Generation X-Cal
He's dropping his CD, then saying farewell: Tulsa rapper X-Cal is headed for Cali.
He's worked and performed with some of Tulsa's finest, from PDA to Ira Burton to Kawnar, and his album, "Already on Clearance," showcases what can happen when musicians work together to promote what they all love — great music.
He said that he's leaving because he's liberated. Finally.
"I've felt like for so long people have overlooked me from a musical/artist aspect, because of my pro wrestling background," he said in a recent interview.
But the 24-year-old hasn't wrestled full time in years.
He stepped up to the mike to prove himself, and Tulsa musicians like PDA quickly realized they had underestimated him.
It all morphed: Rap, hip-hop, folk, dance, organic instrumentation, slow, uptempo humble, yet dance-inducing and thought-provoking.
Said PDA, "X-Cal is one of the most dedicated and humble dudes I know. If there is anybody that has paid their dues in full, it's X-Cal." - By JENNIFER CHANCELLOR, Tulsa World Scene Writer
LP -
Album - Already On Clearance (2009)
Single - "Starving Artist" Featured as Song of the Week on www.TulsaOrigionalMusic.com
Single - "Starving Artist" Web Play on www.TulsaMusicPulse.com
Single "Starving Artist" Air Play on Z 104.5 The Edge Segment "Homegroan"
Feature - Kawnar-Unclear "Wet Static" (2008)
Feature - A Hard Weeks Night : A Recreation of The Beatles Mar. 09 "With A Little Help From My Friends"

Being a starving artist isnt easy, but Chris X-Cal Gazaway embraces it with a passion. Just give me a chance to grace the stage and I promise to give 110%, says the recent Orange County transplant. At only 24 years old, X-Cal is already making his presence felt in the very competitive world of music.
Raised in Oklahoma, X-Cal isnt your typical West Coast artist. Brought up Muslim until the age of 14, and then Christian until 18, Chris decided to keep the faith in his own way; a spirit of individualism that shines through in his work. Emerging in the summer of 2004, Chris had the opportunity to learn from some of the best artists in his home town of Tulsa. Under the tutelage of local Tulsa legend Anthony P.D.A. Jenkins, Chris got his first taste of the hard work it takes to be a professional musician. Working as P.D.A.s hype man for over a year, Chris soon got the chance to open some shows locally, and X-Cal a moniker stemming from his background as a professional wrestler was born.
Capturing audiences with his delivery, passion, and attention to detail, Chris made a conscious decision from the very beginning not only to strive for originality in his music, but also quality. Unlike many musical artists, X-Cal refuses to be categorized. In a celebration of different styles and mix of genres, X-Cals music is a fusion of funk, hip-hop, and alternative. Money, violence, and profanity are not to be found in X-Cals songs, unlike the darker sounds and lyrics that tend to inundate the hip hop industry, X-Cals unique blend of music is uplifting and positive.
Beginning in 2007, X-Cal relocated to Orange County, California in order to pursue his aspiring musical career. Performing at events throughout Southern California since his arrival, X-Cal has even opened for the likes of the legendary Pauly Shore and Shady Records artist Cashis. As part of his promise to give a 110%, X-Cal performs wherever he can find a stage and mic.
In early 2008, X-Cal returned home again to Tulsa in order to record his debut album Already on Clearance, with Connor McFarland and Anthony Jenkins as producers. Released in January 2009, Already on Clearance features X-Cals trademark fusion of genres and upbeat sound. With his fast-pasted rhymes and lyrics escalating on every track, his mixture of hip-hop inspired lyrics and drum and guitar laden songs prove that originality is still possible in todays over crowded music scene. Backed by a live drummer in the majority of his performances, X-Cal has been playing shows non-stop since the release of his debut album. Im a glorified prostitute, only I dont look as good, and I dont have any limits, jokes X-Cal, pay me play me, either way, just give me a chance. Rarely does an artist emerge who displays such passion not only for his music but also for his fans. I figure I havent been booed off stage yet, says X-Cal, so I must be doing something close to right right?