what if?”
I think that’s one definite sign that I’ve chosen the right path for me. I almost never wonder about the “what ifs” of what my life would be like if I hadn’t chosen this career, but I know that if it was the other way around the “what ifs” would drive me insane!
If I could change one thing, I would go back and slap my younger self and tell her to stay in piano lessons. I would tell myself to learn the guitar sooner.
I try not to regret things in the past that I can’t control, I know that God ultimately has his hand on my life and his plan will prevail no matter what, but it would be so much easier if I had known how to play ahead of time.
Do you perform in public? Describe those occasions?
I play in public all of the time! Lately I’ve had a lot of 3 show weekends and I hope to be on tour as soon as possible. I’ll play anything from music venues in downtown Austin, TX, to the front porches of local boutiques.
This past year I put together a band full of super talented and super friendly musicians and it’s been a lot of fun getting to perform with them.
Do you get nervous before a performance?
Sometimes more than others. It depends on the venue and who I’m performing for. I definitely don’t get nearly as nervous as I used to.
A few months ago, I was playing at a rodeo and there was a moment while I was up on stage when I looked out and thought, “Wow, there are at least a thousand people here and I don’t really feel anxious at all. I can tell I’m starting to get used to this.”
Have any of your songs been published? (If so, by whom?)
I co-wrote seven out of the ten songs on my debut album, “I Want Love.”
Are you looking for an independent label deal or a major label deal? (Why?)
I’m lucky to be signed with a cool independent label called Spectra Music Group.
What is next for you?
I’m currently focussing on promoting my debut album “I Want Love!” I’m hoping to be on tour within this next year. Y’all can keep up with me on BethanyBecker.com. - Niji Magazine
She wasn't always so self-assured and adventurous. It's been a tough and rewarding journey for Bethany Becker whose original sound is now cascading through the airwaves as her new country single ‘I Want Love’ rockets up the charts.
Bethany Becker brings an exquisite sensitivity to her music, creating an authentic sound that simultaneously honors and breaks the traditional rules of songwriting. It is an approach that is earning this artist out of Austin, Texas much acclaim lately and has propelled their debut radio single ‘I Want Love’ to the top of the charts. One critic recently went so far as to comment: ‘Bethany Becker's voice has that 'just so' quality required to make credible country music - but 'I Want Love' is also remarkable for its expert songcraft and flawless instrumentation; a chart-vaulting effort.’ Reporter Lauren Scott recently caught up with Bethany Becker to learn more about this intriguing artist, their artistic inspirations and plans for the future.
LAUREN: Let's just get this out in the open- What is the craziest thing that has happened to you in your music career?
BETHANY BECKER: I feel like my entire career is crazy. Haha, I know that sounds like an easy-way-out answer, but it’s true. I can’t believe I’ve had the opportunity to write and record an album with the help of amazing music professionals that I used to read about and see on stage at the Grammys. It’s absolutely insane. I feel like I’m living in a dream.
LAUREN: Your song ’I Want Love’ is receiving a positive listener response on radio. What was your initial reaction when you first heard your song playing on radio?
BETHANY BECKER: It was surreal. Of course I was crazy excited, but it was much less of a screaming-jumping-up and-down excited as it was a heart-pounding-I-can’t-believe-this-is-happening excited. It’s one of those career milestones you think about as an artist, and once it comes to pass it’s just a really cool feeling.
LAUREN: What was the inspiration behind your debut radio single?
BETHANY BECKER: I wanted to write a song about real love. I saw a lot of people stuck in dead end, just-for-fun relationships destined to crash and burn and lead to heartbreak, so I wanted to write a song about having standards and looking for something better than that. I Want Love gets the serious point across but in a lite, fun, upbeat way.
LAUREN: It is often said that great art arises from difficult experience. Is there something in your life experience thus far that you would describe as the ‘catalyst’ or ‘fuel’ for your desire to create music?
BETHANY BECKER: At this point, I run to songwriting with just about everything I come across that stirs me in an emotional way. The most common cause happens to be romantic relationships, or the lack of (I like to say I’m an expert at living in the friend zone). If I fall for someone, I write about them. If I fall for someone and they don’t fall for me back, I end up writing about them even more... haha! Songwriting turns life into a win-win situation, either I’m going through life and it’s going great or I run into something that knocks me down, whether it be dealing with family, friends, school, relationships, or whatever, and I get an awesome song out of it.
LAUREN: How would you characterize yourself as an artist/musician? (Ex. Down-to-earth, serious, fun-loving, complicated…)
BETHANY BECKER: I like to tell stories to get my point across, but I don’t like to be super heavy and serious and bring people down. Singing is my first love, so what the lyrics say is really important to me. I want my lyrics to have meaning, but I want people to have fun listening to my songs. I try to create music that people can sing and dance along to but at the same time be like “hey, there’s actually something behind this.” It’s also very important to me that my listeners see me as more of a person than just an artist. I don’t want to elevate myself above others, I want to connect with people on a personal level. I want friends, not fans.
LAUREN: What has your experience been like working with the other people on your team?
BETHANY BECKER: My team has been the biggest blessing I could have ever asked for. There is no possible way I’d be anywhere close to where I am in my career if these incredible people hadn’t taken the time to guide me and pour their wisdom into me as I figure all of this out. I can honestly say that I have worked with some of the most gifted and talented yet completely humble people in the music industry. I will never be able to thank them enough.
LAUREN: Did you come from a musical background? Are there other musicians in your family?
BETHANY BECKER: My dad and a couple of my brothers have played around with guitar and music, but I’m the first one who decided to take it seriously. I’ve been trying to get my little brother to play guitar with me for years. One of these days I’ll convince him.
LAUREN: What do you find most rewarding about being an artist? What do you find most challenging?
BETHANY BECKER: Watching my wildest dreams unfold has to be one of the best parts. I like to think about how much twelve year old Bethany would freak out if I could go back and tell her that she’d have a record deal and album when she was eighteen. I’m getting to do all of the things I’ve always wanted to do! It’s surreal and fun and I wouldn’t trade it for the world! The most challenging part right now would have to be being on such a different path than other people my age. Most of my friends are starting college and have the next four years of their lives mapped out for them while I am focused on promoting an album and booking shows in this crazy music world. It’s just different, not bad at all! But different.
LAUREN: Who are your role models in music?
BETHANY BECKER: Taylor Swift has to be the biggest. She introduced me to country music and helped me develop my love of songwriting. I also really love Carrie Underwood! Her vocal ability is incredible and I could listen to her latest album “Storyteller” all day!
LAUREN: Describe your best or most memorable performance.
BETHANY BECKER: At my album release party, one of my friends invited my crush from the eighth grade who inspired my song “Right Place Wrong Time.” I told the story of the song and sang it as he was sitting in the front row! His reaction was priceless and it was a very full-circle moment. He still doesn’t think I’m creepy, though, so that’s good.
LAUREN: What advice would you give to young, aspiring artists out there who are unsure and need guidance?
BETHANY BECKER: Go for it. If you never try, then you’ll never know what could’ve happened and you’ll regret it. And, I don’t think people share this enough, respect your music as both an art and a business. You could create the best music in the world, but if you never leave your bedroom, no one’s ever going to hear it. On the flipside, you could run the best marketing campaign in the world but if your art suffers and you lose the joy of creating it, you’ve lost the point. You have to find a balance. It’s more work than you will ever image! But if it’s really what you love and want to do, it is so worth it.
LAUREN: What's next for you as an artist? Is there a new single in the works? If so, what can you tell us about it?
BETHANY BECKER: I’m always writing and creating! As of right now, I’m not headed into the studio anytime soon. I’m focusing on pushing the album and booking shows and seeing what happens. I also have big plans for YouTube coming soon…so stay tuned!
LAUREN: Wow, that all sounds very exciting! Thank you so much for letting us get to know you a little better. I look forward to hearing and seeing more great things from you in the future.
http://bethanybecker.com - Marquix Global Network
BareBones Ent recently sat down with country singer and 2015 BareBones Female Vocalist of the Year winner, Bethany Becker. After having recently released her debut album, I Want Love, she’s been keeping herself busy. Find out what all she had to say about the new album, awards, and what’s next for her!
BS: It’s been a little bit since we talked. How’ve you been?
BB: I’ve been great! Busy, but great :). A lot has happened since I released my EP in 2014, and it has been a fun journey.
BS: You just released your debut album, I Want Love. What was the creating of this album like for you?
BB: This sounds cliché, but it was a dream come true! I keep thinking about how my twelve year old self would be screaming if I told her she’d get to create and release an album in just a few years. As far as the actual creation process, I’ve really fallen in love with songwriting and recording. There’s something really cool about watching a song go from an idea to a fully produced piece of art. It’s funny to me that some ideas and hooks I came up with just sitting in my room are now out of my head and on an album.
BS: What was the most challenging song for you to write and why?
BB: I would have to say “Walls.” When I came up with the hook it was really directed at myself. I have issues with trying to always appear like I have it all together and have a hard time trusting people with my flaws. In the song, I acknowledge that we need to tear down the walls we put up and let people in. It’s really personal to me.
BS: What song are you most excited for people to hear or think they’ll most relate to?
BB: I go back and forth on this one, but lately I’ve been getting quite a bit of a reaction to “Goodbye.” It’s about reaching a point after being dumped where you realize “Wait, that was actually a super terrible relationship, and I’m way better off without them,” but it’s not from an angry, prideful, or vengeful perspective. I don’t think that’s something we see a lot in songs that deal with moving on, so I’m excited for people to hear it
BS: We loved the album. What other responses have you received on it?
BB: Aw thank you! I’ve received a very positive response so far, which of course means the world to me since I’ve poured my heart and soul into this thing. I’m excited to see where it goes
BS: Last year you won our Female Vocalist of the Year award (voted on by your fans). What was that like for you?
BB: That was really exciting for me, especially because it was fan voted! I was behind for most of the competition but they pushed me to the front before the end. It was super unexpected and I am very thankful to everyone who voted
BS: What did it mean to you to win and see so much support?
BB: It made me super happy! It’s great to be reminded that so many awesome people have my back and care about me and my music
BS: Hot off a new album are you ready to try and take it again this year?
BB: Yes I am! Haha it’s really up to the fans and not me, but I’m trusting that they’ll support me again this year
BS: What’s next for you?
BB: My focus right now is promoting I Want Love! I have a full band now and they’re super awesome, so we’ve been working on booking and playing shows as much as possible. I also have big plans for YouTube this summer…so stay tuned
BS: Any shows or tours you can share with us?
BB: My show schedule is constantly growing, but you can check out what’s coming up at http://bethanybecker.com/upcoming-shows/
BS: Anything else you would like to say to your fans out there?
BB: Thank y’all so much for sticking by my side through this journey and supporting my crazy dreams! I hope y’all love this new music as much as I do <3 - BareBones Entertainment
CMJ’s Patrice Whiffen has a chance to catch up with country music newcomer, Bethany Becker!
Sixteen year old and Austin, Texas native, Bethany talks about her start in the music industry, and how songwriting evolved from a passion to a career. She also talks about her debut 3-song EP, “Maybe More.” - Country Music Junkies
My favorite thing to do here for the website and review music. I know I’ve said that time and time again but that’s the thing with music. It is always changing. If you remember just this week we posted our interview (you can read it here) with the very talented Singer/Song-Writer, Bethany Becker.
She has a EP that is out called “Maybe More” and I have to say this short EP with just three songs will leave you wanting more from this very talented artist.
The EP starts of with the title song “Maybe More”. The song starts off a little raw but then once the chorus starts it gets a little bit more edger and rock. What I love about this song is that it really show cases her vocals. They sound very mature and very intone with how the song should sound. I also just love the lyrics to the chorus of this song.
“Right Place Wrong Time” is the second song to this EP. This song reminds me of a lot of people. It reminds me of classic Taylor Swift, Lady Antebellum and She Daisy. With this kind of mixture you are bound to have a hit on your hands. I have a feeling if she releases this song it will not only get on the country radio but also the pop radio. I say that because the lyrics can really speak to a lot of people and it will get stuck in people’s head where they will remember it.
“We Can Save Us” is the third and final song off this album. This song is a little slower pace, but I love how the vocals have been layered through out the song and during the chorus. It is done so perfectly that I think everyone will enjoy that.
This EP is a must get for everyone. And guess what it is on iTunes right now so head on over and download your self a copy. You’ll be happy that you did and that you are ahead of everyone else on this. - Catch My Ear
Everyday there are new artist emerging on to the music scene. Not all of them can do it as such a young age. Bethany Becker is one artist you need to pay attention to in the Country music genre. At the age of sixteen she’s been catching a lot of people’s ears (even ours) and is nominated for a HMMA award (Hollywood Music in Media). This Austin, TX singer/song-writer just released her 3 song EP called “Maybe More”, and was recently signed to Spectra Records.
We were able to ask this upcoming artist a few questions. Also be on the lookout for our review of her EP within a few weeks.
I want to say thank you Bethany for taking the time and answering our questions for our readers.
No, thank you! This will be fun. :)
As an artist who inspired you to become a musician and why?
I was originally inspired, as a lot of young girls are, by all the singer/actress’ on Disney Channel. My first favorite artist was Hillary Duff and after that I became a Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus super fan! However, I would say my first true inspiration was Taylor Swift. She introduced me to country music and gave me a huge appreciation for lyrics and relatable songs. Without her, I don’t know if I would have ever discovered and fallen in love with the kind of music I now create.
What made you write your latest single “Maybe More”?
“Maybe More” is directly inspired by my first heart break. My best guy friend, who I had a major crush on, and I were growing apart and I was really upset about it. I was scared I would never get over him. When the time came to pitch ideas for songs I pitched my story and we combined it with some lyrics and melodies from another song I had written and it became “Maybe More!” I’m super happy with the way it turned out.
The year is almost half way over. What else can we expect from you this year?
Wow, this year is flying by! A lot of exciting things have been happening. I recently signed with Spectra Music Group and am currently working on my first full length album! I also just finished my next official music video for a new song on the album. I’m not sure if either of those will be out before the end of 2015, but I do know that the rest of this year I’ll be working hard booking shows and promoting my music.
Are you doing any big shows were our readers can see you perform live?
Right now I’m mainly performing in and around my hometown of Austin, TX, but hope to expand to more areas soon! You can always find my live show schedule on BethanyBecker.com.
Have you started your next project?? If so what is the thyme of it?
I’m currently working on my first full album! It will include the three songs I have out right now as well as others and will walk the line between country and pop. It’s a goal of mine to create music that impacts people on a personal level, so I’m working to make the album as real and relatable as possible. When I write, I will continue to pull experiences and stories from my personal life and the lives of people I see around me. I’m really excited to see how it turns out.
What has been the best part of your career so far?
Getting to watch my wildest dreams come true and do what I love professionally! I have gotten to meet so many amazingly talented people with such kind hearts and there have been so many incredible moments including recording and writing in Nashville, releasing my first EP, and being a nominee at The Hollywood Music in Media Awards. I still can’t believe I get to do the things I do.
Has any other artist given you advice on this career path? If they did what was it?
I’ve had a lot of professionals in the music industry give me a lot of incredible advice throughout my journey so far. Most of it boils down to working hard and jumping at every opportunity that comes my way. They tell me that the more work and passion I put into my music and the more opportunities I seek out and pursue the farther I’ll go. I once had someone tell me that they’ve seen and worked with some incredible artists that didn’t “make it” almost solely because they didn’t jump at the opportunities placed in front of them. There’s no way I’d be where I am in my career right now if these people hadn’t expressed the importance of persistent hard work to me.
Being so young do you feel like people in this business treat you differently then artist who are older?
Not really. I mean, of course people know I’m younger and aren’t going to talk to me like I’m forty, but I never feel looked down upon because I am still a teenager. If anything, people respect me and see potential in me as a young artist, making my age an advantage!
What are you listening to all the time lately?
I always love Carrie Underwood and all of the awesome women of country music, but lately I’ve just been turning on KASE 101 and rocking out to country radio! There’s a lot of cool and catchy new music out right now and I love to discover new songs. I recently discovered “Love Me Like You Mean It” by Kelsea Ballerini and I think it has an awesome message and is super catchy! It’s probably not the best idea to be deciphering lyrics from my car radio while I’m trying to drive to school, but I can’t help it.
I like this ask this question to everyone I interview. If someone is thinking about doing music as their career what advice would you give them?
Go for it with all you’ve got! It’s super awesome to get to do what you love for your job! It requires A LOT of passion and hard work, but it’s all worth it. A lot of people will tell you it’s impossible, but I promise you that if you’re willing to put in the effort it’s completely possible. - Catch My Ear
Why country music ?
~ I was initially drawn to country music by the way the lyrics honestly portray real life and real feelings. It’s a goal of mine to create music that people can connect and relate to, and country is the perfect genre to do that! I also love the overall sound and feel of the music J
If everything would be possible (waking the dead included) , which two people should sing the ultimate country duet?
~ I know it has already happened, but Carrie Underwood and Miranda Lambert sound pretty awesome together! They both are really amazing vocalists.
What song you ever recorded means the most to you and why?
~ Maybe More, because part of it was written sitting in my bedroom and it accurately reflects a very specific time in my life. With this song I was able to pull something really good out of a pretty rough situation, which was a really cool thing to be able to do. It’s like a little piece of my past.
Who would you like to write a song for you?
~ Taylor Swift! I think her writing is incredible and she really helped inspire me to take my writing seriously.
What is the one thing that readers/fans would be surprised to know about you?
~ It took me a long time to really discover country music! After I heard Taylor Swift, I started to listen to other artists and fell in love with country’s lyrics and sound, but before that point I hardly knew anything about it!
What is the question interviewers never seem to ask you and...you wish they would? (Please provide your answer as well.)
~ I’m never asked to describe the feeling I get when I sing and perform. That feeling is what initially drew me to music. It’s pretty hard to describe, but nothing else has ever given me the same experience. When I perform, I get filled with energy and become extremely happy. I know there is nothing else I’d rather be doing.
Give us one country song you never want to hear on radio anymore and tell us why.
~ I have a love/hate relationship with the song “God Made Girls.” While it’s a very good song and I understand that God made girls to fill a very specific spot in guys’ lives, I don’t like to think that God’s purpose for me is to wear pretty skirts and flirt with boys.
Describe the ultimate recording studio (not the technique but the facilities)
~ There are so many possibilities!!! In a perfect world, it would have to have a lot of color, probably a pink and teal color scheme because those colors make me happy. It would also need a cool mixture of modern and antique comfy furniture to use while working and writing. It’d be neat if all of the recording and editing equipment was chrome silver. Oh and there’d have to be a soda machine and maybe a pretty fountain or waterfall inside of the studio. I could probably go on for days listing random things…
Johnny or June ?
~ I’m going to say Johnny because I really like to sing “Ring of Fire.”
Are you still nervous before going on stage and if so, do you use any "rituals" to calm you nerves.
~ Sometimes I’m more nervous than others, it normally depends on the venue and whether or not I’ve played there before. I always pray before I perform which calms me down a lot! Sometimes I like to drink hot tea before I sing to soothe my throat. Overall, I don’t get nearly as nervous as I used to.
What was the most memorable day in your musical career and tell us why.
~ I’ve had a lot of really exciting moments in my career but the one that comes to mind is the day I interviewed to work with my current music consultant. It was that day I realized that a lot of my dreams were about to come true. It was a pretty awesome realization!
For more info about Bethany Becker you can go to:
Answers given on May 4, 2015 - The Country Startpage
Bethany Becker is a country pop artist out of Austin, TX that has been hard at work in following her dreams in music. She recently released an EP and is hard at work on more music! Find out what all she had to say when she chatted with BareBones Ent Below!
BS: What got you started in music?
BB: I fell in love with music when I was really young! When I was in the first grade, all of my friends wanted to be singers, but when they got older they all stopped. When I realized that my desire to make and sing music was never going to go away, I decided to pursue music professionally. When I was thirteen, I got involved with an organization called AMTC (Actors Models and Talent for Christ) and from there I started making connections and things started falling into place.
BS: You have a great voice, how have you seen your voice develop since you started?
BB: Thank you! My voice has grown A LOT since I’ve really started to pursue music. My first vocal training was classical which was great but after a while I came to the realization that if I was going to sing country pop I needed to be trained in country pop. So I found a new vocal coach who I love and has really helped me expand my range and make my sound more dynamic! Also, the more I record and perform the more I hear my voice grow.
BS: Any advice for young vocalists out there?
BB: Sing, sing, sing!!! Sing as much as you can and sing songs that are going to challenge you with complicated melodies and that stretch your range. If you can get a vocal coach it will help you a lot.
BS: Now Texas has a strong history with country music, and has continuously introduced the world to many great country artists. How do you feel that you stand out from other artists out right now?
BB: One of my main goals as an artist is to create and sing music that people can connect and relate too. I want to impact people on a very personal level. I work to make music that lines up with real life and I pull inspiration from my life and the lives of people around me to achieve this goal. My determination to create music that reflects the lives of my listeners sets me apart.
BS: I have noticed your songs are very relatable, is that something that you aim to do or does it just come through naturally?
BB: It’s definitely something I aim to do! I strive very hard to make and sing music that is relatable. I think music is a million times more beautiful when people can apply it to their lives and situations. It’s a great way to let people know that they aren’t alone in the crazy things they experience and that other people have been in their shoes.
BS: If you could work with any artist who would it be and why?
BB: Either Taylor Swift or Carrie Underwood! Carrie Underwood’s voice is crazy awesome and I love Taylor’s writing. I’d be ecstatic if I got to work with either of them :).
BS: You released a EP titled, Maybe More, how did that come about?
BB: It’s actually pretty crazy how everything came together. After I decided to make music my career, one connection led to another until I found myself on my way to Tennessee to record and write my first EP! Making Maybe More was an incredible experience! I worked with a lot of amazing people and writers throughout the process. The EP is largely inspired by my life and some of the songs describe very specific events. Maybe More is like my baby, and I couldn’t be happier about the way it turned out.
BS: How have people responded to the EP?
BB: Great! I’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback on the songs. It makes me really happy to see people singing along at shows and knowing that people are listening to and liking my music.
BS: What are you currently working on?
BB: I just signed with a label so I’m working on my first full length album! I’m also getting ready to film my next official music video. I’m very excitedJ.
BS: When can fans hope to see you in the near future?
BB: I’m always performing live in the Austin, Texas area and hope to tour a larger area soon! I’m also on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other fun social sites :). I’m always posting short covers on Vine!
BS: Anything else you would like to add?
BB: Thanks you so much for caring about me and my music!!! It means the world to me. I can’t wait to see what the future holds :). - BareBones Entertainment
Full Name
Bethany Becker
Hometown || Currently Live
I currently live in my hometown of Austin, TX!
What made you want to start singing/writing?
I’ve wanted to be a singer since I was in the first grade and the desire has never gone away. It has always been my absolute favorite thing to do! In my mind being a singer and a writer have always gone hand in hand. My friends and I used to make up songs when we were little and a lot of my favorite artists write their own music. I think it’s a lot easier to give a genuine performance and to connect with people when the words I’m singing are my own.
Do you play any instruments? Did you teach yourself?
I play the guitar! I taught myself the basics and then took lessons to become better. I also play a little bit of Ukulele, which I taught myself, and a little bit of piano.
Who are your biggest musical inspirations?
Taylor Swift introduced me to country music, and I’ve always admired her writing and lyrics, so I’d say that she is my biggest inspiration.
Where do you get inspiration to write?
I get the inspiration for my songs from my life and the lives of people I see around me. My goal as an artist is to make music people can relate to and that connects with them on a personal level. I think the best way to do that is to pull inspiration from real experiences.
Do you have a favorite song that you’ve written or co-written?
My song Maybe More is my favorite! The concept for the song was pulled directly from my life, and we pulled some of the melodies and lyrics from another song I had written sitting in my bedroom. I love the way it turned out and the response it has gotten. It’s really easy for me to connect with because it literally came from my life!
What moment in your career is your favorite thus far?
Probably the release of my Maybe More EP and the Maybe More official video! A lot of my life goals were achieved in that moment. It was a good feeling J
Finish this sentence, If I could write a song for or with anyone I would choose….?
Taylor Swift! I’d make her come back to country for a while J
If I could sing a song with anyone I would choose….?
Carrie Underwood. Her voice is incredible!
Where do you see yourself in a year?
I’ll still be performing live and will have a couple of new songs released and a new video! My life is pretty unpredictable, so there’s really no way for me to know where I’ll be in a year. All I know for sure is that I’m going to keep making music and pushing forward in my career as far as I can get!
5 years?
In five years I’ll hopefully have a full album released and be performing constantly! I’ll still be promoting and pursuing my music with everything I have. I’m thinking about moving to Nashville when I graduate high school, so hopefully I’ll be in Tennessee J
If I wasn’t a singer/songwriter I would be…?
I’ve always secretly wanted to work for the CIA…
I’m afraid of…?
Crocodiles and alligators. They creep me out! I have nightmares about them. I’m also terrified of vocal nodules.
I never get tired of…?
Singing and songwriting of course! Besides that, I never get tired of spending time with my friends and family.
What is one thing people may not know about you?
I am EXTREMELY competitive about almost everything. I have a scar from an Easter egg hunt…
We are almost four months into the new year, what does 2015 look like for you? New music? Festivals? Etc.
I have a new single coming out soon! I’m super excited about it!!! I love the melody and the message. The video for my new single will also be released this year. Besides that, I’ll keep writing and performing live and jumping at every opportunity that I can get my hands on. - The Tennessee Life
Bethany Becker is a seventeen year old recording artist from Austin, TX. She released her debut EP Maybe More in 2014, with the video for the title track recently passing 100,000 You Tube views. Becker was nominated for an HMMA award (Hollywood Music in Media) and was dubbed a new emerging artist by the music biz site Kings of A&R. She took some time to talk about the EP, co-writing with Nashville heavy weights and what's ahead.
Being that you are seventeen, did you know very early that music was what you wanted pursue?
I did! It was about when I was seven and realized that I couldn’t be a Disney princess that I decided I wanted to pursue music. I always sang around the house and when I found the Disney channel and saw that everyone on there could sing, I knew I wanted to be a singer. I sang a solo in second grade and then anytime I could sing, I would. Be it in musicals or at church I just wanted to get in front of people and sing as much as I could. I didn’t really start to become serious about it and pursue it professionally though until I was about twelve or thirteen.
How do you balance school and a music career?
I am home schooled. It was very challenging to go to school, be on the dance team, in the choir and perform in musicals. Trying to do everything was not working in my favor, so I switched to home schooling, which has made it a lot easier. I also have a super supportive family. I have four brothers and two awesome parents who have stuck by my side through everything!
When did you start writing?
Writing has always appealed to me. When I was little my friends and I tried making up songs with really cute melodies and lyrics. I guess I’ve been trying to write my entire life, but I became serious about it around three years ago.
Is there anyone in particular who you site as an influence either on your writing or singing?
My #1 influence would probably be Taylor Swift. Her music introduced me to country and really helped me fall in love with writing. She’s a pop artist now, but she is still a great writer. I love how honest she is with her fans and how real her music is. She tells her stories so honestly that they really affect those who listen. She’s a big influence for me.
What drew you to country as opposed to pop?
What I really love about country is that the lyrics portray raw emotion and real life. It’s authentic; the stories in the lyrics and music really can make people feel emotions and I think that’s beautiful.
Your EP Maybe More was released in 2014. You co-wrote with Keith Follese, Adrienne Follese and Liz Rose. How did you connect with them?
Well, when I started getting into the industry I worked with AMTC [Actors, Models & Talent for Christ] and through them it was just a string of connections. I was both nervous and excited to work with those writers, but they’re awesome people and just incredible writers!
It is so hard to think it’s all real, you know. Half the time I’m like ‘am I gonna wake up?’ It’s a pretty good reality and I feel so blessed.
The single “Maybe More” just passed 100,000 You Tube views, which is just amazing. What is the story behind that song?
All of those views is kinda crazy, I’m still wrapping my head around that one! The story, in a nutshell, is about my first heartbreak. I had gotten really close to a guy friend, we were besties I guess, but then we started growing apart. I really liked him, so it was a really painful experience for me. I really missed him, so I took all of those feelings and combined them with some melody and lyrics from another song I’d written about same person and that combination turned into “Maybe More” and I love it.
The song is very relatable, not just to a young person like yourself, but perhaps older adults as well who may look back on a love.
Thank you so much for saying that because a huge goal of mine with my music is for it to be relatable and something people of all ages can connect to.
What are your professional plans for summer?
I am going to make a video for a new single that is ready to be released. I also perform quite a few times a month in Austin and fans can go to the website to get the dates. I have a lot of exciting things happening soon!
Finally, is there one recent release that you have been listening to on repeat?
I like to pick specific songs that stand out to me instead of one album. Right now I really love “Blown Away” and “Something in the Water” from Carrie Underwood. - The Daily Country
Meet Bethany Becker! She is a young country artist on the rise that is full of talent. She has already worked with Liz Rose, the woman behind some of Taylor Swift's big hits. I was so excited to ask her a few questions about her life and career.
1. Have you always known that music is what you wanted to pursue as a career?
Pretty much! At least since I was about seven and realized that becoming a princess wasn’t really an option. Once I fell in love with music the desire to pursue it professionally never went away.
2. How would you describe the style of your music and where do you get your inspiration?
My music walks the line between country and pop. My goal for my music is for it to be relatable and real, so I pull inspiration from my life and the lives of the people around me. A lot of the inspiration for the songs on my “Maybe More” EP came from very specific events and experiences from my life.
3. What is your favorite part about working in the music industry?
Getting to pour my heart into songs that I’m able to perform and share with the world. Also, watching all my biggest dreams become reality!
4. I know you wrote a song with Liz Rose, who has also worked with Taylor Swift. What was that experience like?
Honestly, I was a little star struck! I’m such a big fan of Liz’s work, so the fact that I got to write a song with her is crazy! She’s an excellent writer and a super sweet person.
5. Is there anyone in the industry today that you look up to or want to model your career after?
I’ve always really looked up to Taylor Swift. Her writing is amazing, and I admire her honesty and vulnerability in her music and her relationship with her fans. I miss her country music, but all she has been able to accomplish in the music industry at such a young age is just incredible.
6. Is there anything you can share right now about an upcoming album or single?
I have a new single on the way that I’m super excited about! I’m keeping a lot of details a secret, so I can’t say too much, but I will tell you that it is a message I really think needs to be said and heard. There’s also a music video for the song coming that I will be shooting very soon. I may also have a full album in the works J
7. What is a little known or fun fact about you?
Before I was born, the doctor said I was going to be a boy. My mom had had a boy baby shower and everything. My parents were very surprised when I wasn’t! - Lauren Rose
RYL: tell us everything about your new EP “Maybe More” just released …What inspired most of his lyrics?
Bethany Becker: “Maybe More” is inspired by my life and the lives of those around me. I pulled inspiration for the concepts and lyrics directly from personal experiences.
I believe the best way to make music that people can connect and relate to is to pull inspiration from real life.
RYL: What is the meaning behind the verses of “We can save us”?
Bethany Becker: The verse of “We Can Save Us” is, in a nutshell, a series of metaphors describing a fight and a relationship falling apart. My favorite part about the lyrics is that they truly describe the damage caused by hurtful words.
They talk about words knocking us down, breaking bones, and leaving scars. I think it’s a good image of just how devastating emotionally cruel words can be.
The pre-chorus reveals the fact that neither person actually wants to fight and that they don’t really mean the things that are flying out of their mouths.
I think “We Can Save Us” is a very meaningful song, especially right now when relationships seem to be failing more than they are succeeding.
RYL: Is there a common inspiration between all your songs?
Bethany Becker: “Maybe More” and “Right Place Wrong Time” were pulled directly from my experiences and are actually both inspired by the same person. “We Can Save Us” is more of a message I believe people need to hear.
RYL: Do you remember how the lyrics of “Right Place wrong time” have been written?
Bethany Becker: “Right Place Wrong Time” was inspired by a very specific event.
A boy I had liked had gotten me invited to a party, where I thought he was going to confess that he had feelings for me.
Instead, while I was there I met his girlfriend. I found myself in the right place at the wrong time. Me and my co-writers took this story and wrote the song around it.
RYL: how do you, usually, write your songs?
Bethany Becker: It’s not always the same process. Lately, I’ve been starting with an idea that has either come from an experience or thought I’ve had or is something I think needs to be said.
Then, I’ll usually come up with a title or phrase that I think is pretty solid.
Then I’ll pick a few chords on my guitar and start improvising melodies and lyrics into the recorder on my phone.
After I get completely stuck, I’ll replay whatever I recorded and write down anything I think it worth keeping. From that, I can usually sit and write the song.
It’s a slightly different process when I’m co-writing, but not too much.
We still start with an idea or title and work from there, coming up with melodies and writing them down or recording them when we come up with something good. It’s a lot easier when there are multiple people throwing out ideas.
RYL: what is the meaning behind the verses of “Maybe More”?
Bethany Becker: The first verse of “Maybe More” is about a girl who fell hard for a guy when she least expected to. Now that he has left her life, she’s feels stupid for falling for him and wants to move one, but can’t. She’s afraid that she’ll never be able to.
In the second verse, she admits that her life isn’t the same without him, that the sun doesn’t feel as warm and the stars don’t seem as bright.
She knows that realistically things don’t always go how she wants them to, but at the same time she believes good things, like their relationship, shouldn’t have to end.
RYL: which is your favorite rock song (lyrically speaking)?
Bethany Becker: “How to Save a Life” by The Fray. It has a really powerful message.
RYL: Do you remember the day you started being a singer?
Bethany Becker: I’ve been singing for as long as I can remember. I decided I wanted to be a singer when I was in the first grade and started really pursuing music professionally when I was thirteen.
RYL: Which is the last song you wrote (not yet published) ?
Bethany Becker: I’ve written a lot in the past few weeks! One song I recently wrote is called “Once in a While.”
It’s about knowing someone is completely in your past but every once in a while they still pop into your mind. I’m not yet sure if I’m going to publish the song.
RYL: tell us about your upcoming tour projects….
Bethany Becker: Right now I’m focusing on performing live in and around my hometown, Austin TX! I’m hoping to branch out into other areas soon :-) I always post about my upcoming shows on my website and social networks. - Rock Your Lyrics
Check out our interview with hometown talent Bethany Becker of Texas!
You just released a 3 song EP titled Maybe More…how’s the feedback been from country radio?
It has been awesome! I’ve heard my songs on multiple stations and have been able to do couple of live interviews. Those were a lot of fun!
What has been the biggest “Wow” moment of your career?
Everything has been a wow moment. I feel so blessed to be able to do what I do and still can’t believe that I have these opportunities. The biggest wow moment was probably going to Nashville for the first time to write and record the EP. I think that’s the moment that it clicked that I was actually doing this. The release of my EP and video and getting nominated for the Hollywood Music in Media Awards were also really big moments for me. It’s really hard to pick just one!
What is the #1 item on your Bucket List?
I want to go on a world tour and play stadiums. That’s what I’ve wanted since I was a really little girl. The energy and the excitement from the crowd must be amazing!
Outside of music, what is something that you are extremely passionate about?
I also love to act! I work with an agency here in Texas. I have a lot of fun portraying different characters and figuring out how they would respond to the situations they have to face.
Have you heard yourself on the radio yet? If so, where were you and what was your reaction?
The first time I heard myself on the radio was on a UK station. They had Tweeted that they were going to play “Maybe More” so I woke up early and tuned in. I was half asleep but it was still really exciting! It had been a huge goal of mine for a long time so it was really neat to hear it happen. I woke up my parents to tell them!
What’s the most played song on your iPod?
Right now it’s “Tim McGraw” by Taylor Swift, but it changes constantly!
What has been your favorite city to visit?
Nashville! There’s country music everywhere and everyone I’ve met there has been super nice! I also have an obsession with cowboy boots and they have a lot of stores!
If you could go on tour opening for anyone in country music, who would it be?
Carrie Underwood! She’s an incredible singer, has great music, and seems really sweet!
What has been the most difficult challenge you’ve had to face in your budding career?
Balancing it with the rest of my life was really hard at first. When I decided to pursue music professionally I was going to a really competitive public high school where I was on the dance team, in theatre, in choir, and taking all advanced classes. My work load was crazy and left no time for me to work on my music so I eventually left and became home-schooled. It was a really big transition at first but now that I’ve gotten used to it I realize that I did the right thing.
What’s the best advice you could give to an aspiring artist?
It’s possible. A lot of people will tell you that your goals and dreams are unrealistic but they’re wrong. It’s not easy and it’s a lot of work, but if you’re completely dedicated and willing to give 100% it is very possible! - Hometown Country Music
YAH got to chat with country pop star Bethany Becker. Check out our interview below!
Bethany Becker is a 16 year old Country Pop recording artist from Austin, TX. Becker is going places, as evidenced by her three-song EP, “Maybe More,” released on February 25th, and her impressive video for the title track is sure to attract attention. She was nominated for an HMMA award (Hollywood Music in Media) and was dubbed a new emerging artist by the music biz site Kings of A&R.
YAH Exclusive Interview:
YAH: How did you get started in music?
Bethany: I’ve loved music for as long as I remember and have been performing live since my camp talent show in the second grade. When I started middle school, I realized that my desire to pursue music as a career was never going to go away, so I got involved with AMTC (Actors, Models, and Talent for Christ). Since then, I’ve just kept moving forward with my music wherever God leads me.
YAH: Congrats on your latest EP! How would you describe the sound of your songs?
Bethany: My songs are a perfect combination of country and pop music! My main goal when I make music is for it to be relatable and real. I would say that my songs reflect real life and experiences we all go through and that they are easy to connect with.
YAH: Can you describe what the songs on your EP are each about?
Bethany: The first song on my EP is ‘Maybe More’, and it was very much inspired by my first heartbreak. When I came up with the idea for the song, I was in the middle of growing apart from someone I had gotten really close to. I really missed him and was terrified I would never get over him. So when the time came to pitch ideas for the EP, I pitched my current situation. I’m really happy with how it turned out.
‘Right Place Wrong Time’ is based off of a very specific event. On the last day of the eighth grade the guy I had a crush on showed up at my house after school and got me invited to a little party down my street. I was super excited and thought he liked me! Until a few minutes after I got there and met his girlfriend! I was devastated; it felt like something you’d see on Disney Channel. I knew it was going to turn into a song. It was nice turning my disappointment into something good.
The final song on my EP is ‘We Can Save Us’. I love this song because it sends a really important message. Nowadays, it seems like more relationships are failing than are working out. We Can Save Us is a song about working through struggles and arguments even when it seems like there is no way out. It’s encouraging and is something people need to hear and be influenced by.
YAH: I really enjoyed your music video for “Maybe More”. What was the filming process for that like?
Bethany: I personally was only on set for the video for a day! Since I live in Texas and the video was shot in Nashville, I wasn’t able to be in town for the entire process. I put a lot of trust into the directors! I’m really happy with how it turned out.
YAH: How did you come up with the concept for the video?
Bethany: I wanted the video to represent the song as well as it possibly could. Andy Evinger and Taylor Smith came up with the original concept, and I added my opinions. I think the song came across perfectly!
YAH: How did it feel to be nominated for a HMMA award?
Bethany: Incredible! I was not expecting it at all! I found out late one night sort of out of the blue. It was an honor!
YAH: What inspires your music?
Bethany: Life inspires my music. I think the beauty in music is the fact that it lines up with and weaves its way into our lives. I want to touch people on a personal level when I create music. I believe the best way to do that is to take events and feelings from my own life and the lives of those around me and turning them into my songs.
YAH: Do you play any instruments?
Bethany: I do! My main instrument is the guitar, but I also play a little bit of piano and ukulele.
YAH: What singers or musicians do you look up to?
Bethany: My top two would be Carrie Underwood and Taylor Swift. I love Carrie Underwood’s range and control and Taylor Swift’s songwriting ability.
YAH: You do a lot of great covers on Vine! What is your favorite song to cover?
Bethany: Thank You! My favorite song to cover right now is ‘Jesus Take the Wheel’. I know people cover it all the time, but it’s just so fun to sing!
YAH: If you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life, which album would you choose and why?
Bethany: That’s hard! If I had to pick one, I’d pick Taylor Swift’s first album, ‘Taylor Swift’. She was about my age when she made it, so it really reminds me of myself and my stage of life right now. Then again, I’d probably pick another one when I got older!
YAH: What’s next for you? Any upcoming tours or performances?
Bethany: I have a new single coming out soon! I won’t give away too much, but I’m really excited about it! I’m going to continue performing live in my local area and writing music and following wherever this journey takes me!
Stay current on all things Bethany Becker via her official website: http://www.bethanybecker.com/ - Young Adult Hollywood
Bethany Becker, a 16-year-old Grandview Hills resident, has a Nashville-produced CD called “Maybe More,” and she was nominated for two country music awards and also she received the Young Artist Award at the 31st annual Mid-Atlantic Song Competition by the Songwriters’ Association of Washington. Becker’s response to her rise in the competitive country music industry betrayed her deliberate efforts. She said, “…it’s out of my control”. Her story has charm, but it also has sacrifice and commitment. “It’s really exciting,” Becker said. “God has opened so many doors; it’s out of my control.” She recalled first grade, “when everyone wants to be a rock star.” Most move on to find something they want more. But Becker did not. She held on to her childhood dream and made connections. At 13, Becker attended the Actors, Models, and Talent for Christ convention in Orlando, where she dropped off a CD of her performing three songs: “White Horse” by Taylor Swift, “When I Look at You” by Miley Cyrus, and “Headphones” by Britt Nicole.
No one called for several months, until one day, a New York City entertainment specialist telephoned, said she listened to the CD, and referred Becker to three music consultants.
From there, Becker went to Nashville and met with songwriters, Liz Rose, who shares a Grammy with Swift for “White Horse”, and Keith and Adrienne Follese. The four then collaborated on Becker’s first CD, “Maybe More”, which features a song of the same title plus two others, “Right Place Wrong Time” and “We Can Save Us”.
The Hollywood Music in Media Awards board nominated “Right Place Wrong Time” for best country song and Becker’s music video, “Maybe More,” for best video.
Becker has returned to Nashville twice since her first visit. She marvels at her progress. “When I first started (in the industry),” she said, “I couldn’t play an instrument. I had no training in country or pop music.”
So, she made changes. First, she withdrew from Vandegrift High School, where she was a freshman in advanced academic classes. She also gave up her spot on the VHS Vision dance team and participation in choir and theater. Then, she enrolled in One Day Academy and signed up for guitar lessons and vocal training.
Her academic studies never missed a beat and she recently scored in the 95th percentile on the PSAT.
It was a little more difficult, however, to adjust to the decline in social activities. She said, “At first, I missed it, but if I had stayed I wouldn’t have time for guitar or vocal training. I also have friends through church and I really enjoy them.”
Additionally, Becker has the distraction, and support, of a large family, including four brothers. They are Blake, a freshman at Texas State University, and Brandon, an eighth grader at Four Points Middle School. Fifth grader, Brady, and third grader, Blaine, attend Grandview Hills Elementary. Her mother, Mary Beth, is a stay-at-home mom and her father, Jerry, is executive director of business model transformation at Dell.
Three years have passed since the AMTC convention and Becker talks with careful valor and – well – like a singer/songwriter. “I don’t think there’s a moment when I’ll think I have arrived. It’s more about the journey. There’s a lot I want to do.”
She adds, “If I discover, though, that music is not part of my future, I’ll pray about it and find something else to do. It won’t be the end of the world, because it’s not the entire world. I’ll trust God; it’s just all beyond my control.”
For information on Becker’s CD, appearance schedule, and social media accounts go to www.bethanybecker.com. - Four Points News
Bethany Becker is a 16 year old singer/songwriter from Austin, Texas. She has a love for country music that shows in her writing style and sound. In addition to singing and songwriting, she enjoys playing the guitar, acting, dancing and spending time with her four brothers and her friends.
Writing songs is her way of expressing different thoughts and emotions she’s feeling. She recently worked with Keith and Adrianne Follese and Grammy award winner Liz Rose to write and produce her first EP Maybe More. Maybe More features songs inspired by Bethany’s personal experiences as a teenager that she believes will tug on the heart strings of people of all ages. The title song Maybe More is about missing someone you love, and wondering if you will ever be able to stop loving them. Right Place wrong time is about Bethany’s painful, yet slightly humorous, relationship troubles. Lastly, We Can Save Us conveys the message that even the most broken relationships can be mended. Her prayer and hope is that she will continue to relate to and connect with people through her music in a way that is uplifting and brings them joy.
Recently Bethany was nominated for two Hollywood Music in Media Awards and is currently working on her next single with Grammy nominated songwriter and producer Jeff Pardo. - Fearless Radio
Bethany Becker is a 16 year old country pop recording artist from Austin, TX. She released a three-song EP, “Maybe More,” this year. Bethany has already been recognized as an emerging artist in the music business. She talks about her goals and shares her thoughts on being yourself.
What does the song Maybe More mean for you?
Maybe More is a very special song to me. It’s based on my life. I was going through my first broken heart. He and I had grown apart, but I would still catch myself thinking about him. During the songwriting process my story turned into Maybe More, and I absolutely love it. Turning my heartache into a song was the perfect way to bring something beautiful out of such a hard time. I think everyone gets their heart broken at some point in life, and I hope Maybe More is able to help people through those times.
When did you start singing and being involved in music?
I’ve been singing for as long as I can remember. The first time I sang for an audience by myself was in a camp talent show the summer before second grade. In elementary school, my friends and I used to write songs and perform them for my parents and at recess. I started seriously pursuing music when I was twelve and got involved with AMTC (Actors Models and Talent for Christ). Since then I’ve met and gotten to work with a lot of amazing people. I still can’t believe it’s happening.
What are your goals for your life in music?
I’d like to continue songwriting, making music, working with amazing people and playing more and more venues. In the long term, I’d love to win a Grammy, go on a world tour, have a platinum album, and play Times Square on New Year’s Eve. I have a lot of goals.
Why did you choose to cover Let it Go?
Because I love the song! It is beautiful, powerful, and has a really great message. It’s really fun to sing because of the big range. Plus, I secretly want to be a Disney princess. Doesn’t everybody?
The Girl’s Guide to Swagger is about supporting confidence in girls and women. Any advice you would like to share with the swagger community?
Don’t worry about what other people think about you. It is literally impossible to please everyone and trying will drive you crazy. I have struggled with insecurity, and I’m starting to realize how little peoples’ opinions actually matter. Trust me, you are going to be a lot happier being yourself than a cookie cutter image of who you think the world wants you to be. - The Girl's Guide To Swagger
Meet Bethany Becker, a new face in the music industry with a powerful voice and moving lyrics. TI got the chance to ask this Country Pop singer/songwriter a few questions to get to know her and now you can, too! From her recent Hollywood Music in Media Award nomination to her personal musical style read below to get to know this Austin, TX native!
What was your reaction to the HMMA nomination?
I was super excited! I didn’t know what to think. I found out really late at night after the rest of my family was already asleep, so I was basically freaking out by myself J
What was your favorite part of recording your EP?
I loved the process. There’s just something really cool about watching my ideas and stories turn into finished songs. I loved every minute of the writing and recording. This has been my dream for a long time and it’s just really great that it’s actually happening.
How would you describe your musical style? Fashion style?
I would definitely say that my music is country pop. My music is relatable. My goal is to write music that will impact people the way I’ve had music impact me. I want my audience to know that others have been in the places they have been and felt the feelings they have felt. It’s the best feeling in the world when you hear a song and feel like it was written for you, so I try my best to make music that will give people that feeling.
My fashion style is kind of the extremes. I’m a complete girly girl, I love lace on just about anything and I own way too many dresses! But I’ll also throw in a random leather jacket or something like that when I feel like it. I wear cowgirl boots almost everywhere and with everything, it’s kind of an obsession.
When did you start singing? When did you realize that it is what you wanted to do?
I’ve been singing for as long as I can remember. My first memory of me singing is me jumping on a hotel bed pretending to be Ariel while my older brother was telling me to shut up. Me and my friends in elementary school would write songs and perform them for each other at recess. I’ve wanted to be a singer since the first grade, and I never changed my mind.
Do you have any short term goals? Long term goals?
I have a lot of goals. In the short term, I’d like to continue songwriting, making music, working with amazing people and playing more and more venues. In the long term I’d love to go on a world tour, win a Grammy, have a platinum album, and play Times Square on New Year’s Eve, lots of fun stuff J
If you could duet with anyone, who would you duet with?
Either Carrie Underwood or Taylor Swift, I look up to them both in different ways and they are amazing artists.
What’s one thing you want people to know about you as you break into music?
Music has always been here for me through all the good times and all the bad times. No matter what I’m going through I have always been able to find or write a song that lines up with my current situation. Music has brought me incredible comfort and happiness throughout my life so far, and I hope that my music is able to do that for others. - TeenInfoNet
Join us this week as we welcome country pop music singer songwriter, Bethany Becker. Hailing from Austin, TX., Bethany has gained considerable amount of attention with her three song EP "Maybe More". She has written with some of the top songwriters and producers and was recently nominated for two Hollywood Music in Media Awards. Best Country Song for “Right Place Wrong Time” and Best Music Video for “Maybe More". She has performed at many local venues including the Nutty Brown Café, Fore Café, Rudino’s Pizza & Patio, Progress Coffee, Hutson House of Music, Musicians Woodshed, Mazama Coffee, The Marina at Lago Vista and Lakeside Grill. Supporting our troops is important to Bethany as she states "The troops are particularly special to me, because my father was in the Air Force, and I was born on Eglin AFB in Florida. My Aunt is a Colonel in the Army and is currently serving in South Korea. I also have a cousin serving in the Army and another in the Navy. I see the sacrifices that they and their families make daily to protect and take care of all of us, and I am very grateful". We will talk to Bethany about her upcoming schedule, get a behind the scenes look at her music, feature her latest songs, and ask her to share her message for the troops. Please be sure to visit Bethany Becker at http://bethanybecker.com/ and spread the word. Fans are welcome to call in and speak live with Bethany during the show (718) 766-4193. If you would like to participate in the live chat during the show, you must sign up on the show site first and then log in during the show. And as always we will give shout outs to our deployed military listeners. Be sure to join us, Sunday 2/22/2015 at 4 PM EST! Our message to the troops....WE do what we do, because YOU do what you do. - NFOTUSA
Bethany Becker is a 16 year old singer-songwriter and a country pop artist from Austin, Texas. She has already gained considerable amount of attention with her three song EP. She has written with some of the top songwriters and producers and was recently nominated for an HMMA (Hollywood Music in Media) Award. Check out the video for Maybe More which already has garnered 30k views. Becker is an artist to watch.
Contact: bethanybeckermusic@gmail.com - Kings of A&R
"Following your dreams is possible."
Bethany: From AMTC, a little demo CD that I recorded in my closet was picked up by a woman in New York! She said, “Hey, I love your music and think that you have potential.” From there she connected me with some people, who connected me with more people, and I ended up working with incredible producers and writers in Nashville. I created and co-wrote my first EP called “Maybe More.” A lot of it is based off of personal experience and what I want other people to hear. Since I released the song last February, I made a music video for it which now has over 42,000 views on YouTube.
Just last month, I went to the Hollywood Music in Media Awards in Los Angeles, because I was nominated for Best Country Song and Best Music Video. That was a really awesome experience.
What was it like to find out you were nominated?
Bethany: I started entering competitions and award shows, just submitting my music to consideration for nomination. I received an email from the Hollywood Music in Media Awards telling me that the nominees were posted. I went and checked it out, saw my name and freaked out! It was kind of…really late…my whole family was asleep, so I freaked out by myself. After I found out, we scheduled flights and went to California! I spend a lot of time checking everything out and doing touristy things. Then that night, I walked the Red Carpet and met a lot of really cool people from all over the world.
Have you faced any major challenges since becoming a performer?
Bethany: One big challenge is balancing everything and not getting stressed. I have to make sure to make time for school, music and God. Somehow, I have managed this so far.
The biggest challenges for me have been on the acting side, because I do acting as well. In music, I write the songs and have a say in what I want to sing about. But in acting, I will get an audition with bad content and bad language, so I have to turn the audition down. Sometimes it is so difficult to have the courage to turn down an acting opportunity, especially when it seems tempting to make the compromise. I really work to stay grounded and only choose things that have positive content.
Has anything happened with your acting career?
Bethany: After I went to SHINE, I saw an update on our AMTC Hub Facebook page about an Actor’s Alliance fair in Austin. It included a showcase for tons of local agencies. I went to that and ended up signing with an agency in San Antonio. Through them, I have taken a lot of classes and did several commercials for Southwest Airlines and AARP. I also did a public service announcement for Utah against teen drinking and driving.
So far, what is your favorite song that you have recorded?
Bethany: I have one that I just wrote. I can’t really say much about it because I am trying to keep it a secret, but be looking out for it because it is definitely my favorite! The one I love most on the EP released right now is “Maybe More.” It was inspired by a true story: I had a crush on this guy for a long time, haha! We were really just best friends, and we had started to grow apart. The song was based on this personal experience, and I still sing it and connect back to it. It is a relatable song.
Do you feel called to be involved in the secular music industry more-so than Christian music?
Bethany: Oh yes, absolutely. I love Christian music and the entire industry. However, I feel like there needs to be someone who can be a role model. My heart is specifically drawn to younger girls, like elementary through high school. The industry needs role models, people to look up to, who will not show up in the media doing bad things and switching around. The celebrities I looked up to as a child are not walking with God anymore, and are not a positive influence in the media…that is so sad to me. I want someone to be out there, whether that is me or somebody else, who others can look up to.
Have you always wanted to work in the industry?
Bethany: (Laughs)…Oh gosh. I have wanted to work in entertainment ever since I found out that being a Disney Princess was not a logical possibility. I was in the first grade when I decided that I wanted to be a singer, and I never really stopped wanting that. My friends and I used to write little songs and sing them at recess, or I would put on concerts for my family. I have always wanted to get involved, and when I found out about AMTC I realized that it could actually happen.
What was the AMTC experience like for you?
Bethany: It was amazing. AMTC is still one of the best and most educational things I have ever done. I honestly would not be working in the music and acting industries without AMTC. Everyone I work with right now is somehow connected with me going to AMTC’s SHINE Conference.
I was 13 at the time that I attended SHINE. At that point, I did not know how to play an instrument. I was singing all covers. Since AMTC, I have grown so much in my craft. AMTC was just the beginning of something so much bigger.
Do you have any ultimate goals for your career?
Bethany: I want to go as far as Christ will allow me. I have huge dreams, like every singer. But the thing is, I know it is all in God’s Hands, and I will go as far as He wants me to go. I’ll trust Him, keeping walking on the road and journey as long as He allows me to.
What can we be looking out for?
Bethany: Right now, I have been interviewing a lot! I also started hearing myself on the radio, which is crazy.
Some people say it is impossible to have a career in entertainment. How would you respond?
Bethany: It is possible! A lot of people think that working in entertainment is a crazy dream, but it is completely possibly. It is so much hard work, and is not easy, but stick with it and be dedicated. Following your dreams is possible. - AMTC (Actors, Models, and Talent for Christ)
Bethany Becker Maybe More Interview
Bethany Becker is a 16 year old Country Pop recording artist from Austin, TX. Becker is going places, as evidenced by her three-song EP, "Maybe More," released on February 25th, and her impressive video for the title track is sure to attract attention. She was nominated for an HMMA award (Hollywood Music in Media) and was dubbed a new emerging artist by the music biz site Kings of A&R.
Interview with Bethany Becker
Question: How would you describe your music?
Bethany Becker: My music walks the line between country and pop. My goal as an artist is to connect with people and impact their lives through my music, so I try hard to make it very relatable.
Question: What was your main inspiration behind the track Maybe More?
Bethany Becker: Maybe More was heavily inspired by my first heart break. I had a huge crush on a guy that I was growing apart from, and I really missed him. I was scared that I'd never stop missing him and would never get over him. Eventually, this idea turned into Maybe More.
Question: Can you tell us about the Maybe More video?
Bethany Becker: Yes I can! I'm in love with the Maybe More video. Everyone who worked on it did a fantastic job. Throughout the video, it shows clips of a really sweet couple, but near the end it starts playing all of them backwards, like memories on replay that can't be forgotten. I think it showcases the song beautifully.
Question: How does it feel to be nominated for a HMMA award?
Bethany Becker: I'm honored! It's crazy, I wasn't expecting it at all. I freaked out when I found out! It means a lot to me.
Question: Did you have any pre-conceived ideas about the music industry?
Bethany Becker: Before I started working in the industry, it seemed almost like another world. It seemed so much bigger than me and out of my reach. However, when I decided to start pursuing music professionally I got a better perspective on the business, and I realized that I could actually be a part of it and that my goals for my music weren't as unrealistic as I thought!
Question: Do you write your own songs? What's your inspiration?
Bethany Becker: I do write my own songs! I co-wrote all of the songs on my Maybe More EP. I draw my inspiration from my life and the lives of the people I see around me. I believe to touch peoples' hearts and to create music that really connects with them, my music has to come from a real place.
Question: What music/artists do you listen to when you are not playing your own?
Bethany Becker: I love Carrie Underwood and Taylor Swifts country music! I also really enjoy listening to country radio. I love to discover new artists and new songs.
Question: What's next? Tour/Album/Single?
Bethany Becker: I'm getting ready to release a new single! I'm really really excited about this one. It conveys a message that I think the world needs to hear and I can't wait to share it with everyone. I'm also currently working on my video for the new song! As far as touring goes, I'm currently playing gigs in and around my home town of Austin, TX.
Question: Was there a moment you contemplated throwing in the towel?
Bethany Becker: Not really. I fell in love with music when I was really young and that love has never gone away. Of course sometimes I get tired and overwhelmed, but I've never thought about giving up. I can't imagine my life without music.
Question: Do you prefer performing live or recording?
Bethany Becker: I love the energy and rush I feel when performing live. There's nothing like having people come to see me and hear my music. However, the more time I spend in the studio the more I develop a love of recording. I find the process of turning an idea into a fully produced song fascinating.
Question: What/who was your inspiration to go into the music industry?
Bethany Becker: Since I've wanted to go into the music industry since I was in the first grade, I've had many inspirations along the way. The first artist I admired was Hilary Duff, then Miley Cyrus, and eventually Taylor Swift introduced me to country music. Honestly, I find anyone who's working in the industry and creating passionate and beautiful music inspiring.
Question: What is the biggest challenge you have faced along the way to your musical success?
Bethany Becker: Deciding to take music seriously was probably the hardest transition to make. I wondered if people would take my desire to be an artist seriously. Luckily, my parents were completely supportive and somehow things have worked out pretty well for me. This business is constantly pushing me out of my comfort zone, but I feel that every step I take is growing me as a person and an artist.
Question: What's a typical day like?
Bethany Becker: My typical day to day life is pretty normal. I'm seventeen, so I'm still in high school. I take my classes through homeschool programs and I take dual credit courses at the Austin Community College. When I'm not working on school or at church, I'm writing songs, training with my guitar and vocal instructors, practicing for my shows, doing interviews, and occasionally flying out to Nashville or somewhere else for my music. I still make sure I have plenty of time to hang out with my friends and family. Music hasn't killed my social life.
Question: What has been your favourite part of becoming a music artist?
Bethany Becker: In a nutshell, getting to do what I love professionally and watching my dreams become a reality.
Question: If you could collaborate with another artist, who would it be?
Bethany Becker: Probably Carrie Underwood, because she has an AMAZING voice and seems like a really sweet person.
Question: Do you have a website fans can visit?
Bethany Becker: Yes I do! It's BethanyBecker.com. Pretty self-explanatory!
60 Second Quiz
Full Name: Bethany Diane Becker
Nickname(s): Sissy, Red, Bethy, Bob
Favourite Food: Cookies!
Favourite Film: The Hunger Games
Favourite Actor: Jennifer Lawrence
Pet: I can't pick just one! My dog, cat, and turtle.
Person You Would Most Like to Meet: Either Carrie Underwood or Taylor Swift
Hobbies/Interests: Music, Acting, watching action movies.
First Job: Actress
Are you a Pub, Bar or Club kind: I'm the under 21 addicted to Diet Coke kind.
What Can You Never Leave Home Without: My phone!
What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning: Can I get away with going back to sleep for 15 minutes?
Interview by Brooke Hunter - Girl.com.au
Bethany Becker is an up-and-coming country music singer-songwriter from Austin, Texas. About five months ago she released an EP that has seen plenty of success, including a few award nominations.
Bethany took a few minutes out of her busy schedule on Tuesday afternoon to speak with us over the phone regarding her blossoming career and how she’s managed to balance her music career with her studies. And there was even a little talk about her next album.
Music-Overload: Hey Bethany, could you start out by telling us a little bit about your musical upbringing and what first got you started in music?
Bethany Becker: “Growing up I watched a lot of Disney channel, and on the Disney channel everybody had to sing––everyone was like a rockstar. So that was around the time I first wanted to sing and be in the music business. And then after that I discovered Taylor Swift, who really introduced me to country music and got me interested in songwriting. I was technically around songwriting my entire life, just kind of making up little songs. But when I was about 12 or 13 I decided to take myself seriously and got involved with the organization AMTC (Actors, Models & Talent for Christ). They helped me make some really good connections in the music industry and I just started meeting and connecting with more and more people. They really helped me get to the point where I am right now.
M-O: So when you first got into songwriting, you’d say that Taylor Swift was your biggest influence/inspiration?
Bethany: Oh yes, definitely.
M-O: Back in February you officially released your three-song EP titled Maybe More. It’s had quite a bit of success so far. What would you say one of the biggest things, professionally, that came from the EP following its release?
Bethany: “So far it’s really helped me establish myself as an artist, and a lot of cool things have come from it. It was nominated for a few Hollywood Music in Media Awards, and the music video (for the song Maybe More) has gained over 100,000 views on Youtube. And I recently just signed a contract with Spectra Music Group, as a result from the EP.”
M-O: As you just mentioned, two of the songs from the EP were nominated for HMMA awards. What was that honor and experience like for you?
Bethany: “It was at that point that the press side of things started to really pick up. It started getting a lot more views, and a lot more people began getting interested. That was a major turning point in terms of getting the music out there.”
M-O: Since you’re currently still in high school, do you find it challenging being able to balance both your work load at school and your music career?
Bethany: “It is a little bit. Actually when I decided that I wanted to take the music seriously, I became kind of home-school/private-schooled, so I don’t have the typical high school schedule where I’m there eight hours a day all week. I am taking dual-credit classes at community college, so it definitely helps not always having to be there. Especially when I have to be out of town. But it hasn’t been that bad, I’ve managed to not let either one suffer at the case of the other.”
M-O: Do you have plans to pursue college after graduation, or would you like to devote 100% of your time to continuing with your music career?
Bethany: “I am definitely wanting to put 100% in to music. Right now I’m trying to figure out if I can put 100% into the music, and also put college in there as well. I’m hoping that’s going to work out, but if it doesn’t I think my music will be first.”
M-O: You’ve been playing a lot of shows recently. What’s one of the biggest things you feel you gain from live performances rather than just singing in a recording studio?
Bethany: “Well I’ve always loved performing. That’s initially what helped me fall in love with music, because I just love to sing and I wanted to be on stage. The energy from the crowds and connecting with people, rather than just sitting in the studio and knowing that people will hear it but I won’t be able to actually see them and hear them. That is the major difference, is that there are actually people there that are sitting and listening to the music, and it’s not just numbers on a screen.”
M-O: We see that you have a new single you’re coming out with soon. Can you talk a little bit about it, or were you trying to keep it under wraps until its release?
Bethany: “Yes, I can talk a little bit about it. It’s actually not going to be a single anymore––it’s going to be a full-on album. The single will be on it, but it’s turning into a full album. I’m really excited about that. I’ve been working on it really hard and I can’t wait to share it with everybody. I’m not going to give away too much right now, but I’m definitely excited.”
M-O: Is there a release date set yet?
Bethany: “I’m still working on the songs, but I’m aiming for some time in January. I can’t say that for certain yet, though.”
Bethany is currently playing a lot of shows locally around her hometown of Austin, Texas. If you’d like to know of any upcoming dates for these shows, be sure to check out her official website here. - Music Overload
Bethany Becker
BS: What is your favorite thing about the holiday season?
BB: I really enjoy everything about it! I love the happy holiday atmosphere along with all of the traditions and special events that come with it. I always look forward to getting out the decorations each year and try to keep them up as long as possible J Also, I love celebrating my savior’s birthday with my family.
BS: What is the best holiday memory you have?
BB: Do I have to pick just one? Haha I love the holidays! Since I was a little kid I’ve always been really into traditions, so my memories of decorating the Christmas tree and Gingerbread houses with my family each year and setting up the nativity scene are very special to me. Of course, opening awesome presents on Christmas morning is always good too J
BS: What is your favorite Christmas movie?
BB: Elf! Definitely Elf.
BS: If you could be any holiday character who would it be and why?
BB: An angel
BS: What is your favorite Christmas song?
BB: “Mary, Did You Know?” - BareBones Entertainment
2015 BareBones Ent Female Vocalist of the Year, Bethany Becker, just released her debut album, I Want Love. This country pop star in the making has been working on creating all of the songs for this album for awhile now, so imagine her relief when she was able to finally release it to the public! We’ve had our hands on the album for a couple weeks now, and have listened to every song countless times to really get to the bottom of I Want Love, for you. After all of Bethany’s hard work on the album; was it worth it? Will she be shown love or dismissal? Read on my kiddies and find out!
I Want Love starts off with, you guessed it, “I Want Love”. The title track was a great choice to kick off the album with. Fans are familiar with the song and it pulls them into roughly the theme of the album. This song feels like a country pop song that you could hear on the radio in your car right now. I have on pretty good authority too, that the song resonates with young girls! A song that showcases a singer’s vocal talents and fans can relate to, sounds like a win to me. (I’ll post the song below, but don’t leave me)
Skipping down a few songs we’ll come across one of my favorite songs on the album, “Right Place Wrong Time”. From the start this song feels more in the country realm than pop. Bethany’s voice gets a bit of a twang to it in the chorus, while still keeping the song fun. The song has fun lyrics, good rhythm, and is just a enjoyable country tune. With lyrics like, “It’s like I’m always one day late or half a dollar short, by now I should have quit the game if I was keeping score.” We’ve all been there right? You can put away the magic wand, you want to listen to this jam.
Following this song is, “Jesus and Boys”. I’ll admit I looked at this title before listening to the song and laughed. This was very possibly the first song I listened to, because I just had to hear what way this was going to go. While it’s not really my cup of tea; I’m also not the target audience. What I can say about the song is that it is an upbeat song that melts country into pop effortlessly, even with the religious references. This is one of those songs, like it or not, that will get stuck in your head. Enjoy that one dads/husbands.
I have 2 more songs I want to talk about. These 2 are some of the best tracks on the album and I am stoked for people to hear them. A little bit down from “Jesus and Boys”, lies “Goodbye” and “Raining in Vegas”.
“Goodbye”, is a deep track about bouncing back from a breakup. This may be the most relatable song for everyone on the album. We all have been in one of those bad relationships, that it takes taking a step back to see it for what it was and finding ourselves again. This song takes you through that realization and moving forward stage. Honestly not much needs to be said, just listen to the song and thank me (and Bethany) later.
“Raining in Vegas”, isn’t your happy, upbeat song like many of the other songs on I Want Love. This song is very well written though and Bethany’s voice lends beautifully to the musicians behind her. This is another track that feels more country than pop, and that’s no where near a bad thing. Bethany proves she can perform the slower songs and upbeat songs just as well. The only downside to this song is my brain always wants to say “Memphis” instead of Vegas when jamming along, haha :).
First thing, I know we have commented on Bethany’s lovely vocals throughout the album, but the guitars are phenomenal on the album. Each song is laid out beautifully by the musicians.
I feel that there has been a void in pop country left by Taylor Swift in the hearts of young girls around the world, and I think Bethany is just the girl to fill it. She brings the relatable tunes, fun songs to dance to, and some lyrics that can touch your soul. I found lyrics to be playful and silly all the way to wise and insightful.
If you dig this style of music than this is a great album for you, or if you’re looking for some fun music for your kids. This isn’t a bad choice for kids all the way to Grandma and Grandpa. While I did miss out on some songs with not being the target demographic and a couple tracks that didn’t leave an impression; I would say this is a good album worth checking out. This is a very solid debut album for someone ready to take on the country world.
Track Listing:
I Want Love
Maybe More
Fighting Us
Right Place Wrong Time
Jesus and Boys
We Can Save Us
Raining in Vegas
Favorite Tracks:
Raining In Vegas
Right Place Wrong Time - BareBones Entertainment
'Bethany Becker's voice has that 'just so' quality required to make credible country music - but 'I Want Love' is also remarkable for its expert songcraft and flawless instrumentation; a chart-vaulting effort.' - The Akademia Music Awards
Ever since Taylor Swift picked up a guitar and took over the world, country pop became a staple of modern music. It’s also a touch stale. That’s where 20-year-old phenom Bethany Becker breaks the mold. The hallmark of her sound is sincerity through sweet innocence, wrapped in a self-awareness rare for her age. She also has pipes for days, and the simple yet effective songs of young love and self-discovery to back it up. Fairly certain we’ll be hearing more of Bethany Becker in the months and years ahead. - The Austinot
Still working on that hot first release.

Bethany Becker is a 20-year-old from Austin, TX, who lives and breathes pop country music.
Her love for Taylor Swift initially led her to country music and the stories, realness, and vulnerability of the songs made her fall in love with it. Summer 2013, she flew out to Nashville to write and record her first EP with Keith Follese (Tim McGraw, Martina McBride, Faith Hill), Adrienne Follese, and Liz Rose (Taylor Swift). The EP, “Maybe More,” is the result of taking her personal stories and writing experience and adding in some of the top songwriters and producers in the business.
A few years after creating “Maybe More” and the EP landing multiple nominations for the Hollywood Music and Media Awards and various other competitions, more stars aligned and after several trips back and forth from Nashville and many hours writing and recording, she finished her first full album, which includes the songs off of the “Maybe More” EP as well as seven new songs created with the help of the incredible Jeff Pardo (Lady Antebellum, Matthew West, Colton Dixon). Since its release, the album has received great reviews and has also received numerous award nominations.
Currently, Bethany is touring around Texas with her first band and showing her art to anyone who will listen. In the past few years she has performed hundreds of shows including a tour with High School Nation and “Drake and Josh” star Drake Bell, Six Flags Over Texas, Rodeo Austin, Goorin SXSW, Grapefest, and Berges Fest among others. She has also appeared live on both Good Morning Texas and Good Day Austin in the past few months. In between shows and appearances, she is working towards her Bachelor’s Degree from Berklee School of Music Online.
Currently, Bethany is nominated for four Josie Music Awards.
Bethany works hard to make her music relatable, not just to other 20-year-old girls but to people of all ages and all walks of life. In addition to being relatable, it’s important to her that no parent ever feels like they have to cover their child’s ears at one of her shows. She is happy and proud to say that her album is 100% clean and safe for people of all ages as well.
She is always singing, constantly writing, and she always has something new and positively entertaining around the corner.
Band Members