Young Other
Worcester, Massachusetts, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2016
Icon for Hire headlined a sold-out show at Fete Music Hall in Providence, RI featuring Awake At Last, Sumo Cyco, and local opening band Young Other.
The openers were a local band Young Other based out of Massachusetts. They have recently been touring with Escape the Fate and at festivals before this local show. The crowd was dancing and moving with the band, it was clear their sound was a hit with the crowd. This band did not disappoint as an opener and we suspect we will be seeing more big things from them in the future. - Loud Hailer Magazine
Unsigned Spotlight: Young Other
Explosive drums, fused with groove and melody delivered from the guitar and bass, sit underneath a tasteful, yet dominating vocal, creating a sound which narrates the story behind Young Other.
Please list all of your band members and their roles in the band:
Dale Belliveau: Vocalist / Lyricist
Brandon Hursey: Guitarist
Devin Stetson: Bassist / Backup Vocals
Adam Neufell: Drummer
For starters, what band or bands were you guys a part of prior to Young Other? How long has the band been around?
Dale Belliveau: I was part of 90s grunge cover band that had a few originals back when I was 17 called Unforeseen Tragedy. Brandon and I have been collectively working on Young Other tracks for about four years now until we were able to solidify our current lineup.
Brandon Hursey: I played in a couple different bands. My main project before Young Other was Vengeful Wake. It was pretty raw melodic metal. Dale and I began working together around late 2015 early 2016ish. The band as it is now wasn't solidified until May of 2018 with the addition of Devin and Kyle. Now Kyle has parted ways with the band to focus on school and his career and we've enlisted Adam Neufell!
Devin: I was originally the lead vocalist and bassist of a trio called Silence The Individual until I joined Young Other in mid 2018. The new YO lineup has been around a little over a year, with only the change of a drummer just recently, but the band itself has actually been around for a couple years prior to this release.
What’s the origin of that name and have you changed the band’s name before?
Dale Belliveau: Young Other holds the message of losing someone you love who never got to grow old. It’s the thought of whenever you think about that person, their hair never changed colors, they never started aging and forming wrinkles on their face. Whenever you think of that young person, they always remained the same. Young Other has been the only name Brandon and I have ever worked together under.
Who writes your songs? What are the main themes or topics for most of your songs and do you think these topics will change over time?
Dale Belliveau: Our song writing is collective with everyone in the band. At rehearsal, someone will start feeling a groove and start playing around with something and everyone else starts building off of it. Once we have a solid instrumental song structure, we demo the song and then it’s passed onto me to start writing the lyrics and recording vocal demos at my place. I tend to be alone and let myself open up to the emotions of what topic I’m writing about. I think each theme per song varies, I don’t tend to repeat common themes within my lyrics, they’re more of these built up pools of emotion that get brought to life and each song becoming a child to me. I feel as we progress, each record will be a chapter of time in our lives in the band, something we’ve all been dealing with and working through for that moment of time. Something we can look back on and see how far we’ve come, and how thankful we are for each other for holding each other up.
Brandon Hursey; Lately its been a much more collective process. We come up with some parts jamming at practice, or I'll bring in a section of a song and we work together from there. Before the new lineup I wrote the majority of the music with minor tweaks from the people performing it. I prefer the group writing, it adds a lot to the tracks in my opinion.
The topics vary, sometimes we write with a loose theme in mind, sometimes Dale applies a theme he finds fitting the sound of the track. They're all pretty deep and relative to what we've all experienced or are going through in that time frame of writing.
Devin: We all have a hand in writing the songs. Theme wise the music reflects on life's emotions and experiences from different angles. Each song has its own topic as well, so song to song the overall sound, message, and emotional tone is bound to change.
What bands are currently inspiring the music that you’re making?
Dale Belliveau: I find inspiration through a lot of different genres, even country music, the production that goes behind it all and how invested the music industry is in it today, there’s a lot to learn. I’ve really been enjoying Theory of a Deadman’s new record, “Wake Up Call”, I love the poppier side of rock vibe they took with this record. I’ve also been enjoying the direction that Crown The Empire is heading in. I love hearing the different studio possibilities that can be done production wise in their music.
Brandon Hursey; i find inspiration in a lot of genres. I listen to a wide variety of Rock, Pop, Metal. All the subgenres. I don't think I could narrow it down to a single/couple of bands/artists. Shinedown probably has the biggest influence on the overall writing in a sense. I love their diversity and aim to be able to apply that same type of freedom in Young Other's tracks.
Devin: I'd say a ton of different bands inspire us both individually and collectively. A couple groups we could be related to sound wise would be groups like Alice in Chains, Shinedown, and Breaking Benjamin to name a few. Individual though I take a ton of influence from progressive bands like Rush and Tool primarily.
Was there a particular band/artist or concert that inspired you to start a band?
Dale Belliveau: I’d have to say, back when I was 14 when I discovered Three Days Grace and their One-X album. I was just starting at the age where emotions start becoming a big role in developing, and I got pretty addicted to having the ability to feel. I greatly enjoyed how powerful the lyrics were and how much I could connect to them, I was never able to relate to the people around me at the time and discovering music was one of the best things for me. Two years later they released their Life Starts Now record and that was the moment when I decided I wanted to do this. I wanted to be able to express what I feel and let people understand that they’re not alone, like how I used to feel. Music is one of the most powerful things on the planet, it touches people in ways that other human beings can’t. I want people to know that my hand is always reaching out to them, even in their darkest moments, because I’ve been there before.
Brandon Hursey: Honestly not really. I began playing guitar because guitar hero got too easy for me, then someone saw a video I posted of myself covering Three Days Grace. They asked me to play in their band, I tried it out and loved it. From then on I discovered my passion for the music scene and THEN I began looking into national bands and their performances. I aspire to play at the level one day, and we try to put our all into every show we play to exemplify that.
Devin: I've had many influence musically like Tool, Rush, The Offspring etc. but one group that specifically made me want to start a band was actually the 90s rock group called Ugly Kid Joe. They had this music video out for "Everything About You" where the band members were all running around on a beach, causing shenanigans and playing there instruments as the waves hit them. Once I witnessed that I was like, "I totally have to find a dedicated group of dudes who wanna rock out and have fun while doing it, for the love of music!" Then BOOM! Suddenly I was blessed with this group of amazing dudes whom I can share that dream with!
What do you do to prepare for a show? Any flexing, exercises, etc …
Dale Belliveau: The guys usually think I’m crazy for the way I prepare for singing at any time haha. I don’t eat a minimum of four hours before I play and I drink water throughout the day normally. About 45 minutes before the show starts, I start doing vocal warm ups and getting myself prepared to take the stage. We are a pretty energetic band when it comes to our live set, so I tend to do some stretches as well and make sure everything is loose so I won’t pull something on stage haha.
Brandon Hursey; I do some light stretches and just amp myself up. I also tune up guitars, set up our lights and daw, double check all the stuff for the stage show to be thorough.
Devin: Honestly I just jump around like a hyped up maniac. I just get so excited and full of energy before I go on stage and when I finally get up there my energy level absolutely explodes and heightens to immeasurable capacities! Side note, I also drink water to avoid cramps, remember to stay hydrated everyone!
What has been the biggest highlight of the band’s career so far?
Dale Belliveau: I’d have to say opening up for Puddle of Mudd a few weeks ago. This was our first show back around home since February and I feel it was a turning point for all of us. We were in the studio for two days before the show and it just completed that entire week. The response we got from our home fans was something we’ve never experienced.
Brandon Hursey: As of right now probably playing with Puddle of Mudd. It was an awesome show with a lot of good friends and new friends made. A lot of exciting opportunities are coming our way, and we couldn’t be more grateful for the experiences to follow them. It seems like after every show we play the family grows a little bit more, and being able to share these experiences and stories with them is what becomes the highlight to me.
Devin: In my opinion opening for Puddle of Mudd at the Fete Music Hall in RI. We nearly packed the ball room and the crowd was just absolutely amazing! There's just no better feeling than getting that type of positive response on top of opening for a band I've listened to since I was little!
If you could tour with any bands, past or present, who would they be and why?
Dale Belliveau: I would love to tour with Alice in Chains, Breaking Benjamin, Crown The Empire, Theory of a Deadman, and Blacktop Mojo. Touring with Alice in Chains would bring me back to what I started listening to as a teenager and being able to share the stage with those guys would be amazing. Crown The Empire and Blacktop Mojo are much younger bands and I feel it’d be a fun tour to just bring the energy on every night and keep the crowds pumped up.
Brandon Hursey: Shinedown and Breaking Benjamin. I’ve seen both live a few times and were blown away by their performances and level of showmanship they bring. Being able to meet them and learn more about how them and their teams work their tours and stage set ups would be an amazing experience for me.
Devin: Definitely Godsmack because of their sentimental roots with me. They were the band that got me into the hard rock genre at a young age and it would be an absolute dream come true if we ever had the pleasure of touring with them!
Is there anything else you would like to add?
Dale Belliveau: Thank you so much for taking the time to interview us Kill The Music! August 16th, 2019 we’re releasing our first EP, “Between The Few”. Last year, the four of us poured endless hours into writing these songs and it really is a centerfold to how the four of us felt last year, and I couldn’t be more excited to share it with all of you. Keep up to date with us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for upcoming show dates and runs. Let us know where you’d like to see us!
Brandon Hursey; Thank you for taking the time to have us on the interview! Our debut EP is coming out August 16th, 2019 and we’ll be playing in MA, NY, and RI to support it!
Devin: Thanks so much for having us on this interview! We are so very grateful for all the love and support we've received so far as well! All of us are absolutely stoked and can not wait to bring you more of the music we love to write! Rock on everyone, we love you all and thank you so much! - KillTheMusic.net
I started playing the drums when I was 3 years old. Ive always enjoyed the drums and Its just become a huge part of my life. I can not imagine my life without drums. My band Young Other is a hard rock band out of Massachusetts. I am the newest member of the band, I joined about 6 months ago. The other members include our lead vocalist Dale Belliveau, Lead guitarist Brandon Hursey, Bassist and back up vocalist Devin Stetson, and myself Adam Neufell the drummer. In the 6 months I have been with Young Other we have opened up for Puddle of Mudd, Saul, Red, Mushroom Head, Sponge and many more. I am also endorsed by SJC Custom Drums, who are an amazing drum company and also happen to be local as they are in Massachusetts.
I play the 5AR sticks, they are a little longer than the normal stick and give a great feel and hit super hard. The balance of the sticks are amazing and just the overall quality and feel is insane. These sticks hold up like no other, they last around 3x longer than all the other brands I’ve played.
What I like the most about the Collision brand is that they have great quality products but they have an amazing team behind it. They make everything so easy and effortless. They are very kind and just amazing people. It feels more like a friendship than a company. I would recommend these sticks to anyone. They have a great selection of sticks and you just cant go wrong with these sticks. They are absolutely fantastic. - Collision Drumsticks
Adam Neufell receives SJC Custom Drums Endorsement - SJC Custom Drums
Live Interview with Young Other can be viewed here:
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=891985754513756&id=132222190490120 - Rock Rage Radio
Video interview can be viewed here:
https://www.dontforgettorock.com/videos/2020/5/12/interview-with-young-other - Don't Forget to Rock - Online
- 2019 - "Between The Few" - Single
- 2019 - Between The Few - EP
- 2020 - "Love Blind" - Acoustic - Single
- 2020 - "All Apologies" - Single
- 2020 - "Between The Few" - Acoustic - Single
- 2021 - "Wherever You Will Go" - Single
- 2022 - "Leave It Behind" - Single
- 2022 - "Cabin Fever" - Single

Intoxicating modern rock band Young Other -- composed of Dale Belliveau Jr. (vocals), Brandon Hursey (guitar), Adam Neufell (drums) and Jared Moore (bass) -- have spent the last six years creating explosive tracks that are both firmly emotive, and aggressively catchy. As they prepare to release their next body of work, Young Other is ready to challenge their well-defined artistry as they craft expertly lyrical stories through
their new music.
It only takes one listen to understand how vital it is for Young Other’s electric, soul-gripping tunes to be heard by live audiences. The edgy, rock-inspired sounds this band showcases with songs like “Cabin Fever” and “Love Blind” perfectly capture the band’s volatile energy that hooks fans from the very first verse. After winning a competition presented by Danny Wimmer Presents against 500 bands in the Northeast Region of the US, Young Other clinched their spot on the mainstage at Welcome To Rockville 2022 in Daytona, FL, along with the opening slot on The Dead Masquerade Tour II with Escape The Fate and The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus throughout the East Coast and Pennsylvania. Following their performance at Welcome To Rockville, they were invited to perform at this year's Louder Than Life in Louisville, KY, in September.
“With the next chapter of our journey, we’re excited to build upon our core upbeat,
melodic sound. Having the freedom to keep testing ourselves, evolving our music, and
stepping out of our comfort zone is an incredible feeling. We want to push our boundaries and create something much larger than a band. As we continue to grow, we want to build a community, a family of some sort, that goes beyond the limits of a typical music group.”
Band Members