Second chances for reviews are rare, but considering the rough treatment Montreal pop hardcore act W!nslow received from me in a review of an unmastered demo version of their debut full length "Get Nice", I figured it's only fair to do a proper review of the record, especially because the record sounded like it might have been a decent one underneath the crackling sound issues. The band should clearly have double-checked that they are actually sending mastered versions out to journalists instead of demo versions by accident, but we're all human. Thus here we are again, and unsurprisingly, the result is much, much better than my initial impression.
"Get Nice" is basically a cross between bouncy pop punk and pop-hardcore, with a touch of skate punk thrown in for good measure. "Flick Of A Bean", for instance, is full of ripping leads and skate punk-ish vocal delivery (their clean vocalist shares a LOT in common with Millencolin's Nikola Sarcevic), but it breaks out to crunchy pop hardcore hooks, faint gang shouts, and that sort of thing in the best pop hardcore manner. You also have songs like "Nothing To Write Home About", which essentially reach into Lifetime style melodic hardcore given its tempo and roughened vocals from their second vocalist, but primarily the band dabble in bright, catchy pop punk like on "Go Fly A Kite" or on "Stones Throw Away". "The Cats Meow" should bring into mind Set Your Goals given the half-spoken word style during its verses, and the emotionally charged and passionate singing on "Go See A Guy About A Horse" resembles The Story So Far at least in the beginning.
So yeah, there's plenty of solid pop punk (and surrounding styles/genres) on offer here. Production is decent, leaving the instruments sounding bright and giving the album a feel-good vibe overall. There are still some consistency issues in songwriting overall, but this is a good start.
Download: Stones Throw Away, Flick Of A Bean, Go Fly A Kite
For the fans of: Set Your Goals, Such Gold, Four Year Strong, Millencolin - Rockfreaks.net
Here at TMSU, We don’t just like horror punk and psychobilly, we also like us some good pop punk. For me personally I’m really picky with pop punk bands because so many sound alike, it’s nice when a band stands out. In this case W!nslow is one of those bands that did stand out to me. With a lot of pop punk, the drums always drown out the sound of the guitar but with these guys it’s not the case. All there songs have a lot of catchy beats that I found my playing drums on my desk.
I highly suggest everyone who likes them some good ole pop punk to check this band out. For me, my favorite songs coming off this album is #2 The Big Cheese and #7 El Sauve. I liked the whole album, but these two songs I tend to find myself putting on repeat more.
You can find all of W!nslow’s discography on Bandcamp.com http://w1nslow.bandcamp.com/
Be sure to check em out and thanks for reading! - Terror Music Scene Unite
"... Get Nice opens up in a very interesting way, with a simple “pretty” melody that descends into late 90s/ early 2000s pop-punk...." - mixtapesforeus.org
"Get Nice" is full length album released in 2012 by W!NSLOW, Montreal melodic punk.
Every song is very simple, but you can't stop listening to this album because every song is full of passion.
If you love fast and pop song, you definitely should check this album.
When I finished listening to this album, I thought "I'd like to see their show in a hot and crowded room!"
-Satoshi Matsumura (Japan)
- Satoshi Matsumura
“If you're a fan of pop-punk (think Blink 182), you'll likely find something to enjoy about this album from W!NSLOW. For me, it's the guitar work and the songs “Fall” and “The Cat's Meow"....”
-Vincent Jones (Music Journalist)
http://musiccitystudio.ca/ - Vincent Jones (Music Journalist) musiccitystudio
"...W!nslow : "Get Nice"...After getting some ice for my post-headbanging neck, I put on a third album. This one's called W!nslow and in the vein of Lowcard their CD was a burned copy accompanied by a computer print-out of their songlist. This band didn't help my ailing neck much, as in they rocked like The Mayans had had their way with the earth. These guys are some fun-times punkrock a la NOFX (minus the annoying vocals), Lagwagon, Pennywise...you probably get the picture. Good pre-sesh music for sure. Song title keywords include: taste, lion, cheese, bean, kite, cat, horse...is it me or do these guys have the munchies?..." - Lowcard magazine Sean M Sanford
Après un premier album «No Place for Foxes», quelques poutines et plusieurs spectacles au Canada avec d'excellents groupes comme The Brains, Living With Lions, Transit, Nothington, Off With Their Heads, Trigger Effect et plusieurs autres. W!nslow nous revient chargé à bloc et nous délivre un album qui cherchera à vous surprendre du début jusqu'à la fin.
Quand on mélange une forte énergie musicale, la complexité mélodique et le talent brut des musiciens dans un album, le résultat n'en deviendra pas moins qu'un futur album classique de la scène canadienne. Le trio montréalais Winslow, à qui l'on doit ce nouvel album «Get Nice», transpire l'excellence sur tous les aspects que vous pouvez imaginer.
On sent favorablement la petite touche magique du mixage de Rene Garcia (The Brains, Vulgar Deli) auquel nous avons été habitués sur leur premier disque «No Place for Foxes». Il a su garder cette même efficacité importante. On ressent aussi plusieurs influences musicales dans chacune des treize pièces qui figurent sur «Get Nice». On pourrait en faire un large inventaire, mais ce serait trop long. On peut penser rapidement à une grosse marmite où les A Wilhelm Scream, Antillectual, Sum 41, Alkaline Trio, Strike Anywhere, Set Your Goals et inévitablement Blink 182, bouillonneraient ensemble pendant des années.
«The Big Cheese», «Go Fly A Kite», «The Cat's Meow» et «Nothing to Write Home About» vous font oublier rapidement qu'ils ne sont qu'un trio. L'énergie qu'ils dégagent vient vous accrocher tel un tourbillon de vagues dans une mer déchaînée. Les autres titres plus qu'intéressants sont «El Suave», «Good from Far, Far from Good», «Fall Sec 4». Parce qu'elles ont toutes un petit côté unique sans trop de débordement mélodique, elles restent éclectiques et favorisent l'envie de poursuivre l'écoute du disque entier. L'écoute en boucle est contagieusement prescrit avec l'achat de ce disque, pour les autres titres de cet opus.
Ne vous laissez pas tenter longtemps. Succomber immédiatement à l'envie d'acheter ce disque en format numérique sur BandCamp ou lors d'un spectacle du groupe. L'album «Get Nice» sera pour vous l'un des meilleurs achats locaux de punk mélodique. Il gagnera vite une place de choix dans votre lecteur ipod ou autres, dès la première écoute.
-Deslo - LaPunkerie.tk - Deslo - LaPunkerie.tk
Montreal, Québec is home to W!NSLOW, a three-piece pop punk band that seems ready to take the world by storm. After touring across Canada two times with bands such as The Wonder Years and The Sainte Catherines, the trio set out to release their second full-length album, Get Nice. Recently, they’ve finished their third tour across the country to promote the new record.
Clocking in at exactly 34 minutes, the 13-track LP is chock-full of the expected pop punk riffs and bridges. The vocals are a mixture of singing, talking and yelling which you can hear clearly on tracks like “Go See A Guy About A Horse” and “The Cat’s Meow”. It makes for a unique vocal track at the least, but it is overpowered by the strong guitar work. Something I particularly like is that some of the drum tracks are heavy, not necessarily in style, but as if the drummer has a lead weight in his hand.
Better yet, I particularly like desserts, so let’s break the songs down like a trifle cake: the bottom layer is a mixture of fruit (that’s all the guitar work), then it’s a layer of custard (that’s the clean vocals), which is then covered by a thick layer of whipped cream (that’s the fast-paced drumming), and then it’s all topped off with a few nicely cut pieces of fruit to tie it all together (that’s the odd moment of grungy and gritty vocals that peep through the melodies).
One of the nicest parts about the album is actually an instrumental piece called “Taste Of Lion”. It’s 50 seconds of a slow and steady melody, and then bursts into a frenzy of a guitar riff with deep bass and heavy hit drums for the remaining 46 seconds. Short and sweet is so cliché, but so appropriate to describe this little slice of hidden pie that got mysteriously placed in that trifle cake of ours.
Unfortunately, the thirteen tracks don’t hold up to the standard of their first LP, No Place For Foxes. They also don’t stay on my mind the same way desserts do. Obviously, the guys are doing something right to get exactly where they are, but it’s time for something more fresh, something less like Blink-182. If you like a wide variety pop punk sounds, you’ll probably find this album easy to enjoy and even quite catchy at times, but I’m ready to take pop punk to the next level and steer away from the easily forgotten and overplayed sounds. W!NSLOW says “Get Nice”, but I say “Get Bad”; break traditional sounds and replace them with something new. Judging by their determination alone, maybe W!NSLOW has it in them to be that band to break the mold in the future. - Shonda White "Substruct News"
"....If you’re looking for an energetic boost to your day, why drink a Red Bull when you can just listen to W!NSLOW? These Canadians pack as much energy possible into the 11.75 minute, four song teaser EP. “A Flick” opens up this set with a surprising twist from campfire acoustics to mosh pit riffs. The fast tune is a major wake up that prepares you for the rest of the album with just enough gang vocals to pull you in to their group of friends. “Good From Far, Far From Good” caught my ear with a funky bass riff to open the song, which is often overlooked in today’s music world full of breakdowns and sweep picking. This song introduces W!NSLOW’s dual vocals, featuring a deeper and more gravely voice, paired with a higher pitched, more aggressive voice. This creates another layer to their music, which really sets them apart from other bands. The third song, “Go See About,” is definitely the catchiest song off the EP. The vocals at the beginning, chanting about “my life in a nutshell” create a warm feeling, and it is at this point that you’ll really start to feel comfortable with the band and decide that you need to convince them to drive to your city and play a show at a seedy bar with crust punk kids. The final tune, “The Cat’s Email Retouch,” keeps the energy of the previous track, while changing up tones for a more melodic touch. The chorus is full of hooks that will obviously leave the song stuck in your head, making you want to jump back in your car from whatever unimportant errand you’re running.
Overall W!NSLOW really surprised me, and as the teaser progressed, I was pulled in deeper. Initially I was worried about the vocal quality or the fact that this would be another release we get full of way too many chants and not enough actual music. I was proven wrong immensely. Though the recording quality could be better, I like that it gives a raw feeling to the music, much like being at a show. Do yourself a favor and give W!NSLOW a shot, you won’t regret it!...
- Andrew Wynykoski Neckdeepmedia.com
From Montreal, Canada! I’ve had the chance to put on a show for these guys when I still lived in Canada, and they are excellent as people and as a band. If you haven’t listened to them yet, I suggest you change that. They’re putting out their new album, Get Nice, on June 10th via Third Time Lucky Rekords.
RIYL: Dropkick Murphy’s, Living With Lions, The Dopamines. - Devin Beaudoin * Fuck yeah Pop Punk*
Canadian melodic-punk rockers W!nslow are set to cause a scene on tour this summer with the release their second full-length album Get Nice. After listening to some of their un-mastered tracks, it's safe to say that once the album is completed it'll be a treat for fans of varying levels of punk - whether you prefer the more hardcore or perhaps more pop based tunes. The growly vocals and energetic rhythm of the band makes this record set to be a great summer soundtrack, with notes of noughties ska influence (without the brass!), and pop-punk energy with powerful vocals to take the edge away from being a typically light hearted 'poppy' punk band. The melodic, tuneful guitar riffs are tastefully clashed with blasts of upbeat, catchy lyrics and will appeal greatly to fans of The Wonder Years, The Damned Things, and Rise Against. - Emma Gould wwww.roomthirteen.com
If a person were to put Alkaline Trio, Four Year Strong and Fake Problems in a blender. This is the delightfully tasty aftermath of that kind of chaos. The best part of the album is you can be a fan of Hardcore, Pop Punk and everything in between and still enjoy the hell out of the record.
Pacific Ridge Records - Wayne- Pacific Ridge Records
CRITIQUE: W!NSLOW a vu le jour en 2006 mais le groupe a tout de même déjà accompli beaucoup en peu de temps. Originaire principalement de la région de Montréal, le band nous offre son premier opus avec Easy Access qui contient six chansons originales. Fait très intéressant, le disque a été enregistré avec Rene Garcia, leader de THE BRAINS, qui vient donner un son rafraîchissant aux compositions de W!NSLOW. Les influences du band sont évidentes et se dirigent principalement vers AGAINST ME!, THE LAWRENCE ARMS, SUBLIME ou encore THE FALCON. Comme vous avez pu le remarquer, ce sont tous des groupes qui nous proposent des styles différents, rendant donc la musique du quatuor très originale. Ils se promènent d’un style à l’autre à chaque pièce, empêchant donc la redondance que l’on retrouve si souvent de nos jours sur plusieurs galettes. Mon coup de cœur pour ce disque est sans aucun doute la pièce Next Time Around. Calme et posée, elle est présentée avec des paroles qui sont très bien fignolées qui frappent droit au but avec une trame musicale qui nous reste dans la tête pour une bonne partie de la journée. W!NSLOW commence à peine à faire sa place sur la scène musicale montréalaise, mais déjà on se doit de reconnaître qu’ils y seront pour les prochaines années avec un produit de qualité comme en fait part Easy Access
COTE: À ajouter à votre liste d'achats.
LIEN: http://www.myspace.com/winslowcockrock
- Julien trudeau of Punkmeup.com
Winslow - Easy Access EP (self-released) Mixing a variety of pop punk styles, local punk pop quartet Winslow have put together a nice batch of catchy hook-driven tunes on their debut six song EP. The lead off track, and the best of the bunch, "Another Stiff in a Jacket" has some great jerky guitarwork reminiscent of early 90s So-Cal skate punk; the Get Up Kids-esque "Next Time Around" skips along with a nice piano line and melody, and closer "Arthur Rightus" speeds through at a brisk pace, reminiscent of early Blink 182 and Face to Face. While I may not be too into the songs in the middle of the EP, there's some nice potential in the fantastic songs mentioned. I also appreciate the fact that the keyboardist doesn't use any cheesy 80s style synth lines that seem to be peppering way too many punk pop bands nowadays, instead opting for full organ sounds, or even straight up piano. They may be doing something thats not too groundbreaking, at times even self-deprecatingly referring to this ("this is a typical breakdown you'd hear in a lot of punk pop songs"), but they've got the chops to pull it off well. -Omar Goodness (CJLO Music Director and host of "Hooked on Sonics") - Omar Hussein of CJLO radio station
...the gritty, harried chorus in "Wreckless Disregard" sounds pretty promising and well done in a Flatliners-style sense.....
sounds like A Wilhelm Scream meets Lifetime....There's an admirable scrappiness to this album.... - Brian Shultz Punknews.org
L'énergie qu'on retrouve sur l'album « No Place For Foxes » du groupe montréalais
W!nslow me rappel les « Cheshire Cat » et « Kerplunk! » de ce monde, avec un son
actualisé pour 2010. Le trio mélange très bien mélodie, rapidité et agressivité pour
nous livrer un opus digne des autres albums skate punk à voir le jour un peu partout
dans le monde. Définitivement, un achat obligatoire pour les nostalgiques des belles
années de ce mouvement!
- Rejean "Laplanche"Claveau Musique Plus
W!NSLOW, ce nom ne dira sûrement pas grand chose à beaucoup d'entre vous. W!NSLOW, c'est un groupe punk mélodique qui nous vient du beau pays à la feuille d'érable, le Canada. Né en 2005, le trio composé de Gabe (Bass+vocals), Ryan:(drums+BGV's) et Jeff: (Guitar+Vocals) a ses racines ancrées dans la région de Montreal. Après deux premiers EPs sortis en 2007 (Last Is The New First) et en 2008 (Easy Access), le power trio sortira le 03 avril prochain son premier album intitulé No place for Foxes via Tragicomedy Records. No place for Foxes, tout comme leur précédent EP, a été enregistré avec Rene Garcia, le leader de THE BRAINS.
Les non-amateurs de punk pratiqué dans les années 90 sur la cote ouest des Etats-Unis, fuyez! Ceci n'est pas pour vous. No place for Foxes est un hymne au skate punk et autre punk melo californien. Qu'elles soient speed ou plus melodiques, les chansons proposées par le trio canadien sur cette nouvelle galette revisitent de manières habiles tout ce qui a pu se faire à cette époque en y ajoutant une touche contemporaine empruntée au groupe de SF Set Your Goal. Ca saute dans les sens à la façon d'un Blink 182 de la grande époque. Les douzes chansons qui composent (j'extrais l'intro et l'outro) No place for Foxes sont un véritable plaidoyer au punk oldschool americain, un peu oublié ces temps-ci, qui procurait une inéxorable et folle envie de gesticuler dans tous les sens et de bouger son gros cul.
Maintenant il faudra le 03 avril pour se procurer ce petit bijou. En attendant vous pouvez toujours faire une halte sur leur myspace pour écouter quelques unes des chansons issues de l'album dont "Save the Last for Best" qui est une de mes préférées.
- Phimogle "music-n-punk.over-blog.com"
I just received a new cd, don't know them, put it on my computer, my ipod....go to my car to go somewhere, as usual I can't listen closely to a CD if it's not in my car....
The band is call W!nslow from Montreal, their EP "Easy Access" played from my ipod to my car stereo and es I got to say, it's easy to listen. Weird to say with all the differents sounds got this 6 songs EP.
"Easy access" is a good mix with piano and punk-rock. Sometimes it rocks hard and other times sounds more like a Good Charlotte song. Some songs could git in a teenage movie and other in a movie with a underground band played punk-rock background the principal scene...I saw it that way. But that kind of way to do punk is getting themselves to a wide opportunity of sounds and a liberty that new band didn't have young. Don't know what it could look like on a full length, but it could surprise and that's what we probably need right now, to be suprise!!!
Great discovery for R-V Waterloo and his crew.(G.B.G.)
April '09 - Guillaume 'Hamsterules' Gaudreault of CFAK 88,3 FM in Sherbrooke,QC
Last Is the New First (2006)
Easy Access(2008)
No Place For Foxes (2010) *Tragicomedy Records*
Get Nice (2012) *Third Time Lucky Rekords*

3 guys
260 shows
2.75 vans
QC, Ontario,Alberta,British Columbia,Saskatchewan,Manitoba,Maritimes,Massachusetts and Upstate New York
Lakeport Lager
7-11 Nachos
Equals a recipe for disaster
After numerous KM’s around Canada and northeast USA , we’ve received multiple applauses,kisses and props from punk rockers and hardcore kids abroad.After touring experience , supporting shows for bands like Fake Problems,Off with Their Heads,Living With Lions,The Sainte Catherines,The Brains,Nothington,the Beatdown,Static Thought,O Pioneers,The Artist Life,The Swellers,The Dreadnoughts, Transit,Fireworks,PO Box,Malcolm Bauld,World Inferno Friendship Society,Sights&Sounds,Gideon,Joey Cape(Lagwagon)The Snips,Nightlights,Grimskunk,Claass (We Are Wolves),Carpenter,Maker,State champs,Man Overboard,Handgun,Vulgaires Machins,ThirtySeven,Rust Belt Lights,trigger Effect,Saint Alvia Cartel,Listener,This is Hell,Organ Thieves (ex-Sum 41),Tigers Jaw,The Wonder years,a MusiquePlus 123 Punk interview and video premier and their 2008 Vans Warped Tour appearance our cred expanded.Also 3 full Canadian tours and a Northeast US mini tour helped out a tad as well.
We are a hard working group of dudes who take eating cold chef Boyardi in Moncton,NB parking lots way too serious. Ladies and gentlemen …
we’re W!NSLOW
Gabe Koury