Brantford, Ontario, Canada | INDIE
This band has no press
High Class Low Standards
Premature Erockulation
Feed The Machine E.P. (Release in June 2011)
visit www.youthinasia.ca for samples!
Feeling a bit camera shy
Some people go through their whole life never knowing what true passion feels like. Sometimes we all need a little time apart, and sometimes you really don’t know what you’ve got till its gone.
It took the band YOUTHINASIA 10 years of being put through the DIY, independent band grinder and a two year break to realize they love the punishment... Make that, NEED IT. After all it’s a small price to pay to be able to feel the passion that writing and playing music gives.
In the spring of 2007 the pressures of family, alcoholism, discourse with management and personal animosity reached its peak and the band decided to go on an indefinite hiatus until playing music meant something again. It took two years of not talking, working shitty day jobs and living a "normal life" to get to the point of reconciliation. Some members left and new ones joined on. The music style progressed to the point that couldn’t be contained within the “punk” genre alone and a more aggressive and linear style ensued. Two guitarists changed to three, piano and organ were introduced. A new striped down and humble attitude emerged that was more akin to a band anxious to play their first show, than what one would expect from a group with such an eventful history.
“We’re musician’s, we play music”,
As stated by guitarist Trevor Anderson.
“It’s not about how much beer is on the rider, how many girls you fuck, or any other perks that come with being in a band. The main reason we're still slugging it out after 10 years is the fact that we just really love playing music. Being able to share that love with the world is the greatest satisfaction in our lives. Being on that two year hiatus was heart breaking. We're all just so grateful to be back in the thick of things".
In classic DIY fashion, the band is currently in their commercial home studio, polishing up a new album that will showcase an evolved YOUTHINASIA. Fans can look forward to a dramatic and honest portrayal of songs from a band that has been reinvigorated and healed.
Rebuilt from the ground up, this is a brand new YOUTHINASIA.