ZEPS + DJ Brown 13
Brooklyn, New York, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2009 | INDIE
If you listen to the show regularly, the name ZEPS may ring a bell. He stopped by the Allstate Studio back in October and did some freestyle rapping about New York sports.
Well, on Wednesday, ZEPS paid Boomer and Craig another visit, this time to spit some rhymes about Boomer’s beloved New York Rangers, as they try to close out the Montreal Canadiens and reach the Stanley Cup Final. - CBS Sports
ZEPS is some sort of rapper from Brooklyn and one hell of a Scrabble word play. He appeared on “Boomer & Carton” on WFAN in New York on Thursday with a prepared New York Rangers rap that was skillfully done and had what the kids would call a “tight flow.” He said "throw them in their Adam Graves," people!
Ah, but those wicked radio taskmasters had another idea: Give ZEPS the Rangers roster and see if he could freestyle his way through names like Benoit Pouliot and Mats Zuccarello.
How’d he do? Take a look (it’s in the second half of this 6-minute clip): - Yahoo Sports
(SWEDISH) The O-Zone Battles fyllde 2 år denna månad och firade det med en kväll som vi sent lär glömma. Förutom högklassiga liveframträdande med mängder av internationella artister så bjöds det även på svenska och internationella battles med välkända namn. Ni som inte var på plats och missade årets event behöver dock inte vänta länge på att få ta del av kakan för redan idag kan vi se battlen mellan Dizaster(US) och Zeps(US). - http://blog.whoa.nu
This group would be the result if LMFAO, Far East Movement, and Wallpaper somehow had a love child. Combine with lyrics rivaling Mickey Avalon’s “My Dick” for an awesome song/video. - http://www.brobible.com
ZEPS från Brooklyn, som även har spenderat en hel del tid i Norge, är en del av gruppen The Spix. Tidigare under sommaren släppte ZEPS singeln “Peanut Butter Jelly” som var första singeln från EP:n “Avenue U”.
Mixtapet är en blandning av osläppta låtar inspelade i så väl Oslo som i Los Angeles och Brooklyn. På beatsen hör vi bland annat Ruz Beatz från Malmö på just singeln “Peanut Butter Jelly”. - Kingsize Sweden
(ITALIAN) Zeps è un mc/produttore di Brooklyn con origini portoricane che ama girare il mondo (beato lui!). Il suo nuovo album ha un titolo in lingua norvegese che significa "Hai della gomma?" ed è prodotto da diversi ottimi beatmakers underground e ha diversi ospiti al microfono.
L'album è gradevole, ben fatto ed è un piacere mandarlo in repeat una volta finito.
Il download è gratuito (o con donazione) da questo link! - http://liquideparole.blogspot.com
(NORWEGIAN) New Yorks Zeps elsker Norge - jamfør denne hyllesten - og han liker beats fra den norske flinkisprodusenten Zeps, her akkompagnert av levende bilder fra Eison, med cameo fra hele Norges hip-hop-guru Tommy Tee <3. Sistnevnte har satt sammen en suveren comebackskive med N-Light-N alias Son of Light, som du kan høre og laste ned her. - http://www.730.no
New video! - http://www.amateuru.com
(NORWEGIAN) Som vi alle vet, er Zeps kanskje den rapperen som sitter minst rolig, og etter å ha vært en liten svipptur innom hjemstedet sitt Brooklyn, har han nå vært på farta igjen. Blant annet har Zeps rukket å spille inn et nytt album for sine norske lyttere, og i tillegg tok han turen innom O-Zone battles for å kjempe mot en av de mest kjente i miljøet, Dizaster fra Los Angeles.
Har Du Tyggis? er det kledelige navnet på det nye albumet hans. Du kan selv velge prisen du vil betale for Zeps sitt verk, men han blir nok særdeles glad hvis noen gir han noen skarve kroner. Albumet har med produsenter som Soul Theory, Fred Fades, Ken Ivel, Alpha1 og WAC og som gjesterappere har han fått med blant annet Son Of Light og Palabras. Det er 14 spor på skiva, og den kan kjøpes/lastes ned på Zeps sin Bandcamp-side. - http://kingsize.no
“Do you have gum?”
That’s not the intro statement to a jux or some ironic, dadaist phrase, it’s the English translation of the Norwegian phrase and title of the latest release by ZEPS. The title itself is earnest and straightforward in its symbolism; “Har Du Tyggis” is the first phrase the rapper learned to say properly in Norwegian and a play at the sometime battle rapper’s (The Draft League, Skeez TV, Basementality, O-ZONE Battles) global aims.
ZEPS has an interesting identity – a Puerto Rican from Brooklyn who is a mainstay in European locales and finds a musical middle-ground between classicist boom-bap and the Nuyorican Cafe – and Har Du Tyggis reflects his almost Sufjan Stevens-like reverence and focus for the various locales he’s visited. Like a Frommer’s Travel Guide, he taps into the feel and signifiers of New York, Norway (to which much of the LP is dedicated), and Cali, manifesting a kind of hazy nostalgia, even if you’ve never been to the spots he raps about. The musical (award) tour feel is enhanced by the Midnight Marauders-like female narration seguing each of the mellow boom-bap tracks on its 14 tracks.
ZEPS’ style is funny without trying too hard, a kind of natural and likable affability that’s reminiscent of a slam poet or Nuyorican Cafe artist. In fact, often times Har Du Tyggis feels like a Saul Williams release, in the sense that it’s willfully irreverent and feels more like a slam poet cum rapper than the other way around, i.e. there’s absolutely no shying away from concepts or the kind of detail-specific, raw, or nuanced writing that marks the a lot of the work in that niche. Despite the relatively conservative musical trappings suggested by someone who proudly reps and promotes himself as “boom-bap”, there’s never a moment that it seems like ZEPS is close-minded or afraid to try something off-kilter musically or lyrically, despite having the requisite rap-songs-about-rap and shoutouts to “golden era” MCs. It’s a proudly culturally hip-hop album (hell, the thing was recorded in Oslo) with an actual sense of humor and playfulness in a time where that’s a rarity.
Need some A/V proof? Check the album stream via Bandcamp below, the video for “I Miss Her (Oslo)”, a behind-the-scenes video of his shenanigans in Norway at the O-Zone league’s two-year anniversary function, and links to ZEPS info, updates, and downloads. The album is available for the “pay-what-you-want” model and is a must for anyone looking for well-produced traditionalist rap with a sense of humor. - http://www.rapmusic.com
Malmö-producenten länkar återigen upp med New York/Norge-rapparen från The Spix.
Producenten Ruz från Malmö producerar bland annat åt gruppen Muddy Fatique, men lyckas även hinna med en och annan låt med artister från vitt skilda håll.
Senast i raden är samarbetet med ZEPS från Brooklyn (med rötter i Norge) från gruppen The Spix.
“Peanut Butter Jelly” från ZEPS kommande EP. - Kingsize Sweden
WALK THAT PLANK - featuring Rock (Heltah Skeltah) & Eturnal Suarez
CLASSICAL BEATDOWN - featuring Copywrite & Eturnal Suarez
WHEN UR GONE - featuring Yesh & Frankie Fingaz
TIMEZONE - featuring DamaNilz
SOMETHING MAJOR - featuring Xienhow
THE SPIX (Epidode 1 & 2)

MC ZEPS from Brooklyn. DJ Brown 13 from New Jersey:
Two Puertoricans who live and breathe hip-hop. They have performed in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Switzerland and across the United States. Brown 13 is a versatile hip-hop DJ who spins at clubs across the world, that's when ZEPS takes the mic as his official MC to hype the crowd. When ZEPS performs live, Brown 13 supplies the beats and their chemistry is evident when you see how much fun they have on stage together. As a duo they have hosted events in Norway such as Urban Moves Dance Festival, Soul Sessions Dance Battles, and SPKRBOX Hip-Hop Theater Festival. ZEPS has appeared on such shows as Jimmy Fallon and Boomer & Carton.There is no gig that ZEPS & DJ Brown 13 can't handle... Boom Bap Across The Map!
Band Members