Bare Audio
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Bare Audio

Band Rock Alternative


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"Connected Magazine"


"Bare Audio's musical landscape boasts wonderfully intricate melodies and jaw-dropping rhythms. Think Radiohead circa "In Rainbows" but with a dancey element at times" - SINEAD NI MHORDHA, PHANTOM FM

"Bare Audio's sound seems well suited to a grainy noir-ish indie film soundtrack; it's slick and executed with a sort of chaotic precision, there are no frills, no air of pretension. What you see is what you get: drums, bass, guitar and vocals. Sure, they pulled a bit of a stunt with the body paint but you get the impression that it was more about poking fun at themselves than some sort of gimmick. the crowd certainly gave them the mother of all seals of approval and we reckon there are big things coming their way; definitely ones to watch out for!" - NIAMH DOOLAN, CONNECTED MAGAZINE (full review below)

Hailing from the UK, Argentina and Ireland, Bare Audio are band with a clear mission in mind; (and they don't mind saying so!) “the domination of the decibel”. Connected marched in to Whelan’s to witness, not merely your ordinary EP launch, as Bare Audio waged their war on sound.

Promoting their recently recorded EP, The Big Nothing, and having scored extra cool-points and tacit approval from gigging around Dublin with the likes of Hassle Merchants et al, it was no surprise that the small upstairs venue was completely crammed in anticipation of Bare Audio's performance. Yes, you're guaranteed a treat when a gig sells out that quickly!

Shortly after ten bells Bare Audio took the stage. Lots of lady folk gathered at the front of the stage, I suspect because frontman Rich notoriously gets his top off in the middle of the set (so we've heard!); however the buzz was that Bare Audio had something a little bit special planned for the evening.

And it certainly was . . .er, special! Those girlies at the front waiting to spy a bit of flesh got more than they bargained for as both Rich Marshall and drummer Sebastian Jezzi emerged coated in bespoke bodypaint shirt and tie ensembles; a well imitated tribute to bass player Enda O' Gorman's cut from clothe combo. While O'Gorman didn't venture down the full body route, he was spotted sporting some Clockwork Orange-esque guyliner!

Jump starting their show with the thumping Boy in the Box, shortly followed by crowd-pleaser Thief, Bare Audio ensured they commanded the venue's attention and kept them captivated throughout.

A short while into a blistering set that had the whole place moving, the signs of how hard the lads were working were apparent in the black body paint literally dripping into puddles on stage. At one point Marshall thanked the crowd for coming to the show and “looking at us painted up like a bunch of poofters!”(imagine it in a Stoke accent!), before launching into the EP's title track, The Big Nothing.

With Jezzi and O'Gorman providing a rhythm back line so strong it practically screams 'come and have a fucking go ......!', allowing Marshall to skitter creatively, albeit with structure and style, over guitar riffs and acrobatic vocals (and I don't mean acrobatic in the sense that oh-so-many vocalists think imbues their music with soul, Bare Audio do it right and you can feel it!); this was the tightest set from any Dublin based band the Whelans' upstairs venue had played host to in a long time. Truly, Bare Audio had thrown down one hell of a gig gauntlet!

Wrapping up the set with Awake Me, Bare Audio's sound seems well suited to a grainy noir-ish indie film soundtrack; it's slick and executed with a sort of chaotic precision, there are no frills, no air of pretension. What you see is what you get: drums, bass, guitar and vocals. Sure, they pulled a bit of a stunt with the body paint but you get the impression that it was more about poking fun at themselves than some sort of gimmick. the crowd certainly gave them the mother of all seals of approval and we reckon there are big things coming their way; definitely ones to watch out for!

The Big Nothing is available now.
For gigs check out

Review: Niamh Doolan -


EP - The Big Nothing (tbr Feb. 2010).

"Thief" was playlisted by Dublin indie-rock station Phantom FM.

They band have also performed live on FM104 (Dublin radio station) and Trinity FM (student radio).



Bare Audio formed in early 2008 in Dublin (Ireland) and features the musical talents of Sebastian Jezzi, Rich Marshall & Ross Secret.

Bare Audio is a multi-cultural outift, Sebastian hails from Argentina, Rich was born and bred in England and Ross was born in Ireland.

Musically influenced by an eclectic mix of sounds, world travel and life experience, Rich, Seb and Ross met on the Dublin gigging scene and quickly realised they shared the same tastes in music and life!

Both Rich and Seb have been involved in various bands and musical collaborations in their own respective countries.

Rich was signed to a UK publisher in the 90's, with prog-rock outfit Skin-Tight Toy.

Sebastian is a former member of Buenos Aires based psychedelic-rock outfit, Tulús.

Bare Audio are influenced by an wide array of bands such as Muse, Radiohead, QOTSA and The Doors to name but a few.