Yesterdays Promise
Phoenix, Arizona, United States
This band has no press
Place Me Down
Debut CD in April 2010
We Our One
Cd out August 2011

For Videos, Photos and Interviews www.yesterdayspromiseband.com thanks!
Yesterdays Promise consists of four tenacious best friends who've remained amalgamated throughout their journey. The Vibe? Free Flowing. The Musicianship? Impeccable. The Sound? Epic rock and roll in it's purest and freshest form. Songs you want to sing at the top of your lungs, Melody's that seem to have fallen from the heavens, a foot taping syncopated rhythm section, and an energy that you can reach out and touch.
Yesterdays Promise began as most young rock bands do, with an ecstatic conversation between two newly discovered best friends at the age of 13: "Dude, let's make a band!" Steven Young(Drums) and Robert Combs(Vocals & Guitar) however, were not like most 13 year old boys. They carried their passion all throughout high school, with their start dating back to 2001. They eventually graduated from Blink 182 covers to the enthusiastically inspired original songs they collaboratively wrote for their first full length album "Place Me Down", recorded at Cherokee studios with the legendary Robb Brothers, Producer Jay Kereny and Mixing engineer Toby Wright(Korn, Third Eye Blind & Alice in Chains). Yesterdays Promise became a dream that neither musician could ignore.
On February 26, 2007, this dream was brought to a standstill when Robert Combs tragically passed away at the age of 19. The other band members were devastated, and the loss resulted in a 2 year fray. Through love and conservation, however, they were able to fuse a bond in memory of Robert, and were determined to fulfill the dream. Steven made the transition from drums to guitar and vocals, Joey Carranza (a member since 2005) took over lead vocals, guitar, and keyboard, Desi Salazar long time friend now keeping the beat on drums, and CJ Degaspris was brought on to slap some bass. YP has continued to keep the Promise. They are quickly on their way to be the next big thing.