Woody, who resides in Prescott, AZ, belongs to the Crumbo/Wilmette family. A musician and Captain for a major U.S. airline, Woody has been an inspiring artist for over ten years. A musician of many instruments, a strong internal calling turned Woody to a familiar instrument, the unforgettable echoes of his grandfather's flute. In his first CD release, NMeshomes, Potawatomi for my grandfather, Woody has captured a stirring melody, a heartfelt sound that transcends beyond just music. Each song is a piece of work that a grandfather proudly hears, rising to the clouds, from the powerful breath and dancing fingers of his beloved grandson. - HowNikan- Citizen Potawatomi Tribal Newspaper
So far, one Cd has been released. To listen to a sample of each of the 11 tracks, go to:

Woody Carter is a Native American of Potawatomi and Creek descent. He is an enrolled member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation of Shawnee, Oklahoma. His grandfather, Woody Crumbo was a renowned artist, traditional dancer, and flute maker/player. Woody chose to honor his grandfather by naming his first Cd release "NMeshomes" which means "My Grandfather" in the Potawatomi language. Woody plays many different instruments and also honors the Celtic side of his heritage by playing various Celtic instruments, such as the Celtic whistle, The Great Highland Bagpipes, and Uilleann bagpipes. Another fascination for Woody is the music of the Andean peoples of Bolivia and Peru. This is illustrated by the inclusion of "El Condor Pasa" on the Cd "NMeshomes". Woody's day job is flying the Boeing 737 as a Captain for a major U.S. Airline.