Oslo, Oslo County, Norway | INDIE
The music is exceptionally beautiful and contemplative, at moments intense and "rockish". The four musicians blend very well together and uniquely fill the spinnaker. - www.side3.no
Patchwork macht von der ersten Minute an Spaß. Es ist modern und doch in der Tradition. Live dürfte die Musik noch energetischer wirken. Man darf hoffen, dass es weitere Winther-Storm Veröffentlichungen geben wird. Empfehlung! - www.musikansich.de July 2011
Das nonverbale "Patchwork" ist kein Stückwerk, sondern ergibt als Ganzes ein vorzügliches Jazz-Bild mit vielen Facetten. Winther-Storm & Co. können einer tonalen Fortsetzung gelassen entgegensehe - Rocktimes.de
Wertung: 13 von 15 Punkten
"Patchwork" jetzt "richtiger" Jazz ist oder doch einfach nur aufregende, auf Improvisation beruhende Klangkunst ohne Scheuklappen, durchweg mit Genuss hörbar und spannend - Musikreviews.de July 2011
The title Patchwork suits the music, both serving the general listeners as well as the musicians who want to check scales, chords and rhythm. A good combination
Ole Albrekt Nedrelid - Jazznytt Nr. 6 2010 Norway
Contrabassist Thomas Winther Andersen en gitarist Håkon Storm (in Nederland wonende Noren) spelen al zo'n tien jaar samen, en dat is te horen ....
......Storm, een buitengewoon origineel stilist die zijn aanpak en toon voortdurend varieert, - Volkskrant, Frank van Herk
The quartet utilizes a modern jazz language for individual views, that blow you away and leave you behind with a big smile.
Helge Olsen - Bergens Tidene Norway
Winther – Storm er definitivt et band som ville ha gjort seg på ei svett klubbscene hos en av våre festivaler i året som kommer. I mellomtida er det bare å hygge seg med dette originale visittkortet.
Tor Hammerø - Side 2
2012 Spinnaker - NORCD 1217
2010 Patchwork - NORCD1094
Other recordings with Thomas Winther and Håkon Storm are:
2004 - Out From A Cool Storage NORCD0454
1999 - Line Up NORCD 9831

Winther - Storm released their second album Spinnaker in October 2012. June 2013 it won the 12th Independent Music Award, category jazz album . Musical inspiration comes from a wide specter of jazz styles as developed over the passed 50 years. The sound balances between an acoustic jazz quartet and an electric band. Dreamy ballads, Blues riffs, jazz harmonies with lyrical lines, intense modal improvisations with strong rhythmic character. It all seems to blend well with these versatile musicians.
The group was founded in 2009. Three nationalities, original compositions and Amsterdam and oslo as their base. Their first CD recording Patchwork also was very well received and the composition Trance-formations won 3rd prize at the International Songwriting Contest 2010. The cooperation between the Norwegian guitarist and bassist goes back more than two decades. Together they also recorded two CD's with the band Line Up, featuring Jimmy Halperin on saxophone: Out From A Cool Storage and Line Up
Band Members